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Posts posted by Eon

  1. Thanks for all the post's here, I appreciate them very much.

    Unfortunately MEPS made an error and thought I was an extra, so if someone was scheduled to leave that day but couldn't due to lying or a medical DQ, I would take there spot. I found out on my way back home that I wasn't an extra and they screwed up.

    I will probably be around for a few more weeks.

    I am going into the Marines, Curiose.

  2. Just because you rarely see them about it doesn't make them any less active in there duties.

    Amoran K Kol and Pamplemousse are great Protectors

    Amoran K Kol makes multiple runs through the park during the day healing her worshipers and even ones that aren't her worshipers or adepts. I also see her answering questions that players ask in chat.

    I send Pamplemousse between 2-800 messages a day and she answers everyone with a big evil grin.In return I get her hot, it's our little deal that works out well for the both of us. She rests at the howling gates almost everyday dropping Petrichors left and right on new players and old ones.

    I would recommend choosing either of these ladies to protect you.

  3. I think the sanctuary feature would be a waste of time considering people usually only go into sanctuaries to be protected

    The 7 heads idea is pretty good if it is easier to do than getting rid of sanctuaries for mp5's for the day

    Most people who haven't spent hundreds of dollars on tokens would probably feel that way. I would not be in favor of that.

  4. He can stay an mp3 until MD finally ceases to exist, I like many others, am annoyed with the way he is going about this whole thing.

    He is fighting people when he is at his absolute full strength and others aren't. I believe that is quite ridiculous to brag about.

    He also could have just added this to his old topic instead of creating another

  5. Accusing us of not being open minded is quite ignorant of you.

    Like I said before, he wouldn't have had to make another topic like this other than to brag.

    We don't see any mp3's other than February beating mp5's because most players want to experience all the game has to offer and not stay at the lowest level for over an entire year.

  6. I highly doubt that was Nad's intention for starting this thread, Freelancer. He already created a topic like this not long ago, so why would he need to make another one other than for the obvious reason to show off.

    Do you realize he most likely had to burst to beat every single one of those players? Had they been at there full strength he would have had very little chance to beat them.

    Vet's are not hurt by having there creatures defeated , they are annoyed by Nadrolski's smugness

    If he is as tough as he thinks he is he should move up to mp5 and fight all the mp5's.

    Edit:I was working on my post when Curiose posted hers

  7. Your Type is

    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

    Strength of the preferences %
    67 25 100 56

    You are:

    [*]You have [i]distinctive[/i] preference of Introversion over Extraversion
    [*]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Intuition over Sensing
    [*]You have [i]strong[/i] preference of Thinking over Feeling
    [*]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Judging over Perceiving

  8. For you to make a thread, condemning Wolfs for making false accusations about you cheating in the HC, and then turning around and accusing Pamplemousse of having some kind of hidden agenda for making this thread is ridiculous.

    She clearly started this thread to get people thinking and excited about this new implementation, and if I was to guess,I would say you are jealous you hadn't thought of it first.

    What makes you think Pamplemousse had not sent Ailith a PM on the forum or in game about her ideas?

  9. Considering how rare drachs are did you really think it would be okay to recruit them from there and give them away?

    I think most players,especially one with a decent amount of age like yourself, would know you shouldn't be able to do that.

    That's probably your reason for getting banned.

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