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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Never said I was perfect, nor have I ever said I didn't do any wrong. What I am saying, is that maliciously attacking someone is not an excuse nor reason. It was an example of current times. So again, take it as you will. You're only further driving the topic off course.
  2. More like: Multiple experiences with multiple people were terrible. I'm not saying that Chewett is some sort of perfect mortal, he is human. But that I don't typically see him going out of his way to harass someone or to be overtly obsessed over someone. So, take it as you will.
  3. I think it's okay to have an ego so long as you remain humble as well. If that makes any kind of sense. Personally, I feel that knowing and understanding the consequences of your actions and if your actions are worth said consequences should be the defining decision of what we do.
  4. Nimrodel, multiple people have tried to assist (myself included) dd in a way that was respectable, and still got (excuse my language) shat in in return. So, the behavior in itself is not too far out of the realm of possibility. I've had my dealings with chew when I wasn't so peachy keen, and in my experience, Chew keeps fairly even. Aeo, that posting was in regards to something someone else stated. On phone otherwise I'd quote. I'll elaborate later. I was actually messing around on Google plus and my Google contacts or other email contacts were on there. Someone was a friend of someone I had found in my e mail contacts, and that is how I found them. The name was the same that they typically use, however... They had a picture of their self on there. Because it was Google plus, it seemed like they had that information available for networking. Not so someone could find it from MD. Well, here's the thing. I have a Facebook and I don't share my real name often. In the past have tried to rremove as much personal, searchable information as I could. Yet, I was still found on fb. If someone goes around deliberately searching for information, however harmless that may be, it's still not right. Sure, it's out there... But why search for it? It's creepy. OK iI'll bite. I model. I share that with hundreds of people on a deviant art page, and I am fully aware of the consequences of having it out there. But what I am not going to accept is someone trying to use those pictures of myself to try and shame me, black mail me, or pass them around for their own amusement. It was the latter that I meant. People going out of their way to find info.
  5. I guess if given some context, No One, at least for the thing of disrespecting those who work hard on MD, what mur says is fairly reasonable, I think. For example, the way DD treats chewett is abhorrent. Obviously disrespecting him and his work. But what I don't understand, I suppose, is that he's constantly rewarded for bad behavior....
  6. Welp. Here's a point for ya: doesn't matter who you are. If you treat people like crap, I'm calling you out.

    1. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      well im calling you out then.................lol just kidding

  7. I'm going to use a scenario that I ran into regarding personal information. I once found some information about a fellow MD'er on a social media site. I knew this person was very particular about their personal information. I didn't choose to add them, or message them, but I did tell them eventually. Point is, if you find someone's information, don't take liberties with it. Tell them, privately that you stumbled upon it, as they may not know. I have personally had information that I did not voluntarily put out there (I'm looking at you, Rophs), found and acted upon without my approval. While someone may have some mMD'ers on a social media site, that doesn't make it OK to impose there also. Some of us have things that we rreally don't want the whole of MD society to get their hands on. Edit: also, don't bloody ask around for someone's information, either! That's creepy and an invasion of privacy!
  8. Honestly; I don't like the question. Not because it is a bad question, per say, but because I feel it doesn't quite... well, have a good answer to it, I feel. When we all started MD we all had our own perceptions, experiences, and desires. Now that we have gone through those stages, our perceptions of what "should" be done are colored. Some (not many) are brand spankin' new. And so, maybe the question would better apply to them. But many of us, have been around for years and you only experience the freshness of MD once, so to speak. These are just my thoughts.
  9. On phone, so, I can't do direct quotes. Atheon was taking responsibility for what was happening, so, clearly I am going to address him. In no way am I blaming him, in fact, if you bothered to read what I said, I encouraged him to keep it up. It just made no sense to apologize for something that was put of his hands. You, however, are continuing to perpetuate the idea that nothing is happening to be resolved. Chewett posted just prior that if given the names, they will be resolved. He even stated that he helped asthir, one who was killed, just recently. So... What's the problem here? There isn't one. You're kicking up dust for no reason. It's annoying. Assira Essentially stated the same thing I did; are you going to nitpick and misinterpret her, too? Edit: How you could possibly misinterpret what I said to be an attack is just beyond me.
  10. I honestly would have to side with z on this. And excuse my language, fluffy stuff isn't my forte. Shit happens. You can't 100 percent predict what is going to happen, or how people are going to react or what they do. In this case, people ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. Were you expecting this? No? Then don't worry about it. Chewett offered to remedy the situation and that's what matters. Your storm was successful, you did something. So why do you feel you have to pin the blame on yourself? It's fantastic you're willing to own up to it, but, truly, don't. It's a minor issue and you're doing something with your means. It's not like you unnecessarily killed people and refused to revive them like the day of fear. You had purpose and a means of reversal. You done good, kid. So keep it up, k?
  11. (Hope I'm not too late to the party) Dear Mr. Rubico.... I must contest against some of the prior statements! Particularly against the Mr. Salmon, there. Tut. It's not about love or reproduction, in fact! He mispronounced it completely! It's not Ara-Mour, it's Air-a-more! Meaning, we need more air! Well, they're made with plenty of air. So much Air I wonder if the tiny men of GG could fit inside of them... Maybe that's why the tiny men are stuck. It's a conspiracy!
  12. He does it every year.
  13. Yay! Congrats, Ary. : ) Enjoy your shiny pokey stick.
  14. Again, DD: 1 Grido. Numerous LHOs and Applicants. Also, Grido has a life outside of MD. And.... you tend to ignore when people tell you things, anyway. So I'm not surprised you refuse to acknowledge what Grido just stated above. ^Especially when you don't get your way perceive that information to be negative.
  15. Grido told me why my application was denied when I went to him. Think about it: there's only one grido and how many applicants? If you want to know why, ask yourself.
  16. Oh, OK. Thanks for that clarification. I think I understand what you mean. I'll likely respond again, later in full.
  17. Essentially nothing any different than someone in a place of power : Reasonable experience, integrity, willingness to learn and help, and knowledge (to name a few). I would expect that from anyone, really, but it is more imperative with those who are literally entrusted to aid the next generation of players in the game, and maintain it. Edit: My post wasn't a nitpick, either. I have no real disgruntles with the LHOs or their doings, but asked a query. I gave a mild suggestion of what I feel would be helpful. I also don't expect every single option to be feasible or doable.
  18. Not particularly about the job posting in general, but I have a question about typical recruitments (if this is the wrong spot, apologies). It's stated that applications should receive a yes more so than a no... A couple times I have seen folk get upset at the ignorance of an LHO. A lot of times, what they say is taken something akin to what a GM says. As in, it's something to be relied upon and respected. If the LHO does not have the qualifications to be an LHO, but is one, that would, I think reasonably, put less faith in them as a while for their reliability. Could we perhaps have a cleaner screening process? Or perhaps, less yes and more no? I don't know if this is feasible.
  19. I haven't been fully "around" for some years, I admit. And to some, I know there will be the obvious chatter of rebuttal regarding my absence, as is expectant of their ways. Now... With that preface, I'm going to do some explaining like, at least, on my end why I've only bothered to poke my head around every now and then. MD is MD. There is no other way to truly describe it. I refuse, essentially, to really call it a game, in all honesty. Maybe a collaboration of creative minds infused with the sciences, particularly philosophy (even somewhat diluted in its usage). It makes no sense, truly, to call it a game (for me). And because of that, I kind of feel that trying to place a square peg in a round hole leads to a lot of friction, and trying to stuff corners where they needn't be stuffed. Essentially, what we have is a melting pot of ideas and personalities. Nothing wrong with that, aside from the often occurrence of bickering and differences. I get it. Cultural, sociological, and lifestyle differences come about often. At times, the door is shut completely to communication for various reasons. But for me... It's kind of because of my knowledge regarding the why's and the what's that, for my health and well being, I can't remain heavily involved in MD. Believe me, I'd like to. I have dear friends. Folk who I trust and care for; but it's like a work relationship, almost. Can't be near them in MD, but will happily enjoy their company outside of it. The preservation of my friendships mean more to me than passing time. Not only that... But, the additional stress isn't worth it for me. I care deeply about things. This that, to some, may be menial. Such as MDA. I'm not necessarily writing this with any purpose, just starting a discussion of any sort, I suppose. An opinion or viewpoint, perhaps. With that said, have at me, bro.
  20. I am still alive; fried the computer hard drive and adjusting to a new work schedule. Hard drive is back to being fixed.

  21. Yep! No One is really nice when it comes to requests like that, at least in my experience. I find it a lot easier to just go to him if I need something than to have to harvest something myself. I mean, hunting for things is sooooooooooo old school. : p And monopoly? Psh. As far as I know, he hasn't once asked for money so... any retorts about monopoly are pretty far fetched.
  22. Solution: Just ask the so called hoarders if they wouldn't mind helping you with making your teas, cakes or sand castles (etc). Simple. A kind request goes a long way. If you begin abusing their kindness by making say more tea, cake, or sand castles than initially stated, then that would be an issue... but it's not. Just give the remains back to the person you got them from.
  23. I think I need some sleep... Or some espresso. Yeah, espresso.

  24. I watched the great lebowsky, saw an old friend, potentially made some new ones.
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