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Everything posted by Guillak

  1. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1345455117' post='120528'] You'd have to be 'careful' with doing that, as it would lead to a certain bias - if you saw 'Person A' has voted one way, and you want to be in their good books/such, you may also do similarly. Equally a Player may form a grudge against those that voted opposing them, or people's votes may be otherwise swayed due to others being able to view how the vote went. [/quote] The idea was to show who voted for what at the very end only. As long as the vote is ongoing, nobody could see anything. There shouldn't be any reason to hold a grudge against someone who didn't vote for you as long as the entries are anonymous. But that implies the entries have to be anonymous in the first place indeed, centralized by the quest organizer. You are supposed to vote for the best entries, not for your best friends. If your friends come to hate you because you didn't vote for them, with all the more reason if you don't know what entry is theirs (of course you can cheat: "I'm entry A, vote for me please", hence making all votes visible), then you shouldn't call them friends … Am I just being too naïve?
  2. I was looking back at previous "mistakes" to think about a more flexible way to vote for entries in quests, for a hypothetical future one. Instead of doing it on my own then put it to use just once, I thought I might as well ask for opinions before, and why not in the end give a generic MDscript code so that anyone with clickie access can set up his own. I have seen several ways to vote so far (forum poll, forum posts reputation, in-game system vote [not for public use?], "hand-made" solutions like PM's to the quest maker or panels of judges giving out marks), all with their pros and cons, but none does what I'd like to do: the possibility for one player to vote for several entries, but at the cost of lowering the impact of the vote. Basically, it would be the same as the way stats are divided amongst your creatures in a ritual. If you consider one entry is the best, then you will give it 100% of your vote; if you can't decide between three of them, then just vote for the three and they'll get 33% each. Then just sum up all votes to find out the winner(s) like in a regular poll. Practically it's not different from forum polls with checkboxes (Doodle-like), but with the addition that the more entries you choose, the less influence your vote has. And since we're at it, this wonderful voting system would allow for total transparency and would not require mods to manually check for alts one by one. In order to reach this goal: how about optionally making all votes public, i.e. everybody sees for what entry everyone else voted? Entries would/can still be anonymous ("Entry A", "Entry B", or whatever). It would let all voters confirm that everything runs smoothly, and hopefully suspicious behaviors or alts wouldn't go undetected by the masses. The clickie would permit to export the whole thing in a grid. Plus it would make people spend a couple more minutes in-game rather than on the forum … Any thoughts? Would anyone use it if it were to be made? Need more, less? Or did I miss some hidden forum poll option that would make that completely useless?
  3. [quote]Ann. 2373 - [2012-08-17 01:19:44 - Stage 11] Bugfix: Ability to upload images/files to papers Everyone should be able to upload images/files to their papers again using the MD File Manager (7th icon on left on paper editor, right of hyperlink button). If anyone has this issue please post on the respective forum topic otherwise please close and make a new one if similar issues arise again.[/quote] This solves it for me, thankies!
  4. Guillak


  5. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1340300190' post='115656'] Going back to my original question, and reason this topic started; Define a reasonable price for revival. [/quote] Here's another approach: your compensation for using your tool, for which you worked hard, freely on others, is the ability to revive anyone, gratefulness of players, and why not ability to befriend anyone, including enemies (or you could make them grovel before you ), etc. Isn't that worth more than 20 bloody coins, or any "price"? The most valuable things in MD are not material … I think.
  6. Guillak

    A funeral

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1339431999' post='114357']I was revived because others had died. I was not popular enough to have an item used on me directly. So when others attempted to help me, Council had them killed as well.[/quote] [size=2](Going even further from the original topic, sorry)[/size] [i]Council[/i] killed us, back then? You sure about that? Any clue/proof?
  7. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1339340933' post='114269'] Heat is needed to cast spells, where is the heat? [/quote] Consumed at the time you cast the spell, just like a regular cast?
  8. (Somehow related to [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11883-spells-on-clickables/"]spells on clickables[/url], but much more accessible) How about the possibility to cast spells on the current location rather than a specific player? The spell would "hang in the air" in the scene and would be automatically released on the next person who walks in the location. A single wizard could cast several spells in a location, then all of them would be triggered off simultaneously whenever a character enters the scene, friend or foe (or the caster himself if he left and came back, forgetting about his own spells). If the spell allows for multiple targets, then it could effect all players in the current location (?). Technically, in order to cast the spell on the location rather than on a player, you would simply use the spell words without specifying the target (e.g. just "movelock" instead of "movelock Grido"). This would make it possible to set up random traps or blessings on a specific area. In the former case, a group of hunters would have to communicate in order to prevent a member to trigger a trap by accident. To protect yourself against such time bombs: walk around being cloaked/ghosted, in which case the spell would be lost (or the spell would ignore you and affect the next person instead?). The caster's spell counter would be decremented at the time of the cast rather than that of the triggering. Movelock was obviously the spell I first had in mind … Now it would really get hellish, making it possible to really [i]guard[/i] places. Currently, however strong you are, you can't stop someone from passing by you if the person clicks arrows too swiftly. And even if you see the other's name in the player list, by the time you cast the spell the target is likely to be gone since long ago. This would make up for such situations. It might help slowing down pursuers too, especially if your opponent has a large land loyalty advantage in a highly viscous place. Locate might get a new dimension too, as it would allow to watch over a place and report who the first person to visit it is, assuming the caster is online at the time the spell is triggered. Etc. All other spells would work as well of course. I think it is an easy way to give much more value to all spells, especially basic ones such as movelock and ghost.
  9. Finally, after nearly 4 months … [b]~ Results ~[/b] [attachment=3900:MusicalPortraits.html] I only displayed the names of the participants for those songs that received the most votes. [i]Top 10 voters:[/i] [b]1. Soothing Sands: 1867 (17.6%)[/b] [b]2. Eon: 1858 (17.5%)[/b] [b]3. Esmaralda: 1812 (17.0%)[/b] 4. *Clock Master*: 1782 (16.8%) 5. Menhir: 1781 (16.7%) 6. *Burns*: 1707 (16.0%) 7. Maebius: 1650 (15.5%) [s]8. Guillak: 1622 (15.3%)[/s] 9. phantasm: 1576 (14.8%) 10. ZenTao: 1457 (13.7%) Soothing Sands chooses his prize first, then Eon, then Esmaralda! Morph, WP, Santa. Don't hesitate to check your score, I'm not immune to bugs. [b]~ Who assigned what? ~[/b] You can now see who gave you what song in the clickie. Same password!
  10. Isn't it possible to scale images down? The ones I used in above screenshot were scaled down to 32 pixels. As I said, you can remove them completely otherwise. First letters of creature name should do it, or why not help by rotating text by 90°.
  11. [attachment=3898:fightlogs.jpg] (hand made of course) Width: fits perfect, as long as you don't display the whole creature name. Creature slot number or creature name initial should suffice. Tooltips would then display all necessary information at the player's will. Height: let it scroll, just like current linear display. A fixed table header might help as well, i.e. all lines except the first one move up/down when you use the scroll bar. As for the images: as Liberty said, loading several times the same image on a given page doesn't consume more bandwidth than loading it once. We could also remove them completely, but I think they would help the player a lot if something similar was to be implemented.
  12. (Building on Liberty's "offtopic" paragraphs, mods feel free to split) [size=2][quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1337690996' post='112587'][/size] [size=2]if ya ask me, md needs to get rid of stats and rework whole combat system from scratch, md needs one new dev just for that (which md cant afford), and need to implement new ideas that aint affect with stupid numbers, i dunt understand why every game sooner or later has to fall on that: hey lets raise our number value in "damage" then lets raise this up too..... etc etc and we are pro, i hate that kind of approach, the reason why almost all games use that kind of system is becoz its easy to implement, its finished solution, ya dunt have to think much, since implementin system that is both fair to veterancy of fightin and to be balanced while nut usin some stat crap is very hard, well ya can notice that it cant really be done, but ya must that md initially was set towards that path with some quazi-stat system, back then stats didnt mattered ya had some it helped ya but nut much and that was point, mur never anticiapted they would grow up so much, and thats problem, and also addin other things that effect combat like items, spells and tokens well it makes things worse and its too late to go back and fix things up on way they were intended to be, back then spell were oke they were this op as today, but today they are and they need to be cuz of all other stuff that is scalin up, but still they aint good solution to balance things up, which is obvious[/size] [size=2][...][/size] [size=2]point of stats (i am repeatin myself) is to act as small bonus for fightin veterancy (or dedication towards it), its nut meant to be ultimate tool for destruction[/size] [size=2]imo very good solution to all this would be to make base multipliers for each stats used in combat (init, power, luck, att, def) and then make relative system which would compare amount of stats two confronted players have and then make ratio which would be multiplied with base multipliers (which are same for all) and then add those relative stats in combat and use them instead, so if somebody has 10 times more attack for example and if multiplier is for att is 10, then ya get 10 att for that fight, and he gets 100, simple as that, it would make ya stronger in fight so yoar trainin wasnt for nuthin, but it still would be the ALFA&OMEGA of whole fight, ofc there needs to be exceptions for cases such as player with 10mil att attacks dude with 10 att that would make first one still get insane amount of stats in actual fight, so it should have some exception to it[/size] [size=2][/quote][/size] Another suggestion, possibly "cleaner" than such multipliers: make all stats relative to each other, rather than using absolute values. For instance, if my profile has three stats Attack 20 Defense 100 Power 5 Then the actual numbers used in combat would be Attack 16% (20 / (20+100+5)) Defense 80% (100 / (20+100+5)) Power 4% (5 / (20+100+5)) Obviously not usable as such (I guess some veterans have very unbalanced stats, e.g. my "attack" is 15 times higher than "trade sense"), but hopefully you get the idea. In the above example, I would clearly have a "defensive" profile. To put it differently: [i]shape[/i] is more important than [i]size[/i]. That's what one of the trigger tips suggests, regarding the principles. The longer you stay in the realm (the more you "train"), the more unique, and robust, your shape. Thus your "absolute stats" (current ones) can still grow indefinitely, but there would not be any point in increasing them ad lib, except to reinforce your shape. Veterans would thus not be "stronger", but "insensitive to change", as their percentages would evolve much slower if their stats are huge. The older you are, the more difficult it is to change your identity. Veterans already have stronger creatures and tokens already. Back to skill damage: in this context, it would only [i]alter[/i] your shape, not [i]hurt[/i] it. You might even [i]need[/i] skill damage if you are a veteran that wants a major change of profile. And I don't think giving skill damage to all players would be a problem … Again: not usable as such. But something along this line sounds quite MD-ish in my opinion, as it would introduce the concept of balance in your very profile. And all newbies would have a chance to overcome vets again etc.
  13. Always works with resource collecting items too indeed.
  14. Seems like Xcercses misunderstood my post, and he's gone since yesterday indeed … As I don't want to waste any vote, I kindly ask everyone to wait for his return. So: we'll end it next week instead of tomorrow, sorry for yet another modification. All participants are encouraged to lynch Xcercses whenever he comes back.
  15. It seems there aren't many votes coming anymore, so I'll end it quickly. [b]Deadline: Sunday, March 20th[/b] … unless I'm asked to prolong it again, but I guess participants have had enough after nearly 4 months. Given the—relatively—low number of votes, I won't display scores as percentages, but as an absolute frequency instead: same calculation, but without the final division, so it won't change the ranking.
  16. I think so! Edit: that may explain why the spell is less likely to work in the Tribunal, since people might tend to use all their AP's very quickly then go idle/logout, waiting for them to replenish.
  17. It appears the timestamps are lost, and the order of locations messed up, whenever you log out or go idle. We tested it with Grido at the Paper Cabin. First cast: [spoiler] Locating Guillak ... On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_1x3_2 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 3_4x-4_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_1x1_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_4x4_2 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_1x4_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 3_3x-3_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_2x3_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 3_2x-2_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_3x4_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_3x3_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_0x4_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_4x4_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_-1x2_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_-1x3_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_3x4_2 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 3_1x-1_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_0x3_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_3x1_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 1_2x1_1 On 05/05/12 19:40:56 was at 7_gate_1 [i][color=#696969]~ I probably went idle or logged out there, then resumed playing. Above: messed up. Below: OK ~[/color][/i] On 05/05/12 19:40:59 was at 1_1x2_1 On 05/05/12 19:41:07 was at 1_2x2_1 On 05/05/12 19:41:12 was at 1_1x3_1 On 05/05/12 19:41:42 was at 1_0x2_1 On 05/05/12 19:41:48 was at 1_0x1_1 On 05/05/12 19:45:18 was at 1_0x0_1 On 05/05/12 19:45:21 was at 1_0x-1_1 On 05/05/12 19:45:27 was at 1_0x-2_1 On 05/05/12 19:45:36 was at 1_-1x-2_1 On 05/05/12 19:45:44 was at 1_-1x-1_1 On 05/05/12 19:45:52 was at 1_-2x-1_1 On 05/05/12 19:55:38 was at 1_-2x-1_2 --- Last known location! [/spoiler] Second cast: I just logged out and logged in again, without moving from the paper Cabin: [spoiler] Locating Guillak ... On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_1x3_2 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 3_4x-4_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_1x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_-1x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_1x2_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_4x4_2 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_1x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_2x2_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 3_3x-3_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_2x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_-2x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 3_2x-2_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_-1x-2_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_3x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_3x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_4x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x0_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_-1x2_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_-1x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_3x4_2 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 3_1x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x-2_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_3x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_2x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_1x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 7_gate_1 On 05/05/12 20:11:56 was at 1_0x2_1 [i][color=#696969]~ Now only the current location is correct ~[/color][/i] On 05/05/12 20:13:08 was at 1_-2x-1_2 --- Last known location! [/spoiler] Last cast to make sure going idle had the same effect as logging out: I moved a bit, came back at the Paper Cabin, then just went idle and resumed playing. [spoiler] Locating Guillak ... On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_1x3_2 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 3_4x-4_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_1x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_-1x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_1x2_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_4x4_2 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_1x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_2x2_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 3_3x-3_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_2x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_-2x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 3_2x-2_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_-1x-2_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_3x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_3x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_4x4_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x0_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_-1x2_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_-1x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_3x4_2 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 3_1x-1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x-2_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_3x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_2x1_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_1x3_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 7_gate_1 On 05/05/12 20:19:43 was at 1_0x2_1 [i][color=#696969]~ Same ~[/color][/i] On 05/05/12 20:20:36 was at 1_-2x-1_2 --- Last known location! [/spoiler]
  18. Happy 500th post! :)

  19. Happy birthday torturer!
  20. … and a candy! No problem!
  21. [i][b]~ Results ~[/b][/i] We've received various answers, of various length and content. Which is all for the best! [i]Top entries:[/i] 1st: Maebius 2nd: Soothing Sands 3rd: Kris Summers 4th: Change 5th: Isabella Finch 6th: Darkraptor [i][b]~ Rewards ~[/b][/i] Sorry for the change again, but it's a good change (+1 angien offered by Maebius). So:[list] [*]1 pickle + 1 silver + 1 candy for everyone [*]Top 6 will choose amongst the following rewards one after each other (top entry chooses first, etc.): Council creature (most probably Anniversary Aramor), Angien, Heat Stone, Mirrorritual Stone, Prot Movelock Stone, a pack of two Weaken Stones (because I can't distinguish between the level 5 and the other one in my inventory >.>) [/list] Find me, or let me find you, in order to get your prize! Note: I don't have the pickles yet. [i][b]~ A summary ~[/b][/i] I won't write an essay here, but just a list various aspects that have been observed by participants, and some questions it could raise. (Note: you didn't have to write something like in order to score, this is just [i]my[/i] vision. Some entries adopted a more MD-symbol approach, which was welcome of course.) [i]Shape:[/i] is it a straight path? Does it contain bends? Or is it continuous? Curved? Twinned? Some shapes might be monotonous to walk on, others allow one to look back at the distance covered so far, etc. [i]Size:[/i] How long is the stair? Is it wide or narrow? Will it tolerate any misstep? [i]Slope:[/i] given two ends to join, the steeper, the shorter, but the more difficult as well. [i]Artificiality:[/i] most stairs are artificial, and make you follow a path designed by someone else, but natural stairs exist too. [i]Grandness:[/i] majestic or rustic, designed for the kings or the common run of people? [i]Environment:[/i] where is it located? Is it related to other places? Depending on the location, different people will pass. Some are lonely, others can be crowded. What are the surroundings, and would they affect the stairs themselves? Or the ones walking the path, who could get distracted? [i]Direction:[/i] as evident as it seems, you can climb the stairs … or take them down. Some are designed to reach higher places, others to reach lower ones. [i]End:[/i] what's at the end? Can you even see the end? Will you get a reward for climbing the stairs, or will you only find disappointment? [i]Purpose:[/i] why are the stairs here in the first place? Most probably they allow communication between the two ends. Some are just shortcuts over longer paths. [i]Use:[/i] what will [i]you[/i] use the stairs for? Gain height to stand on top of others? Sit down and rest on them? One can distort their initial use. [i]Memories and expectations:[/i] whether it reminds you of something, or it inspires you some feeling/dream/etc., you'll find a good reason to come back on the same path … or not. Now: what's a stair, or what does it represent? (No answer needed )
  22. Council sponsors the quest with a special creature! … My bet is an Anniversary Aramor. So, first place will not receive a bonus cup of tea, but the creature instead.
  23. Winners received their rewards! An Anniversary Aramor (7th edition) for the 1st and 2nd place, and a Gold Avatar Token for the 3rd place. Congrats!
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