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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Where is the button "all of them"?
  2. Attacking force = caster's creatures, and you mean lower number of rounds.
  3. So... you are saying that status of the attacking force sets the rules of battle?
  4. No adepts don't add any bonuses to combat. Adepts help you with healing creatures manually. Basic amount is up to 8% of current ve per ap, each adept increases that amount linearly by 8% and of course you can't overheal creats this way. It's capped at 100% but very likely due to max ve limit on creat rather than actual cap on this bonus. This makes me wonder if a mp6 with lets say only 300 current ve could heal it's dead creature by more ve than he/she has. In other words use 300 ve yet heal it for around 800 ve. If so then we have a bug :p
  5. Well there are warnings related to such issues, although they could be nicer and more accurate.
  6. You say you can't join frat because you will stay mp3(at least that's what I understood), but still why MB and not GG citizenship? Or in case you don't consider yourself MR anymore, that "MR" part in start of your name is still confusing. Also... why was ally taken over by Pip in first place?
  7. So? It was pointless feature in first place and it was also badly implemented, you can't do ascii art if font ain't changed to monospace.
  8. Not just the creat id, the creat type id too. Purpose is so that custom names don't confuse people. Even better would be unique name of creature type (but I guess such thing doesn't exist yet in DB?). Creat id itself just shows us which creat did what, doesn't assures us yet what kind of creat it is. Creat id also isn't enough for it's own purpose because we don't know which slot it's in. Combat window has the "log" and "display" parts and it's quite messy to figure out which creat action from log did what. You can put 6 santas in ritual and all can be of same name. We want logs to be usable when exported. Logs currently don't hold info on creature level, type and slot, which are very important stuff. Each time bug regarding combat is posted people manually have to investigate those things and post them along which makes them prone to human error while sometimes being impossible to be sure in extreme cases. Example of current situation gonzalocsdf's Water Daimon III (809436) does steallife to strong creature(s) of Justin Case and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 135 vitality from Scout (831517) and gives it to Unholy Pope (792744) and remains with 538 vitality How it should look like gonzalocsdf's Water Daimon III (id:809436; type:4; lvl:7; slot:1) does steallife to strong creature(s) of Justin Case and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 135 vitality from Scout (id:831517; type:12; lvl:1 ; slot:1) and gives it to Unholy Pope (id:792744; type:15; lvl:3; slot:2) and remains with 538 vitality Who remains with 538 vitality? Scout? Daimon? Pope? It needs to say who. Actually it needs to mention all of them, or if you want neat solution, just the one which actually lost and/or gained VE. One might think that it implies just that in example above but martyrism is one of cases of such exception where it tells you remaining ve of protected creature rather than tree itself who just burned some. Replace "type" with unique name for creature type if possible. Without above you can't really know what happens next. Which is the following: ###### START ROUND "2" ###### Applying temporary effects for Justin Case, slot 1 : protect (round:2 protect: defence=358|from 1 to 359; ) It just gets messy when there are lots of effects and you have no idea which creature is in which slot and which effect came from where and so on. You can help yourself with graphical part of combat, but when your log need to be read by somebody else it's different story.
  9. That is like half of things up there. Some stuff are debatable. It's a tons of work, so Chew how deep are you planning to dive on the problem? Some things are questionable by design on large scale and are highly debatable, some were as well discussed in Combat Talk and it's sibling topics. "- ability to protect rituals indefinitely" as Asthir put it would fall under that category rather than just fixing/improving/clarifying the current system, it means rework/redesign of combat. Comments for above post (Asthir's): "temporary effect lines" are displayed only when all effects have expired on a given slot. "Defend killing your creats" was also debated in one of bug topics and nothing was concluded regarding that, I won't get into details, it's a matter of that topic but it's more likely a matter of design issue rather than a bug issue. "GA spell" since holyarmy/protarmy is basically same spell, it's equally broken. Slider issue I believe is fixed. "Battle Log Display, Regeneration gained VE also isn't shown in here" this one is tricky, problem is that combat actually has 2 summed outcomes. One counts everything, the other has exceptions such as energyburn self damage, priests aura, etc. This is both design and clarity issue. Short version of list: (with gibberish explanatory talk; hint: don't read brackets) - I think that every combat related function needs to be checked and compared with documentation to see how things should work or be explained/documented. It's all one big mess currently. - Log clarity: before round 0 print out all creatures with slot number, creat type id and level as well as all combat stats it has applied (this is to ensure clarity on who started with what; also helpful when you are trying to see which creat was matched and effected by which creat when it comes to slot specific auras and tokens) (figure out what to do with creature names they are confusing and useless in combat log; if I use 3 barrens and 3 santas, yet I name my barrens Santa and my santas Barren and set them all on heal, good luck figuring which is which.) ; also prints of ability actions in log need to be better since every other ability leaves you with some info "missing" (mostly the case with confusing part "and is left with X vitality" yet you ain't sure which creat is in question, for example martyrism issue when it says how much target has left ve, yet tree itself burned his own ve and you have no idea how much it had or is left with) No log clarity means that debugging by users is hard and confusing at best, but usually very questionable. In addition to not being able to read the code (which we can't understand in first place anyway) we are also supplied with questionable documentation and explanations on how things (should) work. May the Force be with you on this epic adventure Chew :))
  10. First things first, EMERALDGLARE. It stole that def from you. Secondly, combat effects are broken, they don't apply at start of round, they apply when applied by creatures during rounds. Meaning you will see that round thingy countdown on effects but nothing will happen unless it actually gets reapplied by creature. Also that round countdown will always be larger by 1 than it should be. And yes some lines just keep printing once triggered. There's all sorts of fun and weird with effects. Especially with end of effects (regen kills for example). It also depends on how many times it got applied in single round, I think that messes it up, can't remember. Actually I'm pretty sure it would remove the amount of effect equal to 2 rounds when effect ends, which is in many cases wrong because if effects keep getting reapplied it can last more than 2 rounds and if they don't get reapplied at all it can look like it lasts 2 rounds but in fact it lasted 2 rounds with tick/buff of only one round. I did this inspection 2-3 months ago got pissed up badly at it all. It's very hard to see what's what. There's just no clarity, there you have useless creat names in log instead of creat lvl+type+slot; starting stats of creats before round 0 is another thing that should be there. Like this one needs tons of paper and couple calculators to see what's really happening in a combat log, so I quit :p Really just wait for Chew to rewrite everything :p
  11. This script is still in same spot but now it's password protected. Reason for this is because in near future I'll be away for prolonged time and won't have net access and hence won't be able to "maintain" it. Password protected scripts don't require to be "maintained" (I think) so it will be in place till then. Password is "Ary is awesome!".
  12. Chew, rewrite whole combat system, please. EDIT: Just saw announcement, YES YES YES
  13. Aw.... I actually instantly rep+ just because of evil look, then I read the post....
  14. Well that's actually 2g10s. Question is how much is it worth to Richy.
  15. Honestly, you will be happy to get 5sc for it, if you even manage to sell it that is.
  16. You have too many labels, that's why. Such outrageous amount of them wasn't considered when pm popup was designed :p
  17. Tabs are actually irrelevant. Regen timer won't reset if you don't do any system-recognized action. Basically time ticks down but it actually doesn't, refresh for instance is recognized as action, hence after refresh you lose time on interval because it "reset".
  18. If I understand you correctly on what's happening, then it's not about tea, it's actually the problem with regen interval. See http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14961-regen-timer-tick-glitchbug/
  19. Nice post No one, but I highly doubt Mur is talking about combat. This just got confusing...
  20. I thought you are king.....
  21. Exactly. Fights happen when both sides think they are superior over the other.
  22. Just to give you critical information before your decision is finalized. Bellians don't have cookies..... you should rethink your options because cookies are just outrageously delicious.
  23. :huh: I thought inner sun is abstract thing.
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