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  1. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Eagle Eye in MD Christmas Treasure   
    Yes, you need to find the first location to start DD
  2. Downvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from No one in What happened to Magicduel?   
    I didn't had a bad experiance with the tutorial. But it might be just me, one of the 10%
    I am sad to see MD strugling. Maybe because I am relatively new to MD I can compromise with the changes. But there will be the elitist old timers, they are always present in every game.
    I wish I had joined MD while it was in it's prime. :(
    Oh and for the old ones. Don't go "Back in the old days..." on new players  :P
  3. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Muratus del Mur in What happened to Magicduel?   
    a25 is a total concept adjustment, md will change 50% after it, but still respecting some core concepts and using most of its current assets.
    Don't worry, you will absolutely love it i am sure. I designed it in a very smart and unique way, yet a way that is easy to assimilate by players already trained to play games a certain way.
    Md wil not be easier but will be a lot more playable and relaxing than it is now. For hardcore amateurs, deeper stages will remain intact...concepts will remain intact, just disimulated in a much more commercial form, so that nowadays players can cope with them.
    I estimate less than a year till md will die, unless i finish a25...yup.
    You wouldnt believe it how easy a community based game could die..once you drop under a certain player number, it becomes an unstoppable chain reaction. Money will prevent me from keeping it online anymore, and its structure that was build based on active players does not support single player mode(!!!), so a new start is nearly impossible.
    Thats why i am so agitated to get a25 done, because it is the most important thing i could do to ensure md does not die suddenly.
    ..not to mention i have a strong feeling this is the last major change i will do in md myself, so it has to come out right, or it won't matter at all.
    today i visited my martial arts teacher...and i realized we know eachother for 18 years..much of how i ruled md was influenced by his teachings (non-verbal/physical ones). I realized his school became a lot more commercial, for the same reason..people are more and more used to comfort and are less available to get out of their comfort zone to learn new things. So he made it more easy for them to assimilate, less painful and less scary...but for old timers, he keeps private training sessions. This is something i will not do...i guess my learning stops here. I will not split md in old timers and newcommers ...even if i wanted to do that initially. There won't be any private quests for old players from this 'era'...MD is enough splitt as it is. Even if it will be much more easy and commercial in the first part, the deeper parts of the gameplay will remain hardcore as they are now, for everyone.
    By hardocore i mean , ..it will still be the sort of gameplay that crosses the border of virtual and comes into your life and changes it.
    MD will not turn into a casual game, it will just pretend to be one, so that more will give it a chance.
    Deep inside i still believe we are not all brainwashed consumers and that somewhere there, there are still people of real value.
  4. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Sasha Lilias in What happened to Magicduel?   
    What happened to Magicduel?
    For the last year and a half I have been on and off Magicduel sporadically, it seems everything changes apart from one problem: the lack of players.
    Now, I know many of you will say "But MD is ticking along just fine", which I don't disagree with at all,but I call this a "problem" because, personally, I quite enjoyed having a fresh wave of beginners come through, most with their unique little roles, stories, ways of thinking and everything that creates a diverse population.
    In the last 12 (and probably more) months, we seem to have lacked a quantity of new players. With older players now becoming more and more inactive, I can't see this as a "ticking along just fine" concern.
    The effect is visible; the once most densely populated alliances now have around 4-5 members, you can pass through area after area without seeing another person, less and less role play happens and it's more common to see someone idle that it is online!
    So again I ask:
    What happened to Magicduel?
    Is BFH still the primary advertiser? If so are we getting enough traffic to the website? Is advertising being maintained? Do people just not want to play the game, if so...why not? Is it not user friendly or interesting enough if you're brand new? Or is it altogether a different reason?
    MD has been around for a very long time and a lot of us have been a part of it for just as long. I don't want to see something that has been worked on so hard and has such loyal followers to just fade out with time.
    MD may only be a "game" but it is also a legacy. Without MD some of us would have never met (be it in game or in real life) and never spoken.
    I'm sure there are many of you that have something to be thankful to MD about...
    I know I do.
    ~Sasha Lilias, Ghost of Fortune

  5. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Rophs in Snowy Seedwalk - Rophsmas2014   
    Bump, the snowy Seedwalk now has a time and nice links to a countdown timer and timezone converter.
  6. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Muratus del Mur in Secret Santa - Rophsmas 2014   
    done, sent my gifts
  7. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Chewett in Secret Santa - Rophsmas 2014   
    You could never follow the rules, sending 4 gifts is not sending one :P
  8. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Eagle Eye in MD Christmas Treasure   
    Its that special time of year. That magical, wonderful, time of year. Its the time of year we all look forward to, eagerly awaiting its arrival. That's right, the day has finally come around once more - Mur has misplaced has slave driving tools, the elves have escaped from captivity in Golemus, and the strange being we think of as Santa is more confused than ever before!
    Join us for a whirlwind adventure through six of MD's Lands! Will you be working for the little people of Golemus, eager to see their elf slaves returned to captivity? Will you be working with the 'Loreroot railroad' to help the slaves escape to freedom? Or will you just be hunting down the secret Christmas treasure that was stolen in the breakout?
    The third one, of course!
    Follow clickie based clues, and solve puzzles and riddles, in a race to find the hidden MD Christmas Treasure! But don't let Santa know what you're after - or he might have a shipment of coal with your name on it!
    This quest involves visiting NML, NC, LR, MB, MDA, and LotE, tracking down and solving puzzles and riddles that have been left on interactive clickies.
    Passsword: MD Treasures
    How to Start: State your player Name Here
    Quest Start: Day: 357
    Aramor - 9th Anniversary Edition

    1 WP              - Sponsored by Chewett
    Spellstones    - Sponsored by Chewett
    1 WP              - Sponsored by Nimrodel
    3 aged birds   - Sponsored by Fang Archbane
    5 Silver Coins - Sponsored by Fang Archbane
    6 Spicy Pickles - Sponsored by Syrian
    4 Heat Stone - Sponsored by Syrian
    No alt
    The eligible for the rewards are the players sign-in
    Sponsor are welcome
  9. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Chewett in New shop branch   
    Sounds fun.
    Although seriously, While only an idea atm, having a "utility" shop full of items that are useful such as removing tokens, etc, will probably be implemented over the coming weeks.
  10. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to Granos in New shop branch   
    Maybe a new shop tab full of useless items like tomatoes to throw at people or rotten fruit, odd items that we can use that have little to no real value other than mild amusement... I have over 500 credits with nothing to spend them on...
  11. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from Myth in Center of the Labyrinth   
    I think 0x-0.5 is a better answer then 0x0 now that I think of it. At least it suits the clues, that DD has given, better.
    The center does not exist, needs to be realised --> not a full tile.
    If we take 0x0 it is a full tile, even if it doesn't contain a scene (now we know it does) it can be considered a solid wall or a pillar.
    0x0 is how ever, mathematicly off if we take the current dimension of the of the labyrinth. It can only be the center if we assume that the Labyrinth is incompleate in some way ( I did that in my entry). 
    0x-0.5 is technicly given by the geometry of the current Labyrinth, no need for assumptions. 
    Edit: Got instant neg rep from dst.  :)) I wonder if it will stick.
  12. Downvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from No one in New shop branch   
    I don't think anything that requires WP should be out for sale. Buying stuff to help fighting is ok. Buying stuff to unlock secrets? Not so much.
    I think research and exploration is one of the integral part of the game. People should put effort into it (that includes keeping track of things your self).
    You can always make these things your self, like the bestiary. Just copy all the text from every level of every creature into a word doc.
  13. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Christmas Dash   
    Ok, I still intend to do it. At lest for the future use. I just feel the %-increase based ranking is a bit off. Since doing 3x-6x is nearly impossible. Not enough time/day. Even if people have more max AP they spend it and will use the boots anyway.  :P AP does not restrict me, time does.
  14. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from Rophs in New shop branch   
    I don't think anything that requires WP should be out for sale. Buying stuff to help fighting is ok. Buying stuff to unlock secrets? Not so much.
    I think research and exploration is one of the integral part of the game. People should put effort into it (that includes keeping track of things your self).
    You can always make these things your self, like the bestiary. Just copy all the text from every level of every creature into a word doc.
  15. Downvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from dst in New shop branch   
    I don't think anything that requires WP should be out for sale. Buying stuff to help fighting is ok. Buying stuff to unlock secrets? Not so much.
    I think research and exploration is one of the integral part of the game. People should put effort into it (that includes keeping track of things your self).
    You can always make these things your self, like the bestiary. Just copy all the text from every level of every creature into a word doc.
  16. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from John Constantine in New shop branch   
    I don't think anything that requires WP should be out for sale. Buying stuff to help fighting is ok. Buying stuff to unlock secrets? Not so much.
    I think research and exploration is one of the integral part of the game. People should put effort into it (that includes keeping track of things your self).
    You can always make these things your self, like the bestiary. Just copy all the text from every level of every creature into a word doc.
  17. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from DARK DEMON in New shop branch   
    I don't think anything that requires WP should be out for sale. Buying stuff to help fighting is ok. Buying stuff to unlock secrets? Not so much.
    I think research and exploration is one of the integral part of the game. People should put effort into it (that includes keeping track of things your self).
    You can always make these things your self, like the bestiary. Just copy all the text from every level of every creature into a word doc.
  18. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Center of the Labyrinth   
    Ok, my mind = blown. Realy, realy good job on this part Asthir. And now I am thinking "why haven't I tought of that"?  :))
    Having a "physical" proof is intriguing. I'll have to go back now again, to find it my self.  :P
  19. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Center of the Labyrinth   
    Ok, my mind = blown. Realy, realy good job on this part Asthir. And now I am thinking "why haven't I tought of that"?  :))
    Having a "physical" proof is intriguing. I'll have to go back now again, to find it my self.  :P
  20. Upvote
    Azrafar reacted to DARK DEMON in Center of the Labyrinth   
    There's no harm in posting this small part of Asthir's entry here I guess. It will blow your minds away.
    And he actually had "physical" proof for this too by the way, which he sent in an earlier message, but I can't post that because it is evidence that can be found by anyone who looks more deeply in the Labyrinth (hence a spoiler).
    I personally never wanted nor like "which is better" arguments, especially when there's no point in continuing, but nowadays its unavoidable it seems. I've said this earlier and I'll say it again: Amber's entry was awesome, hence she got the second prize. Please see the original thread and see what exactly I've kept in mind when judging: logic. I didn't let "the answer I had in mind" influence any scoring, except the 5-points "answer" category. She did very well and was impressive in proving her answer, and got the points for it.
  21. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Center of the Labyrinth   
    I think 0x-0.5 is a better answer then 0x0 now that I think of it. At least it suits the clues, that DD has given, better.
    The center does not exist, needs to be realised --> not a full tile.
    If we take 0x0 it is a full tile, even if it doesn't contain a scene (now we know it does) it can be considered a solid wall or a pillar.
    0x0 is how ever, mathematicly off if we take the current dimension of the of the labyrinth. It can only be the center if we assume that the Labyrinth is incompleate in some way ( I did that in my entry). 
    0x-0.5 is technicly given by the geometry of the current Labyrinth, no need for assumptions. 
    Edit: Got instant neg rep from dst.  :)) I wonder if it will stick.
  22. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from lashtal in Center of the Labyrinth   
    I think 0x-0.5 is a better answer then 0x0 now that I think of it. At least it suits the clues, that DD has given, better.
    The center does not exist, needs to be realised --> not a full tile.
    If we take 0x0 it is a full tile, even if it doesn't contain a scene (now we know it does) it can be considered a solid wall or a pillar.
    0x0 is how ever, mathematicly off if we take the current dimension of the of the labyrinth. It can only be the center if we assume that the Labyrinth is incompleate in some way ( I did that in my entry). 
    0x-0.5 is technicly given by the geometry of the current Labyrinth, no need for assumptions. 
    Edit: Got instant neg rep from dst.  :)) I wonder if it will stick.
  23. Downvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from dst in Center of the Labyrinth   
    I think 0x-0.5 is a better answer then 0x0 now that I think of it. At least it suits the clues, that DD has given, better.
    The center does not exist, needs to be realised --> not a full tile.
    If we take 0x0 it is a full tile, even if it doesn't contain a scene (now we know it does) it can be considered a solid wall or a pillar.
    0x0 is how ever, mathematicly off if we take the current dimension of the of the labyrinth. It can only be the center if we assume that the Labyrinth is incompleate in some way ( I did that in my entry). 
    0x-0.5 is technicly given by the geometry of the current Labyrinth, no need for assumptions. 
    Edit: Got instant neg rep from dst.  :)) I wonder if it will stick.
  24. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from Myth in Center of the Labyrinth   
    Yes, there can be multiple centers, depending on the point of view. I admit I didn't think of 0x-0.5 (for me it was obvious that it exists and I searcehed for the non existant one :P). I tought it was 0x0, also I tought of a central mirror axis and one mirror axis even outside the labyrinth. Because as I interpreted it, center doesn't neceserily mean one point. It can be a line too.
  25. Upvote
    Azrafar got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Center of the Labyrinth   
    Yes, there can be multiple centers, depending on the point of view. I admit I didn't think of 0x-0.5 (for me it was obvious that it exists and I searcehed for the non existant one :P). I tought it was 0x0, also I tought of a central mirror axis and one mirror axis even outside the labyrinth. Because as I interpreted it, center doesn't neceserily mean one point. It can be a line too.
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