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Posts posted by ignnus

  1. It's been fun, it's been exciting. but i realize my life has different interests and purposes now. 

    normally you know me, i'd just leave, but it seems really horible behavor even for me.

    what could have been.. well i actually never do what i didn't planned, so even this was overtime..

    i just wanted to give some benefits back, instead of leaving it like desolate desert.. maybe its consolation that that is what next generation intends to do to the world..and its not specific to md.


    that's it, bye (probably not meeting again..;)

  2. Hello, i think there may have been some misunderstanding or miscommunication here about what i'm talking about: an example: an extreme version so i won't explain it: direct quote (from me): sorry for typos, tired.

      accelerating power-energy 
     - noticed difference between reaping and
     - and my blade, and night and day as it was
     - this happens, high-est node ofc so important

    okay since it sounds like nonsense.. reaping refers to final/meteor scene from reaping(2007) movie. Blade refers to a flying mower lawn blade. I won't explain. you will need to think for yourself. Been a while so read the first one in case you are wondering what? Nice to see MD lively.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Chewett said:

    Hi Ignnus, what do you refer to? I haven't seen anything where you talked about this.

    I hope you are well!

    Hi, what ever you say Chewett, i don't think i remember either:). BTW could you kindly delete my above post? Thanks.


    E: there's no document here/around, except in my workspace-whatever. You can if you wish move this to, offtopic or what not such. Since i realize its inappropriate as there isn't a doc.

  4. 14 hours ago, Mallos said:

    Hello ignnus, what is to stop me from offering this same information or in other words, what is the reason people will want to specifically come to you for this information?

    Because i don't want to share it, from the depths of my heart and fibers of my mind its the honest truth. 

    What's to stop you? Probably nothing, to stop Mur? I know he probably will/won't. In the years you learn things.


    E2: if this bothers you, consider this as me just logging my success/progress online.

    e3: merged the posts, in order


    f you're saying i'm bluffing, i'm not, or at least i believe i'm not. Excuse me i've forget what i was also gonna say. So, a bit busy, so


      if its some kind of hint at humanity's common heritage or some such, i'm not the person for this. As many aren't. Unlike those however i'm more neutral to humanity, with least intervening as possible instead of malice.

  5. Hello,

    since my shade knowledge went uninterested (people etc, excuse me i'm busy so). If you are interested in anyway. Show me the riches.I won't be posting anything here. Particularly interested if Mur and similar people are interested. I can explain everything i'm saying once a deal is made. I can accept a new alliance as reward (of which i can reward to smo, don't have time to play that much). Not after treasure.

    If that is too much there are other stuff too, avatars etc, many.


    End of Flame (path).

    End of Darkness path

    Knowledge on Time principle (you'll never get this)

    Knowledge on Shades.


    This isn't roleplaying. Its more of a philosophic bla bla


    I'm only doing this because i feel bad of sorts and not blocking access to (my) knowledge.


    Nice day.




    On 3/18/2021 at 3:38 AM, Steno said:

    Is the language that you use to describe the world around you dependent on how you view the world around you

        Is it? I sort of want to stop there. Let's see. Of course, i'd say 85 percent in some way, unless you are chosen as a prophet. However, language as a pure construct is possible too (breaking worlds/words?). Nice question. I don't want to add stuff here, thank you for reference, i didn't read it.

    On 3/18/2021 at 3:38 AM, Steno said:

    is it some weird half causational/correlational mix of the two?

     Unless i understood everything wrongly... i'd say yes. Although i don't like where it takes the discussion. Is it some unknown magic? I won't be lazy and look at my notes (i was gonna), wait..

    " like saying its too late, is like don't forget me is like" i sound confused..sorry. This was meant as this :

      saying 'too late', as in saying 'don't forget me', similar to acting on your intuition that would help you,  a bit too lazily and late. As in loss of meaning via (your) proposed upper limit of language capability. For example, When you are 'too late', is it? or did you just made it?

    I've no idea what i've said. I tried to not have fun but wha' do you know. 

    On 3/18/2021 at 3:38 AM, Steno said:

    if you were to change the color scheme of MD to another group 3-5 colors (the yellow, black, brown, orange, and red we normally see), what set of 3-5 colors would you change it to? What reasons would you give for selecting those colors.

    Honestly i don't know what to say? I'm not a fire maniac that i once was. So It could be whitey-with a very slight pinkey - or yellow, whatever would cause a nice tint on that shadowed white. How about some super cold weather for a change?(themes-meh). Cold is so underrated. I should say, i'm horrible at drawing, always been.

    On 3/18/2021 at 3:38 AM, Steno said:

    Is it ever possible that your MD self knows things about the world (or you) that the real life you doesn’t know and what might those be?

    I looked it up a bit to get a sense.Thanks. Trust and communication is nice, and i'm not just saying, however oversimplification in understanding (humans) ought to end badly.

    Nice question, of course, this was the whole point for me. There are extreme levels to knowledge that are available to humans by nature, and many more that aren't. But see it isn't without problems, like  nonsense, can also make nonsense-sical structures. Although in general there can be a positive effect/flow whatever. Although, when you say know, it seems like sub-consciousness question which is i guess interesting, let me see. Or make believe imagination stuff, if so, of course. Wow you have horrible questions.. (not).  Here, i have many but :

    ' if you don't end your thoughts, they don't end or begin necessarily when your mind
    focus is not there'

    Today is saturday, so i should judge..while i'm here.


    STENO ........  2nd place, questions are energetic and clever  (1 gold)

    Duskwish ......... 1st place, epic/romantic (2 golds)

    Bashaw Steel ........ 3rd place, most my kind of thinking-mind, aka mind mesh-paste (err was it 5 silv)

    Bonus: Steno 3 silvers, Pipsticks 2 silvers. 

    There you go, i'd very much appreciate if there some treasure keepers around that can contact me. If not, i'll send rewards next week or so. (i seriously don't have time- but you'll get it). 

    Thanks to all participants. I may repeat the quest later. Have a nice weekend whatever.

  7. On 3/18/2021 at 3:38 AM, Steno said:

    are these the kinds of questions you are looking for?

    Not especially, nor they aren't.

    Thank you Steno for interesting questions, i have answers too. However wait a bit, i'll do it later/tonight since i'm very busy right now. Also didn't read the third one, seems a bit more heavy, which is better, ie a reward.

    Rewards, sorry, i said 21th however simply there wasn't enough questions. So i'll most possibly make it by this sunday. My main problem is to find the itc's for rewards among all this new interface i almost know nothing of. I'll send those via pm at forum after i declare winners. #allingoodtime ;)


  8. Thanks for making me go-think about stuff. Like training on your own, it gets boring or useless otherwise. Rewards and results should be about around 3 weeks, lets say the other sunday-21th-ish for more questions. Keep in mind i may not answer or i may pick interesting questions if there's too many. I'll also try to add some bonus rewards to keep it more interesting-maybe. 

    *Forgot to add, i don't care what the content of questions and answers. AT ALL. This is very important to me, and for participants to understand. So i'm not berating anyone when i say this is bla bla. I'm just thinking about that question as if it belongs to a neutral space of informative bla bla.

  9. On 3/5/2021 at 5:12 AM, Duskwish said:

    What is the true nature of roleplay items?

        Great, question. Since ALSO its interesting i'll try to answer.

    I can't say much about 'Roleplay' items  specifically. Cause i never really though that much about roleplay aspect, and this requires multiple clusters to answer at once. I don't like this (since its technically a/one question- that i don't have one answer), it could be (roleplay aspect) about something similar to, how we see the world from the moment we are born, like starting a story (or rpg), its not only a fresh start, it also defines the time (manages it to a degree). Etc..

    Points for MD related question.

    For the items themselves-any items in general, rather objects like, i have two thoughts:

           - Items are possible curse fighter, repeller(s).

           - Items are as fake formed(formation) things.



    On 3/5/2021 at 11:08 AM, Pipstickz said:

    How do you train your intuition?

    What is the shape of your perception?


    How do you train your intuition? 

          This is an unfortunate question Pip.

    How do you train your intuition? is the answer.

    Although points for raw talent and subject.


    What is the shape of your perception?

     Err, again, the question structure.... And this reminds me of a song, its early i can't remember.  

    I'm being a snob here but i can't be unfair. If you want to learn about perception you could ask what is the shape of one's perception, or what is the shape of (the) perception, technically...Sorry pip

    Although with respect and relation to first one, (for the second one), i can answer in some way somewhat.

    Intuition-perception, are both deep subjects, especially intuition, also is a sad subject in a way. Perception is somewhat easier, but again, i can't give long real answers like i did with Duskwish's, since your question style are wrong for it as i explained.

       Processing of information is (a) universe undefeated


       Only a strained mind (may) choose symmettry. 


    7 hours ago, Bashaw Steel said:

    Are the same person as the one who writes your stories?

    Points for not using 'you'. So i'll answer anyway both questions. 3 questions. Also interesting, thanks.

          + : yes, not really sure who else it could be and why.

          + by sentence structure, this is not a great one for ME to answer, since i'm literally a bit sloow and stupid when its riddle time and practicality time. I'll mumble as best i can regardless.

             : Is the same person, - there is a person-, same- of what?, as the one- who?-same or anyone else?, the one who writes your stories?- i'm just gonna ignore your(my) stories and think in general-ehmm, one?- who is one here exactly?-a higher power? or default unit (person) in general.. So there is 3 people here who can be anyone (told you i'm stupid)...Stories...hmmm. Life stories?-of these people? Are they the same? I think a liberal person, or a french person should really answer this question. I'm horrible at this, by nature and environment. They could say something like : "hashtag #stories am i right?" ...lol

          + methaphorically or technically, "do we write our own stories"            to more technical stuff.. Much easier to answer..

             : it is recursive without the linearity. But also, our vessels, are defining many rules-answer is in/by many distributed clusters Do we write our own stories as in, do we write our own destiny? Answer is yes!!!!!! this is actually huge, i guarantee you its yes. (however, this is also THE end question, tsk tsk tsk). Funny enough, both answers lead to same place, technically or destiny wise. YES






  10. Hello all, I don't have much time to explain everything nicely. Lately my mind has been bending from amount of learning and research available to me, so i'd much welcome your interesting questions about the universe..

     If you are sort of  a lazy person or not, this is the (seemingly) perfect quest for you to participate.

    Ask me 1 to 3 questions here on this post. If i like any of them i'll reward 1 silver. I'll also pick 3 winners who will win 2 golds 1 gold and 1/2 gold(silver equivalent) respectively. Not more than 3 per person, or at best i'll ignore the rest.

    please , 

        + no personal questions, this isn't a truth or dare game, ignore the title.

        + no illiterate or 3000 pages articles. It can be in another language, as long as it can be translated somewhat


       + no overly technical speciallization stuff i have no idea and, this isn't the Wikipeadia. Or weird vodoo systems.

       + i much rather prefer cool stuff like syntrophic dust or smt, even if its a bit illogical

       + i'm not looking for snippets(like quotes) or "goodies", although they are welcome, humor too is welcome

       + A fine example would be:

            * What is the world? (too general but fine) - Answer: This is a world

            * What is 1+1 ? (well..not really learning anything)

           * I'm bored, is this normal? (well i'm too so..)

          * Does the emotion, rage, stack naturally? (great!) = win, however non MD related so


    EDit: Also, here's a song, since i'm traditionally a music person.  No i'm not russian.




    Trick here, i might think, is the right questions, as the title says. However there can't really be wrong questions as well..

    I'm not planning to necessarily try more than necessary to answer anything at all, i just want the questions.

    I'm a bit of a rough person as you might know, but don't underestimate my intuitive vision..that may benefit you/

    And despite the title everyone is welcome to ask questions. Mur as well..

    That's about it, i'm sure i forgot a ton of things. (i always do).. *goes to re-re-order some spell papers*

    edit-Forgot to add:  NO Fang Arch-bane!, Although i appreciate the amount the annoyance some people of MD can make sometimes.

  11. Couldn't read the rest (too long) but i'm forever grateful Mur. Cause:

    "Over the years, in MD, many people learned things that eventually changed their life."

    if someone (from my friends) want some of that learnings, i'm happy to share. Best do it as question format. (you know about rules and laws). When i've time to check pm s, i'll enlighten ;) you.

  12. Chapter 31 - Yellow Eyes



    Mwahahahaha ... 

    Angelina stood up, her yellow eyes having regained their lustre. The Earth has started crackling and the dissolution had stopped. Angelina raised her head and looked at Sillarvr. The scene of the king's bloody head and her father's laughing was still fresh on her mind. The world has stopped and all the sound had seemed to ceased to exist for Angelina.  Her expression was of a fresh one than her usual look too. As if the fury was leaking from her usually calm eyes, so much  so it was even surprising to herself. She muttered: "Villain, i'll fight you."

    Sillarvr was picking her teeth with a mocking expression on her face. Tsk tsk tsk, all the beatings i've delivered over the centuries, you never learn, do you? You know you can't beat me. However, she suddenly noticed Angelina dissappearing from her sight. The yellow eyed statue was holding Sillary's neck, trying to crush it to dust. Sillarvr tried to speak, then clawed at her neck to make her stop to no avail. Sillarvr was angry now. She delievered one of her signature attacks with her body, to free herself from Angelina's grip. Angelina seemed to renew her grip on Sillarvr's neck with an otherworldy focus.

    Sillarvr screamed like a banshee, trying to fight. Angelina didn't mind at all. She was raining punches on Sillarvr's  face now, as if to avenge a long overdue insult she was taking her frustration on Silarvr.  However, Sillarvr has managed to fight back and they were tangled up in the air, spinning and summersaulting towards the ground. Angelina grabbed Sillarvr's arm firmly then slammed and smashed her to the ground when they were close and were about to land. Sillarvr was so pissed she was laughing now. "Come here, i'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget."

    Sillarvr had drawn her sword and charged at the enemy. She slashed horizontally and almost took the upper half of the statue off. However, Angelina's focus was on somewhere else. She was looking at one of the doors. "Hey, loser, where are you looking at?" Sillarvr turned her head. The red door was open now. Angelina smiled, she said: "lucky." Sillarvr  was caught unawares when yellow eyed statue grabbed her. Angelina flew to the red door while holding on to Sillarvr firmly and together they travelled towards the other side of the door.


    Chapter 32 - Death of Sillarvr &

    Chapter 33-  Livingfire

    are already up at my blog from 29 to 33 where i'll resume publishing the chapter at from now on. Hopefully then, the flooding of MD forum's activity page by this topic will be reduced since this is very distressing to me and MD shoud get back to its regular pace and  regain its uninterrupted natural flow since this is also very distressing to me, even thought the latter is not really my fault. Anyway, THANKS and all, i COULD NEVER EVEN start without you (MD people) but now i think i got the gist of an experience of stiching together a story, all thanks to you. Previous chapters will also eventually be up at the blog. (not sure when, i'll get to it sometime). I'm not giving the adress since "enough self advertising" from me. If you can find it and want to read more, or have ANY FEEDBACK AND/OR QUESTIONS, feel free to pm me.

    Also, for the explanation of the "abrupt" change, i believe there is not much to say now, for me. Believe me i get it, at least to some degree i try to. However i do not care. Not really.

    I was going to hide the rest of the story at either Necro forum or the knowledge documents anyway starting at somewhere near 40th chapters so it'd not be immedeately accessable to public and was kinda hidden in plain sight. On second thought, a blog of my own is a better match for this purpose. The name of the book will be either Livingfire or "something with statues" . Since i have less motivation now, the chapters should roll slower but steadier. And you know, online-live, under the sight of all kind of writing has motivation wise its advantages and some pretty horrible/revolting disadvantages. Thanks again for your help, (MDwise i should get back to my retired status if you were wondering) and cheers.

  13. Chapter 30 - Bells 


    "Where are you looking you pipsqueak?  I'm here. I can' believe i have a sister like this. What a scandal." 

    You! Sillarvr turned to look at the yellow-eyed statue. Here I thought Vanka was back. So you worm've crawled your way to
    this place too. All so predictable... and weak.

    "If Vanka was here she'd probably turn rotten like you. If she was back she could only do it with the power she had bargained for, a power that wasn't hers."

    "Did you make your way here to gang up on me? Too bad. You've fallen into a trap instead. I've killed Vanka. I'll finish
    you too. Two birds with one stone. Wait, you are probably thinking, she is injured so it's my chance, right?"

    Yellow-eyed statue frowned. She kept a straight face. On the other hand, this was totally what she was thinking.

    "Let me give you a lesson, my dear sister. That you'd never forget. Unless you're dead, which of course you can be said
    already are."

    Sillarvr unleashed the forces of void on the haplessx statue once again. This time however, she wasn't playing around. All
    the energies in this place have started to flow towards the statue who was also at a disadvantage due the statue's
    limited nature of magic. The yellow-statue now understood why Vanka was so easily defeated. As much as she was unable to meld with the statue thus being unable to bring out its power, she was also without memories. The days of living at frosty town as civilian had totally changed her. Well, in terms of reforming, this wasn't anything bad. But she needed time to adjust so she was no longer a rookie. While yellow-eyes was looking for Vanka, she had already assaulted the city, stupid and reckless but fearless.

    "All of you little sculptures are nothing.  Take this. Sillarvr hurled and unleashed unbelievable amounts of dangerous magic on the now corroding statue. She was dissolving at a faster pace, getting drowned by the darkness. "Haahahahahah" Sillarvr's demonic voice echoed, shaking the earth. Yellow-eyed statue had fallen backwards while Silarvr was laughing her voice now of a monster.


    "Angelina, what are you doing here? Did you steal your grandfather's jewelry again?" 
    "What, no Mom. I swear I'm not a thief."
    The middle-aged woman with heavy make up was standing next to an expensive chair in a richly decorated saloon. The
    jewelry has gone missing again, i know the servants are innocent so you see, you are a liar and a thief."
    Angelina thought to say she wasn't then decided better of it, she was also trying not to cry since the punishment would
    double or worse then. This was the usual routine at the noble mansion of her father, the king's advisor. On day her mother
    would orchestrate some kind of events, then she would get punished at night time by her father on the account of the said
    crime. If she decided to stay away entire day outside the house, she would get locked out of the house for days. Usually
    she would get insulted to oblivion every day and then beat at least one time a week. Her father was also a minister and
    the household would regulary have social gatherings, usually with other nobles and/or officials of the city. For these
    gatherings she would be groomed and presented in a proper manner, and was expected to abide by rules of etiquette
    at all times. Her father would usually keep his blows to the body meaning they could be hidden with sleeves and clothes
    at times when it's called for. She was fed a very nutritious diet for her parents knew that she would turn ghastly and unsightly from the relentless violence creating question marks. She had some friends at the school, however she was too embarassed to ask for help. 
    She was for the sake of appearances allowed to attend the school. However this freedom and a chance of happiness upset her parents. Even if she was to ask for help, her father was too high up on the noble hierarchy and known to be an honorable and righteous man. So even if someone knew, they would have to ignore. Not that this wasn't so difficult. And like this, she was stuck in a cycle of slow torture ever since she can remember.

    She was really a fan of the king. She saw him once and it made her so happy. He had a natural smile of someone free
    of conscience. She could distinguish the people now somehow perhaps as an instict of defense. She believed in the king and wanted to be like him when she grew up. These days thankfully her father has gotten another commendation and promoted so he wasn't around the house. Her mother was also busy with who knows what. So she had gotten some time to roam around the city, and her mind was gaining some kind of normalcy and regeneration. The city was really rich and the citizens happy. The  king made it so. There was a golden luminascence flowing through the streets. The carts were busy and the markets crowded, children was playing in the street and soldiers were making sure there were no chaos.

    She had just turned left upon the main street when she saw a  hooded man walking towards her. When they got close, she
    recognized it was the king himself! King, errr my lord. I know you are the king. 
    The man kept walking ignoring her. Please help me she shouted, you are the only one who can help me. I'm the most unhappy
    person in this city. Aren't you the king? The man stopped and turned around. Don't i know you from somewhere.
    My father is the advisor to court. And he is a noble.Ah i remember, little Angelina. The king had a very sympathetic expression now. Could you help me? Angelina said. The king frowned. I can't. Why not. You are the best person i've ever known. You may not believe me but i'm your biggest fan. I wanna be like you when i grow up. The king shaked his head. I know about you but i can't help you. It's because i'm the king. My job is to make sure the city is safe and the trade is flowing. To provide safe spaces. So that you, the citizens can help themselves. It may seem illogical but i cannot intervene directly. Since if i did i'd have stopped you from saving yourself. It may help you now but you'd resent me later and it is the wrong thing to do. How can that be? Since you are the one saying it i shall believe you.


    The bells were ringing and the carriages were speeding through the street. Angelina had a very bad feeling. She run towards  the main courtyard of the palace. When she got there she had observed the sight of her father lifting up king's severed head.
    He was laughing. Gahahahaha. The voice had turned to a lower frequency echoing and shaking the floor.


    : I'm trying a different style of writing in terms of time management. Let's see if this pans out.

  14. Chapter 29 - Sillarvr vs Vanka



    "It's time for Sillaraaaaaaayyyyy", the woman screamed savagely as if she was a banshee. The glass ceiling had finally came down and off well, at least in a sense. Vanka and Sillary faced off each other at the time-space plane. The magic dimension was surrounded by energy formations. Upon further inspection, there were 6 doors, 2 of which were radiating distinct colors and others were closed. Vanka was standing on the opposite of the crazed Sillary.  "You really have done it this time, i'm angry now"Sillary screamed. .Vanka seemed unfazed though if she was surprised by Sillarvr's angry madness she didn't seem to show it.
    "Do you not fear the wrath of heavens? Neforious evil magic has its consequences with regards to the overall balance of the world." Sillaray grinned like a crow. "If you are so righteous, why fear the void?" Sillarvr said. [this sentence in quotes is totally stolen cause i like it so much, it'll get changed, cough]. Sillarvar was gaining more power by the second. The magi of the place was slowly corroding the outer shell of the statue. The stone was dissolving upwards the air. Sillary started to
    shout lelele [warcry:-)], she was going to attack.

    The fight was not going too well for either side. Vanka has cracked a few of Sillary's bones, her body was caving in and was damaged otherwise. While Sillary's sword was stuck in stone in an horizantal way. The longer they traded punches and kicks, the more damage Vanka suffered. A well executed counter attack has made Sillarvr regain her senses somewhat to realize she was at a disadvantage at melee range. Sillarvr has dodged then slided backwards, affording combatants the time needed to rest for a while. 
    Vanka realized fighting Sillarvr was not a wise move. However she was arrogant and so was tricked and as disadvantageous as her condition was, she didn't fear this maniac, Sillarvr who had regained calm. She was chanting some spells to devastating effect. Luckily, the statue's were built to stand against this kind of attack. Vanka had lifted her arms in protection against the
    assault of magical wave, her vision obscured. Sillarvr, as soon as she'd stopped chanting immediately conjured a dual armament; hammer and a sycthe[insertpolkamusic] that were made of energy.  When Vanka's vision cleared and the magic gone, so was Sillarvr. There wasn't any time to think, Sillarvr swung the sycthe then brought down the hammer on Vanka. The stone shell had risen above and the ghost Vanka with all the parts of statue that were corroding had been swept towards the orange door, disappearing to where they've come from. Sillarvr was unsurprised. She seemed reflective having thoughts of nostalgia. She looked towards the green door, thinking who knows what, for a while. She thought it was a bit weird that the orange door was not closed. Was it because the statue was re-forged before its time and also died before its time? Problems, problems... She should have won. But again, the fates were against her. She was starting to get really angry again. She thought about the cruelty and vengeance she would unleash upon this world and its denizens. Just as she was starting to daydream about it, she heard a muffled voice. Didn't think it would be so easy do you? Sillarvr was horrified. It was not possible but she turned and looked at the orange door anyway. .. 



  15. Chapter 28 - The sacrifice of 



    The storm was battering everything, the air rumbled. A world of mild weather couldn't justify the general consensus of hefty logic. Lightning boomed causing various fires. The soundwave would case devastation on the denizens midwest lands,
     people and animals were hovering in the sky. And for some the shocking was quite literal.
     Materials were flying from the structures, including people. This was an epic use  of magical energy. A monster or somesuch has roared from below the forest shaking  the ground. The air was getting turbulent and sectioned in a dangerous way. 
     Sillarvr was on a boat trip to the north. The peaceful atmosphere and serene waters of the north sea and tea she was sipping were calming her nerves. She was paddling the boat like a duck, laughing at her own awesome joke like state. She was in an awesome mood now. She could see a distant storm towards the south. She paddled faster away from
     the storm. No more yellow eyes, no more orange eyes, no more red eyes and now green eyes and what else. Everyone thought she would stand and fight for she was  mighty and all. Are you crazy? Were she insane. They would destroy her, not even
     the dusts would remain. She slipped away under the cover of the storm while no one  was looking. City? Meh. And worse of it, it would be a fair fight. Yeah right.
     Vanka was in the throne room. Where is that Sillarvr? This smells like a trap. She was  ready for any sudden attacks and ambushes. There was nothing. Did she win? Could  this be so easy? Maybe it was. Maybe she was so powerful that she could just roll over  the warlord queen, so she ran away? It all made sense to her and her soldiers. She thought of
     happy days ahead. She would be the leader of all now. She sat upon her throne. However  she was cautious of some sort of trick still. Suddenly she realized this was some sort of  mirror spell, she was about to switch places with someone, most likely the evil hag. And then she would go ahead and slaughter her soldiers. She just had to have the right timing.
    She waited for the pull and just as they were switching places in the space time continuum she grabbed on the Sillarvr, thinking of forever getting buried with just the two of them.

    "Let me go you statue of mongoose."

    "I don't think so, Sillarvr. While i keep you here. Others would take care of your evil kingdom. I'm the lady of the dawn, don't underestimate me."

    "Sillarvr tried some space time magic but she would materialize back to where she was back to Vanka's hug, no matter how she tried, and the time was running out for the mirror spell. If she would really get stuck here, this would be a disaster. She started to panic." 


    Hmm, short one. I'm running out of ideas, hence the long descriptions of nature.

  16. Warning! Some violence and what not.

    Chapter 27 - A sad farewell



    Noble remnants were waging an uphill battle repairing the castle and the moat, if you could call it that. You see,
    for moats of feudal times usually the water would surround the castle and now it was the earth that was protecting the
    castle against the dark which was now besieging the isle. It was inadvertently named slums or sea of slums. Even
    when in a tough spot, nobles seemingly could boast condescension and superiority. For some time they have constructed
    buildings accordingly to former likeliness of noble mansions at frosty the town yet the quality of constructions were
    eerily unsound. Neither the time they could afford to spend nor the resources were enough for renewing the building designs.
    And so instead they've built up a large castle that would shelter every noble.

    Actually, these people weren't nobles of much anything now, except perhaps endless surrounding darkness.
    Discussions on the nature of their situation could wait however since food and everything else were running low
    with no way of restocking. Some thought the slums was in theory an ocean which conseqently would have sea creatures.
    Turned out they were kind of right, however the animals and fauna was admix with darkness. Everything was so in fact,
    even the visage of the castle would get distorted every once in a while, for a time at least. Althought the darkness 
    weren't able to transform the raw calisite vein running below the castle and constituted a section of the
    the armory to the kitchen and cellar and on overall was significanly merged with the building. 

    Noble council were arguing the situation in the courtroom..

    "What then? We rub the chicken to the stone? How do you propose we turn the useless mud to something free of poison?

    "There is no need for that tone, we are all tired. This past year has been hell and more."

    "You are right, i'm sorry. There is still the problem of food though." Noble looked at the stone and the carcass.

    "Hmm, maybe catch them alive? Then put those in cages?"

    "Another noble shouted: "You are indeed a genius. I'm so impressed...NOT. You think you are smart and all you came
    up was that? Are you sure the darkness didn't scramble your wits?"

    "Another noble seemingly unfased by the insult were in thought. He said: "i have some ideas yet nothing conclusive,
    assuming no one else has neither, i may speak mage Adelaide to further contemplate the situation."

    "Session concluded..." ([what do these people say when a case is over)]


    Lord Lonbarr, what is this you wished to speak to me about?

    "Well, Adelaide, ever since the first i saw this element, i've been thinking of possibilites. I just wanted to
    run it by you."

    Adelaide nodded, "shall we walk to the courtyard then milord Barr?"

    "Now that our demise is imminent, we have to find new sources of food and water. And of course everyone thinks our
    situation is impossible. Do you have any ideas?"

    "I've tried some tests on the calisite, while i can definitely say it has magical properties, there is nothing conclusive
    or useful in short term with regards to our food and water problems. But i can say the calisite is all that [prevents] the
    sea to swallow up the land."

    "Ah, you see, that's what i was thinking. Our journey to the north and survival was so unlikely and yet we did. What
    would you call this Adelaide?"

    "Well, i see what you are getting at. But couldn't this all was a coincidence? We mages are thought to rationalize and
    not to believe in supersition."

    "Of course, though i find that this is unlikely. What you have said earlier about calisite, this means that the slums
    or the darkness is trying to find a way to destroy us."

    "Adelaide looked bored.. And?"

    "And what if it's not trying to destroy us and trying to usurp the price."

    "I don't understand at all, could you explain further?"

    "Think about it, how did this dark ocean formed in the first place. I may not be a mage but i have some education. 
    The theory tells us usually in order to make huge disasters or changes in natures you have to provide the cost or the

    "That is indeed so. The law is actually very basic. What's that got to do with anything."

    "Well, who and what and in what form the requirements were for this kind of ecosystem to exist? "

    "What indeed? Well, i guess everyone was focusing on the phenomenon and not thinking about something so fundamental. Still,
    what of it?"

    "I wasn't either, that's why i wanted to talk to you. I can sense there is some kind of mystery surrounding calisite 
    for some time now."

    "Adelaide looked skeptical, well that's the problem with science. Sometimes there are dead ends despite our efforts."

    "Yes, of course. Dead ends you say. Lonbarr was in thought for some time. Adelaide refrained from disturbing him."

    Suddenly there was a spark of light in Lonbar's eyes. "Then.. the price, what if there were no price? "

    "The law is undisputable milord"

    "Yes, exactly ! The sea is trying to get away without paying the toll of change. That's why its so dead. If it can
    end any opposition there isn't a price to pay to anyone you see?"

    "Hmm, i kinda get what you are saying but, i can't make the connection. How is that related to our supply problem."

    "No no, just narrow your scope to follow the direction of my thought for now. What happens if what i say is true and
    the calisite blocks the sea from its balanced sleep or rest state?"

    "Let me tell you..." Just as the noble were trying to explain his theory the color of surrounding sea has completely turned to
    yellow light color, and the entire world was illuminated. Lonbar's voice shriveled  "The energy is extracted in purest

    "Adelaide was shocked, her jaw was dropped and her eyes almost bulged out of her eye sockets. The entire sea had turned
    to opposite of what it was, and the chicken carcass they were holding had transformed to normal. She understood what was
    going on now that she saw it. However, she frowned and then her expression had changed. And then what happens to the
    person who starts the change? " She thought.

    "Lonbarr's smile was frozen in his face since he understood the problem now too. No... He said. 

    "Mrs. Tsark, i'm sorry."

    Lonbar's arms has twisted backwards and his neck crunched in unnatural angles. His limbs has extended in random
    directions and then crushed by stones and shards of emeralds that seem to be appearing out of air. He was now pulled
    to the up antre of castle courtyard. He had turned into a statue however he seemed to be glued to the castle wall looking
    towards the mage. His posture were of a normal person but the exterior was of stone and gems.

    "Adelaide was in shock. What a funny idiot and unlikely situation HAHAHA."

    The statue seemed to hear the insult and tried to move one of his arms. To her shock he had managed to seperate his
    arm from the wall and the arm seemed to be in working shape, however after some time the limb was snapped back to 
    its original place. The dark and the light switched places again.


    Gibberish Rant about Hollywood:
    I saw Joker on the theater yesterday. I can't recommend it enough. I was ready to get extremely dissapointed 
    and curse Holywood's seven generation of family again or just plain out leave in the middle. Duh its River Phoenix from
    'Her; and you know Holywood (soul mafia of +2000s). It left me hot and cold (that's a good thing in this case). It
    seems Holywood decided between what they were doing and survival, it was better to stop pandering to u-know-whos and
    trying to just roll over one group of folks instead of bringing people together. I can't wait to see more ambitious
    movies (i wanna see masterpieces (at least in ambition)) without politics and less and less exporting(i'm sad to say injecting) of trademark strongarming(strangleholding) and in European case pessimism. Now, i never believed people can change
    (nor they should) but maybe organizations can. When i pay for a movie i don't wanna add insult to injury,ie i'm being
    brainwashed by an extremely bitter person with a good solid education or what ever. I wanna enjoy the movie etcc... 
    so does everyone else. Anyway movie was super and i'm darn inspired thus sparked another chapter. Here ye go.


  17. :Warning: Graphic Violence and rough language!!

    Chapter 26 - Triathlon



    Midwest sloughs weren't so simple. No, 'The world was a complex place' sometimes.


    There was a putrefied road that went from city to the south. Perhaps deceptively, old curse and unseemly savagery was suppressed near the civilization, through the roads of midwest provided a breathing space to un-natural prattled will of Sillarvar, our freedom that makes us human was blocked in order to justify otherwise wretchedness with where the sovereignty were only doubted and worse. Perfection.

    Opiopth grumbled. Those filthy beggars are late on their 'taxes'. He chugged a keg of ghost beer. He had sent some of his soldiers on a run to harass travelers and lone adventurers. He carefully warned the group against the consequences
    of turning up empty handed or drawing out unnecessary trouble. So he couldn't wait for the results. Would it be an exquisite relic that was 'acquired' or a hot desperate woman? Life was good.


    Sillarvr has sat upon her throne. She was deep in thought. All these factions, all these so called deities. They didn't
    know anything that's worth a dime at all. She had to win so she would, what ever the price was. She was the one who upheld justice, and made the safest city ever. People were complaining, she was unfair bla bla. They always would, she reckoned. "The world was a complex place" when they lose, when they won it was so easily simple. The statues? Meh. Dogs that thoughtest they are hale, yet they were falser than anything.

    She decided to go for a walk. The wind was bustling in the alleys and near the beautifully constructed stone buildings.
    She was dressed in regular clothing and her face was covered and hooded. 

    She drew the attention of a drunken commoner while she was moving from near the pub.
    "Hey lady, wanna chat me up? There is something about you. Im never wrong about these things. Erhm, if i say so myself."

    "You mean you are never wrong about these things when you drink that beer. But What makes you think that beer is free of any constraints?"

    "Eh, what shuddap, will u? If ye don't wanna you don't have to act all nasty, go somewhere else".

    She chuckled. She had calmly drawn her sword. She stabbed the man through his eye slowly, painfully and procedurally
    ignoring his screams and curdling voice later on.


    "Oi, sergeant what's up with these flea ridden soldiers? They are all seeemingly energized. And their weapons and shields have some kind of chummy shine. I have to say, very different from usual half dead grubber. I think we should not fight today."

    "Hey now, dont be a retard. What are ye gonna tell to Lord opioth? Enemy have better fashion, so we didn't commence? We didn't find easy pickings so they would have to do as usual. "

    "I guess you are right, sergeant"


    Rn Wyfn soldiers that were on patrol near the western forest was suddenly ambushed by a large contingent of city guards. This time though city forces were routed as soon as they  attacked. Instead of the usual chaos and mayhem Wyfn side was very organized almost as if they expected a fight, and their armor and weapons were superbly enhanced with elemental properties. Drunk and undisciplined 'socialist justice team' got a very nice whooping as it was the usual when the things got serious.. However instead of cheering and rallying, some of the Ryn Wyn rebels were clutching their eyes
    and collapsing. Confused, the other soldiers started to panic and run, however until they were returned and were very close to their statue,  the spell didn't seem to lose its effect.


    "Treasures!!! My precious treasures!!"

    A mercenary caravan that was heading towards the city, had encountered the fresh battlefield. Loot was the shining weapons and large amounts of ghost ale. This was a blessing. Caravan leader was as happy as a person who won the lottery. He squatted with an expression of someone who is about to be crying, but alas were just out of any noble emotions, he looked constipated instead. Mercenaries were grinning at the antics for they too knew they were lucky today.



    Writer's note: Errrrrrrr..

  18. And that's the last post i'll make on this topic, i'm very sorry. You can tag along if you want, either way nothing would stop those 100 chapters from getting churned out. Even though MD helps a lot for me to be able to write and i had no plans for this project before whatsoever MD is in no terms requisite to follow up my story.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Ungod said:

    I will not ask for permission for names to appear in this thread, unless being asked explicitly, as you did, also because I can't edit posts later and change the name

    Kinda my point don't cha know?


    3 minutes ago, Ungod said:

    I think you are mistaken about something?? My topic is an reaction to yours, but not something 'against' it, but 'along' it. It occurred to me, when I started this, that a novel consisting of episodes, much like mangas, could actually work (and it was your post that made me think about it).

    Of course, what was i thinking :XDDD darn me and my needless irrational fears that makes me neurotic and my life hell, well, everyone is special in its own way. 

  20. Wow Ungod, never have i thought someone could get so angry/emotional dare i say butthurt over a story by a super novice aspiring writer. Regardless, you seem to have riled up yourself and i'm an advocate of free speech anyway. As much as i'm offended there is always something funny and refreshing about these reactions that i know too well by now. However i'd ask not to use my name or nickname without my permission in any story.  Thanks.

  21. Wyfn Phoenix



    "Oh, then you are her? The Wyfn Phoenix? You, the fatso of frosty?"

    Several soldiers drawed their blades, they seem ready to swarm the Relix.

    I was trying to survive, sometimes best places to hide are indeed most stupid. Ones where you lose your own memory.

    "Its the curse of neko or nex, like chicken pox, except its invisibly permanent."

    Ghost frowned then continued; "That's the problem, there is no reason whatso ever for this chaos. Evil can be natural too.
    It can coexist with the world in balance."

    "So what you are saying is it shouldn't exist. I completely disagree. What's so bad about wanting to dream peacefully?
    Must you always strive intelligence and nobility?"

    "Ryrisso..." the ghost said in a sad voice.

    "I'm sorry fatso..."

    "Nevermind, thank you for your friendship. Escort him towards the city. That's where he wants to go."


    The ghost was feeling sad. She refrained from showing her to the soldiers. These people had faith in her even when she
    wasn't there amidst this hell. She looked at the statue. She had changed too much. The statue had crooked nose, rougher
    features, wiser. Signs of better times. She looked like hotsie potsie now. tens of thousand of years  All she could
    do was to survive. Entire faction was excited for her to reclaim the Rn Wyfn leadership as ancestor one of the 12 bloodlines. 
    Problem with that plan was she was like an idiot or a baby in this new world. Yes, she knew things. But she didn't have
    considerable strength at all. Curse of nex made sure of that. She looked at the soldiers and officials." Alright, You've
    done well to resist and survive. Its time for payback." Me, Vanka swears it.


    Sorry sorry, news and all are too fast nowadays for my slow brain to catch up.  I'll try nonetheless....

  22. Chapter 25 - Entering the Midwest



    The ghost and the man were chatting merrily where they jaunted along the river. Air has gotten colder, reducing the temperature considerably thus freezing and crystallizing other elemental textures. Except the river. The blood from the altar has been mixed with the river, averting the chill. The author had no idea what to write next.

    There is some kind of dullness in the snow that's together with the cold is a natural pain killer. Relis has breathed into his own hands. This is weird, why its gotten so cold? There ain't no snowy weather in the midwest. Did we travel somewhere else? And there is no food what soever. I guess its not easy to just encroach upon this region. I hoped to stay under the radar and avoid the madness. Perhaps even the weather is messed up here. No no, this wasn't the cold or anything else, there was 'properness' in the air. That's why he's been so annoyed. This was like a moron with so much ambition applying his plan to the world. Thus everything was black or white in the midwest.

    Warlord Queen of the city Lyncin', one of the twin sisters, servant of the void; Sillarvr, the one who was dubbed the who, who can't shut up. The rumor went that she was once for the nomination of the rulership of a world of emeralds. However she lost horribly in an extremely degrading fashion. And thus together along with her fanatic followers. She swore to destroy and rule this primitive new world where she travelled, and settled. She founded a new city. Her power was not to be underestimated, at least in this primitive world.  With the help of her General Lord JB. Opioth, she ruled the midwest region in the name of chaos. 

    There were other factions here despite her best efforts. However, the sacrifical grounds eventually needed people so this was just fine. Mercenaries, rebels, natives, clans and travellers that was drawn to this place despite the dangers. There were also revenants,  banshees various other dangerous entities as well. Opioth ruled the northwest, near the city. Ryn Wyfn rebels were in the west. Mercenaries rallied the south. While monsters were between the Frosty and the Midwest. Death and destruction, feuds and misery ruled supreme here. Yet no one left. There was some kind of sentimental connection, they figured. Victory was just near the corner, always. 


    Twenty-five, a good milestone.

    I apologize for any offense.

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