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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. you are right... it does assign random influence BUT that ve thats allegedly assigned according to randomized influence DOESNT appear in combat. my creature still has same ve he had before fight, 80 or 50 or what ever you can see in my examples above. so p-ve from randomized influence isnt added inside combat. now why is that? bug?
  2. i found interesting thing, part of current personal ve tends to vanish under certain circumstance and i failed to find anything about this recipe for this is roughy as follows: have your creats almost dead, have some amount of personal ve, attack somebody with random rit on 0%, if everything went good your random rit has less than 301 ve, lose the fight, after fight you will notice that some of your personal ve even though it wasnt used in fight disappeared heres info so far [spoiler] try 1 926 base p-ve 630 after fight p-ve 296 lost p-ve in this fight i only had one barren soul alive with 80 ve try 2 580 302 278 barren with 50 ve try 3 2 fully healed barrens so ve was above 301, hence no personal ve (p-ve) change try 4 341 198 143 2 barrens together having 61 ve [/spoiler] all battles against same player who had same ritual this part from last battle log would suffice since everything is same except ve amount [spoiler]... Kross Luos WINS! Creature Experience reward for Ary Endleg - Losing player No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Creature Experience reward for Kross Luos - Winning player Aramor Warrior recovers 5 Vitality Hollow Warrior recovers 65 Vitality Aramor Warrior recovers 5 Vitality Dark Archer recovers 15 Vitality Dark Archer recovers 15 Vitality Aramor Warrior recovers 5 Vitality No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! There was no stat bonus in this battle.[/spoiler] as you can see there is no mention of this mysterious disappearence of p-ve and i am unsure but it looks like other player didnt even gained any heat while he should have gained 61 heat and yes he has no honor issues, he has Honor: 4599 i just want to know why does that ve vanishes, cause is obviously fight with less than 301 ve which results in loss, but then again that personal ve wasnt asigned into fight since slider was at 0%, and it aint mentioned anywhere that this would happen, why is that? and where the heck that p-ve went? as much as i see other player didnt got any heat
  3. i am curious, is anyone even playing the game on ie9 ?
  4. i have similar thinking like shadow i just went a bit further so i am only left to try with 1 thats all for me
  5. well there are problems because of cross domain.... but this is how i aim it to look like, this is 24p size, 36p is too large so i think i will go with 30p [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  6. ye i know how to put fonts, just need place to upload, seems like i will be sentenced to opening free host account
  7. but i still want to know if this something which appears to be nothing actually does anything :huh:
  8. scroll down on his link, theres eagle with swastika http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10201-land-logo/#entry88420
  9. i saw that you can walk up to a capital and initiate petition to get accepted into that land as citizen, so if other citizens vote for you, you are part of that land, you can also see on forum that summer breeze is in process of joining loreroot in this way
  10. i think i will try writting both ^^ as soon as i finish laying things that will define my character and then decide which one will be better edit: can someone tell me where i can upload font file which i want to use for my papers, i have picked handwritten typeface to use on my papers, file formats are ttf and eot (for pesky ie)
  11. :D hopefully this something becomes "something" else and not nothing well from looks of it, seems like this something is farmed from manically opening combat logs, but i havent noticed any type of change >_> especially not in amount of 1000
  12. strange thing, i attack somebody and go to summary to check it out, it says something +0 then i open combat log list and chose that same combat log and in it it says something +1000 for same combat log!! i then checked all other older combat logs and it says something +1000 for each of them if it always says +0 when attacking and +1000 while opening stored log, how am i supposed to figure it out :S
  13. Ary Endleg AD 10 Volition 15.65 grinding? no, just exploring the realm for first time
  14. can you write code to completly remove table rows of both titles in papers? plan to get a bit more of space on paper page ^^ and would like code that changes height for div element of paper body(body as main content on paper not html element) i wonder why does td element that contains body of papers have height of 140px while div inside has 480px since div style overrides its parents height definition which is defined in html and not css, well weird edit: i just got new dilema to write papers in first person or in third person, what do you guys think which one would be better?
  15. hands down it worked, i only know some html and css, no javascript so i googled class is storyline-text i actually tried to remove that element it didnt work with what i googled and piled up, but if i write nothing instead "your title" at least it isnt displayed i think one title is enough (the one we can set ourselves) and then it can be edited with css (since it has no assigned inner css directly on element)
  16. is javascript even allowed in papers/profile? edit: nevermind, simple code worked, hard one didnt can delete this post
  17. eh i didnt want to write that kind of backstory, i dont like calling it back story, more like introductionary story, as for excuse of not mentioning anything before paper cabin, what better excuse is there than amnesia :D for same reason i dont want to use artwork that isnt hand drawn and only edited for transparency (will think about background image for paper of some kind, might be the only exception), because it all has to be in same game spirit so now some technical question i want to remove/edit that pesky thing on papers called "comments on self" label, closest parent element has class storyline-text, but if i mess with it i can only change stuff that isnt defined by css in its child elements, so i cant change color of it for example and what if i want to change text of it, i know a bit css and as far as i know javascript is required for such things, the easiest way would be to get javascript code to remove that label, and if needed i can then just normally add more titles so any help with that?
  18. i meant if you rewrite history in back story, lets say, you did something and now you say you didnt do it edit: i didnt mean about personality of character, but about past actions, personality change is understandable, but still if you was in past like this you cant change now that you was different in past, you can only change that you are different now
  19. ou right, i will then start coming up with content that i had in mind to put in there so far and i guess i will see if something else shows up to include i have to do hard part now, define my character properly, currently i am unsure what to put as focus goal.... but excluding back story or even worse changing it, wouldnt that be like cardinal sin? people come and read your papers learn about your character and then one day person changes back story completly, wouldnt that have major impact on how others who knew old story now interact with him?
  20. http://magicduel.com/players/Ary_Endleg public profile place where weapon set should be displayed Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/member.php on line 378 this wasnt there before, i used pass papers and it said weapon bonus wont count for next 2 days, i guess thats the cause
  21. ~comments on self introductionary story - short introduction about my character ongoing story - stuff happened so far, this part would be updated as things go on aspiring story - mention stuff that my character aspires to achieve, if those stuff changes it gets updated updating can happen inside that part of story to which it belongs to, but then simultaneously need to update aspiring part so to mention change happened like this stuff is done as you read above and that something new is pursued, or updated will be linearly after aspiring story part, in a journal way (seems like better way) problems: story like this can easily snowball which is bad, just adding stuff down will make huge amount of text nobody will read, it would appear tiresome just by looking at amount of it, when reading it old parts wouldnt be in harmony with new parts unless its all completly rewritten (while reading people will have the feeling they went in time travel and first spoke with same character in the past, they wouldnt have feeling that story is being freshly told to them from present perspective and hench many new people could get confused if they dont pay enough attention and fully understand the evolution of it, which cant be expected in any way) another problem is what else to put in there, goal is to have just the right size story but yet if its only story in there it appears monotone, need ideas on what else to put in there but have the following in mind ~profile idea is to keep papers simple enough so that their appearece wouldnt interfere with profile page, i plan to make really fancy profile page and since papers can be made a part of profile, their content and appearence must not mess up the profile for profile i will have coding help to make all looks nicely arranged and styled, will be using stuff that game allows to put in there with templates feature, and some ideas on what original content i can add manually is welcome yet another problem is i planned to draw myself some .... bad... drawings but then i remembered i have only crap phone camera and no experience on how to render picture and make transparency not to mention i have no tools for that (i can do simple things on computer pictures but not with pictures of drawings), which strips me off potential artwork. getting somebody else to do it instead wont work, i think, only if i do it myself will be how i want it and yet i have no clue how i want it ~hate list if i put all those stuff at comments of self and profile, for what to use other papers for? as you see i dont have much ideas. you can say i should look at papers of others. to that i can say that those people who have stuffed a lot of stuff in there have things i am too young and dont plan to put (personal shop listings for example), or dont want to put (tons of chat logs, computer made artwork, non classical style music (yup i plan to put some relaxing instrumental music of classical style but then again i need to pay attention towards profile since papers are part of it and 2 pieces of music playing at same time... no good)) there might be few other things i wanted to write about this but i forgot, so help me out with information i currently provided
  22. wearing gloves allowed?
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