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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Well, if I recall, Necrovion actually had a couple of alliances, but a few of them went down under due to the dying player base, and major changes in the land. So I'm not sure it is fair to say that Necro had less than LR. Nor is it really fair to compare the two between how many allies one had vs. the other.
  2. Can people help if they have stat damage, too? Or would that ruin any attempts to help Chew? I want to help and will even recruit new crits if my situation doesn't cause more damage.
  3. I second chew in applauding those attempting to make change, for a happier and healthier MD. And those attempts come in many forms. In this case, a revival. If we were all told "no we can't do that" and asked why and got told " it's because you cant" we would get no where. Phantom, please stop begrudging people for trying to make change because of the past you aren't willing to let go. As chew says, things have changed. And I would like to think so.
  4. But it's a start. That's what matters. I think getting active members is the hardest part, honestly.
  5. Yarp! I find them fitting and useful. Very applicable in life situations.
  6. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." You do something. People react to it. You're going to have that Law as stated above every time you do something. As Granos said, as long as you are working towards making things happen... you can do no wrong. So do it.
  7. In game PMs sometimes aren't the best of communications as they can get lost when a certain threshold number is met. Usually with important stuff it's best for forum pm, or e mail communication if you have that available to you*. But in general, forum is typically best. *Not everyone prefers this method.
  8. http://www.stoptheslowlane.com/ The FCC and Congress are attempting to remove net neutrality. Please contact the FCC and Congress and help to stop this from happening.
  9. Granos did do something! He gave me my first Angien. <3
  10. This was fun! Sorry I couldn't hang around very long.
  11. That might be it. Since they were logs, anyone could have used the ...
  12. I ran into this also, when MOC tried to send me chat logs. I tried logging in to a different browser, but I did not get a change in visibility. All PMs before hand have worked properly, except for when MOC sent me the logs.
  13. I shared it! I hope you meet your goal. If I have any money left over, I'll donate. You, sir, are awesome. So awesome.
  14. These are fantastic! If possible, would you folks put them on the Reddit page as well?
  15. http://storenow.net/my/?f=788b5bb0f3ccef1e0315a7af439ef7e9 I show up as my normal curiose self in the player list, but when I type, I show up as Mur. I even have Mur's avy when I click the name. Bug?
  16. Exactly. I talk to my other gaming partners (when there is time to game on other games and chat) about MD. If a game has high retention then something should be fixed... not coddled. Should say: Does not have high retention
  17. People have previously posted about games on here. Mur commented specifically on what is and isn't allowed, but I don't remember the thread. Don't get jumping on someone's throat for putting out other gaming stuff. I am pretty sure a lot of people play other games besides MD, I do.
  18. Curi has her own internet now! yay!

  19. Personally. I enjoy chatting with folks in the chat. I enjoy conversations and getting to know people. It saddens me a bit to know that the livelyhood of it is dwindling.
  20. Thank you, Chew!
  21. Okie dokie, I would also contact Chewett and let him know you are interested in working on the reddit page. For now, I am holding off on any changes until the first e mail, get together, or what not, so as to get an idea on how to proceed from there.
  22. I learned a lot about MD. I learned a lot about the people; about myself. What are some things you learned in your time in MD? What I learned, is, I need a wide berth. I'm very introverted, yet I don't play nice with my energy levels. When I don't play nice, this leads to bad things. I learned that I need balance (a concept I never considered until I found MD- and one I always ignored). Balance is excruciating... But full of reward.
  23. Curi is currently working on GED stuff and playing some catch up because I started the prep course a month into it. Sorry for neglecting you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. petty dodds

      petty dodds

      good for you! keep pressing on - you can do it!!!

    3. Curiose
    4. petty dodds

      petty dodds

      I'm an educator and it used to be that we frowned upon students that chose this option. Now I am glad for any student that gets a high school level education. It is hard to do!

  24. Thanks, Chew.
  25. I am looking for but one person who can complete the following tasks: Be savvy enough with reddit to understand how it works, especially the moderator page. Can help put up MD Related content and discussions Is trust worthy, fair, and PC when it comes to moderating threads. I am looking for a partner, not a minion. We will work together. However, if push comes to shove, and if you cannot fulfill these tasks, you get the boot. Fair? You may contact me in a variety of places: My email, if you have it. MD game mail. Forum Mail. Forum thread. Reddit thread. Or reddit mod mail. Please caption these with "reddit mod app" if you do so via e mail with your ideas for how to help the sub page grow. Thank you!
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