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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Absolutely positively grateful that I may be able to purchase a wonderful, sweet, anf huuuuuge tennassee walking horse named Chance. Grateful to have found out that preperation h kills proud flesh so that I can finally get his scar to heal! Grateful to have such positive friends who help me every inch of the way for my goals. Very very very grateful to the lady who will let me do payments on a nice paragon hybrid saddle for chance! Most importantly grateful for 2012 being such a wonderful year. If it does end tomorrow, I can die happy.
  2. Better it? I'm along with chew and dd. Overpowered, breaks mechanics, and will never be implemented.
  3. I wasn't the only one partaking in that little 'debate' either. Since your memory is so "shoddy" and I no proof, I'm done bickering on this subject.
  4. Snow... I love you, you're pretty and all, but, please stop coming down. I'd like to not fall into a snowy ditch tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose


      Lucky! We got a foot of snow over the night. Ick!

    3. Pipstickz


      Pff. I'm pretty much made of snow.

    4. Curiose


      Are you frosty the snow man, pips?

  5. Fang, you were in game a few months ago boasting about your bright idea of getting into all the lands so as to become a king, particularly of marind bell if I remember right. Don't play me for a fool.
  6. You only want land loyalty for your grand scheme of becoming king.
  7. Please leave discussions and disecting responses elsewhere. I want this to be a positive thread.
  8. I like this idea! Maybe it could turn into a hunt of scavenger hunt of sorts to help end viscosity! Or is that part of the intention? I'm not entirely sure how much would be removed by those with citizenship in their own land.
  9. Today, I am grateful for food. Particularly bagels. Also for my moms delicious pulled pork and home made chicken/turkey soup. Also for Talks With Eon. Quite fun and interesting, and maybe one day I will send a hoarde of mushrooms his way. Grateful for a love who wakes me up, even if its just a text that gets me moving. But he does quite a lot for me, and I him, and we've saved each others asses so much. Grateful to have my car back so I can go places!! Especially to the festival I call my second home. Oh! And for chocolate! Chocolate chocolate chocolate... A girls best friend even though I hate hersheys.
  10. Pretty self explanatory. But it doesn't have to be about gratefulness. It can be about general positivity and good things. I am grateful to have the job I do. The co workers are so nice, and I am getting the hang of things reakky quickly. They keep things so simple and easy, its fast paced, too, which is very nice. I am also grateful for all the opportunities I have had in my life, on and offline. The friendships I've forged, the fun. I am most grateful for the potential of owning my own horse, of taking that step further than simply being a caregiver. That I can have something "mine". Something I can grow with and cherish. I am grateful for ibuprofen to keep headaches away.
  11. Haters just hatin cuz they jealous, and cuz they coulsnt do their previous job right so they lash out at others. : )

  12. We will be kick butt awesome!
  13. I am so sore... my hips feel like a car rammed into them four times, and my thighs scream when I try to sit lady like. Oh horse riding, why must you torture me so?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. purplebunny


      horses are pretty but I would never get on one again.

    3. Curiose


      Its not the horse, it's me being out of shape! ><

    4. purplebunny


      lol fair enough. am trying to get into shape myself. this time of year out comes the wii again.

  14. who has a job? I have a job! new power cord, laptop and awesome horsey stuff await!

  15. who has a job? I have a job! new power cord, laptop and awesome horsey stuff await!

    1. Pipstickz


      Oh, I have one, why'd you want to know?

  16. ah, yeah... I realized my mistake as I read back at the responses. I just saw changes idea, and I posted before seeing dds response.
  17. I like the idea. what about being able to sacrifice some of your own vitality to a player so they have an easier time moving? if this were implimented in some way, I would give mine to aid players in mda.
  18. Tell me, wise community, why is it when i am in a good mood it only deepens the hole im in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. purplebunny


      Curiose you need a ladder my dear so you can get out of that hole!

    3. Curiose


      I do! and at first I thought you were talking about my height because I'm tiny...

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      It's funny because "happy=true" is an assignment, not a test.

  19. if there was a way to share ap, I would give you mine. fyrd is usually in winds, or so he used to be. check mb, too. if I can get in there, and on a computer, I can run around. Ackhsan, will this be a regularly planned event?
  20. sweet, I get to know chewett! the big bad forum techie. I feel so honored. : D
  21. danke! guess it would help if I clear out my inbox, too, huh... edit: I could, but currently being resigned to but a phone except for short, sparse trips to the library prevents me otherwise. besides, it gives me a list for when i can be in game.
  22. Pssst. PSSSSSST. I SAYS PSSSSSST. Hi. I refuse to let the destructive negaticity rule my life. Wont you do the same?

    1. Mallos
    2. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Not much of a life, the fraction it rules despite will...

    3. Pipstickz


      One of us...one of us...one of us...

  23. For my own purposes, I would like a list of new players. age is irrelevent. if you consider yourself new, or someone else new, write here. I wish to get to know these new people. I want to know -you- not your md persona. it will not confuse me that way. Thank you!
  24. Curi needs some zen to add to her spice.

  25. last I saw, he made a departure. are you back, awii, or just visiting?
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