Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted June 11, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 11, 2013 *facepalm* heat was an almost good one..that could work,,, but still an example. Resources in a location have and will have a delay. Its not a bug, could be different but its intended. I believe it will infuence gameplay in a good way, you say i can't possibly know that "because i don't play".. Maybe not playing it helps me see it the way i want it to BE, and thats the guidance it needs to grow in a direction and not just expand randomly. Maybe one day i will make keyboard shortcuts for collecting resources, that would make you happy No one, "will make those scripts of yours less interesting ;)" Why ...WHHYYYYYY.....why would we still need to move it below if they are no longer taking up the space?????? *searches for his pills* BAN ME FOR FORUM RP Ackshan Bemunah and Maebius 2 Quote
Dan Posted June 11, 2013 Report Posted June 11, 2013 (edited) sorry, i dont know if somebody have mentioned it or not. But the resources thingy and the "Location Tips and Info" are overlapped in some scenes. For exemple GoE: Edited June 11, 2013 by Dan Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 11, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 11, 2013 sorry, i dont know if somebody have mentioned it or not. But the resources thingy and the "Location Tips and Info" are overlapped in some scenes. For exemple GoE I will look at fixing that tomorrow. Quote
No one Posted June 11, 2013 Author Report Posted June 11, 2013 (edited) *facepalm* .... Maybe one day i will make keyboard shortcuts for collecting resources, that would make you happy No one, "will make those scripts of yours less interesting ;)" ...Why ...WHHYYYYYY.....why would we still need to move it below if they are no longer taking up the space?????? ... Unfortunately Mur, you will not be able to prevent what I do except with a ban because I don't do anything wrong from interface point of view. It all started when I had too many creatures and you offered no support. So, it is your fault. So, are you going to keep this feature witch is quite funny in my opinion but still stupid just to prevent me from scripting ? Then ban me. [spoiler] document.getElementById("pagecontent").contentDocument.getElementById("sceneResources").style.display="block"; [/spoiler] And again you lost the point : it is not about space it is about location and accessibility. You are not responding to any of those requirements, you are just hiding behind : "will" (read as future) . See : "could be different" , "will infuence gameplay" ________________________________________________________ I don't ask the changes for myself (and you should have already known that by now). I ask for everybody else. ________________________________________________________ Keep the interface as you please. Don't be surprised when plugins will show up to adjust the interface for "game play" and "accessibility". I am not the only one to know how use a macro / javascript nor am I the most advanced in the class. But I am the only one that considered the consequences. ________________________________________________________ While I'm at it: I also find disappointing Chewett's attitude. I am just trying to convince myself that he is restricted in some ways. But sometimes I find it hard to believe it. Edited June 11, 2013 by No one Ackshan Bemunah 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted June 11, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 11, 2013 ..prepare for surprises :D Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted June 11, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 11, 2013 "Unfortunately Mur, you will not be able to prevent what I do...bla bla" i can easily do that, i just did for the resources delay thing... (it can still be done, but i doubt you have the knowledge how :D) if you prefer i work on countermeasures instead of something productive, no problem Quote
No one Posted June 11, 2013 Author Report Posted June 11, 2013 Yea, I know how. Just go to Java applets or complete flash interface and I will not promise I will not try anything on it. The problem Mur is that you try to do something against ME. Ok, I quit arguing with you if you get it back so that everybody ELSE can enjoy the full extent of the feature. There are 2 points in this debate: - good point : you use more skills and provide something really genial (just that in the wrong direction) but that could be used later - bad point : * you waste time and nothing genial comes out * you make the game even harder to play (page loading, information is inaccessible etc) So, I quit. You wanted a feedback, I gave you one (and more) for free. I promise you will not see any more feedback from me unless YOU mur ask it (like that will ever happen or will ever be needed). You know how to find me. ___________________________________________________ Yea, it seems cocky but I am tired of you thinking that I ask for something so that I can use in scripts. Or that I ask these changes for my personal use. Everything that I proposed, ever, was rejected until it was forced on to you to fix. I don't care anymore, you have Chewet and probably the Council for feedback. And seighart and po and who knows who else Quote
Ackshan Bemunah Posted June 11, 2013 Report Posted June 11, 2013 (edited) If a human can figure out the number of resources, so can a script. Unless you intend to make the amount of resources into some sort of captcha, it's not even worth trying to disable N.O. (Think amortized time. If it takes a long time, it does not matter as long as people are harvesting resources at the rate they currently do. This is especially true if it takes 1000 minutes to deplete a pile of resources, and there is a limit on the number of community tools.) It's also not worth angering a player who provides tons of valuable insights and has a great mind. hmm, no one beat me to his defense. This is actually unfortunate. I think people here need to learn to stay silent when attacked, self included. Trees set on defense. Edited June 11, 2013 by Ackshan Bemunah Quote
Tom Pouce Posted June 11, 2013 Report Posted June 11, 2013 LOL funny "No one" as taken same resolution that i have taken for me recently :) Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted June 11, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 11, 2013 My dear No one, as you can observe from the matrix code..sorry i mean source code, there is an imminent threat to all scripts of any sort created to alter md interface. While they still work, the latest change allows to stop any of them at any time with a simple renaming of something that script uses. This is indeed a measure against you personally, but will be helpfull in the future for any similar situation. Now let me explain why You are a valuable player. Your skills allowed you to add certain modifications that you say they made things easier but in fact they basically altered your perspective of the gameplay and together with that your ability to have useful opinions. You say i don;t play so i can't know how things work in the games reality for the everyday md turn I say you play with help of scripts that lead to a similar situation. The inbalance created by using "tools" will always be harmful and not helpful to md. Take for example a script to attack players for example, while farming makes things easy for you it takes you out of the "reality" of the game. I can't believe you are gathering resoruces "manually"..and i also know i can;t stop THAT sort of tools, however, i can always try to make it harder and harder for someone to do modifications to the interface in their own advantage as this is usualy known as "cheating" Pipstickz, Zyrxae and Ackshan Bemunah 3 Quote
Ackshan Bemunah Posted June 11, 2013 Report Posted June 11, 2013 [spoiler]Unless I'm missing something, this is again easily overcome, just requires another extra degree of separation? All you did was turn a literal into a variable, which can be set to a value based on searching the code, if he has access to it. If he only has access to an unchanged version of the code, so be it. (I don't know the situation.) [/spoiler] Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted June 12, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 12, 2013 the point is, i will be fighting against custom modifications of the interface even if it means to quit work on other sections and focus on this. All protection measures are eventually beatable somehow, randomizing variable names and obfuscating sourcecode are enough to cause some trouble to someone trying to do such tools. Against someone already used with how md works its futile. but any change done now will prevent new techies to create cheating tools. When i hear the opinion of someone using scripts to play md, i hear a very altered view of whats going on, and that can affect my view and others to see how things really are. Nevertheless people that create such tools or discover certain bugs are welcome and its why i gave medals for such things. There is a difference between abusing and using.. but when it comes to opinions, their view of the gameplay is biased regardless if they are using or abusing such tools. this is my opinion at least. I admit for example i don;t have a clear view of md gameplay at this point, but i NEVER had, i walking blind in this coding adventure aiming for targets that might be there or not. Plus i disliked the attitude to be honest. To get back on topic, resource icons remain where they are now, i did some minor adjustments to how the tooltip looks and an other change is upcomming to make it more clear to people that never collected resources how they can do that. You all miss the fact that a new player has no ideas what is what and where is that. Quote
Laphers Posted June 12, 2013 Report Posted June 12, 2013 I believe that when Ackshan was speaking of couplets he meant this: Is the overlap of the two intended? Quote
Ackshan Bemunah Posted June 12, 2013 Report Posted June 12, 2013 If it's extremely brief, which it is now with the delay, then it's not a problem really. Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted June 12, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted June 12, 2013 i lowered the fade values a bit, Chew got them initialy right, but i changed them a bit so the resources appear a tiny bit faster, not much. If that overlapping will look too bad i can delay them as they were. The prioblem is that the flash will always load at variable speed compared to the resources part, i can;t get them right perfectly, just acceptable. Quote
Fire Starter Posted June 12, 2013 Report Posted June 12, 2013 If the delay is intended, then I am OK with it. I can see Mur's reasons, while looking from his point of view, and No one's also from the other side. Looking from MD's point of view though, I must admit, that Mur's points are more logical. I also would prefer the faster interface, but I have already experienced much of MD through the past years, and can do without some things. Which is bad, because I DO feel that I am already loosing some of the MD touch. This is mostly due to the intense RL stuff on my mind, but that would never excuse me for trying intentionally loose more of what MD feels and looks like. Quote
dst Posted June 12, 2013 Report Posted June 12, 2013 I stayed out of the fight because it was ridiculous. You two were like 2 goats meeting on a "one goat" bridge :D. Luckily one of you had to go to sleep and hopefully the sleep was a good adviser. the point is, i will be fighting against custom modifications of the interface even if it means to quit work on other sections and focus on this. All protection measures are eventually beatable somehow, randomizing variable names and obfuscating sourcecode are enough to cause some trouble to someone trying to do such tools. Against someone already used with how md works its futile. but any change done now will prevent new techies to create cheating tools. Let's assume I am anew player with knowledge about php, html and whatever you're using. And let's assume that my intentions are not that "moral". What is the first step I take when trying to do bad stuff? I try to right click and I see it is not working. So I search for a way to overcome that. No one did find a way and he found it fast. You know about my coding knowledge and skills. He needed 5 minutes to explain (not even show) how he did and I understood and with a little work I might be able to overcome that restriction myself. When i hear the opinion of someone using scripts to play md, i hear a very altered view of whats going on, and that can affect my view and others to see how things really are. Nevertheless people that create such tools or discover certain bugs are welcome and its why i gave medals for such things. There is a difference between abusing and using.. but when it comes to opinions, their view of the gameplay is biased regardless if they are using or abusing such tools. this is my opinion at least. As my collection of crits grew, I was unable to open the crits page because flash would crash with a BIG bang. No one solved that problem for me by making a script that present the crits as a list. You have seen print screens of how it looks. Is that abusing? I call that a really helpful way of dealing with an issue that is not really MD's. Trigger box displayed only the IDs of the players. We wanted names. So another script was made (a nasty big one that needed constant update). And it was good and soon it was implemented as a MD Shop feature. Now, that script has 2 small features (and one in pending) -the visc, location and tag info -the actions next to players are color coded (in this example there is just one action in grey but for example intoxication shows in green :) ) and they have a more relevant text -pending feature - the resources used to show in there along with the amounts calculated based on proper gathering - all of those color coded as well (like for proper gathering you'd have green, bordeline we had orange and red for depletion). It helped me not to deplete resources and everybody was happy. The inbalance created by using "tools" will always be harmful and not helpful to md. Take for example a script to attack players for example, while farming makes things easy for you it takes you out of the "reality" of the game. I can't believe you are gathering resoruces "manually"..and i also know i can;t stop THAT sort of tools, however, i can always try to make it harder and harder for someone to do modifications to the interface in their own advantage as this is usualy known as "cheating" I agree. Attacking bots can be made. And there are players in MD that have them (you might not believe me if I tell you that he never made them but I am doing it anyway) and use them. Chewett knows whom I am talking about because I did complain to him. I believe we play this game long enough to know what hurts and what helps MD. My dear No one, as you can observe from the matrix code..sorry i mean source code, there is an imminent threat to all scripts of any sort created to alter md interface. While they still work, the latest change allows to stop any of them at any time with a simple renaming of something that script uses. This is indeed a measure against you personally, but will be helpfull in the future for any similar situation. Now let me explain why You are a valuable player. Your skills allowed you to add certain modifications that you say they made things easier but in fact they basically altered your perspective of the gameplay and together with that your ability to have useful opinions. You say i don;t play so i can't know how things work in the games reality for the everyday md turn I say you play with help of scripts that lead to a similar situation. What you did was make life harder for normal players. People with "skills" will always find a way around it. I don't have the skills but I do benefit from his knowledge. Do my opinions on the game are not useful because of that? Is my perspective of the game wrong because of the "altered vision"? I agree, the way No one presented his case is not the best approaching method. He's a programmer who lacks social skills and diplomacy. He usually compensates through calm but that has also a breaking point. But you should know better and ignore such things or if you really care about it, talk to him in game, whatever and see what he has to say. You still think you are right after the talking? Well then ignore him :D Anyway, what is done is done and there is no way back. I will stop here but post one last print screen taken few minutes ago: No one and Ackshan Bemunah 2 Quote
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