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Phantom Orhchid - wrong use of dream


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  • Root Admin

reason 1: "You were the one going on about keeping dreams sacred and you dont care."
reason 2: "phantom just decided to dream a large amount of people."
reason 3: In general, you should have ben more creative in manifesting your hate on dst, not dream in idle mode, and being idle is not a crime. Worse case, you should have been waiting for her to reply/react before any dream punishing.

i guess any other investigation on this matter is useless, this is clearly an abuse. I was not online today, but if mass dreaming was indeed done, that means just one thing. Council, pls remove dream ability for Poe.

Role powers should be used as they were supposed to, not to their full extent of their technical capabilities.

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Not to give her an excuse, but it seems to me like she just stopped caring about dream weaving all together as it was meant to be completely private and confidential. She seems to be acting out in protest. This is just my evaluation on her actions.

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There are two people (besides myself) who know the truth behind this situation, the reasons for my actions.

A final riddle, for which I will give a WP to whoever can solve it.

If you can catch me running around as a fugitive (jail is so easy to escape), you may ask. Otherwise, seek under the origin of the MDA oak sapling for a clue.

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Madam congratz welcome to the club hehe
So from the start u know this is going to happen don't u ?
But why ? ....i would love to know that mystery behind it.

I had my doubt about your actions especially the way u replied to Mur
I know in the whole realm the one person u respect the most is that Mad man.
And knowing that u had that dream ability a long time b4
but why abuse now? and that mass dream thing ...ahahaha surely its not POe we know.
There should be a good reason behind your actions. And i shall dig it for the future hehe.

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[quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1366174049' post='134982']
Madam congratz welcome to the club hehe
So from the start u know this is going to happen don't u ?
But why ? ....i would love to know that mystery behind it.

I had my doubt about your actions especially the way u replied to Mur
I know in the whole realm the one person u respect the most is that Mad man.
And knowing that u had that dream ability a long time b4
but why abuse now? and that mass dream thing ...ahahaha surely its not POe we know.
There should be a good reason behind your actions. And i shall dig it for the future hehe.

Much as I might disagree with Tipu on his uses of 'u' and 'b4', On this I must say I agree. I saw the anouncment, and I read the forums posts here, the one thing that jumped out at me was that it didn't sound like poe to me.

If only to ally the minds of those who think this, Or even to sate my own questions, could the logs be checked for the IP adress that Poe's account was logged in from, and what she normaly logs in from? If it differs, could a check be done to see who else uses the newer ip adress? (this is said with an understanding that IP adresses do change, by location, or by a few other reasons.)

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Pothos' timestamp='1366207798' post='135000']
Much as I might disagree with Tipu on his uses of 'u' and 'b4', On this I must say I agree. I saw the anouncment, and I read the forums posts here, the one thing that jumped out at me was that it didn't sound like poe to me.

If only to ally the minds of those who think this, Or even to sate my own questions, could the logs be checked for the IP adress that Poe's account was logged in from, and what she normaly logs in from? If it differs, could a check be done to see who else uses the newer ip adress? (this is said with an understanding that IP adresses do change, by location, or by a few other reasons.)

Iv just performed a check and her IP address hasnt changed in a while, not since at least 2013-02-19 from just pulling some of the more recent data.

So while it is certainly away from her initial character of "dreams are sacred" it appears it was indeed her.

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For clarification. There are dreamcatchers, those with the ability to cast dreams, those with that particular role - but, there is only one Dream Weaver, and that is me. I say Dream Weaver because it was a role I created, a role I continue to play even though I destroyed my dreamcatcher role.

It was an art form I created to supplement the dreamcatcher ability, an art form I have begun to teach two people in the realm. An art form I will continue to use to explore, to push boundaries and limits, to make things challenging and uncomfortable (for with struggle comes growth, resilience).

There are a few who seek to understand the reasons, the why. And for those on that path -- it will require a stretch of the imagination, boat-loads of patience, and a discerning eye.

[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#4B0082]The ones with laughter caught with no answers, the beings who presume before all.[/color][/font][/center]
[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#4B0082]In the mirror, they see a dream, they see a nightmare.[/color][/font][/center]
[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#4B0082]Against their will.[/color][/font][/center]
[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#4B0082]But I can see the smoke -- I can touch the fire[/color][/font][/center]

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1366164328' post='134981']
If you can catch me running around as a fugitive (jail is so easy to escape),

You are correct, Perhaps you should read about the reasoning why jail is so easy to escape.


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PoE I might sound crazy, silly whatever, but it is very hard for me to understand the reasons behind this sort of acts.

So I would like if you can explain me that. Like is there a real reason behind this? Or all is part of revenge? or anything else?

All I see looks like revenge, but why?


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[font=comic sans ms,cursive]N[/font]

[quote name='BFH' timestamp='1366462974' post='135091']
PoE I might sound crazy, silly whatever, but it is very hard for me to understand the reasons behind this sort of acts.

So I would like if you can explain me that. Like is there a real reason behind this?

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Now that would be a spoiler, my dear - and I would hate to deprive someone of earning a WP to solve the riddle.[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]! > # > &[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive] ;)[/font]

Edited by Phantom Orchid
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