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[Consumable item] Drug-related


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In my head it would be called "Skooma" or "Moon-sugar" like in Elder Scrolls :))


Perhaps the item with this effect has already been brought up but...

A consumable item that changes the "sign" of all of your stats for a good period of time (say several hours or days).

Meaning, if you had 1500 attack, you would now have -1500. If you had -1500, you would now have 1500.


It could make you addicted somehow if you keep using it as well, let's say get skilldamage if you don't use it again in X period... 

The periods would be such that you could gradually 'beat' the addiction by slowly taking it further and further away in time distance.

But if you keep on recklessly taking it, it would be very hard to beat it.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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That's interesting, but do a lot of people have negative stats ? If it just make you addicted and get all your stats in negative, I don't see why would people use it, except for rp reasons.

Do you want it to be used for rp or fight, or something else (drug someone :P ) ?

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The drug should be temporary and not-that-easy-to-get (but still relatively accessible for the point to work), so it's not something people should rely on and get encouraged to lose stats.



Now about its point - it's more of a desperate's straw:

I see it more as a path for those people in skill damage to use their current situation.

Lot of people went into negative stats because they idled in the open and got kicked around, or because Eon attacked them too much.

This would encourage THEM to be around, rather than hide or demotivate themselves for going into negative stats, as if their whole "players' life" was ruined.


It might even stimulate MD's activity :D

Imagine 5 people wanting to use that situation, and they decide to idle whole months at GoE to gain negative stats.

People see them idling, and come gather to get some wins off them, enjoying a decent farm rather than empty GoE during half a day. People gather and talk. Activity, life! :D The possibilities are endless when there is activity.



(some effects should be added so it dont get pointless. for instance, you are not in skill damage while you're in the effect of drug)

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but dst, point of this is to change your stats, if you have positive it will change them into negative, hence people with stats won't be using it. on the other hand if you already have negative stats if you use it, it would turn your stats into positive :P hence weak people would be motivated to become "drug" addicts :P

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These are my stats from idling (instead of logging out) with creatures freely available to attack. It's not too hard to get this amount of stats, it just takes a while. (461 day old account so maybe 300 or so days of non-fighting)


Wouldn't it be easy enough to temporarily multiply all your stats by -1?

Edited by Mallos
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More and more I am getting convinced that the existence of such drug-consumable would lit the activity fire.

Other than the general gathering of people due to 'training dummies', those several people that would farm negative stats would get temporary chances to be strong fighters, lands could use them as mercenaries during torch competition, it would stimulate new roles.

Drug resource would be of essential strategic importance, it would stimulate the 'economy' of MD as well, and all this without a new radical feature that just makes the game more complicated, no, this feels like a natural development.

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I do like the idea of an item to swap your stats. Not sure it should be coupled with skilldamage though. That would actually be an advantage for those who profit from it most, as they can easily farm even more negative stats. Perhaps instead it should freeze the regeneration timer for a certain amount of time.


It would also be interesting to see this used as a weapon in combination with the poison inoculator, allowing people to force it onto others by fighting them.

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It would be easy to farm negative stats indeed, but to a point:

- If too much people farm negative stats, there's nobody to 'make' those negative stats for them

- Few numbers of active drug resources makes it very hard to satisfy several people with negative stats often.


Shift your stats for 2-3 days in 2-3 months, I think that should be the ratio for an average negative stats farmer.

To maximize your 'fighter' time, you need to acquire as much as drug as possible, meaning you have to buy the drug, meaning you need to do something else to earn money to buy it... Sounds stimulating to me. :) The key is in drug being in few numbers, and perhaps with a time deadline to use before it expires.

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And the next step will be the detoxification center, where you stop your addiction and slowly regain positive stats :P. And don't forget the drug dealers who will make a lot of money on the consumers ^^.


But seriously, I think that your idea is well balanced and can make very interesting roles.

Speaking of the drug dealer, if the drug is hard to obtain how do you think you can produce it ? I think that using several resources and combining them would be good, so producing the drug would require trade or gathering and a specific object to combine the object, making it hard to achieve.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Root Admin

Doesn't CB take (almost) all stats and puts them on a random one = if it were to be used when in skill damage, wouldn't the user have a massive loss in one stat instead of what they had before?


As I said, similar :)

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Ok... theory: (:p)


Person with skill damage: 10 stats at -100


Use CB. Result: 1 stat at -910, 9 stats at -10 = irrelevant, since negative stats are 0 anyway


Use suggestion above. Result: 10 stats at +100 - very relevant to person in question :p


I fail to see how those 2 results are similar :p

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I think Chewy just didn't take good time to go through the topic, other than the fact the both are affecting stats, there are no similarities.

Also, regarding  a common player chaoticboost is mostly for fun spell I think, while the drug effects would influence a lot of stuff and trigger domino effect and hit hard.

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These are my stats from idling (instead of logging out) with creatures freely available to attack. It's not too hard to get this amount of stats, it just takes a while. (461 day old account so maybe 300 or so days of non-fighting)


Wouldn't it be easy enough to temporarily multiply all your stats by -1?


Not being balanced while in alliance ... it is a personal choice.

You can safely idle at GoE with random ritual without having your kind of problem.


As I said : it is a personal choice.

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@No one: 

True, but it's not an often case that new people know about perpetual balance, some didn't focus that much on fighting but despite that managed to get in a melancholy over their negative stats or the fact that they are losing too much.

Once you see all the big stats, I for one hand get demoralized about my training.


It's nice to present an alternative for someone to embrace his idle-training with a smile, and focus on non-combat stuff until a time comes for the... Sniff? Anyhows, you get what I mean.

It can't match the regular hard work of grinders, which is desirable anyway, but it gives you some kind of opportunity.



edit: plus, back in a while, there were people with skill damage like Eon, then you couldn't afford to idle because he was really... hard working? :P

Edited by Jubaris
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  • Root Admin

I think Chewy just didn't take good time to go through the topic, other than the fact the both are affecting stats, there are no similarities.

Also, regarding  a common player chaoticboost is mostly for fun spell I think, while the drug effects would influence a lot of stuff and trigger domino effect and hit hard.


Please do not assume things. I have read the entire topic. But since I havent read the topic disregard the next bit :)


I still see the thing, it only seems like a "thing to help those with negative stats" but this has a number of issues:


The problem of negative stats and the ability to get out of that needs to be addressed properly


Resources are currently entirely unused, no one makes many items anymore, therefore we need "a dream of economy" (see no-ones forum post I really _love_)


I see that the fact that only a few commented and repped the post makes me think its a very nieche market here. Perhaps it will work for a week or two but after that it will not be used.


I think you need to seriously consider the problem and if you want to, we can work on improving this solution and making a really good one. But for now, Its a bit "meh"


But as you said, I havent _read_ your idea :P

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I must assume things, how do you expect me to function.


The idea lost on actuality since Eon went away, and also considering there are only few of us now.

But can be interesting if that glorious day for MD comes.


Unusable resources indeed are not being used, I didn't like the whole thing to begin with, too chaotic. In here though, usability is clear, it is very specific.

Back in the day, this would show tangible purpose. Or maybe I'm just too biased with my ideas, whatever :P


"Low response" and "meh idea" can drink water, and I can accept that as a response, before I pile up a huge reply of my own.

"Similar with chaoticboost" is not a fact though, I brought a most benign interpretation of why did you post something not serious as such, I have no idea why does that bother you. Politely putting it "what you say is nonsense, but it's justifiable, no grudges". If you insist next time I won't publicly assume anything and I can say it "what you say is nonsense", however I invite you anyway to assume the rest of that chain of thought and not get offended :P

Your latest response leads me to believe I was right, because now you are referencing the idea somewhat properly and that enables a decent discussion (or ends it decently, to put it better)

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  • Root Admin

>>"Low response" and "meh idea" can drink water


I dont know of that phrase, possibly doesnt translate well (or is american?)


>>why did you post something not serious as such,


Entirely serious.


>>If you insist next time I won't publicly assume anything and I can say it "what you say is nonsense"


Always call me out :) I was merely replying on my phone since I dont have much time and cant always write massive eloquent posts. However if it is preference I can ignore things until I forget them or reply?

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It's a corrupted version of "does (or does not) hold water"... :D

Meaning if it does, it's a stable solution/answer, if not, it doesn't (because there's as a hole and your answer doesn't hold water, etc.)


I know you are a busy man, so it made perfect sense to me that you just ran through it superficially and made that response.

Knowing you so far, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't bring out that chaoticboost similarity conclusion in your right mind :P

So if you say you did read everything and dismiss my words, then I dunno, maybe you wanted to provoke with such an answer, getting replies, knowing it's a sure way to remind you of the topic :D Whatever, I label it as not serious in wider sense (not that you were not serious).


If you care about my preferences, then just be open and honest, as brutal as it may be.

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