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Everything posted by Steno

  1. Interesting. I thought I should remind you Ungod of https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/5026 I like your idea of risk. Is there a possibility that instead of death, which is quite a heavy punishment, or perhaps, as a more likely negative outcome, that any trades run the risk of either A) Being rejected by the merchant, whereas, perhaps he takes some as a fee for his time [this is kind of dumb imo, but thought I'd mention anyway] B) That instead of getting currency back, there is a chance that you get an utterly useless resource that can only be gotten from the merchant, say... trader vouchers. Which could then be used to trade at a truly abysmal rate, say, 150 vouchers for 1 SC. whereas I would speculate that even common resources, like water, would have a higher rate than that. Edit: by in addition, I meant something along the lines of 50% chance successful trade, 35% poor trade (refusal or for basically useless resource), 15% change death P.S. The voucher system seems stupid. But it could also be as simple as determining the most useless resource already in existence (as determined by sheer ability to obtain in the realm) and make it the currency the trader gives to you)--->This could also be done that if the trade has 4k aromatic herbs and you want coin for your water, he may give you the herbs instead, since he just paid a bunch of people for the herbs, he needs to move the herbs, not deplete his coffers
  2. Steno


    Or perhaps minipets could just be a classification for non-combat creatures, like one that eats candy. Then that space could be explored more.
  3. Good job Ledah! You earn 1SC for completing first! There is still another prize if someone can post a faster time before the 1st of September, otherwise Ledah gets that prize as well.
  4. Just a reminder that July's crossword still hasn't been solved. Reward=3SC. This month's theme: the Lands of the East. https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1341065/ Don't forget, it's 1SC for the first to complete, and 1SC for the person who has posted the fastest time in this thread.
  5. A game about stories. Stories that you choose not only what happens, but where it goes, how it impacts you, and even what that story is. I've learned that in MagicDuel one often has their character go and explore options, or routes, that they(or I) would never take as a person. My character might find fulfillment in doing something that I never would in my real life. Then the realization hits that my character and I are not so different after all. In that moment, the friends, the choices, the decisions, the stories become more than just part of a game and a character, they become real, they become part of you. All of those times when your character did something that forced you out of your comfort zone, you've realized that your comfort zone has now grown. I have been pushed, pulled, and gravitated to many things in MagicDuel, all of these have made me do two things: learn and grow.
  6. Item 8- Darkling 35 plushies
  7. 10 plushies on the Darkling, Item 8 1 plushie, 7th anni, item 2 1 plushie, 9th anni, Item 3 1 plushie, 11th anni, item 4
  8. Since It's about to be August and August will be LotE, here are some answers to the harder ones... Please note that there are no spaces or apostrophes in answers. 6. A player present during this year's anniversary 8. Starts with the word "Nelya" 10. One word, we use it a lot with new players. 12. A monster in greek mythology 16. Has tiles and a pulley 19. Has an alt with the name "Dragon" on the end, his avatar wields a hammer 24. This one could be called Scout, starts with an abbreviation There, 25% of them now have better clues. I will be giving 3 SC for completion of this, since that's how much SC I've gained this month and both the image quality and difficulty of this were high indeed.
  9. *quietly gets ready to make Chew spend another 5 lifetimes in the next week alone*
  10. I shiver with anticipation to know what you actually determined to do Chew? Was the community's guidance helpful?
  11. Chrome seems fine, though chrome typically only produced 2 scroll bars. I'll try later on mobile safari where I got 3 scrolls to the side every time.
  12. I imagine as more of a throne, even before he got elected . Except it swivels and is actually comfortable.
  13. My Other vote is Make MD FF-compatible (I personally have no issues, but others complain incessantly) and/or make a magicduel.com/mobile page that allows you to fight and move (hopefully less intensive-particularly by making static erolin orbs an option) Also my vote includes adding the discord button... but Apparently I have to work to get him to do that
  14. He wants your ideas, nay he craves them. Your King and Grand Duke (not to mention good guy) @Chewett asks for your assistance. Whether it be interface patches, putting the discord button on the top bar, fixing FF issues, or something else, say it here! He told me to do this #ChewettMadeMeDoIt
  15. A creature that when fed an item (fed actively, not passively like some other creatures, like you have a button on creature page that says "Feed") makes you 'stealthy' or 'silent' for a time. Basically, when fed something this creature gives you a buff where your echo either doesn't appear, 1.2 the time, or only 5 minutes. This buff would be with the tradeoff of a -25% attack and -25% power debuff. The main tradeoff of this would be that it takes up a creature slot while having no combat abilities. This being on an item would probably be easier, but I wanted to explore the offset space a little more. I kind of like the thought that you quiet your mind, attempting to control how noisy you are to the outside world. The state of mind is not quite tranquility, but something with intent behind it. It's like focus, you are turning your actions and mental energies from a raging river (which floods and everyone can see) to a piped water system, moves very fast but you don't see it. Yes it is a very poorly-worded analogy. But I wanted to figure out what 'state of mind' you would occupy when you recruited and utilized this creature. Also, with the new map feature and locate stones being plentiful, this wouldn't be very powerful. Now, if it took your dot off the map.... It would have an entire array of fun implications for future events, like Heads, Torch, Races, Tag, etc. The accompanying resource to consume I have not thought about, but I was thinking it could be something costly like cake, so in theory 1 team would have 1 person with a bunch of cake and this one creature to feed the cake to as a strategy to win the torch contest. Also, can this topic be moved to New Ideas, where it belongs?
  16. #1: I loved this. I've been wanting to ask this stuff for awhile, but no one really seemed to have time -ingame. Mur's whole lecture coin changed that. I learned how to do some really simple stuff that I would have honestly given up on before clearing that hurdle #2 I wish it was longer or that I had multiple clickies to practice in at once when I asked (I thought chew was offline so my query would give me time to prepare ) #3 The best part about this was that it in the future people who want to MDScript can look at a conversation about how to do MDScript and then do it. One of the things the MDScript help files don't seem to do very well is the lack of pictures, maybe I'm dumb, but having a picture that shows it in the window, and what code corresponds to what stuff in the html window side would have solved my problems months ago when I first tried MDScript. 10/10 would listen again As a heads-up to all people thinking about spending their lecture coins: prepare more than 3 questions in advance. Like try 10 or more.
  17. I am not sure if this is where to post when they have occurred or not (not totally clear on the procedure of this initiative since I haven't seen Ailith for a bit. But I didn't understand coding at all, let alone MDScript. Chewett spend over an hour answering questions, walking me (the blundering fool) through the hurdles of basic MDScripting to do some basic things that are incredibly handy in quest-writing. If you want to check it out(or need the proof), go to the discord, and go to language learning channel. Search for "Timer starts now, 16:50" to find the beginning of the lecture"
  18. Since I myself was struggling I figured many of you were. so here is a good place to start for ancient LR history (besides the announcements): Also #19 is way too vague. Here's an additional hint: has an alt that shares his name but also has the surname Dragon
  19. Why so secret? Can you post the graphs for the rest of us? In my personal opinion, while creating an artificial economy might be a good idea (also with Ungod about now I’m confused about the “problem”) I am of the personal belief that making resource trade-ins valuable for stat boosts Or even buffs (which I find more intriguing) will be the easiest to affect change. The way I see it this could even be tied into lands or alliances. i haven’t thought this through to the end and I know people have very strict ideas about what loyalty points represent. But choosing to donate my resources to MB to get loyalty points and/or a buff (that is MB or SoE themed- such as my water gathering skill gets +10 for 1 hour with 100 resources. Or my briskness gets the boost.) random thought I had.
  20. Well even though it was my idea, it was half- devil's advocate. It is very much like loot boxes, that chew mentioned. If for some reason, against literally everyone's better judgement this (as in a slot machine) was implemented, it would need to only have 1 outcome, and that outcome should be negligible if achieved. Another idea that has been suggested in regards to the creation of more of an economy is one suggested by Ailith: That one could take 20 branches, and if a person had a certain level of finesse, say 25, they could make a limited-use herbs basket for themselves. This basket would have only 20 or so uses in it, but it would be a way to incentive people actually using branches.
  21. It has been discussed several times by many people about how a present economy in MD would be very beneficial. This economy would need to utilise the resources in-game, at all levels in order to function properly. Several ideas were thrown out about how to introduce said economy. Some were: Make quests/creature recruitment/keys/permanent stat boost/buffs obtainable by exchanging resources, similar to the heads resonator in MDP Make a slot machine that spins (very important feature) that you can pay 1sc into with the change of getting a permanent bump to luck. Toxic plants -> posion -> Intoxicate aura token Make some weird bank thinkie with dynamic resource exchange rates in Willow's Shop < @MaGoHi can explain more> @Chewett had some other ideas too, but wanted someone else to make the post. #ChewettMadeMeDoIt
  22. I apologize for the delay! This one is not very good, I must admit, I should have done more research beforehand, but I didn't want to push back it's release anymore! (The website also lost my first 2 versions of it, so... yeah. From now on, the First to finish (put picture of completed puzzle in a spoiler) and the person who posts the fastest time within a week of posting will get 1 silver--doesn't work for this one. P.S. Some of the facts presented are just from my opinion/understanding. If you feel I got something wrong, please let me know, I implore you to use this as an opportunity to teach me and the rest of the community about historical aspects of MD (looking at you, Mur/Chew/other fossils). P.P.S. If you want your land/alliance/topic to be featured in next month's puzzle, just send me a message with some words/clues! P.P.P.S. Thank you Aia for your help in this month's puzzle!
  23. July's Word Puzzle has been delayed, as I have been and will be intermittently out of town for the next week. I hope to post it when I return. I apologize for the delay in releasing what I know you all wait on with baited breath.
  24. Steno

    Time dilation

    So you’re more looking for hey, here’s an idea. How could this be applied? Could viscosity not be an application of this? That our perception of the time and the energy to move could be intertwined, one in the same, or even two symptoms of the same cycle or phenomena (in this case the principles that dictate the MD realm).
  25. Can pocket lint be moved to this category? But like the descriptions changed to the kind of pocket lint you found as a kid that was wrapped up in a candy wrapper in your pocket so you thought it was candy? I mean, asking for a friend.
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