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Posts posted by Eon

  1. [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][size=4][size=5]Sugar Rush[/size][/size][/center][/center]

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    [center][center][size=3]In[/size] this BHC Side Event fighters will battle for the legendary candy sculpture. The candy sculpture will be in the image of the champion, sculpted from a large piece of rainbow candy.[/center][/center]

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    [center][center][size=5][size=4][size=5]Steps to sign up

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    [center][center]Go here: [url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/bosscontest_signup.php"]http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php[/url][/center][/center]

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    [center][center]After you receive 1 pieces of candy click on the sign up button.[/center][/center]

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    [center][center][size=5][size=4]This event starts on February 3rd at 16:00:00 server time[/size][/size].[/center][/center]

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    [center][center]For this event some places in the game are restricted to compete in. You are to stay out of GG, Tribunal, Necrovion, and places that very few players have access to. Pathkeeper, Fields of Fear, and Deeper GG (not sure what else to call it) are restricted. Story mode locations are restricted as well[/center][/center]

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    [center][center][size=5][size=4]1. Don't take a players heads without actually battling them. [/size][/size][/center][/center]

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    [center][center][size=5][size=4]2. Don't use bugs.[/size][/size][/center][/center]

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    [center][center]I'll be updating this later to show what the score to end stage one will be.[/center][/center]

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    [center][center][size=5]If I feel like I need to add a new rule or something else to the competition at a later point in time, I will.[/size][/center][/center]

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  2. Actually the burden of proof is on all of you. I'm innocent until proven guilty.

    My alts are antisocial and don't fight. Being antisocial and not interested in fighting doesn't mean you don't deserve to be in this game. My alts feel connected to certain area's so they walk around them. That's how I enjoy playing these characters, which isn't against the rules.

    The CLC means nothing to me. Pretend to matter all you want, as far as I'm aware your decisions aren't official.

    This will probably be my last post. I've said all I needed to or wanted to with these last two posts. The council or Mur can email me if they want, I'm fine debating with them whether my accounts have broken any rules for moving around.

  3. Take all the screenshots you want of my alts walking around. Can you prove their specific goal is to stalk you for my main? That's the thing here, you can't unless I specifically tell you. For all you know Eno may feels a strong connection to the MDA and enjoys walking around the area from time to time. The same goes for anyone's accounts. You have no idea why we use them for the way we do unless we specifically say so.

    If were going to start punishing people for moving around on alts, I'll send the council multiple emails daily and start trials against every single alt I see in MD. If someone has an alt online then it is without a doubt up to something fishy apparently.

    I guess soon we'll get to see if the council would punish someone solely based upon assumptions.

  4. You attacked my morph.

    Since this competition has started I've gotten about two hours of sleep all together. I've made sure that not even even half of my creatures were dead at one time. I also haven't had anyone else mention me having an Elu on my def.

    If I ever do have an Elu pop up on my def then it'd be pretty rare.

    I'm going to get rid of my Elu now just so it doesn't happen again, assuming it ever did in the first place.

  5. I've never used the Elu on my def and I never plan to, therefor there would be no turning around on my part.

    I put down "extended period of time" because eventually when someone idles his or her creatures are going to be killed and the only thing they'll have left is the Elu. If the person became active they would need to have creatures alive. I consider someone talking and moving as being active.

    I'm trying to make this fair. This way people with Elu's can compete and everyone can be attacked most of the time.

    If I was trying to change things in my favor I would be changing a lot more than just this.

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