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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. I assumed that all of this new LHO related jobs are for current LHOs to jump in, or at least it should be as such. Exception would be ex-LHO. I don't think that putting up somebody who isn't in touch with LHO matters should be appointed.
  2. :unsure: I don't see it...
  3. I also suspect this spell has recycled code from prot-holyarmy. Basically two same spells with different accessibility.
  4. GA is so broken it's ridiculous. I think there might be some more issues with it as well, I remember when Sunfire was playing with it at GoE and nothing worked right.
  5. I just remembered that some of us in NC had such talk like a year ago. Think it was me and lash, about mutations in general, College of Darkness, etc. Pretty sure that Knator is most suitable for mutation with our dark arts.... See you joined the wrong land :))
  6. I can say that current two mutations have very little in common, so to speak. I believe that each is a case for itself. Although I could point you into some directions for Joker and definitely for Windy, I believe that it's not required to know that. Ultimately all you need to do is be stubborn and convincing enough to the public and all doors are open to you. Lastly if I do tell you anything I believe spoiler-inquisitors would crucify me :)) as you know spoiler wars broke out and I'm in :ph34r: [spoiler]http://magicduel.com/players/braiton[/spoiler]
  7. I actually know good amount about Joker mutation..... It's quite easy to figure it out once you put 2 and 2 together. All clues are obvious.
  8. No, it's Braiton. Joker is mutation of Aramor and as far as I know it has nothing to do with NC.
  9. Do note that Elementals are recruitable at two places (although not sure why, there ain't really any reasoning for it other than that's how it's always been), in MB and LR. Another note is that according to creat description, Grasans originate from Hollow Den.
  10. Also so this :D http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15208-voting-reminder/
  11. I think that best thing in general for anybody who is important and skilled in something and holds a position is to "retire" as adviser for said field. That way his expertise and influence would be present in case of need while the new active energy would be put in by his replacement.
  12. Ah true, forgot about it. Refreshed.
  13. This would be awesome. It's not spoilerish since you have to unlock it and it's very useful especially if it contains stats of creats which (in my opinion) should be openly available.
  14. Clickable items should have priority.
  15. Experience.
  16. I think you are overlooking crucial thing in all this. Winderwild is probably equally important to MB as Angiens are. Wind's Sanctuary has Winderwild head on top of it. Feathery wings are sort of MB symbol of freedom
  17. Wow. I can't believe I missed that one. Since all equipment is so old, that specific item basically was a hidden hint that once upon a time East will be released :D I like stuff regarding gold and white basilisk shields and especially silver set :p unfortunately I do think equipment descriptions were supposed to be tied to ancient lore, so tough luck in there. Unless of course one manages to pull some symbolic wisdom out of those.
  18. As far as I see in your case nothing got bugged. Only thing is that there are two different summed damaged outcomes, which are considered as feature, because otherwise in case of energyburn for example other player would gain heat.
  19. That's because there are two separate damage counters. Some things do count for % outcomes while they don't for flat outcomes and vice-verse. For example VE boost tokens count towards % but they don't count towards the flat outcome. This is further complicated by how effects are applied or ended. Martyr consumes VE, regen gives it back, but when regen ends it will remove VE gain worth of one round (which is bug that I already reported quite some time ago). Then you need to see how regen values are summed up for total values. Then you have to take care of martyr bugs (related to end-of-effect bug in general as well as of ve-power anomalies bug (also reported)). It's quite complicated. But as far as I see your case is normal and nothing is "bugged". Things just don't make sense because it's MD combat which just happens to be true maze.
  20. If that's the case what Rophs says then I'm pretty sure it's because regen intervals are screwed.
  21. The Rophs is right as far as I remember. Regardless of how much ve creats have at end of fight, log will always say that they regened X amount related to regen stat. In other words log will always say how much they maximally could regen with their regen stat if they needed it. That's in layman's terms. However I believe that those creats still do regen that amount even if they all at full ve, but then when fight is completely ended script cuts extra ve away to make creat have max ve and not over. It might even save a bit of personal ve (untested) because as far as I noticed if you use your personal ve in fights with combo and you lose less ve than your combo amount, it will result in your personal ve being untouched because this combo magic ve takes priority in being dished out. So it's all about how that ve cleanup works at the end and it's quite messy, take for example personal ve at start and your lifestealers yet you suffer quite a lot of damage during fight but your lifesteal recovers you and then you still won't lose personal ve because game makes no distinction of which ve is which (or from where), it only compares starting values to ending ones. Also I don't see anything wrong with your -840 and your blue highlight, all is in order.
  22. Well I'm pretty sure somebody was complaining that haotic does 1 damage when it should do more or something. However it never got proven :S
  23. Yep so it's all fine by this formula. However wasn't there some issue you brought up long time ago that math didn't work properly with outcome that was 1 damage?
  24. Remind me what this was about, I remember something but exact stuff. If slider is used it's ((Creat Att + Player added Att) -40% to +80% variance) - target def. So yes it can be 1 if target has enough def.
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