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Everything posted by Paracelsus

  1. I've sent a recipe to fyrd, for being used on his bodran, it consists in 18 steps and uses 9 resources, one of the resources needed for imput would be an apple or a revival fruit (the product of the apple tree) and the output would be a golden apple (an 1 use item with the capacity to revive the dead). So the idea now is to have a one time use recipe to plant the apple tree branch? If that is the case we'd need an item to work on i think (like a pot). MB people have an item called herbs box that coud help. Now regarding the plantation of the tree i agree with rumi, it should be a big community effort to plant the tree in the desired location and then we should have to wait to get some fruit out of said tree. But if the fruit has the capacity to revive as it is, well reviving would be quite easy, maybe too much. We should also think how to collect said fruit. An herbs basket will be enough? (i think so) I've also read some suggestions of using big quant of resources in the recipes/rituals to grant a resurrection, and i really think thats not the best way, when you talk about quant of resources in cauldron items you're talking about fenths, as long as you have 1 of each ingredent, but enough fenths you have all you need, so you can put 50 wiiya as a requirement but with only 1 wiiya and 49 fenths is enough. So i think the challenge should be to SOLVE the recipes, this is: the steps should not be published, it would be a kind of quest to revive someone and you would loose resources if you fail (and that should happend). I think "guessing" the steps was Murs original idea, so you need the resources AND resolving the steps to finish the recipe.
  2. Nice, i'll try to write something, do we have a deadline for this? Does the the irish drum have any description? Edit: do you think we'll have enough time to revive the currently dead? i mean it will probably take some time to be implemented (the code needs to be tested and so on)
  3. So maybe if they kill you again in a more "Spartan" fashion that'd be ok? This game is not 300 btw
  4. Paracelsus


    I like what sooth suggest, and l'd like to add that maybe the way to "infect" is to intoxicate you opponent with the toxicodendrite. And i also agree with Maeb about MD related, maybe it could be a kind of epidemic transmitted by the txcodendrite? mmm idk, just throwing ideas....
  5. High Fives and Happy birthday!!! ♫♫☼►♫☺♣♫♫►♣☼♪↕‼☼
  6. I think its been great, and even if you would have managed to get all time zones covered, then you'd have the problem that players on less populated timezones would get the "advantage" to have less competition around. (some of the challenges were personal,on some others the first person to answer right advanced/got a point)
  7. i know this post is quite old, but just found it, dont know if its still on or not... So, if it is still on, i'd like to know if the Aromatic herbs case is the same as water and sand (they are required by the extractor device to operate) And if it is not the case if it is ok to add the aromatic herbs in the description adding a related step in consequence
  8. The winner is Samon, as his recipe is the best in general (earns a wishpoint), and the other two prizes will go to Sephirah and J-D as their work is very close to the expected (they'll receive either a gold coin or some aged and heat infused creatures). So winners please contact me in game or forum to arrenge the delivery, the wishpoint will be delivered by Princ rhaegar. [color=#ff8c00]Samon's Recipe[/color] [Spoiler] [CODE] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Cake"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " First you should search your unidentified plants for some grains and grind them until you have a fine flour. Then you should crush some rainbow candy, make sure not to throw away the wrappings, and mix them with the water. Pour the dough in the cake form and put the cake in the oven for one hour. Carefully take the cake out of the oven and take it out of the cake form, then wrap it in the candy wrappings. There is your cake! "; //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Lets bake some cake" => $instr['title'], "Lets make cake" => $instr['title'], "I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "I will prepare a nice cake" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop the baking!" => 'end_failed', "Enough...!" => 'end_failed', $instr['title']." is ready." => 'end_success', "This is going nowhere..." => 'end_frustration', "The cake is a lie!" => 'end_crazy', ); //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts baking cake', "stop" => 'gives up on baking the cake', "current" => 'is currently preparing the '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'is backing using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => 'could smell the delicious cake.', "end_frustration" => 'got really upset and stops the baking.', "end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.', "end_crazy" => 'drops the cake on the ground.', "ingredients" => 'To bake a cake, you will need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "ingredients_ready" => 'We are currently ready to prepare %s. Ingredients provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are already done with these steps: %s. We still need perform: %s. ', "1" => 'searches the unidentified plants for some grains.', "2" => 'grinds the grains.', "3" => 'crushes the candy.', "4" => 'mixes the ingredients.', "5" => 'pours the dough in the cake form.', "6" => 'puts the cake in the oven.', "7" => 'waits an hour.', "8" => 'carefully takes the cake out of the oven.', "9" => 'takes the cake out of the form.', "10" => 'wraps it in the candy wrappings.’, "random" => 'ignores you.', "random numbers" => 'calls out: '.rand(0,100), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_unidentifiedplants" => "%s provides the tea leaves.", "provide_water" => "%s offers some water.", "provide_rainbowcandy" => "%s prepares the tea cups.", "provide_aromaticherbs" => "%s provides the aromatic herbs.", "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but it is not clear as to what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", "provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesnt have enough. Only has %s.", ); //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values) //the more variations the better, think what people could say //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please $instr['step_lines'] = array( "What are you up to?" => 'current', "Something smells good..." => 'current', "What are you using?" => 'device', "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers', "Describe the ".$item['name'] => 'description', //step 1 "Search the unidentified plants for some grains" => '1', "Search the plants for some grains" => '1', "Search the unidentified plants for grains" => '1', "Search the plants for grains" => '1', "Search for grains" => '1', //step 2 "Grind the grains" => '2', "Grind the unidentified plants" => '2', //step 3 "Crush the rainbow candy" => '3', "Crush the candy" => '3', //step 4 "Mix the ingredients" => '4', "Mix the flour, candy and water" => '4', "Make the dough" => '4', "Mix them with water" => '4', //step 5 "Pour the dough into the cake form" => '5', "Put the dough into the cake form" => '5', "Pour the mix into the cake form" => '5', "Put the mix into the cake form" => '5', //step 6 “Put the cake in the oven” => ‘6’, “Put the cake form in the oven” => ‘6’, “Put the it in the oven” => ‘6’, //step 7 “wait an hour” => ‘7’, “wait a while” => ‘7’, “wait till the cake is ready” => ‘7’, “wait until the cake is ready” => ‘7’, //step 8 “take the cake out of the oven” => ‘8’, “carefully take the cake out of the oven” => ‘8’, //step 9 “take the cake out of the form” => ‘9’ “take the cake out of the cake form” => ‘9’ //step 10 “wrap the candy wrappings around the cake” => ‘10’ “put the candy wrappings around the cake” => ‘10’ “wrap the wrappings around the cake” => ‘10’ “wrap the cake in the wrappings” => ‘10’ //step 11 "Let’s have some cake" => 'random', "I am awesome" => 'random', "Look! It is a pink elephant!" =>'random', "Can you hurry up?" => 'random', "Ew!" => 'random', "I hate waiting" => 'random', "If they have no bread, let them eat cake!" => 'random', ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => '', "5" => '', "6" => '',); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Rainbow candy,Water,Aromatic herbs,Unidentified plants', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Rainbow candy,Water,Aromatic herbs,Unidentified plants', "/Here are the (.*)/is" => 'Rainbow candy,Aromatic herbs,Unidentified plants', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Rainbow candy,Water,Aromatic herbs,Unidentified plants', "/Here is the (.*)/is" => 'Rainbow candy,Water', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Rainbow candy=2; Water=1; Aromatic herbs=1; Unidentified plants=2; "; $instr['effect'] = "cake"; ?> [/CODE] [/Spoiler] [color=#ff8c00]Sephirah's recipe[/color] [Spoiler] [CODE] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Beefday cake"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " Firstly, put in the some stones, covering the broiler's base with them. You then need to pour some water covering teh stones. Next, you will need to boile the water and after one hour of waiting, you will join the grasan's skin. Mix all until the water dry and add a bit of aromatic herbs. Leave the mixture get a golden color and eat while warm. "; //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Lets celebrate MD party." => $instr['title'], "Lets prepare a beef cake" => $instr['title'], "I want to give Mur a present ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "I will cook because I want to test my cooking skills" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop it's coming someone" => 'end_failed', "Enough...!" => 'end_failed', $instr['title']." is served." => 'end_success', "This is going nowhere..." => 'end_frustration', "Ah is Burns!" => 'end_crazy', ); //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts preparing the beef cake', "stop" => 'gives up cooking the cake', "current" => 'is currently preparing the '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'is cooking using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => 'could see the golden color .', "end_frustration" => 'got really upset and stops the cooking.', "end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.', "end_crazy" => 'some hair falls on the food.', "ingredients" => 'To prepare cake, you will need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "ingredients_ready" => 'We are currently ready to prepare %s. Ingredients provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are already done with these steps: %s. We still need perform: %s. ', "1" => 'covers the base of the teapot with stones', "2" => 'pours some water.', "3" => 'boils the water.', "4" => 'pours the skin into the broiler.', "5" => 'waits for one hour.', "6" => 'serves the pieces of cake.', "random" => 'ignores you.', "random numbers" => 'calls out: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_stones" => "%s provides the stones.", "provide_water" => "%s offers some water.", "provide_aromaticherbs" => "%s provides the aromatic herbs.", "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but it is not clear as to what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", "provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesnt have enough. Only has %s.", ); //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values) //the more variations the better, think what people could say //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please $instr['step_lines'] = array( "What are you up to?" => 'current', "Something smells good..." => 'current', "What are you using?" => 'device', "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers', "Describe the ".$item['name'] => 'description', //step 1 "Puts the stones over the broiler's base" => '1', "Cover the base of the broiler with the stones" => '1', "Put the stones in the broiler and cover the base with them" => '1', "Fill the bottom of the teapot with stones" => '1', //step 2 "Add some water" => '2', "Pour water" => '2', "Drop some water" => '2', //step 3 "Boil the water" => '3', "Prepare some boiled water" => '3', "Time to boil the water" => '3', "Boil some hot water" => '3', //step 4 "Add in the boiled water" => '4', //step 5 "Wait for one hour" => '5', "Wait for the cake to be ready" => '5', "Lets wait for it" => '5', //step 6 "Serve up the cake" => '6', "The cake is golden" => '6', //step 11 "Serve me cake" => 'random', "I am awesome" => 'random', "Look! It is a pink elephant!" =>'random', "Can you hurry up?" => 'random', "Ew!" => 'random', "I hate waiting" => 'random', ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => '', "5" => '', "6" => '',); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs', "/Here are the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Water,Aromatic herbs', "/Here is the (.*)/is" => 'Water', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Stones=5; Aromatic herbs=1; Water=1; "; $instr['effect'] = "aromatictea"; ?> [/CODE] [/Spoiler] [color=#ff8c00]J-D recipe:[/color] [Spoiler] [CODE] //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they won't be identical words with the steps defined below[/left] Firstly, put the flour and sugar in the pan. Mix in some milk. Break several eggs open and discard the shells, then put what's left in the cake mix. Bake for twenty minutes. //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe "Lets bake some cake." "Lets prepare cake." "I want to make some cake." "I will prepare a nice cake." //what words you want to use to stop the process "Stop the baking!" "I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, to see the cake's condition" "Alright, let's end this" "This is absolutely awful..." "It seems to have burned" //what are the texts for different steps or events "start" => 'starts baking the cake', "stop" => 'quits baking the cake', "end_success" => 'has created a masterpiece of cake.', "end_frustration" => 'got really upset and threw out the cake.', "end_failed" => 'turns off the oven and stops baking.', "end_crazy" => 'accidentally caused the cake to explode.', //Actions "1" => 'Puts flour in the pan.', "2" => 'adds sugar.', "3" => 'puts in the eggs.', "4" => 'mixes milk in.', "5" => 'bakes for twenty minutes.', "6" => 'slices up the cake.', //Orders //step 1 "Put the flour in the pan." "Pour in some flour" "Open the bag of flour and put the contents into the pan" "Fill the pan partway with flour" //step 2 "Add some sugar" "Put in a scoop of sugar" "Pour sugar into the pan" //step 3 "Break the eggs and put them in" "Add eggs to the mix" "Time to add the eggs" "Throw away the eggshells and add the rest in" //step 4 "Take some milk and mix it in" "Add the milk and stir" "Pour in some milk and make sure to mix well" "Put in a cup of milk and keep stirring for a while" "It is now time to add the milk" //step 5 "Bake it for twenty minutes" "Wait for the cake to be ready" "Just wait a little while, the cake will soon be done" //step 6 "Slice up the cake" "The cake has had plenty of time to cook" "Give everybody a piece of cake" //step 11 //Random "Give me a piece" "I am amazing" "Run, run for your lives, it's a polka-dot drachorn!" "Can you finish this in a timely manner?" "Disgusting." "Waiting is such a bore" ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms "I will give you (Flour, Milk, Sugar, Eggs)" "You need some (Flour, Milk, Sugar, Eggs) to bake the cake? Well here!" "Here, have some (Eggs)" "I've got some (Flour, Milk, Sugar, Eggs) for you" "I have brought you the (Flour, Milk, Sugar)" //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device Eggs=3; Milk=1; Flour=1; Sugar=1; Plates=4; [/CODE] [/Spoiler] [color=#ff8c00]Isabella Finch recipe[/color] [Spoiler] [CODE] //To start “Happy Happy Birthday! Let’s bake a cake! //To end the cake “Heavens to Betsy, smell that sweet aroma.” //texts for steps or events “start” => ‘starts mixing the ingredients’, “stop” => ‘Something went wrong…’, “end_victory” => ‘Ain’t she a beauty?’ “end_frustration” => ‘Oh no… I got flour all over my dress.’ “end_failed” => ‘Do you smell something… burning..?’ “end_crazy” => ‘Stabs the cake repeatedly because it turned out all wrong.’ //actions “1” => ‘crushes the herbs.’ “2” => ‘crushes the rainbow candy.’ “3” => ‘mixes the herbs and candy.’ “4” => ‘adds the Mineral water.’ “5” => ‘waits 20 minutes.’ “6” => ‘sprinkles with timeless dust.’ “7” => ‘decorates with flowers.” //Orders //Step 1 “Begin the crushing of the herbs” //step 2 “Now crush the Rainbow candy into a fine dust” //step 3 “Combine the herbs and candy now” //step 4 “Pour in the mineral water while mixing vigorously” //step 5 “Now wait 20 minutes, this is the perfect time to paint our nails for the party” //step 6 “Sprinkle timeless dust over cake to let it last past its expiration date” //step 7 “Make it pretty with flowers” //ingredients Flowers=12; Rainbow Candy=7; Mineral Water=3; Herbs=5; Timeless Dust=1; [/CODE] [/Spoiler] Thanks again for participating
  9. Time is up! I've received 4 recipes (all of them at last time) i'll need some time to review them, and then i'll announce the results and post them here. Thanks to all who participated and helped run this quest.
  10. Bump! Only 8 days left and still waiting for recipes
  11. I'd suggest you send it via pm, after the deadline the recipes will be posted here.
  12. [left]So, a new MD birthday is coming and i though we could make a good cake together to celebrate it. This quest is quite simple, we take the Tea Recipe Book and we modify it to cook a nice cake. You can only use ingredients existing in MD (herbs, water, grassan products, bones, candys and so on) There is two paths you can take to complete this quest, one is to modify the original tea recipe book (for this you will have to be able to "twist" the code a bit), the other option is to modify just the plain text of that recipe (for those who are not familiar with the code). If you follow the first path you may gain some little extra points. [color=#008000]Original Tea Recipe Book[/color]: [spoiler] [CODE] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Aromatic Tea"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " Firstly, put in the leaves, covering the teapot's base with them. You then need to pour some water onto the leaves. Next, you will need to boile the water and after five minutes of waiting, the tea would then be ready to be served. "; //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Lets brew some tea." => $instr['title'], "Lets prepare tea" => $instr['title'], "I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "I will prepare a nice cup of aromatic tea" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop the brewing!" => 'end_failed', "Enough...!" => 'end_failed', $instr['title']." is served." => 'end_success', "This is going nowhere..." => 'end_frustration', "Ah it burns!" => 'end_crazy', ); //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts brewing the tea', "stop" => 'gives up brewing the tea', "current" => 'is currently preparing the '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'is brewing using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => 'could smell the fragrant aroma.', "end_frustration" => 'got really upset and stops the brewing.', "end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.', "end_crazy" => 'spilled the contents of the teapot by accident.', "ingredients" => 'To prepare tea, you will need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "ingredients_ready" => 'We are currently ready to prepare %s. Ingredients provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are already done with these steps: %s. We still need perform: %s. ', "1" => 'covers the base of the teapot with tea leaves and aromatic herbs.', "2" => 'pours some water.', "3" => 'boils the water.', "4" => 'pours the hot water into the teapot.', "5" => 'waits for five minutes.', "6" => 'pours the tea into the cups.', "random" => 'ignores you.', "random numbers" => 'calls out: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_tealeaves" => "%s provides the tea leaves.", "provide_water" => "%s offers some water.", "provide_teacups" => "%s prepares the tea cups.", "provide_aromaticherbs" => "%s provides the aromatic herbs.", "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but it is not clear as to what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", "provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesnt have enough. Only has %s.", ); //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values) //the more variations the better, think what people could say //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please $instr['step_lines'] = array( "What are you up to?" => 'current', "Something smells good..." => 'current', "What are you using?" => 'device', "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers', "Describe the ".$item['name'] => 'description', //step 1 "Spread the leaves over the teapot's base" => '1', "Cover the base of the teapot with the leaves" => '1', "Put the leaves in the teapot and cover the base with them" => '1', "Fill the bottom of the teapot with leaves" => '1', //step 2 "Add some water" => '2', "Pour water" => '2', "Drop some water" => '2', //step 3 "Boil the water" => '3', "Prepare some boiled water" => '3', "Time to boil the water" => '3', "Boil some hot water" => '3', //step 4 "Pour the hot water into the teapot" => '4', "Add in the hot water" => '4', "Fill the teapot with hot water" => '4', "Pour in the boiled water" => '4', "Add in the boiled water" => '4', //step 5 "Wait for five minutes" => '5', "Wait for the tea to be ready" => '5', "Lets wait for it" => '5', //step 6 "Serve up the tea" => '6', "The tea is ready" => '6', "Pour some tea into a cup" => '6', //step 11 "Serve me tea" => 'random', "I am awesome" => 'random', "Look! It is a pink elephant!" =>'random', "Can you hurry up?" => 'random', "Ew!" => 'random', "I hate waiting" => 'random', ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => '', "5" => '', "6" => '',); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs', "/Here are the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Water,Aromatic herbs', "/Here is the (.*)/is" => 'Water', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Tea leaves=3; Aromatic herbs=1; Water=1; Tea Cups=4; "; $instr['effect'] = "aromatictea"; ?> [/CODE] [/spoiler] [color=#008000]Simplified version[/color]: [spoiler] [CODE] //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below[/left] Firstly, put in the leaves, covering the teapot's base with them. You then need to pour some water onto the leaves. Next, you will need to boile the water and after five minutes of waiting, the tea would then be ready to be served. //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe "Lets brew some tea." "Lets prepare tea" "I want to make some " "I will prepare a nice cup of aromatic tea" //what words you want to use to stop the process "Stop the brewing!" "Enough...!" " is served." "This is going nowhere..." "Ah it burns!" //what are the texts for different steps or events "start" => 'starts brewing the tea', "stop" => 'gives up brewing the tea', "end_success" => 'could smell the fragrant aroma.', "end_frustration" => 'got really upset and stops the brewing.', "end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.', "end_crazy" => 'spilled the contents of the teapot by accident.', //Actions "1" => 'covers the base of the teapot with tea leaves and aromatic herbs.', "2" => 'pours some water.', "3" => 'boils the water.', "4" => 'pours the hot water into the teapot.', "5" => 'waits for five minutes.', "6" => 'pours the tea into the cups.', //Orders //step 1 "Spread the leaves over the teapot's base" "Cover the base of the teapot with the leaves" "Put the leaves in the teapot and cover the base with them" "Fill the bottom of the teapot with leaves" //step 2 "Add some water" "Pour water" "Drop some water" //step 3 "Boil the water" "Prepare some boiled water" "Time to boil the water" "Boil some hot water" //step 4 "Pour the hot water into the teapot" "Add in the hot water" "Fill the teapot with hot water" "Pour in the boiled water" "Add in the boiled water" //step 5 "Wait for five minutes" "Wait for the tea to be ready" "Lets wait for it" //step 6 "Serve up the tea" "The tea is ready" "Pour some tea into a cup" //step 11 //Random "Serve me tea" "I am awesome" "Look! It is a pink elephant!" "Can you hurry up?" "Ew!" "I hate waiting" ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms "I will provide the (Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs)" "I will bring the ('Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs)" "Here are the (Tea leaves,Water,Tea cups,Aromatic herbs)" "Here is some (Water,Aromatic herbs)" "Here is the Water" //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device Tea leaves=3; Aromatic herbs=1; Water=1; Tea Cups=4; [/CODE] [/spoiler][/left] [left] For those of you who are not very familiar with the tea making process, you need to know that at least 2 persons are needed for this, so one provides and gives instructions and the other performs the "Actions" (you'll see the tabs in the simplified recipe example). As you will see in the recipe example there's 4 ingredents and 6 steps, in this case you can use as many ingredents as you want and as many steps as well. Good spelling, funny phrases, interesting actions make the cooking be better. A wish point will be rewarded for the best in general (donated by Princ Rhaegar), and there will be also some prizes for the funniest/best phrased one, and another prize for the most crazy/ creative one. I'll also be giving away an Imp and 2 LR archs age 563. If someone wishes to contribute with some creats, stones or whatever will be most welcome. Rules: No alts, you have only one submition so check good before sending it, if you post your recipe in this forum thread don't complain if someone steals and improves your work, i'd recommend you send it by forum pm. Recipes will be received until day 100 year 7 00:00 hs server time.[/left] [left]Edit: Liberty offered some more aged creats as well[/left] [left]Edit: Prizes will be given as long as we receive enough feedback.[/left]
  13. .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / -... .. .-. - .... -.. .- -.-- .--. . .- -.-. .
  14. Junior, i like you're idea to have a day to balance out the days of tranquility, but i'd prefer the attack recounter would be shortened than being able to attack inside the sanctuaries...
  15. I was wondering the same passant, so good topic i think, but i was also wondering (sorry if its a bit offtopic) how is this council composed, i mean are there representatives of each land? including the neutrals? has any land more representatives than others? Again sorry if my questions are a bit offtopic
  16. So what happened is the following....? 1-Yrthilian stepped down as king of GG (or at least he said so, now he says he still is kind of king, confusing but not really important i think) 2-Azull asked Kiley to be part f the Fusioneers 3-Kiley invited Azull into the guild as a preemtive way to protect the guild 4-Seems Azull accepted the invitation and then became a Fusioneers and so a GG citizen 5-Azull informed Grido he was joining the fusioneers. 6-Azull was jailed Now i wonder if point 1 didn't ever happened (lets guess yrth never resigned), should Azull be jailed for accepting an invitation in to a guild? i mean in any case they should deal with the guild leader to see why she accepted someone who wasn't supposed to be accetped.... Its like someome who works in a shop invites you there, so you go in and some responsables of that shop jail you cause they THINK you're up to no good ... they don't kick you out of the shop they jail you...... XD
  17. Wish you all a happy new year, don't drink too much! or do, whatever works!! XD
  18. 4gc for santa
  19. Creature: Knator Consumes: Flowers Produces: Pollen Production: 0.2 Creature: Shade Consumes: Timeless Dust (i think its a lvl 2) Produces: Liquid Dust Production: 0.1 Creature: Unholy Priest Consumes: Rain Water Produces: Blood Production: 0.2
  20. Maybe the citizens of each land could protect their land resources by using these lands cleansers, i mean if they join forces and decide to protect their herbs resources they could kick out the ones depleting...
  21. I can't search almost nothing either so i just use google ex: white lake site:[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/[/url] you may find info about that topic you're loking for here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10471-old-threads/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10471-old-threads/[/url]
  22. First i'd like to state i have nothing against dst nor phantom Orchid, and after reading gridos post and later responses, here are my views... Dst, used an Lho tool and got jailed for "as a cummulative punishment for her way of causing scandals, not for commiting an actual crime." Now Grido may judge if causing scandals is an Lho accepted behaviour or not, and in case its not he may decide what punishment applies (from a warning to a suspension) Phantom Orchid seems to have sold a bug to someone, acording to grido its not a very serious, and he states: "I would ask her to privately tell me how she found out about it in the first place", now this statement calls my attention, it sounds as if its not a very known bug/exploit, so the question we have is if she sold this bug/exploit knowing its a bug or not. If a punishment applies the bug must be taken into consideration, the obvious or not of it and the earnins she got from it. Grido decided to suspend Phantom Orchid from Lho for a year period, it seems to me as a rushed desicion, as the acused and the other person involved statements seems determinant.
  23. [b]Raw Emerald[/b] [i](ID: 4711)[/i] A green gemstone. It is rather fragile and not as hard as a diamond. Traditional birthstone of May.
  24. i'll ofer 3 silver coins for the 4 loreroot archers
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