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Fire Starter

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Everything posted by Fire Starter

  1. The only problem that I have identified, is with the eroling heat - whenever I use the ball, at max or lower, the whole game slows down. Any action takes 2 to 4 times longer to be done. This was on the old server and stays on this one.
  2. [size=4][background=transparent]Greetings everyone and everybody :D [/background][/size] And... to celebrate the new old MD, [size=4][background=transparent]Welcome to our 15th [/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]Monthly [/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]Gold Avatar Auction[/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]! [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]The time has come for You to golden Your own Avatar the way you like it! [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]So what are you waiting for?!?[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]Start bidding!!![/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]Maybe you have guessed already - there is a catch, and...It is called Rules...[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]*Avatar Manager is waiting a little...then takes a deep breath and continues*[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]Now, if you are through with all the yelling and shouting, go and read them. [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]After that you can count your coins and proceed. ^_^[/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent] [/background][/size] [size=5][background=transparent]Rules[/background][background=transparent]:[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]1) There is no minimum bid. [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]2) [/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]Post your Player's name, not ID, and don't forget your Bid.[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]3) The highest bidder wins a Gold Avatar Token. [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent](Please, don't bid if you're sure you will be unable to finish any token or funds transaction in the next week after the auction has ended)[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]Overall 2 tokens will be granted each Month.[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]You can use it for various things, one, for example, is to make your own Avatar golden :)[/background][/size] [background=transparent]([/size][/background] [size=4][background=transparent]Important[/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]!) Choose well the Avatar you apply the token on, because you are paying for an item, not a service. [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]If the artwork isn't good enough it won't get the right treatment.[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]4) You can golden as many avatars, as tokens you have. :cool:[/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent] [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]5) If your Avatar for some reason proves to be stolen artwork from somewhere else outside MD, it might get confiscated. [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]The credit you spent for it will be returned. However, you will still have the Token for further use. [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]6) The funds raised are paid to Neno Veliki or Fire Starter, after that you get your Token. :excl:[/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent] [/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]6.1) [/background][/size]Usable for funding the bids won't be such creatures as the common one in the shop (aside the Rustgold Drachorn and the others, which appear only on special occasions), meaning no Pimps, Imps, Jokers, Sharptears or BP Archers would be taken as a serious bid. Everything else in this matter, that we come across in the future will be reevaluated accordingly. 6.2) Please, be sure that you're offering something rare enough with real value, and note that it still will be reevaluated by us. If you think your item could be underrated, then don't use it as a bid or addition to the bid. [size=4][background=transparent]We are making sure the funds go to the TK's (Treasure Keepers) treasury. [/background][/size] [background=transparent][size=4][background=transparent]Use PMs for payment if we aren't online at the current time you stumble upon us [/background][/size](keep some proof).[/size][/background] [background=transparent][size=4][background=transparent]Once payment is confirmed we will make sure you get your Token as soon as possible.[/background][/size][/size][/background] 7) Trying to artificially rise the price, and then withdraw your bid, will lead to unpleasant consequences. (If you REALLY need to retract your bid, approach us first, and don't forget to bring the evidences) [size=5][background=transparent]This Auction will run roughly for 1 week starting Today (until 1-st of June),[/background][/size] [size=5][background=transparent](Winning will be the last bid, placed 24 hours after the previous one, [/background][/size] [size=5][background=transparent]but no more than 3 days after [/background][/size][size=5][background=transparent]the end of the Auction[/background][/size][size=5][background=transparent].[/background][/size]) [size=4][background=transparent]When those of you, who win, will receive a [/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]Gold Avatar Token[/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent], which will grant you the ability to golden your Avatar of choice. Keep in mind the rules when taking further actions.[/background][/size] [size=4][background=transparent]Please, take a note, that winning the [/background][/size][size=4][background=transparent]Gold Avatar Token [/background][/size]isn't directly connected with goldening the avatar, so some time delay may apply. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are doing anything and everything in our powers to shorten the current delays as much as possible and this isn't a permanent issue. [size=4][background=transparent]Of course, if any questions arise, feel free to contact either of us, the Avatar managers (Neno Veliki and Fire Starter)[/background][/size]
  3. LOL Wookie :D That's golden!
  4. Bulgaria: Everything works like a charm. Too bad I am mostly on 3G and I won't be enjoying the upgrade that often :D Attack page with around 150 rits - under 2 secs. Crit's page with over 40 crits, tokened at different stage - under 7 secs. Even that special page, I got access to, loads for less than 30 secs. Tested with chronometer, though I didn't do that on the old server :D Inventory, Mood Cloud and similar things from the right side menu load instantly. Even on my old T61 with dozen of other tabs loaded already Edit: Now, for MD's sake, all the visco should be removed for a period of a week or two. Just that we all get the chance to fill the missing things in our browser's caches :P
  5. Another conspiracy theory: "Rendril was MIA, cause he was reworking all MD from Flash towards smth better. :D Aaaaand... now it's Done! Sooo... wait for it.... wait for it.... wait......GO, Everybody! Log in!!! NOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. So, dst, tomorrow you're coming for a visit? What time? I gotta get the grappa cold enough :P
  7. I've just got back from a nice walk. The bloody sun is back again, so I've managed to gather a decent amount of snails :D Maybe around 5 kilos. This should equal to around 700 grams of fine meat, after all the preparations :cool: With some spices and a little bit of olive oil...Mmmm, tomorrow will be even better day than today :D
  8. I'd gladly take the advice and "ENJOY YOUR DAY YEEY...", but it's raining with the buckets here since yesterday... And it's our national day off work. Also it's the perfect time to finish the last Pratchett thing I've got :D Wow, this day could actually turn out to be a good one, L0L
  9. Hehe. tipU got his wish and closed MD. How typical :D
  10. One always appreciates things best when One loses them. Take this as an experiment within yourself. Take a good look inside and write what you feel in the pigeon box :D
  11. Fire Starter


    So... Bulgaria... If you're going from Sofia towards Varna, or the other way around... I can think of few places where we can share a beer or two. Or even my personal favorite - home brewed grappa :P
  12. Off-topic: "You've been on MD too much when you start seeing Red Buttons everywhere you go" :D Edit: Now..., stop refreshing the darn page, for Mur's sake!!! :angry:
  13. DD? why DD?. tipU always wanted to do that :P And just think of all the avys, that didn't got approved today... :ph34r: Chewett, release the live webcam link of Mur laughing at our pigeons. I've sent 3 already ;)
  14. 24th of may will be a DoT. How will this affect the BHC?
  15. The best way to start a week? A party of course! And even better - your own Party :D Congratulations!
  16. This topic can now be closed. Deal is almost done. SkyArmy is the winner.
  17. SkyArmy, where are you most likely to be found, in order to complete the transactions? And when of course :) ? Edit: Ah, my eyes... why they burn so much.
  18. Well, that was unexpected :D
  19. Have fun, our favorite Wookie! Take many pics and nice memories from there :)
  20. Aaaaand... Congratulations, DARK DEMON! You have won our 14th Gold Avatar Auction! Now, contact me so we can arrange the transfers. (Fyrd, take a look at the whole Point 3 from our Rules and contact me if you have any ideas/questions) This Topic can now be closed. Thank you all for participating.
  21. Prices have been updated.
  22. No Tokens. No Heat. Aging starts today. 3 SC each. 5 SC for both. ID:807444 & ID:807445
  23. Yes, your bid is still the highest, DD Fyrd, please keep track on our Auctions if you intent to win one. The winning bids so far are going up and down, so I can't really comment your proposal. This means that I have to enter a "minimum bid" which will go against our Rules. Any other comments on the various topics, that the Auction rises, are welcomed.
  24. Hehe, Windy, make it public or send some kind of a way to find you in FB. In PMs ofc ;)
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