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Posts posted by Eon

  1. [b][size=5]BHC Statless Edition[/size][/b]

    Fighters, It's time for another BHC again. Do you often get called a Stat/Token whore? Do people walk around telling others that without your stats you'd be nothing? Would you like to prove those other players wrong?

    Do you feel your superior to grinders because you have more knowledge of the combat system than they do, and only lose because grinders rely so much on their stats? Would you kill for a more level playing field?

    If you feel you fit either of those categories than this BHC is definitely for you. In this BHC stats and tokens will be nullified throughout the entire competition. You are allowed to go to any location you feel like during the first stage. When the second stage begins you should be teleported to the heads hill.

    Any MP level can sign up for this.

    [b][size=4]Date [/size][/b]: The BHC starts on December 3rd at 16:00:00 server time.

    [b][size=4]Rules [/size][/b]:
    1.Don't use the bug that allows you to take a fighters ball of heads without actually battling them.
    2. Don;t use any bugs of any kind. I mentioned attacking with no creatures because it happens so much, but I also don't want to hear of any other bugs. If your going to accuse someone of bugs I want to see some proof from inside the game.

    [b][size=4]Participation Requirement[/size][/b] : I will be switching every day between a gold coin and 15 sc's. One day there may be another option, but for now it'll be either a gc or 15 sc's.

    [b][size=4]Reward[/size][/b] :

    [b]First Place[/b]- 20 gold note, Morph, Tainted, Trophy, BHC medal, and 20 skilldamage.
    [b]Second place[/b]- 10 gold note and a morph
    [b]Third place[/b]- 10 gold note and a Tainted

    [b]Additional Information[/b]:

    1.I assume my skilldamage would not effect the fighters who sign up for this BHC, although I'm not 100 percent sure it will. No one would enter the BHC just to avoid my skilldamage for awhile though, would they?
    2. Yes, I will tell you how much score it will take to get from stage one to stage two before the BHC starts.
    3.The score to reach stage two will be 250,000
    4.There will be 6 heads hills in stage two. Each heads hill is set at a gazebo.
    5.Stage two will last 48 hours

    This should take you to the sign up page: [url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/bosscontest_signup.php"]http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php[/url]

  2. "Winners of categories will not be able to win that category again for 5 years"

    Why give awards to those who don't deserve them? If someone isn't the best quester than they don't deserve an award for being the best. The same goes for Elite Evil Villain, Champion fighter, Best Spell Caster, most influential, and every other possible spot I can't remember right now.

    I also feel people from the same land should be able to vote for each other if they feel like it.

  3. I have no idea how many people used the weaken cause against me and got included into the needle, but these are my current stats after 6 uses from Amorans' needle.

    I was asked to put this on the forum.

    Server time: Nov 18 00:19:12
    ~ Day: 321 Year: 6 ~
    38 days remaining[/i]
    Only 1 person managed to beat my creatures (although luck and a decent amount of spells played a role in that), but at least you got my skilldamage stat down a bit.
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_regeneration.gif[/img] Regeneration: [b]2202[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]5194.23[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2992[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_energeticimmun.gif[/img] Energetic immunity: [b]3117[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]7236.98[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]50[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-4169[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_tradesense.gif[/img] Trade sense: [b]1886[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]4449.23[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2563[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_briskness.gif[/img] Briskness: [b]2275[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]5093.11[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]16[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2834[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_initiative.gif[/img] Initiative: [b]1502[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]3544.82[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-2042[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_defence.gif[/img] Defence: [b]17970[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]42288.57[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]40[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-24358[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_attack.gif[/img] Attack: [b]163684[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]385716.26[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]100[/color] + [color="#99cc00"]40[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-222172[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_power.gif[/img] Power: [b]588[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]1269.9[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]50[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-731[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_luck.gif[/img] Luck: [b]515[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]1167.39[/color] + [color="#3355ff"]20[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-672[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_skilldamage.gif[/img] *skilldamage: [b]31[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]74[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-43[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_experimentalism.gif[/img] Experimentalism: [b]10[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]24.16[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-14[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_herbalism.gif[/img] *herbalism: [b]11[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]26.7[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-15[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_waterhandling.gif[/img] Waterhandling: [b]13[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]30.31[/color] + [color="#ff9900"]-17[/color])[/left]
    [img]http://magicduel.com/img/interface/stats/mini-char_filtering.gif[/img] *filtering: [b]0[/b] [left]([color="#000000"]0.4[/color])[/left]

  4. Kyphis, any recent examples you can think of?

    Tranquil Plains, Meeting of the Roads, the location not too deep in the new area of the East. All of those have remained sanctuaries. I have a feeling Awiiya's location will remain one as well.

    I can only think of one that was turned back and that was outside KC's home.

    [size=1]Edit: Corrected Awiiya's name.[/size]

  5. Stored Heat: 7,801,531

    Age: 198

    Tokens: 0

    You may bid here, message me in game, or message me on the forum. In game pm's will be unblocked until the auction is over. I won't be taking anyone off my forum ignore list.

    I'm mainly interested in coins, but I'd also take credits along with a decent amount of coins.

    This will go on for 5 day's

    Highest offer: 21 gold coins - [url="../../user/5614-lone-wolf-pup/"]lone wolf[/url]

  6. "I don't think that if he would beat me he would leave the competition..."

    Burns posted why I left the competition, I didn't have much of a choice. In order to fight Amoran I have to join an alliance. The only alliance I'm willing to temporarily join had set the requirements to join too high for my liking. Now I'm left without an alliance. You tell me, how do I fight Amoran now that I won't be in an alliance? Had I beaten you I'd still have the alliance problem. Keep in mind, I had no idea an MP6 would be fighting in an MP5 category, otherwise I wouldn't have joined.

  7. First Place: Shemhazaj (32,276 score)

    Second Place: Lone wolf (3773 score)

    The BHC lasts much longer and the reward is better. I have the ability to throw BHC's, obviously these events are going to be similar.

    Now that it's over I would appreciate it if the thread was closed soon.

  8. NML, Prison, and Labyrinth citizens can't compete.

    I didn't waste my time clicking on prison or the labyrinth because I think I've only seen one citizen from the labyrinth and none from prison. NML isn't on the land list.

  9. [center][/center][b][size="5"]Clash of the Lands[/size][/b]

    [center][/center] Citizens, are you ready to fight alongside your allies and bring glory to your land? In this event citizens of Marind Bell, Loreroot, Underground, GG, Necrovion, MDA, Established housing, and the Tribunal will be fighting to see which land can prevail and win the Land Cup (trophy)

    [center][/center] [b][size="4"]Participation Requirement[/size][/b] : 2 sc's and you need to be a citizen of either MB,LR,UG,GG,NC,MDA, established housing, or Tribunal

    [center][/center] [b][size="4"]Rewards[/size][/b] : Aged GG (320 day's right now) for first place and the Land Cup to his or her King/Queen (First place gets to have the Land Cup if his or her land doesn't have a King/Queen), and a 5 gc note for second place.

    [center][/center] [b][size="4"]Contest Starts[/size][/b] : Day 209 at 18:00 server time

    Additional information:
    1. No, there won't be a BHC medal for this event. BHC medals are rewarded for the actual BHC.
    2. All MP levels can join but there is no fighting restriction between MP levels.
    3. Fighters will be scattered every 3 hours.
    4. Score to reach stage two is 30,000

    I will give more information throughout the event

    The sign up page is up now.

    [center][/center][b][size="4"]How to Sign Up[/size][/b]: Click the challenge link at the top of your MD page and then click the sign up link under the boss trophy heads contest area. This link should also take you to the sign up page [url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/bosscontest_signup.php"]My link[/url]

  10. Being balanced has it's positives and negatives, low honor happens to be one of it's negatives. You don't get to have the best of both worlds.

    If honor is calculated based on stats then I'll probably only be able to hit Clock and MRA for a little positive honor. I'm a fighter, constantly striving to see how powerful I can become. The thought of having to wait months to a year for people to catch up to our stats before we can get any decent training in sounds ridiculous to me.

    Also, a lot of us give such negative honor because the majority of the time we have easy defs up. This in turn helps new/weak mp's that would normally get smashed and demoralized by our defenses.

    All in all I don't see much damage being done from the current setup.

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