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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Yeh. Just let me know ahead of time when you need me.
  2. I agree with Pippy. He is simply ignoring the facts and not wanting to change. Tsk tsk. Either you suck it up and deal with people and how they are, or you forfeit yourself and give it to someone more worthy. Because you, are far from worthy. Not sure if my original response went through, so I shall post another: I POSTED my proof which is basically what I have seen and what I have gone by. It was blatant in those forum posts that I had put up. So maybe, if you had decided to look a little further, you would have seen I had them up. Oh wah. A couple of creatures. I didn't have any coins that would be considered stock, I posted up a thread with the wishpoint codes. You can easily get more creatures from Mur. And even if it was such an issue, you could have had pip contact me. I gave you plenty of times in which to add my on my YIM for contacts sake, and yet you never followed through. So, don't just put all the blame on me. : 3
  3. The only way that people seem to even listen on this game is by yelling at them. It just seems fitting to insult those back who have insulted me. But sure. I apologize. Not like it matters, eh?
  4. You really think I am coming in vengence? BULL. Remove the retarded rose tinted glasses already. How dare you say I came in vengence. I could have ranted and raved and called that thing every insult in the book but did I? No. I REQUESTED A CHANGE. And just because you think he's treating you so hot and dandy does not mean that everyone else believes so. Have you even read those posts? Have you even once thought that, hey, maybe ths is wrong to actually insult people when they request something, or insult their quest, or generally, be a douchebag to everyone in MD. The TKs are a failure when under a Shoddy Leader. The only reason the guild was as they were before I left was because that is how Mur wanted it. We didn't have many responsibilities until AFTER I had left, so you can't say it was in shambles because you were never part of the group before.
  5. I do not know the entire story, but I do not care. I do not care to know the whole story. My request is to have a change of Power from having Fenrir [AKA Vicarious/Seigheart] to someone else more deserving and less abusive of the power. As I have seen, he is restrictive of means of communication and refuses to accept any PMs in game or forum. He manipulates the way he runs the sponsorhips and is in fact decling quest creation. If people want to contact him, it is imperitive they message him through e mail. Some people do not favor that option and instead wish to do the other means. He insults quests, calling them lousy, and instead uses his own ideals of a quest to pick and choose who gets a sponsorship, and even more so what they receive. To me, that is not what makes a treasure keeper. That is a dictatorship and decreases the morale of quest makers, It is abusive and unfair and restrictive. I request that either the hand of power gets shifted to someone more responsible, or the entire means of sponsorhip get abolished and changed. It is the job of a volunteer, as a treasure keeper, to help people. Not define what they can or cannot do. Proof of said actions: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11111-what-is-going-on/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10948-contacting-the-tks/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10197-for-future-sponsored-quests-and-events/
  6. I will help. Just let me know and I will do it. My schedule is pretty clear.
  7. I am here for those who nee me. If I must, I will come back but only to fix the shoddy work of a failure.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Curiose


      Yes, really. BFH is doing a Christmas Festival and I plan on aiding him in whichever way I can.

    3. nadrolski
    4. Nimrodel


      Oh yay! +++1 Like... Lovely to have you back again Curi... once again...

  8. Figures you'd burn things to the ground. Figures that you would upset people. Figures that you would complicate things and only deem things 'worthy.' Figures that power would go to your head. Figures that you truly don't want to help people, and do not realize the role of sponsorship. Fyrd, I think I have some old WP codes for you. I will sponsor.
  9. I am gone. I will not be in a place that allows people to do the worst offenses. Fuck all of you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Curiose, you will be greatly missed by those who took the time to know you in game. I feel that MD was given a gift when you arrived, and though I terribly wish that you would wait for a while longer before leaving, you must always do what is best. Please, don't forget the people you've met here, and don't forget the people who care about you - even if you have never met them outside of the boxy computer screen.

      I'll see you OOC, girl.

    3. Kyphis the Bard

      Kyphis the Bard

      A shame you missed the announcement, Jester has been banned for his actions (not jailed, banned, although you will not be happy to learn it may not be a permanent one)

      You will be sorely missed, although I hope you will still keep in touch through other mediums.

    4. The Great Wanderer

      The Great Wanderer

      Your loss is a great one to the community, and hopefully will be a lesson to others... but I know we shall speak again, in our own ways. Until then...

  10. [quote]In all of that time, that player (who I shall not name because he still deserves a fair and due process, if that does indeed exist in this game) has been left unaccountable for their actions, which increases the likelihood that similar behavior may be occurring against others.[/quote] It has already been proven that left unaccountable, said player will CONTINUE doing what they have done.
  11. Poe is not the ONLY person faced with the harassment by the same person, and EVERYONE involved still has not gotten a single answer as to what the outcome will be. If you dare to say that she was in the wrong for trusting someone that she believed would have taken care of the issue, then all of you who do have lost my respect. She was not the only one who addressed this issue to Grido. -I- did so myself because -I- was a victim also and I stand by what Poe has stated. I lost my faith and trust in him. Harassment is not something to take lightly. It does not matter if it was online or in person. This is a widespread matter, yet it was not dealt with the urgency or care that every other case was treated with. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10548-my-beef-with-md/page__fromsearch__1 if anyone has bothered to realize that THIS was what I was talking about, all you previous nay sayers are naught but hypocrites for finally coming to light about what has been happening.
  12. I do not think it is considered alt abuse because as you said so yourself, you are the same person. You are not getting a cut of the money, just helping out your friend. But I would probably leave this question to someone else rather than me.
  13. I do not know how recent this is, or if it was put up due to this incident but: To never do anything that could harm Golemus: Including provoking a conflict due to pride or arrogance. This includes trying to use closed off areas of Golemus like the Drachorn Lair Issue. (NOTE: Until further notice drachorn Lair is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not)
  14. I mean, it was closed in general from the public except for those obvious.
  15. You forget having access to something that he should not have access to.
  16. LHOs and other players can help you with the basics. I'd be happy to help you out if you like. Just send a PM in game or on the forum.
  17. We are the minority but that does not mean that we have to sit back and take that mistreatment. No one has to do that. I am so tired of hearing 'nothing wlil change.' Well gee, maybe if people put in some back bone and stood up for their beliefs, we wouldn't be having this kind of issue! As for not wanting Seigheart to know.... Dst gets off knowing every single time that when she 'outs' someone, they get in trouble. Why should anyone give her an ounce of courtesy in the matter? Falsh, namely everything happens on the forum now. Nothing happens in game exept punishments, testing, festivals, etc. However. Being the minority, that does not mean that a small handful of people cannot fight.
  18. It is a war worth fighting for because there are people who have been wronged, over and over again and this. needs. to. stop. I've said it once, and I said it before, and I will continue to say it until I am blue in the face. whether I lose my respect, whether I lose my friends, or everything I have. [b]I. Don't. Care. [/b] This has gone on long enough and why the community hasn't gotten sick of it is beyond me. Oh wait... they have BECAUSE THEY LEFT. Grido's actions may not be reversable, but it sure as hell is not acceptable. Phantom Orchid didn't deserve this. No one in their right mind deserves this yet it happened.
  19. Back when I thought my respect into the community was rising, it's only gone back down to the pits again. ; 3 I hate almost all of you, still. yey.

    1. The Great Wanderer

      The Great Wanderer

      What happened? (You may send me a private message, if that makes you more comfortable.)

    2. Pipstickz


      Just because you disagree, doesn't make you enemies.

    3. Lord Jaguar

      Lord Jaguar

      I'm sorry you feel that way Curiose. I would encourage you not to give up hope quite yet- Some us haven't had the privilege of meeting you yet. And hate is a lot of energy to spend on some people who really aren't worth the effort of hating.

  20. 1. I am beating this to death because I am tired of people getting away with things that they should not, and the inequality given by the 'higher ups.' I do not care if he is an LHO, that gives him every right to receive scrutiny and criticism from the general public. 2. -I- do not trust that SOME LHOs are doing their job properly, and thus, are treated as just stupid pawns that can simply be thrown away. Would I want to be an LHO now, knowing that unless you're best friends with the Inquisitor, you get treated differently than anyone else? NO. 3. I never said I don't think that Grido doesn't do a good job. I said because of his RECENT actions that he has lost MY trust and the COMMUNITY'S, and especially MY respect. 4. Many people pointed out that they were disappointed with grido's behavior, NOT that they wanted him to step down, thus correlated with the fact that they wanted his ACTIONS to be reversed. Go ahead and say I'm wrong, go ahead and yell at me, BUT I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THIS ENDS. DO YOU HEAR ME? I am sick of it.
  21. So. I made a post, and it's not yet been approved. Going on day two now. : 3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hedge Munos

      Hedge Munos

      ...Simmer down Chewett.

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      Child friendly environments FTW. :)

    4. Chewett


      doesnt comment on the fact that some posts are hideously worse before moderation

  22. In light of THIS anouncement today: [quote]Ann. 2050 - [2011-10-05 16:29:58 - Stage 11] The Council's investigation regarding Phantom Orchid has finished. She is sentenced to 1 month jail term starting from now for spreading the use of an exploit and not reporting it to higher authorities. Being a veteran she should have known this was not allowed. Also, the fact that she is a veteran made the punishment less harsh then it should have been. The players that were involved in the trades will not be punished but consider this as a warning.[/quote] I have found that despite ongoing proceedings in the case, there still remains ONE objection regarding the behavior of Grido. Many of us know that he has failed to react without biased behavior, and humiliated Phantom Orchid wrongly for her misguided use of a bug. Instead of humiliating Dst, who has commited equal or WORSE behavior such as harassment, and abuse of LHO spells, he chose to act upon Phantom Orchid without proper due process of the court. Such as notifying her before said humiliation, or getting her side to the story. The community has shown over and over again, in several topics that they do not agree with the recent behavior that Grido has taken in this case. Many of them wish this to be undone, and to have this behavior have some sort of consistancy regarding ALL LHOs and ALL generic players of the game. I would like to clarify that I do not dispute the punishment that Phantom Orchid has received, but rather the unfairness in the proceedings of the case and how it was handled. I do not want the excuse of her being a precident, but rather, I want to fight for the behavior that was inflicted upon her and not properly due upon worse offenders. If anyone recalls back when Fenrir Greycloth [or however he was spelled] harased Dst, there was only 1 official advertisement about his actions. And that was in the announcements. Or even in the minor cases of Cyber Sex between Princess Katt and Dragual Monarth, there, too, was only 1 official advertisement about their actions. That too, was in the announcements. Phantom Orchid not only received humiliation on the forums, the announcement list, but also in the trigger's box where Grido put up a link to the forum post stating what she had done. To me, that is not only blatant unfairness, but also disrespect before bothering to communicate before acting. I want conistency, and I want fairness, And by Damn, I want the bias and the "Well my friend is better than you, so I'm going to protect them and keep their punishments secret from the world simply because I like them." To end. There will be a poll, but I was unable to create one. I will as a mod to do so for me. We are all adults. So start acting like it.
  23. Originally, I had only 1 wishpoint from the days achievement, however. Once the WP refund happened, I found that I had an extra wishpoint. I should NOT have an extra wishpoint because I used the one refunded on mirrorritual. My first wishpoint that I received was used on Locate. I now have 2 wishpoints. I have also checked my spells page, and I still have mirrorrit.
  24. It shouldn't matter, Grido. It's called bringing in EXAMPLES of past things to prove to you that you ARE inconsistent in your ways. You CLEARLY don't understand, either, that not just me, but EVERYONE else on this forum seems to think that YOUR actions are inconsiderate and thus favoriting your buddy. If you can't handle critisism, then why the hell are you an LHO?
  25. I never said I didn't respect Dst or Grido [although with Grido's current actions I am inclined to say it is slipping. Though I do admire the good things he's done]. Just that I'm getting sick of all the BS that's been flying around. : D So please, make more assumptions that you honestly have no right to state.

    1. Pipstickz


      As people, they are just fine, but as people in official positions, not so much.

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