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Everything posted by Rumi
Post-birthday party bump. Anyone who is interested in the research, please chime in and we can get the conversation going. Artists, please consider some plants you might be interested in drawing.
[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1302595205' post='82394'] I do have a spare shade, which I might part with. PM me with a deal? I'm not interested in joining, but might find it interesting to watch. [/quote] I have spoken with Shadowseeker and I do not have the means at the moment to purchase his shade. If any other participant wants to purchase a shade for research and has something valuable to trade (or lots of money), send Shadowseeker a message. Otherwise, anyone else who has a shade or experience with one, feel free to speak up.
Rumi AD 220 Currently working on community garden project http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9406-community-garden/page__pid__82416#entry82416 You will find me sitting at the Meeting of the Roads. Contact me when you're ready.
[quote name='Evil East' timestamp='1302591789' post='82390'] Rumi, I am interested and could be part of the researching...may I? [/quote] Certainly. If you have any thoughts, please chime in!
I'm glad to see some interest slowly developing in the community. I think we will continue to see this project grow as we get to work. At the moment, I see two places where we can begin work. The first is among the researchers. I think we could start with the four cubes, the three roads, and the dark slime, as these elements stand out quite a bit. The dark slime consists of a shade and an elemental. I have been attempting to find someone who might sell me a shade for this research and I have come up short up to now. If any of the participating members have a shade, or have had one previously, please speak up. I find it curious that a shade would be located on this side of the Gazebo of Equilibrium, so close to Loreroot. I wonder also if the shade has any specific relation to the elemental, that they would be the creatures summoned by the dark slime. Or perhaps they are the dark slime? The Meeting of the Roads is specifically labeled as a meeting of three roads, but I don't think it is the only such meeting in the realm. I wonder if you all can think of any other meetings that have similar features to the Meeting of the Roads. I have read Akasha's forum posts in Kelle'tha Order about Necrovion areas reflecting other areas. I don't have access to Necrovion and it has been some time since I visited. If I'm not mistaken, possibly the Vale of Oblivion seems a similar meeting of roads. What is different, as I see it, is the three roads come together in front of a hill, whereas the roads at the Vale of Oblivion come together in front of a massive crevice (with a mound?). I'd be interested to hear some thoughts. And the four cubes. We all know cubes play an important role in the realm. We have had them set in our hand, and we have been inside them. I don't know all the places that cubes can be found in the realm, although I have noted one in particular. Rendril Revant has in his knowledge collection a research about the Aramory, where he points out some cubes in the background of the scene and tries to make some sense of them. It appears that the cubes at the Aramory are the same cube rocks foudn at the Meeting of the Roads. Coincidence? C'mon, this is MD Other places they might be found? Relation between wooden soul cubes and cube rocks? The second place we can begin work is in a design/artwork capacity, with input from seed collectors as well. I think we could begin developing possible plant lists for the garden. These can include anything from small herbs to massive trees, and everything in between. 7 Layer food forest: Upper canopy, lower canopy, shrub layer, herbacious layer, ground cover layer, root layer, vine layer. We won't have every plant in every place, but we can always be thinking in three dimensions. As plant lists are developed, the artists could begin renderings of some of the plants we come up with. When the earthworks designs are completed, we can incorporate individual plant sketches into the grand garden design. Something important to think about. Any plant that is sketched, would be well to have several versions, incorporating time. For perennials, that might be one sketch for each season. For annuals, it might include a seedling sketch, a vegetation sketch, a flowering sketch, a fruiting sketch, and a dying sketch. As mentioned in the original post, I would like to get a dedicated Groups and Factions sub-forum for the Community Garden where we can grant access rights. Most of what we discuss will be completely open to the public. It would be preferable for the actual designs, including mapping, grand sketches, and the like to be held privately among the participating members until the designs are at or near completion, when we could open them to the public for comments and recommendations. Thanks everyone for your participation!
[quote name='Blackthorn' timestamp='1302408597' post='82270'] np..I completely understand. I will offer this one for sale here or send to the shop. I will let you know when I will be able to start drawing a new avy for you. Thanks again Rumi [/quote] Please keep this one for now and I will buy it as well as the future drawing together. The second drawing will be very similar and it would be funny if someone else had the same avatar as me. I prefer to buy them as a set if that's alright.
[quote name='Blackthorn' timestamp='1302397411' post='82265'] I revised the image for many of the details you wanted changed...the angle is not something I can revise and you are correct it is an entirely new drawing...so...revisions are one thing...a re-draw is entirely something else. I am willing to draw an additional drawing for you after I have finished all the other Avys I have on order (10)...and at no additional cost. I tried to draw the original description that you posted with the addition of the song bird as we later discussed. I hope this is acceptable. pease let me know. [/quote] I like the changes you have made. The staff shape and texture is certainly appropriate to my vision. The size does not appear correct. In the original drawing, the end of the staff goes right past the edge of the picture, portraying an indefinite length (which is no problem). In the new drawing, the staff is completely in the picture and appears to be too short in proportion to the body. If the man were to stand and hold the staff, the staff would be the same height as the man. The cloak hood revision looks great. I see you have altered the bird's tail angle to give it less of an appearance of landing. I might still invert the wings and tail, giving an appearance of downward flight, rather than upward flight or create a little more distance between the man and the bird, possibly by making the bird smaller and/or moving it toward one of the corners. The beard is correct. The hair is still a little more bushy than I have in mind, but I could live with it. And the angles... The angles are important to me. As a character who values openness as a key ethic, it is important for me not to have the back to the viewer. As mentioned before, I would prefer an angle of the arms that portrays active movement. I have waited very long now for an appropriate avatar and it is difficult to pass up such an incredible drawing. I will wait patiently until you have completed the other drawings for a second drawing of the image I have described. I value your creativity very much and I appreciate your willingness to continue working with me. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing the other avatars you draw. Contact me if you have any questions. I'm not much of an artist, but I can continue to build simple manikens that might assist you.
[quote name='Blackthorn' timestamp='1302335639' post='82206'] I know this is not exact...not sure I can do the sandals at this angle and the hood needs to be romoved from the head...beard added etc... but am I even close? Couldn't do sandals... but I fixed the hood...what do you think? [/quote] First off, this picture is amazing. You have incredible talent and I am very happy that I chose to come to you for assistance. Now for the details The plant is perfect. I love the cloak/robe. It is exactly what I had in mind, and the specific design is very nice (I like the border a lot). I would make the hood a little looser and hanging down the back, rather than bunched up behind the neck. The hair and beard are the right texture and are much too long for my taste. I attached some images of me that can give an idea of appropriate hair/beard length. The rest of the face is perfect. The bird is beautiful, and very much what I had in mind. It is at an angle such that it appears to be landing on me. I would prefer for it to appear to be passing overhead (perhaps inverting the wings and tail). I have in mind a staff without a bulb at the end. I use a staff as my weapon in roleplay combat, in which I wield is as a bo staff. I imagine it being the slightest bit rough to show it's origin as an tree sapling. Now for the angles... There are two particular angles that don't work for me. You have the body with the back to the viewer and the head set to the side. It is very important to me that the viewer sees the chest, rather than the back. I would keep the head exactly as it is now, and orient the body (and staff) to be parallel with the head, rather than perpendicular, as it is now. I think this would also mean adding the second arm and moving the plant to the front of the image (closest thing to the viewer) I realize this pretty much means redrawing the entire image The second angle is the angle of the arm, reaching out toward the plant. The upper arm is in line with the body, giving a passive appearance. I imagine the arm to be reaching out from the body in more of an active movement. I appreciate the energy you have put into my avatar up to now and I hope you can still develop it to meet these needs. I know you said there is a limit to how many times you will redraw an image and I am communicating my needs as exact as possible. Once again, incredible drawing. I like it very much.
Thanks for everything Adi. It's been a pleasure. You should know there's a stray puppy that runs around my neighborhood and I call him Adiomino. (Side question: Adi is my protector. If he loses protector status, will that automatically change on my account, or do I have to specifically choose "abandon protector"? If it remains, can I still donate heat?)
Marksmen 7sc each
[quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1302049336' post='81944'] marksmen x3 - no bid [/quote] Why don't you take a look at the second bid? (Post #3)
Many of you who have met me know that I have been working for quite some time on a design for a garden at the Meeting of the Roads. The design process will continue for some time yet before the first tool is put to the ground and the first seeds are sown. The most important key to a successful garden design is observation of natural processes and human interaction with the existing site. I intend to continue observing the site through a full year before implementation begins. That will likely be sometime around Year 6, between Day 250 and Day 300 (ideally Day 270). After many months of a personal observation and design process, I feel it is the appropriate time to open the process up to the community. This garden will be constructed on No Man's Land and as such it will belong to the entire community. I will actively work to construct, maintain, and grow the garden to provide for my own needs, but the fate of the garden is in the hands of the entire community. Everyone is invited to cultivate some space and I ask that everyone respect the space. I will be working as organizer and design facilitator, and I would like to see a core group of dedicated individuals come together to collaborate on this project. If the forum moderators would please grant a dedicated subforum to the Community Garden, this will the primary area of communication. There are a number of reasons I have chosen the Meeting of the Roads as a garden site. The first is of course, the overlooking of the roads themselves and all the passerby's. It is nice to have visibility of the people and it is nice for the people to see the garden as they go on their way. The other reasons have to do with our endless sunlight and a need for water retention. I see how dry other areas of No Man's Land can be and I think this place will not have that problem. We all know that at the Meeting of the Roads, "Two clouds block one sun's heat". Another important element is the hillside. The garden is being designed on the south face of the hillside overlooking the meeting of the roads. The primary design element is contour gardening. Hillside contour gardening is in my experience the most effective way to catch and store water in the soil, making the subsoils a sponge and allowing the slow penetration of rainwater in the topsoil. All other design ideas can be wrapped around this initial concept. My current vision has a central tree and sitting area, orchard gardens, an open vegetable garden, and an aquaculture pond, among other things. I have some initial sketches that some of you have seen, and there will be many more maps and sketches before we are ready to proceed with implementation. I suspect there will be many ideas that people would like to see in their community garden, and we will have a collaborative process whereby your ideas can be integrated into the final design, even if you choose not to participate in the core Community Garden group. The following areas will be part of the group process of creating the garden (this list is not all-inclusive): Observation of the Meeting of the Roads and the people who pass by Deeper research of the elements of the Meeting of the Roads including the four cubes, the three roads and their destinations, the Dark Slime which stretches across two of the cubes, the tree by the side of the road and other existing vegetation (This will all probably be developed as a knowledge collection) Design process, including base mapping and design mapping, plant lists, consideration of soil amendments, infrastructure, community outreach, etc. Artwork! Gathering of seeds Developing a collection of garden tools Garden construction Growing food and medicine If you want to get involved, post here on the forum and state your intended level of involvement. You can also send me a private message if you would like. If you want to speak in person, I can usually be found at the Meeting of the Roads, and you can also send me a message in-game. Finally, a little spoiler preview. The gathering of seeds will likely involve a series of quests, with a possibility for wishpoint rewards. More details to come as we get closer to that stage. Thanks everyone for your participation. Let's grow!
When I first joined MD, the avatar shop, which I could not access had a beautiful avatar that I wanted very much. Before I could access the shop, my avatar deck was somehow shuffled and I have now spent over 70 credits searching for that avatar with no success. While I very much liked that avatar, I have an idea for my own that would certainly suit me. I am very impressed with your artwork. I considered commissioning my wife's cousin to design an avatar for me for MD, but I think you may be able to draw what I'm looking for. My role is a gardener and poet. The following parameters describe the image: I imagine the avatar is oriented facing the bottom left corner, with his back to the upper right corner. A man with short, but slightly scruffy curly hair and beard He wears an open type robe/cloak, similar to a Jedi robe style, with the hood hanging back below (not on head). Underneath the robe, he wears a simple shirt and pants, with a belt. Nothing raggedy, but nothing ornate. He is either barefoot or wearing sandals. These clothing elements are how I imagine the avatar to be dressed. I recognize that all of these elements may not actually be visible, given the form I describe below. Consider the listed clothing elements a template to work from. The focus of the image is between the man's face and a small seedling sprout in front of him. The man's hand reaches out to cup/caress the small plant. He kneels on one or both knees. He has a simple straight wooden staff, which is either held in the other hand to help prop him up or sits parallel to his orientation on the ground beside him. I know this is a very specific image request, and it is beyond my skill to draw it the way I envision it. Please let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate your help and I will provide payment as requested. Manikens attached. At the moment I'm leaning toward the form on both knees with the ground and the sapling in hand.
Imp - 1 sc
Dream mutation - 3 sc
[s]Any of[/s] [i]All[/i] three Marksman - 5 sc [i]each[/i]
Dunno what is acceptable. I'll start the bidding @ 6sc.
I would also consider trading for creature(s) if you have something special.
I'll offer 7 sc for the BP as well.
I have an age 400 winderwild. I'm not keen to get rid of it, but I will if the price is right. Make an offer.
It turns out it was a popup blocker that I didn't even know about. It is not very visible in Google Chrome (which is actually very nice). I turned off all blocking of popups from magicduel.com and I have since been able to cast locate successfully.
Offering 1 sc for a joker. New, old, token, no token, doesn't matter. If you want to get rid of one, I'm buyin'.
I have 101 age knator I would consider selling. Dunno if that's enough age to max after transfer, but I'll consider an offer if you make one.