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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. I was referencing that to Rhaegar's and Chewett's response. I including LS considering that what we do is in lieu with what the archivists do. I understand what you mean, though, Mur. It just seemed like Necrovion turned out to be the big tourist attraction that everyone wanted to get into because it was 'closed.'
  2. Why is it that every time I go on Vacation, something major always happens in Necrovion... just. Why?

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    2. Dragual


      I say, it's all your fault. >>

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Because Necrovion thinks that mushrooms are stinky. Therefore, Mushrooms should not be included in major events.

    4. Curiose


      ; ; What if Mushy wanted to help cause havoc!?

  3. The only reason why Archivists haven't gotten anything done is.. well, oh gee, [b]there were only 2 of them. [/b]Je suis abandoned MD, Ivorak and Pample left for Necrovion, Renavoid was just... Renavoid. And he left, too. Rendril codes for MD and Inno has a life outside of MD. Would it really seem fair to point the dirty finger at people for living a life of their own, or even maybe helping MD in itself? And really... how often is it that there is actually stuff to record that people aren't stuffing up in their yim convos or their 'secret' meetings, eh? What exactly is out there to be palpable and researchable instead of it being a bunch of stupid fluff that people will discredit and claim never happened? Nothing. Nothing is out there and you know why? Because people are stuck up their egos and their information hoarding that they fail to realize the impact of what happens. I have heard it said over and over again that there is nothing to record. Nothing to convey into writing. That NOTHING was going on. Especially by some of the 'veterans.' They say that the archivists that the legend speakers are obsolete. And now,at the first major thing that happens, you go and say that we're not doing our job!? For christ's sake. How can you even make the assumption? Fyrd has TRIED making the community get more actively involved. If there's anything you have to blame, blame the people who don't care enough to be involved except in their little bubble of spice and flowers. Now. On topic: It is sad that Necrovion has to fall due to the blundering of its 'king.' But as Peace has said, perhaps a fresh beginning would be best for all.
  4. I think I need a vacation. Or at least some quality alone time.

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    1. Dragual


      Mmm... You seem upset... Wanna talk about it?

  5. The one Tipu had posted, in regards to Jail tags. Mur knew there would be bugs, hence the statement of: Come to those who have the ability to change it. Not a direct quote, but it's up there in bold.
  6. And do you understand that if people had wanted to get things done that they should read things properly and contact those who should be contacted? It said right in the announcement to speak to those who have the ability to, to remove your jail tag.
  7. Well, unless people start actually READING the announcements and getting off their arses to speak to the man, then yes. They will perpetually be sent back to Jail until they get their tag removed.
  8. Seems it has been preordained that Curi cannot be happy. Hurray for the powers that be! You have finally won. Ya happy now?

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    1. Dragual


      Are you alright? PM me if you want to talk about it. I hate to see my friends depressed.

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      If it is any comfort - emotions shift just as the sands of Time.

  9. There is no need to apologize. We all make our mistakes.
  10. Draguul, this is the area in which your Character's Story is told... Now, if you had a question, you could have a Mod move this to the proper section. Or, you could have PM'd Udgard himself with your query. Edit: He never claimed he was an expert. He said he was studying under Peace. One could be a scholor, and still learn, as it will be their profession in the future. I see no reason why anyone would ever demean him for learning things about Necrovion. I certainly see no reason why he shoul dhave to go for something 'lesser' just because of some imaginary fact that people would argue at him for it. If he wants it to be his role, then by damn, LET IT BE HIS ROLE. As long as he's learning the things he's learning, and making strides to become a better person within this role, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he is doing. Perhaps he wants to better Necrovion. Or maybe he wishes to do something for MD in the future. everyone has that capability. To belittle them and suggest they go for something lesser is ridiculous.
  11. I apologize. I had thought that the reason for ID collecting was to retrieve guild items when they went inactive, as you said that it was a precautionary measure.
  12. If you roll in hay, you tend to get slivers. if the slivers are all not taken out, they fester. The more you let things fester... the more they become pain.

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    1. Maebius


      Thus, rolling in the hay is just a pain on the ass. :)

  13. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have been whining about it in the first place.
  14. Curiose


    This has been a question that I have been asked quite a few times back when I first started MD. There were numerous things going through my mind whilst creating the name: "Curiose." I shall do my best to make them seem logical and in a sense of understanding whilst showing the complex structuring I made in said creation of my name. 1, It all started out while looking for mmorpgs I came across one set in greece. I tried thinking of "greek" sounding names. While pondering, I came up with the following formula: a. Curry is a dish that I delight in eating. b. -ose is the ending of words to connotate sugars, or other carbohydrates. Such as lactose. c. I am a curious being, so it is also a play on words. Curiose. But alas. As I thought about it, I did not like the greek game and left to search other games... and found MD! So. Share or I shall find you and stab you! D< I vant to know your names....
  15. Not a direct quote, so don't hang me for it: 1. The rule is basically that everyone is free to use the silence spell per their own discretion. 2. Everyone is also free to punish those who use it, at their own discretion. Information received from the "Abuse of Silence Spell" thread, where Mur has pretty much agreed that this is the ruling. So. If Fenrir silenced Dst first, Dst has the right to silence the person back. And being an LHO, who needs to be able to speak to newbies, I find that the silencing in return is necessary.
  16. If I am not correct, the WPs are losing their value anyway. I highly doubt that Innocence would have just simply given away wishpoints unless people have worked for them.
  17. Everything wil be made public unless told directly by Mur. it's just called looking and actually paying attention.
  18. To those of whom this may concern: I will be moving in less than 2 weeks. During that time, I will be gone for a day and a half, maybe more due to actually being on a train to get to where I am moving, and then settling everything there that needs to be settled. I haven't a clue what my availability will be like. Supposedly, my roomies have internet, and stuff that I can bum off of, but... there raises the question of work, and such forth. How much work I have I haven't the slightest, or even close to what my hours are. I will likely be busy 24/7. HOWEVER... this does not mean I am parting ways with MD. I've already parted with one group of people whom I care for greatly, I could not bear to leave you barrel of monkeys to your lonesome troubles. So. Just letting you all know that I may have issues getting to you, and doing things that need to do. TKs: I will speak to Mur about this personally and probably assign one of you to handle his stuff while I am away. You know what this means? Upping your game and actually SHOWING that you can do this. I'll have asked others in particular to keep an eye on you as well. So. DO NOT MESS UP. Thank you much. <3
  19. I had misplaced my notebook with all my information.... I will check my PM box and see what all I have in there and repost. But at the top of my head, I need to speak with Xrieg and LoneWolf once more.
  20. I have the WP codes. I still need to bug Mur again for the creatures. It is up to Bun Buns on if we send you guys the codes, or the WP directly. Mur stated previously that it was up to him. So, if you could respond As soon as possible, Bun Buns, it would be appreciated.
  21. The issue regarding inactive players and guild items is in the process of being solved. Laphers, if you could PM the names of inactive members I can ask around for player IDs and then give them to Mur so he may once more regain them. Thence forth, I will take the items to you. As long as the guild leader keeps an active list of ALL MEMBERS and their ITEMS ID, then this will not happen again.
  22. That is the reason why Mur wants the Item Ids.... In case a guild disbands, or players quit, he would like to retrieve the item by its ID. Saves hassle.
  23. So... Considering there is more of you than there is me, I decided to make a forum topic about this. Especially since the newer guilds seem to be gaining more people, and.. well. It's hard to keep up. Basically: Mur would like ALL guilds and their land Kings/Queens from hence forth to keep a private list of all GUILD items [not personal] with their IDs. This means, items like water buckets, axes, stone detecting devices, heat jars, etc. What I need from you guys, is to make a list. I need this from EVERY guild member. Unless the guild leader already has a list of who has what, then please, send it to me. But anywho. The list needs to have item ID, who currently has it, and guild name. That's it. Oh, and how many of said item you have, but that kind of just goes with the individual ID of the item, so never mind that. So the format should be like this: Item name Item ID Who currently owns the item Every time you have a new member who has a new item, please PM the list to me. Do not Post anything on here, please. For those who I have already spoken to about this, disregard it. This is mandatory, and if I find that someone has not sent me the list, I will poke and prod you and well. You and I will both be irked by the end of it. Let's just say that. Thank you for your compliance.
  24. Shanks, Nadders.
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