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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. I miss the awii stories. off topi, I apologize, but awii is still in game?
  2. I would like to work under you, lightsage. my availability currently is sketchy, but I am hoping to fix that soon. with any luck, my car should be fixed within a few days and i can go to the library when necessary. as far as trainng, I don't think I mneed much but a refresher course and some updating.
  3. Sorry fang. But so many people told you time and time again that Seig was just going to use you and you were going to get hurt. Your fault, your folly.
  4. Curiose

    An Apology

    Psh, yeah, I'm fine. Just cold and tired. A friend of mine recently [and randomly] apologized to me out of the blue over something that happened over a year ago. I thought maybe it's good to pass it on. Thanks, Eagle Eye.
  5. Curiose

    An Apology

    I know, it has been long over due. Over a year [or was it two...], in fact. But better late than never, and better stated with sincerity rather than with any sort of frailty. I wish to apologize to my former Alliance. For often I get over protective of things I care for. True, it was just an alliance, but it was my first, and I hoped, my only. As a cancerian, change and I do not bode well, if at all. The things I claim my home mean a lot, and even if it means I must fight to the death to keep it, then I shall. Undermining the change of power and my own alliance, was not something I should have done, especially if it meant something to me. Secondly, I wish to apologize to my former TK members. I was scoping my e mails for something, and in doing so, I saw how much of a complete bitch I was. And yes, I can say that because it's about me so neyeh. (: p) When I think of myself as a leader, I don't like to think of myself as harsh, ungrateful or ruling with an iron fist. Yet that seems that that is how I was. During that time, I enjoyed what I did, but I also feared for my own standing as a leader, and strove to do the best I could, even if that meant behind the scenes my own agents were dissatisfied at how I treated them. All that mattered was the people who we worked for, and those who we worked to appease were happy. That was all that mattered. Thirdly, I apologize to all of MD. I had become snarky, cynical, and rude. I still am quite cynical, jaded a little bit, but my jadedness has nothing to do with MD this time. More just with life in general. I had attacked those not needing attacking, I was more destructive than constructive. At times, I still am, but I am human, as are all of you. Fourthly, to Mur, I apologize. The last things I said to you I stated out of spite, and I am glad that things are alright now, but I cannot feel sorry for my actions. The slander was unnecessary, no matter how angry or righteous I felt. But through all of this, I cannot say I have completely changed. I still am what I am, yet I feel better mentally. What happened in MD was a lot of stuff happening in real life, a lot of stress, a lot of pent up anger and frustration and I kind of just went caplooey. I still do, but I'm changing my outlook on life a little more positively so as to not face that quite as much. Things are better, they are good, and I am now learning to step back from the keyboard when the verbal diarrhea comes about. I want to be a productive member again, but I know it will likely need to take some regaining of trust and not to mention, real life pieces that still need putting back together [internet, car, job, etc] before I can promise anything, but I do what I can when I can. Thank you for reading, and I mean this with all sincerity. Curiose.
  6. Sure. I'll send out some PMs and see what I can do, either way though. And I do like the idea that Pips gave. I'll PM you three to brain storm some more, this may happen after Christmas if I can't get my butt in gear. Also, yes, I do get excited. : D
  7. But even so, It is best to double check to save one's skin and not cause any confusion or disgruntlement. The only couple times that I know of in which Mur has ever sanctioned a mass WP approval, was back when I was Secretary. Before the TK makings.
  8. Accusations? I do believe I have the PMs still, if I say so myself.
  9. danke bfh and peace.
  10. writing a retort to you, dd, is far worse than arguing with conservatives that homosexuality isn't a sin.
  11. anatomically, I like to think it was pink. if it was brown, then something must be wrong. I say adamently because you suggested it, I denied your suggestion, and then bam. you get an alliance. reluctant or not, you git your wish, so congrats for that, but not only that, but because of the start of your reign, the tks have had their name scoured through mud and sand. bravo, very commendable.
  12. not helping, so... Curiose. Thank you peace.
  13. Ha! see!? I didn't break the game! also, hasn't something like this happened before?
  14. oh I see. md doesn't work on my browser so I can't play.
  15. cool. i am in the labyrinth (I think...). anyone else get teleported?
  16. I know what it is... I just... over think things and here is the end result! If I had my way, so many things would be so much more complicated. hence me poking for ideas!
  17. Thank you everyone! When I left MD I gave away all my good items, so I personally cannot sponsor this. Should I seek out sponsorship from those willing? And for gifting, should recipients make a list of things they wish for? Who should benefit from this? New players, those struggling? I was also thinking of making a Secret Santa account for those involved in the gifting to use so that hopefully, no wrongful/ unnecessary accusations can be made based on the person. Does this sound good? Also thinking for winter fest, this could be played out. Otherwise, should this just be done during near the time of Christmas? [I know, I should have put this up sooner but it just hit me yesterday.]
  18. There never was supposed to be an alliance, but Seigheart was adament about it and bam. I personally believe an alliance just causes more problems than not, what with take overs and whatever and needing necessary loyaty. Not only that, but some people may prefer to stay in their current alliance while having tk status as something of a side job for the community-- hint hint--. Kind of like being an Lho and remaining in your land.
  19. I know that there is already a crazy santa and a christmas tree for people to get random creatures and rewards... but, why not a secret santa? its the holidays and usually around this time of year I like to do something nice. I am wondering about legalities of this, potential volunteers and overall how to make this work. thank you.
  20. Back home. no internet cept on my phone, car is in the shop and mechanic is taking forever. Working on employment and will hopefully return to get some stuff rolling.

  21. if I may... tks were made to help me with murs work originally. I was swamped in real life, losing focus in md, so I asked for aid. mur orchestrated everything. the original purpolse was not just to give out rewards. it was based on altruism, that mostly in murs doing. do any of you know how many random gifts i gave out? it was a group of members meant to be tiny secretaries. but it seems that has changed. tks now do whatthey do, because mur saw quests in need of aid, or sponsored his own crazy things. I guess what i mean to say is, tks are not a crutch. before they came along, you. people had the ability to sponsor your own quests and things. hard,yes, but doable. forsaking this makes people dull and uselelss and makes the tks linear and overall not appreciated.
  22. I am on my phone and it won't let me link to the other thread so if someone could do that for me it'd be much appreciated. My brain can't stop poking at me, and so now I poke all of md. In the previous discussion it was saved that dreams include personal information like fear and what not... And that people spying on them get to see that which causes hubbub. Well, another point I would like to make is this : if ou have a "character" why in the bloody hell are you using personal information any way?
  23. It isn't closed because I personally think this isa Valid discussion, however whiny and accusatory it maybe. I don't know if this is the correct answer, this is just my guess. I vote to keep it up. Why start another topic on the same discussion?
  24. I do find it kind of amusing at how when someone tells people in a general consensus that their behavior is wrong, people pop up to try and justify it and defend themselves. But on another note: It's basically like this analogy in how MD works: We're pretty much all stuck inside a closet and have been infected with a thing called cabin fever. If I was stuck in a closet with someone for more than a few days I get snarky. and MD isn't the only "community" in which this happens.
  25. Woud you rather us be something other than confusing?
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