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Posts posted by DarkRaptor

  1. [b]No Art Skills Needed - Paint Your Aramor!![/b] :D

    6 players have already a painted Aramor[b]*[/b] go and paint one for yourself!

    You can still [b]win[/b] the contest.. get the[b] best score and win[/b]!

    Needless to say that no alts are allowed... and please don't cheat.

  2. My Original Version:

    My Coloring Attempt:

    Happy Aniversary MD!!

  3. Thank you for you feedback, that is what's makes us keep doing quests!

    Hint: All quest is played in No Man's Land, Loreroot and in the easy acessible parts of the Archives (no need to pass the MDA gate).

    Everybody can still win! The quest is score based and the question is.. Are you up to the tricky challenge??

    [b]NOW PLAY!! Have Fun![/b]

  4. [b]Quest Title: Paint Your Aramor![/b]

    [b]Brief description and rules:[/b]
    This is a quest in the line of my latest "adventure" quests, where player will be driven in a little adventure to collect items, interact with npc's and solve little puzzles.
    This time the goal would be to grab a fresh aramor and paint it! If you can't win it from official quests.. Make One Yourself!!

    You can use the Magic word: [b]PAINT[/b]
    After gather some information you realize that your best option to make a aniversary aramor is to ask for some help.. and who would be better to help you than the Elf?
    From what you have heard the Helper Elf was last seen at the library.. Convince him to help you!

    Go! Have fun!.. and a bit of patience :-P

    Along the adventure there will be tasks that will be evaluated and scored, the player to score higher wins. The finnishing time will only be used in case of draw.
    This will give all the same chance to win even if they are not present when the quest is launched.

    Score Table:
    MainTask(40pts) | Puzzle1(0-10pts) | Puzzle2(0-6pts) | Puzzle3(0-10pts) | SecondaryTask1(6pts) | SecondaryTask2(6pts)

    Until the end of the Aniversary.

    [b]My Rewards:[/b]
    1 Angien (Age 430 days) with 5 tokens.
    1 BloodPact
    Spellstones ( to everybody that finnish the MainTask and does not reach the main prizes ).

    [b]Other Rewards:[/b]
    ..From what i understand the MDBirthday rewards depend mostly on your FUN.. so Play it and Have Fun! :cool:

    1. Carefully READ the dialogs with the NPC's

  5. Date: 2013-04-07

    [b]Planting done![/b]

    Event though Spring insists to hide from us here.. the planting must go on!! :rolleyes:
    green bean, lettuce, oxheart cabbage, zucchini and Tomato!

  6. I will wait for this:

    [b][22/03/13 16:27] Wodin's Guard G413:will the submissions be posted on the forum?
    [22/03/13 16:27] Wodin's Guard G413:the ones from stage 2?[/b]
    [b][22/03/13 16:27] Seigheart:Yes.[/b]
    [22/03/13 16:27] Chewett:Please feel free to continue your ceremony instead of being rude
    [b][22/03/13 16:27] Seigheart:I will be doing that after I announce the winners.[/b]

  7. Date : 2013-03-02

    [b]Done Business with local Fertilizer Supplier![/b]


    Biological Fertilizer will be largelly available for all Garden Crops!!

    His name is "castanho" by the way :D

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