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Everything posted by Steno

  1. As stated previously, the two main concerns of everyone are that interaction with other players is needed and/or a Story, if however Brief. perhaps if people have ideas of a story they could start fleshing them out and working with the GWI team? as I see it, it seems like people would not be opposed to working in a short story to add to the island, and while that is being implemented either people can choose to spawn at PC or automatically get spawned at PC
  2. The main things I see about GwI is are that it is a great way to start players off when they first get learning how things in MD typically work. It isn’t as inclusive as the old tutorial, but that’s fine. My 3 main suggestions: have a way off of island unique to players 120+ AD ( I’m sure ungod already has a story in mind) Introduce a little bit of that overarching story to GWI, not necessarily as a forced content, like old tutorial, but perhaps in that cave we put in a clickie of a book, player can then choose to read a little bit about what is happening on island (perhaps excerpts from diary of being that set it up) make it just a little easier for players on mainland to get to GWI, though if 1 becomes reality, then I I think this largely moot
  3. Congratulations @Chewett for solving the puzzle first! Congratulations @Syrianfor getting the fastest time for September! You both earn 5SC! For October's Puzzle: Tools (I was too busy to spend more than 10 minutes of effort, next month I'll go back to lands and use the AL and Announcements to make it more relevant) https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1503765/ Good luck!
  4. Only a few days left to beat the fastest time! also, if you want to have your land/alliance/guild/whatever MD related featured for October, just send me your topic and at least 15 words to include!
  5. I am closing this quest, as the timeframe has ended. I will re-open this quest during either XMas or Anniversary again.
  6. Hello everyone! This quest is about a proclamation the King and Grand Duke, Chewett made. To start the quest, you must go to Marind's Roundabout and "listen" to what Chewett is saying. (If you follow the mdscript prompts and it doesn't give you more content, back out and try again, it sometimes does that) Once you have read the introduction section of the quest (there's 5 parts), then it will tell you to come back here. Then post here which route you choose. This quest has 3 different pathways: A) Artistic: where you create your own ritual of transforming the creature-must start quest to get guidelines B) Basic clickie: Where you follow in darkraptor's footsteps using his journal to make the transformation occur (has basic riddles to make you find next location---some clickies were created for this quest, so you'll have to examine scenes with care as new clickies may be there-or defunct clickies turned to mdscript) and C) Cipher: Where you take the final page of darkraptor's journal and decrypt what it says and follow its instructions Once you choose a specific route, you will need to declare it here. Once you declare, the path that you chose must be the path that you finish with. For obvious reasons, I will be looking at timestamps, if you complete the survey within 20 minutes of posting here, then I know that you posted after you'd already started. (I timed it myself several times). Your time will automatically be changed to 30 minutes from posting (so yeah, don't test me :P) The first person to complete will receive an elu &2GC, 2nd & 3rd will receive 1 old, old crit from me, and 4th&5th will receive 2 random spellstones and 2SC each. For each route, to get further guidance on how to proceed, you must go to the location of the hint [Elu3] and try to "discover" what to do next. Remember, to get Quest Points for further rewards, you must complete the survey after you finish. The link can be found when you find the clickie mentioned above. Time stamps will be examined for survey and answer submissions. Posting your solutions or your answers here will not only not count, but disqualify you. Alts are allowed, provided they complete a different route from your main character.
  7. Aia, I sent your info! Also, if @Ungod and @Aia del Mana wouldn't mind posting your quest forum link (if there is one) in the calendar's event page, that way it's all in one place for people who want to participate, I'd appreciate it.
  8. Ungod, info sent. DG, give me a name of the quest and I'll send you the info you need! YOU HAVE 3 more days to register a quest for the event to be included in judging for WP and possibly other rewards! Quest registration ends on September 11th, 2020.
  9. And I here I thought Ledah would rise to the occasion again and get first completed puzzle. Oh, and for those of you wondering, you CAN repost the puzzle multiple times, if say, Ledah were to post a new fastest time, Chewett or Syrian could post a 2nd time to achieve fastest time. Congratulations Chewett for claiming the 1st poster reward!
  10. Lol, you know you can! Just tell me titles so I can register.
  11. @Chewett it IS faster, I’m just blind! The reward for fastest time goes to Chewett! Sorry ledah, you already got the reward for first!
  12. Sorry for being a few days behind! Work has kicked my butt the last 3 weeks. @Ledah wins 1SC for posting the fastest time at the end of the month! Chewett had a faster time, but decided not to post it For this month's puzzle the prizes are increased to 5SC for first to post, and 5SC for fastest time at the end of the month! https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1408846/ Go, go go!
  13. Also in case I wrote too much. If you want to run a quest, simply post the intended name of it here. I’ll get you registered. This way players know what quests are available.
  14. I guess I should register with myself the quest I'm planning to have: Chewett's Proclamation.
  15. Please post here if you are intending to create and run a quest during AAA. You should post your name and the intended name(s) of the quest(s) you intend to prepare and create for the event. The topic of this particular AAA event is celestial lycanthropy. Basically this means that something about the heavens and something about transformation can be the theme (the self changes, the heavens change, both change, in different causal or correlational relationships). This theme is meant to be your inspiration, to get your juices flowing. Guidelines: You can have your own rewards, however every participant who completes your quest will get QuestPoints (QP), which they can spend in the QP Shop to obtain rewards. The theme is meant to inspire you, it is not required. However, if your quest is deemed on-theme by a strict majority of your participants, then you, as the quest-creator will get bonus Quest points. Quests should be 20 minutes-72 hours long and open to anyone to complete. If quests are ridiculously easy, committee reserves right to nullify rewards for a portion of QP reward. For time frame go to: calendar page The quest can be any format: clickie, riddles, forum, outside artistry, combat, whatever. There will be a Quest Feedback form that SoE will be requiring participants and creators to use in order to provide points. Upon registering, creators will be given the link to the survey and a unique code for each quest. The creator should put somewhere upon completion of their quest the link and the code for their quest. We encourage quest creators to offer up their own rewards for quests. We just want to provide an environment where rewards (lack of or inability to find suitable ones) isn't an issue. These personally-offered rewards will be additional incentive for participants to complete your quest and will be in conjunction with the QP awarded. The top quest-maker, as determined by utilizing the survey, will receive a WP (possibly multiple winners, depending on the # of creators). The quests should be open during the time period of the event. The quests can stay open longer, but only the ones that are completed within the time frame will generate a benefit for creator and participants to use in event shop. Now, the complicated part... Quest Points. Each time a participant completes a quest, both the creator and the participant get 5 QP each (if the survey is filled out). The first time a quest is completed (and only the first time) the creator gets 10 QP, not 5. (their bonus for making a quest). So that if I make a quest and 2 ppl complete it, I would receive 15 QP, not 10. 10QP for participants, and 5QP for making quest that at least 1 person finished. The survey will provide quality control and feedback for creators to hone their efforts in the future (participants should be nice). Using this Quest Point system, creators and participants can give tips to each other. Each player can give a tip 3 times as a creator, and 3x as a participant. Tips are worth 5 QP. Tips are rewarded by participants if they think the quest was really awesome. tips are given by creators when the submission or completion of their quest by a certain participant was awesome. The way this works is: if my quest is a clickie quest and I feel that it should take 2 hours to complete, but someone finishes it first and in 15 minutes, I will give a tip to that participant. Now that player gets 10 QP for finishing my quest. (I could tip a participant who wrote a 4 page novel when I asked for 400 characters, or someone who welded a model drachorn instead of drawing one, for example). Tipping someone requires an explanation for event staff to avoid abuse. Now to the Point shop: TLDR: You get points for making (if people complete) and completing quests. These points can be spent in event shop. There is a topic for event: celestial lycanthropy, this topic is meant to get your creativeness sparked. There will likely be benefits to making your quest on-theme. Quests must be registered in this topic below. To get credit, each participant must fill out the quest feedback survey upon completion, otherwise neither creator nor participant get credit.
  16. Item 4- 35 plushies item 7-25 plushies
  17. Item 4--24 plushies
  18. Item 2 Item 3x2 Item 5 Item 6 x2 Item 7x2 Item 13-77 plushies total
  19. Item 3- 16 plushies Item 4-22 plushies Item 8-65 plushies
  20. Item 8- 52 plushies
  21. Item 8 - Darkling, 2836 age ID: 793858 - 50 plushies
  22. If the ten people who have more consecutive days than I decide to just... forget for ONE day, I'd greatly appreciate it!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallos
    3. Tissy


      power off the server for one day and your dream comes true.

    4. Tissy


      how this system works. I can't believe that the active days among the top players are so close! 

  23. Item 8, Darkling 41 plushies
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