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No one at Oak Fort


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Whilst I can, in that I see that he appears to be collecting herbs, when the location doesn't list them as an available resource.

Do not make bug reports a guessing game. State the bug, provide appropriate screenshots if necessary, it helps things get fixed faster if people don't first have to figure out what you're actually chatting about.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1350434323' post='124123']
Whilst I can, in that I see that he appears to be collecting herbs, when the location doesn't list them as an available resource.

Do not make bug reports a guessing game. State the bug, provide appropriate screenshots if necessary, it helps things get fixed faster if people don't first have to figure out what you're actually chatting about.

How the hell can you know the bug? it looks like there could be multiple things here! The only obvious thing is that there is some bug here.

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Bickering aside, I originally assumed this was yet another topic bemoaning depletion before reading Grido's post. Explanation to go with your pictures is helpful to lazy/inattentive people like me. Just a sentence or two is generally enough to keep yourself and everybody else happy. No guarantees though.

Edited by Pipstickz
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Hi Nad.

I am answering you because I am REALLY GLAD you reported this.

First time I noticed something wrong was a few weeks ago but I didn't know what it was.
Today with your first image, it came to me like a flash and for that "flash" I thank you. I missed it for years - the thrill of finding new bugs.

Now, for you and the rest that neg-rep me: it is not an abuse as you cannot gather resource that don't exist.
More info are in email to bugs so that this will not be used on purpose by others.

And I really meant it when I said : Thank you :)

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dst, you are more likely going nowhere. what in the world have you smoked?

[b]are you with me?[/b]

did i ever whined about No one depleting resources? let me clear it to you, madam dst:

successful [color=#ff0000][b]MULTIPLE USES[/b][/color] of Herbs Basket by No one in Oak Fort, then once minutes ago in GoE, seen by my very own eyes, where there aren't any Herbs available is not an abuse?

if it was meant to "test" or was only an accident, why use it more than one time?


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nad ya are just shootin in dark, do ya have proof that its

[quote]successful [color=#ff0000][b]MULTIPLE USES[/b][/color] of Herbs Basket[/quote]

all you have with that screeny is that there are bunch of notifications of him collecting herbs in wrong place

to prove that its not just bunch of useless notifications, you need multiple screenshots each containing one by one notification in chat and his inventory items increasing (so you need to see it in action at the spot) there are no indications on that screeny about time each action was performed either, moreover since it might be bug that broadcasts notification of herb collecting action from another location, you would also need screeny of him in some other location at that given time and again with his inventory and chat

like this you got nothing, like wookie said you got something, but you cant prove wut exactly it is, and even then if you prove it all, ya would still have to prove that its done on purpose and that he already knew about it, just notorious reputation on his name wont cut it

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[quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1350434560' post='124124']
so that is not an appropriate screen shot?

and for your information, i am not treating this as a game.

[b]unless you are blind, the evidence is very clear and can speak for itself[/b].

The screenshot is fine, but you have no explanation, and thus it [b]is [/b]a guessing game. Explain what the bug is, otherwise the community will have to guess at to what you're actually talking about.

Evidence is never clear, it usually hides.

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siegh i dont blame ya for not understandin, there was a post by 3rd party person in here that actually said what this all was about, but it "disappeared" (skyarmy's post)

now now now if ya really think somethin wrong happened, which by yoar reaction, ya obviously do, why dont ya contact bugs and/or council, they got logs of everythin they can easily check wut exactly happened, instead of askin others to do it in yoar place and get burned

[quote]Report it to Council, let Council deal with it.[/quote]

or are ya encouragin nad to push it to council for a trial? i am pretty sure he saw that post himself and figured out that hes mistaken, and bugs have report from no one and logs of things happenin, they can easily prove that its just notification spam in place X while it should have appeared in place Y

imo to me it looks like that many ppl are playin games to make no one look guilty, he certanly aint the one playin them

and afterall do ya all (the ones that throw accusations) really think that if he actually was abusing somethin he would do it in front of everyone (goe) ? thats just plain stupid, not even the guy with iq below room temperature would do that

anyhow, if not in other way then ya will see in announcements or in council reports (as always) what exactly this bug was about when they post about work done

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Liberty, looking at the 1st post and counting how many times No one used the Herbs Basket, i say [b]eleven (11) times[/b]; plus [b]once[/b] at GoE, making it [b]twelve (12) times[/b]. sir, i am sure you know what the word [b]multiple[/b] means?

and i can not follow No one everywhere the whole day just to get screen shots of him doing the same thing because i think my proofs are enough, and i have more MD duties to take care of (like watching how he and dst are showing the water guild and Marind Bell how ELITE they are, but i have no serious problem with that since it is part of the game.)

but to see them indulging with something unfair to others? well..

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[quote]We have recieved no ones bug report and the effect has been properly
documented. There is no abuse and the only issue is that the chat
message is appearing in the wrong location, we find no evidence to see
that he is abusing the system however we still need to check the code to
rectify the problem.

Please refrain from posting any more accusations of abuse, if anyone
has any further issues with this bug please report it to ourselves.
Please close the topic if more accusations are made.

bugs @ magicduel . com[/quote]

Edited by AmberRune
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nad, look what i quoted, you colored word "multiple" yoarself, i quoted "succesful multiple uses", and mine point was on whole phrase mainly on "succesful" part of it, now you even have public confirmation from bugs, but yeah in short mine point was that if somethin looks incriminating it doesnt means it actually is, or in this case, eyes can see wrong (or they cant see at all)

so in the end ya had one insufficent evidence which proved only that somethin is wrong, but which couldnt prove wut, ya gave answer to second question by yoar own indications, ya failed to provide evidence that proves yoar indication of no one "successfully using herb basket mutliple times in location with no herbs" (or in other words yoar screeny cant prove that chat lines are actually from given location)

ya sticked to most obvious possibility which wasnt the actual thing that happened, ya didnt had open enough mindset to see if there could be more possibilities that could have happened and instead ya just jumped to "conclusion", ya might ask yoarself question why others like chew didnt think the same as you

i hope this explains mine post well enough

and somebody forgot to lock this :P

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