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Posts posted by Eon

  1. John the Second

    Unholy Priest

    ID: 470918

    Age: 1820

    Heat: 1114776

    Tokens: Black Diamond, Gold Tear, Sunshine, Gold Belt, Emeral Glare, Onyx Fang, Black Tear, Bloop Drop 1, 2


    5 sc


    St. Peter Agien


    Age: 1890

    Heat: 7,442,715

    Tokens: Antifreeze, Enlightening,  Onyx Fangs, ClawIII, Stardust, Kelletha Fire, Emeral Glare, Dark Sky, Gold Belt, Blood Drop 1,2,3


    6 sc

  2. Then, i see this quest incident, that in my own opinion was a proof of pure malice, no purpose, just two powerful people doing same shit they always did. They have the right to do so, its why there is no room for any sort of punishment...but i could not pretend i was not angry on what happend. Why i was angry? because this time, their action where against a group of people, just to harm one, that in their opinion was getting a "favor". I think none of the land leaders put so much pressure on any of their citizens in order to give them citizenship...but maybe i am wrong. What made me upset was that more people where harmed in this quest disrupting, just for the purpose of hitting dd.


    Take a good look at the many links I have on the bottom of this page: http://magicduel.com/players/Eon


    I mess with pretty much anyone and everyone, period. Don't try to make it out like I screwed with this quest because DD made it, the countless complaints against me from the past show otherwise.  Recently I saw Lashtal having a lecture at the Howling gates, I silvertounged people. When people meet, I will be there. The only time I don't screw with something is when I'm actually interested in competing in it, or someone I respect (not many of those) asks me not to mess with the thing.


    You have been too disconnected from MD to know what is going on, you really shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.

  3. Just going to comment on neg VP:


    I see no reason for an Mp5 to complain about Neg VP. I've put people at -20m VP and I always see people offering to help and getting them back to positive range in no time at all. If someones balance is so bad they are having trouble getting back to normal, that's their fault. UP's give complete weaklings/fools a way to get wins, and tree's/weak rituals are always easy to get losses. Only the completely lazy have it bad, as they should, in my opinion.

  4. I see the future of our land being far more prosperous than others, and I actively attempt to do that with the small amount of power I have now.  A long time ago I made it my mission to deplete all the herbs around the game, up to the first set of steps in the East, that way only those with east land loyalty could easily harvest herbs. While the vast majority of players complained about the lack of being able to gather herbs, my fellow citizens didn't have to worry, because I made sure there was an abundance left over for them, and only them. many thought I was just trying to hurt the game or get off on screwing people, when in actuality I just wanted my land to be in control of herbs/tea/whatever else they make.


    I can't give many examples as to how me being in charge will change things. I am not fully aware of what I'd be getting in terms of power once I am elected ruler of the East. I have a track record of achieving what I set out to do, be it winning something, getting into something, screwing with something, ect...  If I say I plan to make the East better than the rest, you can bet I'll accomplish that.

  5. It's been practically a year and the people of the east have no ruler.


    Daily, the people beg for me to become their queen/king. "Eon, you are a beacon of hope for us in the East," they say. "Eon, our lives in game and RL would be so much better if you became our official ruler," they say. Don't do this for me, do this for them.


    Future ruler of the East,



  6. I'm looking to buy aramors I don't have.


    Aramors i have:






    Aramors I'm missing: Green


    Message me in game, i have something like 5 pages of ignored users on the forum.


    Edit: I could use one more blue aramor

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