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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Note: Please, be honest with your answers, and don't snipe at others. Only you are liable for *your* actions. So let's keep it to that, mmkay? When considering MD, a lot of people call it a community, to you, what is a community? (I will answer once my weekend is over.)
  2. I will double check the settings, thank you rophs! I also haven't used the mod section of reddit before, so bear with me. If someone who uses reddit regularly, and knows how to use the mod settings, would like to help me, please Pm me.
  3. I was thinking that too, but it's an outside avenue, and I was going to use it kind of as a means to build up more content and do some advertising, or attempt to as best I can.
  4. Doing the right thing always has a price to pay. It just depends on whether you are willing to pay the ferryman's toll.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallos


      You don't ever have the advantage on the ferryman.

    3. Rophs


      If you continuously do the wrong thing they ferryman will get desperate and sometimes offer a discount.

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah


  5. Update: We got some Flairs going, so when you follow us, please be sure to use the correct flair to correspond to your citizenship or Alliance. If your Alliance or area of Citizenship is not in the Flair options, please let me know and I will fix it. I know some of the Allies got removed/disbanded so I did not put those in there. Other than that, if there is anything else you guys want on there, please say so! Happy Redditing!
  6. I also play TF2 on steam. It's fun, and addicting. Valve is one of my favorite game developers so far on steam.
  7. Chew started up a reddit page! Thanks, Chew! I don't see any text in the side bar, but I think the obvious should be stated: please no spoilers. Other than that, follow the reddit page! ... Please? :) http://www.reddit.com/r/MagicDuel/
  8. So, some things I found that we can do to help advertise MD/and or restart: The MD Wikia: What with the changes in new leadership, how tags are made, etc. Start a reddit page! Reddit is cool, and has a lot of users. The FB/Twitter/G+ page has gone to the wayside; surely, even with MD not as lively as it is, there's still stuff going on.
  9. DotA! I love DotA.
  10. Note: Please, be honest with your answers, and don't snipe at others. Only you are liable for *your* actions. So let's keep it to that, mmkay? Creativity. That's what this game is built upon. When it comes to using your creative juices, do you find it easier to get them flowing while playing MD? My well was quite dry for a very long time. I had written bits and pieces here and there, but nothing that I really felt proud of. I hadn't drawn in... years? And all it took was a day or two in MD to get me to crave a pencil in my hand and to let my brain go to work. I find it helps because the creative collaboration of players stretches the mind and gives it exercises when you didn't even think it was doing it. MD is my creative Muse. Is it yours?
  11. Woah! It's been forever since I've updated this. I'm going to put the stuff that I have on there currently, then Imma add more of my later works. Curi has added: Untitled [1] Bumble Bee Primal Just Kidding Ladi Da [Trigger Warning] Piacevole
  12. Curi also has a Google Plus! Feel free to add if you want. https://plus.google.com/105888953321528417057/posts

    1. John Constantine

      John Constantine

      Curiosity killed the Cat.

    2. Rophs


      And satisfaction brought it back.

  13. What brings/brought you to MD? What keeps you here? We all came to this "Game" for a reason. I know some of you folks gripe about a lot of things, but you are still here. Why? It's time for some self analysing and looking in. : D My favorite past time. Please, be honest with your answers, and don't snipe at others. Only you are liable for *your* actions. So let's keep it to that, mmkay? I was looking for a game to play when I was graduating school. I found MD, and I became hooked. Albeit, I was confused, and had a hard time understanding some of the concepts, it drew me in. The artwork, the personal philosophies, the people. I found it was an extra curricular activity for me, and it wasn't just a game any more. It was a community, and there were people who I cared for a lot. To me, this game is much more than the mechanics and the "power". It's about building relationships and insights. Don't tell me you have gone to MD and haven't learned anything, because I bet you have. About cultures, about people. I stay because of this tether I have when I build sustaining relationships that are positive, and because I believe that MD is a part of my history. I miss some of the people who have gone and never come back. And I miss immensely, interacting with them on a platform that stretches the imagination. It is also because my life is just plain boring without something to do that is bettering something in some way. I live in a spot that makes it really hard for me to get to anywhere and make a difference. So MD is where I get to get rid of some of that frustration.
  14. I was browsing Google Plus, and I saw that an MD page was created (I was tagged on the page, huh!) Is someone still running this, or?
  15. I have been popping in at odd times here and there, but I seem to always miss when the most activity is about. I want to visit with folks, but it's hard when I'm busy with work during the week, I suppose. But. THIS WEEKEND. Yes! Who's up for visiting out at the GOE this saturday and sunday? : D
  16. I think you miss the point entirely. Either way I am done trying to explain.
  17. More than likely. : p I remember them talking about seeds and the watering of the oak, but I remember a condo with a win with him stating something along the lines of "I have stayed in one place for so long..." and that stuck with me. I've also been out of the loop, so take my response with a grain of salt. : p
  18. Awiiya on awiiya's way, stayed in the same place for a number of years. It wasn't until a couple years (?) ago that he was granted what he wanted: to be turned into a tree.
  19. It's a rebuttal against people complaining about dst. Basically, if you do the above, you should have no problems. Unless, you do shady things, then you most likely have a reason to loathe her. I. E. Fang and seig
  20. the thing with dst, as I have found, is if you don't do anything shady/play fairly/do as you are told by the powers that be and ask clarifying questions when necessary, you don't get grilled. Simple, no?
  21. Does anyone play Team Fortress 2? I just started and I'm going through all the training right now. A friend of mine got me hooked, but I like playing with folks in the pvp rounds.

    1. Mallos


      I like playing world of warcraft

  22. I just want it to be known that Kyphis and I are on good terms. The above is just a related experience I had when I first joined, and I got a lot of information that, while it intrigued me to high heavens, didn't really lead to fruition. He's a tricky bugger. : p
  23. Oh, okay. I must have misread. edit: Wasn't the PC kind of like a test to see how a council would work if it was public? Kind of like doing a scientific test of sorts? Can we say for sure the results were/were not conclusive? If not conclusive, then maybe a round two would be necessary to see if this is viable option?
  24. Is it necessary to have more than two? You mentioned previously it worked more fluently [albeit put more work effort] with just two?
  25. Oh, okay. Do you need any help with it? I'd offer my services.
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