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  1. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    To Nimrodel:
  2. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eagle Eye in Quest: Create the DoB Icon   
    My entry
    My drawing:) and im not a good artist. I ask my friend gonzalocsdf continue the artwork
    [spoiler][attachment=4657:dob copy.jpg]    [/spoiler]
    Normal drawing
    The final color
    140x140px, .gif, in or around 3kb http://storenow.net/my/?f=d3db12060acc7044a02719cba9c9a60c This alliance icon is represent to care the nature and to care the leaving and to care the animals. 
  3. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  4. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Miq in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  5. Upvote
    Lania reacted to druzik in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Ok so I'm planning to draw 5 people who were in one particular place at the same time. This is simple sketch how I've imagined it. 
    "Find five individuals and recognize them!"

    This is just a sketch so the actual entries of people will differ a little in posture/clothing/etc.
    And first two entries are : 
    Witty and MaGoHi!
    "Witty is in need of lumber and MaGoHi has dirty thoughts."

    When he told them I've imagined his thoughts like big black, curly hair (like that one of Afro Samurai ) with evil grins inside. Dirty thoughts are portrayed by the Cheshire Cat. Ah, and he holds shovel b'cause he is from the Underground :P
    And Witty's Witty basically ^^ The haircut and umbrella is nod to Kaylee Frye from Firefly who's so cheerful too.
    Cat is only thing digitally enhanced - I wanted it to be distinguished, cause he's my precious ( it is my tattoo, which I have on my left forearm )
    So 3 entries left - I have to go back to drawing ^^ !
  6. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sunfire in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  7. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  8. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Witty in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  9. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sir Blut in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  10. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Jubaris in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Not sure how many of you know or remember her, but this is Eleyne. A woman trapped in the body of a horse and the main thing I remember about her is that she loves to eat paper planes. :)
    I have no idea how the person behind the Eleyne character imagined her (I don't think she ever had an avatar), but this is how I see her. A young and lively girl chasing paper planes...with different contents.
    Also, back there you have a sneaky and hungry Draco, lazily stalking and trying to eat the unaware prey like always. :P
  11. Upvote
    Lania reacted to vladan in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Sooooo, after some time of struggles and indecisions, I've decided to draw Witty :P
    Premise : That's not an evil look, I've just figured you as a brave woman ready to guide newbies and oldies to the right path.
    It's almost summer but I couldn't get nothing out of my mind than a winter look. 
    I hope it's not too sketchy
    Cheeers folk!

  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Witty in Imagination Quest! (WP)   
    Hi! Here's my new quest.
    Main idea: draw (or create in other ways, even cosplay) a character (or many), how you imagine them from the in-game interaction you had with them. The drawing must match a brief description of themselves physically (if there is one available) but you add the spices (aka the details)! 
    *the main focus should be on characters without too many visual references about how they look (aka avatars, comment on self pictures, etc) but that's not mandatory.
    * can be any type of drawing (yes,even stick figure if you know how to add something special to it,digital drawing, etc), can be cosplay, even a sculpture or whatever way of creating an image of one of the characters you can imagine.
    ** it doesn't have to be artistic, it's not an art contest, more like one of imagination --  Please state who you drew in the post! :D
    *** entries will be judged by myself (and 2 more judges) and the rep system on the forum (I will rate each entry from 1 to 10 and each forum rating point means 1 - what's over 10 means 10). I'll make the average between those two
    **** entries will be posted here in the comments
    Final scores:
    Assira the Black 4.75
    Vladan 9.00
    MRWander 3,75
    Lania 7.6
    Druzik 8.8
    Jester 2.8
    Ignnus 2.25
    There were 3 judges + the forum rep system, each person's score was an average between these. Blackshade rider will sponsor extra stuff to the people who aren't top 3 as well. Congratulations!
    First place: WP (blackshade rider) 
    Second place: 1 GC
    Third Place: 2 Mirrorritual stones + Water
  13. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Emotional Connections   
    HOPE  // This is where I put my world design for something I am creating. When I look at it, I am reminded that I could still do something useful and worthwhile yet. It's the only thing holding me together most of the time.

    THANKFULNESS // At one point, I had to give up having a car, as I couldn't afford it. When I got my new job, public transport was not an option as it doesn't go there. My Mum and step dad went out to find a super cheap car that wouldn't die on me, and here I am with this.

    FEAR // When I was a kid, I built a snowman. I imbued it with character. Before the thaw came, I asked my Dad if I should knock it down, or let it melt. He said I should do as I pleased. I knocked it down. Then cried for an hour. If only I had learned my lesson with a snowman. I worry that I won't be able to stop destroying things I love before the thaw comes.

    PRIDE // Quite a while ago now, I took a 50% pay cut to go into a job, ANY job. I couldn't afford my bills even then, and I hated the job. I didn't give up though. It gave me anxiety and panic attacks, I spent my nights wondering what the point in life was, I got yelled at all day and pressured to death... but I didn't give up. Now, I am nearly back to where I was, not quite, but almost, and I'm in a nice job and can afford my bills.

  14. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in Emotional Connections   
    Just how long have you been waiting for that one last sip?...
    Each of us is alone in their own pot of earth... but with no other pots around, who will catch our leaves when they fall?
    When your own face haunts you and grasps at you from each reflection...
    Take a sip. Lie to yourself that it will all pass. Bask in the warm aroma and wish you never have to take that one last sip.
  15. Upvote
    Lania reacted to DarkRaptor in Emotional Connections   

    Unconditional Love forever bounded to my heart.

    The slow burn of a candle is the perfect companion for saudade, (there is no english translation).
    Saudade is also closely tied to a portuguese unique musical style : Fado
    Fado is usually listened at candle light in small events where people sit in small tables of 4 or 6 persons and the singer uses only his own voice followed by the portguese guitar (without any amplification).
    There is also some more "comercial versions" of fado with great success, ex: Mariza

    (Expresso Coffee)
    A escape, pure pleasure in the form of a cup filled with small aromatic sip's.

    (Pocket Clock)
    My life's ambition.. to tame time, make the working a hour last one microsecond and the a second with family and friends last a lifetime.
  16. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in Emotional Connections   
    1) Mysticism or intrigue. A lite lantern can show what is hidden in the darkness, but a lantern that has been blown out leaves one wondering what is there. 
    2)Restlessness. Time always is going by but in the silence and calm, restless emerges. The need to do something
    3) Thrill. Chaos or movement in a direction brings a sense of thrill for me. A single loose or missing screw and a whole thing could come falling apart
    4) Longing. Connections made and expanded upon, means that there is something to lose.

  17. Upvote
    Lania reacted to vladan in Emotional Connections   
    First of all pardon me for my lack of drawing skills.
    I'm not a very active member because of the lack of time tough I decided to participate in this challenge. And I hope I got all the rules right.
    If I did something wrong I'll try to correct :)
    So let's begin.

    My first choice is :
    Simple right? Just a solid round shape. Yet it’s just spinning in my mind day and night, especially when I’m working on the computer. Laser and cable mouses have lost the solidity they had before.
    (Feel like a poet :P )
    Anyway I regret the good old days when your mouse got bugged and you know you could fix it just by cleaning it inside and this special sphere just brings me back to those times.

    Number 2 :
    I have a strange relationship with glasses. Sunglasses : because I tend to loose them.
    Eyeglasses : because they project me in another world…much more harsh than the one I see with my natural eyes.
    There are a lot of assays about glasses and their conveying feelings…I feel like they really have something mystique, from the first time you wear them to the times when you already get used to them. Because you never get used to them. They change as long as you/your sight/face shape/anything else changes.

    Number 3:
    Well this is my towel. I live in a student apartment with 2 boys who really like to invite to our house a bunch of friends at night. The fact is that sometimes they use my towel. So next morning I just visit the bathroom in apprehension of discovering that my towel has been used because I find it in a position I don’t remember have placed it.
    Let’s move on…

    Number 4:
    Chips are my primary temptation. They call me at the supermarket….they whisper to me through street adverts…they chase me in my dreams. It’s relieving when I finally convince myself to buy another pack J
    Ps: that creepy red thing on its head is ketchup...
  18. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Eagle Eye   
    Happy birthday! ^_^
  19. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Rophs in Happy Birthday Eagle Eye   
    Happy birthday! ^_^
  20. Upvote
    Lania reacted to vladan in Citizen Application   
    Oh, dear Juni0r, let me see,
    here's your request : 

    I hadn't enough quantity of sticky goop so I used common adhesive tape....
    And indeed I printed more copies so you're sure not to lose a word of it.

    Thank you so much Nadrolski! 
    I actually prefer tea, it has more aroma, adds a mysterious and ancient atmosphere and is perfect with "above mentioned" cookies :P
  21. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Eagle Eye   
    Happy Birthday to me, Thank you;)
  22. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Aeoshattr in Selling Windy   
    7 GC.
  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Emotional Connections   
    Just my 2 cents: drawing/essay quests in MD should be longer than 1 week. In MD time runs slower than anywhere. It is better if you would allow at least 2 week-ends for people to have time to submit something seeing that all of us have jobs/school, we need to eat, sleep, breath.
    Also maybe a little advertisement in Mood Panel will remind people of the quest cause personally I have forgotten about it and I really wanted to submit something.
  24. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Nimrodel in Positives over negatives!   
    Ah, why the hell not? I need to turn my karma around anyway. :D
    Compliments and something:
    Syrian - I like the way you role-play and I don't think I met anyone better at pickle management than you;
    Lintara - You are so positive and plain kind all the time that I always saw you like one of those rare blessings;
    Dst - Seriously, woman. Thank you for the books. Whenever I have time, I devour them and oddly enough they keep me sane;
    Sunfire -  I always enjoyed our talks. Great skill in keeping up with the topic and bringing different perspective;
    Eara - Thank you for showing me such great friendship and bringing me back to reality and slapping wild and wide smiles to my face;
    Aeoshattr - Great humor and manners. Honestly, thank you for the laughs and teaching me more diplomacy than I already knew;
    Asthir - Great stalking skills. You use well every method I taught you. :D Also,everybody beware! He is a horrible competitor in quests if he has the proper time to participate. (yes, this is a compliment);
    Nimrodel - Very creative. You had some of the most enjoyable quests and you are very funny no matter if tired or well rested;
    Ary and his Endleg - Has a great mind pattern and can adapt to probably any type of situation or subject. You go, Ary!
    I'll probably add more as my memory starts to poke me again. 
  25. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Positives over negatives!   
    Ah, why the hell not? I need to turn my karma around anyway. :D
    Compliments and something:
    Syrian - I like the way you role-play and I don't think I met anyone better at pickle management than you;
    Lintara - You are so positive and plain kind all the time that I always saw you like one of those rare blessings;
    Dst - Seriously, woman. Thank you for the books. Whenever I have time, I devour them and oddly enough they keep me sane;
    Sunfire -  I always enjoyed our talks. Great skill in keeping up with the topic and bringing different perspective;
    Eara - Thank you for showing me such great friendship and bringing me back to reality and slapping wild and wide smiles to my face;
    Aeoshattr - Great humor and manners. Honestly, thank you for the laughs and teaching me more diplomacy than I already knew;
    Asthir - Great stalking skills. You use well every method I taught you. :D Also,everybody beware! He is a horrible competitor in quests if he has the proper time to participate. (yes, this is a compliment);
    Nimrodel - Very creative. You had some of the most enjoyable quests and you are very funny no matter if tired or well rested;
    Ary and his Endleg - Has a great mind pattern and can adapt to probably any type of situation or subject. You go, Ary!
    I'll probably add more as my memory starts to poke me again. 
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