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Everything posted by MoM

  1. MoM

    I cant access MD

    Aren't there players from Egypt? I checked more than 1 WiFi hot spot, none let me open, so is it that Egypt blocks MD or something? EDIT : I was going to download something on my phone (E7-00, dunno if it's relevant) and I accidentally wrote in MD, and it worked! Of course, it worked is not an exact 'it worked' the thing is, it let me enter the main page, it pressed the 'login' hyperlink, but due to the lack of Adobe, even if I log in, it'd be useless (can't see anything)... now that is weird
  2. MoM

    I cant access MD

    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1313526280' post='90256'] localized issue... [/quote] meaning? can I resolve it somehow? I'm off for 16 days... not logging in would cost me a lot =S
  3. Basically, I've been trying to log in since yesterday morning... but the web page is always unavailable... I gave it some time, bout until today @ 11 pm, still nothing Could it have something to do with the fact that I'm now in Egypt for holiday? A few facts you might need : I'm using the pc I used back in Lebanon I tried it on 3 different browsers (IE, Chrome, and Firefox) I deleted all cookies and browser history just in case I tried to go to www.magicduel.com/layout.php directly, but still nothing What's not loading is a master page (the home page), it's not a log in problem, since I can't even attempt a log in I tried it on an ipad as well, and also on other laptops, and on other WiFi modems... same thing forum works fine, so do all other webpages Basically, my Uncle told me it's the server which may be down... But that I doubt, after all, it seems no one has complained, and you guys are obviously very involved in the 'new things'... So, any ideas/help/suggestions ? Thank you in advance [Note, I just won my first wp, that's why I'm just too excited to enter the game... please don't make me wait =( if you can...] [Side Note to Mods, I just realized that the title like this is really... WRONG (people might get the wrong idea that the server is actually wrong) can you change it to something more appropriate as in : bug - server down, or such]
  4. it was a pleasure Fyrd, and I don't think I'll stop just yet =) I think I know a few subjects to tackle, that I'm sure most people (as in new people) would like to know about...
  5. WU seems tough for me... I don't think my parents would encourage paying for a game (I am planning on spending all my phone credit surplus which is about 20$ per month, but I can't spend them every month, so I'll probably have to save and spend when it's a large amount, and they wouldn't want that =P) by the way, are there some systems (like Paypal for example) that would let you transfer funds from your phone? If so then I think there wouldn't be troubles... or basically I can just nag my parents for a credit card =P I guess it'll work out eventually...
  6. @Fyrd, I'm 16... I don't really have a bank account, so I can't pay via checks OR credit cards OR... I do have a phone however, and it's extremely simple to pay through that, so, as Chewett said, [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1313067887' post='90007'] so paying for such games was indeed done via the phone. [/quote]
  7. any 'updates' about this?
  8. I dunno where I read, but you said you'd be back on the 10th... that's why I said it was early ^^
  9. basically, I've wanted to be a subscriber (or just pay in any way) for some time, but : I'm too young to have a credit card The 'pay by phone' isn't supported in my country and offers too little credits for me to consider it now, after a while, I bumped into a site that offered the kind of payment that suits me : pay by sms... basically it works like this : you make a main account, you transfer money to your main account via sms, from you main, you transfer money to other sites... the site is called mopay : [url="http://mopay-inc.com/"]http://mopay-inc.com/[/url] Mur said he'd accept any form of payment... I want to pay that way... is it possible?
  10. didn't Mur say that it was find if we used about our alts to make 1 or 2 items for our main, but not overuse this "free source of items" ? Basically, you can allow an alt to make an item for the main once...
  11. THANK GOD! welcome back Fyrd =) a bit early though, not so?
  12. hmmm so even with creatures upgraded beyond maximum for the MP level,it's possible to use still use them??? and also, even when upgraded beyond max lvl, it's aura's still work =S? well if that's it, I guess you can close this topic...
  13. Okay so this is the combat action of the battle we had... basically, i was after some healing by the nutcrackers... but something weird happened : [attachment=3103:action.png] and here's the battle log : [attachment=3104:rounds.png] basically, there are only 3 creatures capable of 'energy burn' in the ritual, and all of them are 'upgraded beyond maximum level' yet, one of them has attacked me... weird thing is, that didn't happen before... NOTE : for any mod who thinks that this contains spoilers, I don't mind if you edit it and remove the spoilers...
  14. 73) Forum Chewett is different from in-game Chewett 74) Chew A through Chew Z are NOT Chewett's subs, they're actual players that have nothing to do with each other....
  15. lol Fenths can now be harvested inside the Fenth Cave =) come quick!

  16. lol Fenths can now be harvested inside the Fenth Cave =) come quick!

  17. hehehe lol Mur was there in the Fenths Cave, and he said that I (of course, not I directly) have to stay here, I said it was no prob cz I can't even leave GG anyway, he then said "oh, but the ap cost of exiting GG is about to chagne" and I just couldn't stop laughing! and after the announcement =D anyway, please close this topic...
  18. hold up, back to what Burns said... I asked quite a few LHOs and even Mya and they all said "you can exit via the gate of ages" so if we couldn't before... then I completely agree with you guys... and I guess you can close the topic?
  19. Poppi, you guys are still NOT getting it! IT used to be FREE to go through the gate from the inside, it used to be FREE to leave! Now it costs too much, I agree that entering is alright, but leaving isn't considering it was 1 and now is 240!
  20. yes sasha, which is exactly why the ap required to enter must stay the same, but c'mon, don't you guys suggest we 'try the labyrinth'? that's the whole point of my discussion, entering it directly via gate should not be for everyone, if just 'anybody' wants to enter GG, he has to get in the HARD WAY... but after he got in, and felt satisfied, he sould be able to leave a little easier...
  21. so I take it that you have not given out a prize for imagination yet?
  22. 68) The RPCs didn't quit, and it didn't stop cz it was ruining MD, Mur banned them so that they wouldn't get more attention than him...
  23. basically Luke, you missed my point... the labyrinth can be solved by almost anyone, if he/she is patient... but now, with this sky-high viscosity, going through the labyrinth is living hell... once the players reach GG they'd say something like "finally" and explore it... once they're done, they'll want to leave... basically, it's high-way robbery to make them leave through the labyrinth as well... it's as if you're telling players : don't come here implying, don't explore, implying, don't be inquisitive... rare new players have what it takes to cross the labyrinth, and once they do, how do you repay them? by making them cross it again? entering is for the vets, they've played long enough and should be allowed to enter through a way different than the labyrinth, but why is the exit this way as well? I think it should still be high (to leave) about 120-ish, high enough for it NOT to be such an easy task (might require free credits, and burst...) but not 240 + (depending on viscosity) and @Amber, like I said, new players want to see the realm, because that's the type of players MD gets, inquisitive ones... and @Maebius, sure challenges and limitations are things we have to overcome, but what if the 'age' doesn't allow it? and @Burns, they're open for the chosen to come in, but for EVERYONE to go out... final word (to all) : suppose this 'active days into ap' thing never happened... how would you feel about the 240 ap requirement? and before you tell me, it's because of that change that they put this high ap, I'd like make you imagine a similar scenario : gate is closed. age into ap applies, BUT exiting through the gate also costs 240 ap... now you might complain it's not fair to have crossed the whole labyrinth (for a meeting lets say) and now you have to go back through the labyrinth again... you'd definitely take the gate... same goes here, we'd love to take it, but we can't =( anyone not convinced, please reply.
  24. basically, when a person worries and takes his time passing through the labyrinth, especially one with as low ap as I, they usually have the comfort of knowing that exiting GG won't be as hard as entering it... Not any more..68 I entered GG yesterday with a pass slip, on Mya's quest, now, I want to exit, but the ap requirement is too high (268 ap) something I can't achieve with free credits and burst I understand why it needs a high requirement for entry, but does it have to be like that for exit as well? can't it be something like MB gate, where entry is 80 ap, but exit is 20... It would really make my visits more infrequent if I knew that I'd have to leave as I came in - labyrinth... I have a poll that might, perhaps help...
  25. MoM

    HC Contest

    lol dux ^^ you'll still win... cz if the score is melting, so is everybody else's ...
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