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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Since this is your second post already, I'll have to say that protectors already have weaken and debuff spells. I don't see how skilldamage adds into anything in here. No for adepts thingy, adept and worshiper are two different things.
  2. THIS. I remember when I talked with No one long ago, he was kind to leave herbs so I could gather them, and as far as I know he did the same thing for anybody who asked him.
  3. Where do you buy increased levels sir? In WP shop all you get is +8 casts for each purchase no level increase. You can buy it twice, (and I did) and it doesn't let you trace LHOs.
  4. Locate spell has restriction where it wouldn't allow you to locate certain "powerful" characters. LHOs are part of that restrictions. Honestly I don't understand why is it so. LHOs are normal players who volunteer to help out those in need with basic stuff regarding the game, as such they should be easier to find/reach. That's why such restriction makes no sense and should be removed.
  5. Yes, because mp6 powers are currently quite downgraded in first place. They are protectors yet I feel that they don't really have any real protect-power for game world we play in today.
  6. I disagree with first post (well there could be some truth on greed part), I also disagree on how the whole resource system works and I agree with Mur's philosophy that depletion should be possible, but the way it's all implemented just makes me cry. I'm unsure why exactly there's a problem with inefficient resource gathering? Sure there would be more resources harvested if there wasn't depletion. Thing that I see is that then people would still find a new reason to complain because even then they failed to gather resources even thought they are available. Next complaint would be problem with tool availability, resource pools being too small for community once community reaches X number of harvesting efficiency (quality of tools * available time to invest in harvesting * harvesting stat * active harvesting players). Buyers and sellers complain all the time about resource bundles being unsplittable because it makes extremely difficult to create market for such things according to how things are now. In my mind, resources have... no real use, that's the first problem one should be looking at. Just by making more and more stuff craftable out of those resources and actually usable will close the circle and solve all of your problems. Because it would make big harvesting sharks not needing to split their bundles, they would sell big bundles to crafters, crafters would craft end-user goods which, you guess it, don't stack in bundles. Such industry would become so big that for mere silver you would be able to get nice chunk of goods. Hence no need for getting into harvesting and crafting business yourself if you need few of X for personal use. Only if you want to be producer in market you would join in the fuss, and then you would actually be specializing. So, depletion is not a problem in my mind, problem is the largely unfinished (as is everything else) resource system. And no sasha, you couldn't forever throw toadspeak because that's considered as LHO spell, burning it out on someone because of your frustration for example without good reason is bad thing, as LHO you should know that. (however throwing it here and there for giggles and not to "harm" anyone on purpose is okay I guess) Also, please don't bring religion into this, thankies.
  7. ARY! (*kills John's spellchecker*) Yes, the argument Grido quoted is weak. If you were student at one point you can remove it just like that to "become" student of anybody else, which means that new "teacher" isn't your teacher at all. Next, there being always more to learn doesn't mean anything. One needs to be willing to learn more and also needs to be willing to be tutored more and needs to find somebody who can tutor him on the stuff he doesn't know yet but wants to learn from another person. If those 3 aren't fulfilled then past status of adept is irrelevant. Finally, one can always be(come) self-taught person. PS: One can also register without referral link, have many teachers inside the game, yet never adepting anyone. Which even further destroys the "point" of mentor-ship in adept system.
  8. Answer is most likely that such things weren't considered while designing adept system. I'll speculate and say that when adept system was being made there were a lot of ideas and features for it as the page says (to quote "more adept features soon"), but all we have is that they sustain mp6 and make you heal your creats "faster" (which is extremely outdated benefit considering the big ve pools people have today, 1 click and creature is fully healed or even better, due to huge regen it heals by itself. But really you actually shouldn't even care if creature is fully healed or not except for some specific fights with target dying). That's why it wasn't implemented, just like (as far as I'm informed) the button "abandon protector" wasn't there initially. I think that this needs to be added. It's common issue that people don't want to be adept of somebody or they have alt "issues" hence they would adept catchy "randomly" named accounts who actually never played, NPCs, Mur or maybe even Chew. That's their way of being the "rebel" in adept system.
  9. It's all in there to misinform you :))
  10. I would normally agree with Aeo.... but since (if I'm not mistaken) that achievement was originally granted for first time to Shadowseeker because he managed to achieve his VE and VP at same time to be 666. So if you compare that with No one, it takes to be ridiculously lucky or it takes precise planning and execution, but definitely not nearly as much dedication/persistence/time as in No one's case.
  11. Axe? It's halberd.
  12. Yeah I actually speculate that this values were supposed to be for how combat was supposed to work initially. If you notice players can't fight directly, only with creatures and you just stand aside :D so maybe those things were supposed to be for initial version of combat where players would fight directly, with weapons :p Well at least that's how my head sees it :D
  13. Yes No one, I considered that as possibility, but failed to find anything that would relate to those numbers.
  14. We all have same numbers for it.
  15. I initially thought it should be heat but it can't be according to log. During last 15 months in logs it went from +1000 to +1001 to +1010 and now it's at +1011. I'm unsure how often it changes but it takes several months to change. Moreover everybody has same value for "something". I know very well how much heat I gain from fights as do others, but we all have same numbers all the time. If it should represent the heat gained, then all I know is that currently it doesn't.
  16. It's not hard you say? Well after spending whole year trying to figure out what it is, I still have no idea. :))
  17. Power from tokens obviously did got added in both fights, so we can't say that stats from tokens didn't got added. In other fight it looks like your def got magically zeroed, even the creature's base def. What ever is going on, it's futile to even try figuring what's going on in situation like this because as you just learned, logs will tell you all kinds of info and a lot of times it won't be correct.
  18. Imperial auras are interesting thing that I never got opportunity to really understand :D However the way I read it is that one imp is lvl1 the other is lvl2, no? Either way it makes little sense :D
  19. Not really known, that's the only thing that makes sense. What is known is that there are false infos EVERYWHERE and nobody cares about it, especially if it's combat stuff. I wrote the same thing elsewhere, and I don't find it funny, it seriously pisses me off.
  20. :)) It could be darkshield bug, does it always "procs"? If it's info is always displayed in every log then yeah, the problem is in it, because it would mean that supposed value is always displayed even though it didn't got added because the token didn't actually proc.
  21. I don't get what's interesting about it.
  22. It's very unlikely that it's related. Just get that creature killed and heal it manually to full then try again in combat, if it again gets 600 ve over max, then it's not related to trading, because influx of ve from trading is one time thing (and possibly not a bug in first place).
  23. Irrelevant, slider affects only tokens that are fueled by principles. That one isn't and works regardless of slider.
  24. Not really, you did that calculation based only on first lvl. When you compare it with other two levels you will notice that nothing is multiplied, it has a meager flat increase in stats compared to original grasan at compared level. Although stat increase is small for pimpy compared to other shop creats, main issue is that it doesn't have any aura, and no I don't think another creatboost will be any smart move or antifreeze, attackboost hmm maybe... Aside from Pimped, joker is much bigger issues when it comes to being useless, both versions of it. Which mainly comes out of broken randomdamage ability. Broken how? you ask. That would be a thread for itself.
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