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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Yay! Mom got the job! hopefully we can have internet here soon.

  2. really hate being internetless. Dear work hours, please pick up so I can pay for the bill.

  3. caught the flu... feel like crap.

    1. nadrolski
    2. purplebunny


      awww, get better soon xx

  4. Curiose

    365 Ideas

    Yes, he wants dates, but I think some ideas are in need of hashing out. As per what was stated in the OP.
  5. Curiose

    365 Ideas

    For mine, I specifically want my festival on cinco de mayo, which is a few months away-- leaves time for planning. Story night. Can be done whenever... And my gaming night needs more hashing out.
  6. Curiose

    365 Ideas

    I would like to get story night back up and running on a regular once a month schedule. Perhaps also an md game night of sorts (like hide and go seek) or something. I would also like a festival up and running for Cinco de Mayo.
  7. My brain kind of feels like its swimming through mud as of late.

    1. Chewett


      that was when i bought a hovercraft.

  8. Thank you. We will try and get these out as soon as possible for you, and will get in touch if anything pops up.
  9. So I've got this massive ball of resentment. And its becoming a suffocating miasma. Hurray for somewhat okay self control.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose


      My equestrian team in real life. Think I will be smart this round and take a break.

    3. Pipstickz


      Oh. I thought you meant the one you have in MD. Woops.

    4. Curiose


      Nope! I'm currently resentless of md. Just a bit bitter towards certain individuals I know in person.

  10. Banned for being too spooky! I bans you all! Hraaaahhh!
  11. I like this a lot. Thinking positively, for myself, has not just been a life style for me, but lately a life saver. Despite the ups and downs of md, there is good. There are good people-- even those who are "bad" do good, or try. I find that this reminder is a necessity, so thank you for the reminder. We all came here for something. If we lose hold of that something, we lose our way. Don't lose your way. Reach out, and you might find a hand.
  12. Banned for simply being male!
  13. I hearby use my ultimate ban hammer of pure uberness upon ye, and hope the troll-demons do not eat at thy flesh in ban-purgatory!! The cause of such cruel action is for knowing the secret to defeating the vile creature known as Sinspawn Gui and not sharing it to I!
  14. Banned for making another ridiculous topic! Raaaarrrrgh!
  15. That need for independence so as not to be dragged down by others? yeah. feeling that to the max right now.

    1. Change


      I'm with you on that (ironically)

  16. Super long log... my poor tired eyes can't read it all. I wish I could have been there, would have been fun.
  17. Really, Chew? Then I find it more distasteful. Stuff like this should be earned... Not groveled for.
  18. If this is your "community service" I find it is a poor attempt.
  19. Curiose


    Okie dokie. Not upset or anything, just mildly curious.
  20. Curiose


    Ah okay. But in the fang jailing thing, he was speaking as if he was the one who jailed fang? Or is he just speaking for the council?
  21. Curiose


    Oh, thanks chew. First time I tried making it I got the "post saved!" Notification. Didn't know it made a double when I went back and tried again.
  22. Curiose


    So, first we had a council, and then now we have an anonymous bug testers council thingy? Do they just work with bugs, or are they a split off from the council, being the council, but more spoecialized to be bug testers/fixers? I ask because of the recent fang jailing. I just want an idea of who does what. If there is a thread with this information, it would be much obliged.
  23. Phantasm, he only wants land loyalty. You wouldn't be any better off with a loyaltyless schmuck sucking air.
  24. His asking for help is just a ruse, anyway... He doesn't respect any of your opinions except chewetts. Said so himself.
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