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how can people (including people outside main lands) be entrusted with a tag?

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  • Root Admin

People that do not belong to a land can still get roles/titles that are not specific to a land, you still need the support/authority of two powers. While i do want people to belong to a lad, i do understand why some cant or better said shouldn't be part of a land. I think this is a matter for an entirely different topic, not this one. Regardless how such titles will be given, the way you will receive your title still applies. 


Two authorities can be very easy be two authorities outside of any land too, or unrelated to land inner hierarchy, like for example chewett as a coder, he is a coder for entire md not for a specific land.


@dee dee aka former death wannabe: you're one little coward along with others since you don't have the guts to tell me to my face what you believe and hide yourself under "big words" and an apparent nobility. Good for you as well! Cowards always survive. Even if nobody remembers them. Heh...but that's life.


 No? The only reason I wouldnt say it is cause it would have no effect on you, not cause I dont have the guts :))


So instead of wasting my time saying it, I opted for the wiser option.


But I AM a tree whisperer ! I am a tree myself!


Prove to the people that you are. Once you deserve the tag, there is nothing stopping you from getting it :)


Awiiya on awiiya's way, stayed in the same place for a number of years. It wasn't until a couple years (?) ago that he was granted what he wanted: to be turned into a tree.


Awiiya on awiiya's way, stayed in the same place for a number of years. It wasn't until a couple years (?) ago that he was granted what he wanted: to be turned into a tree.


Awiiya was granted more than a tag tho (lot more). And it wasn't only for "staying in the same place for years". His role in the realm was bit more complicated than that :P


More than likely. : p
I remember them talking about seeds and the watering of the oak, but I remember a condo with a win with him stating something along the lines of "I have stayed in one place for so long..." and that stuck with me.

I've also been out of the loop, so take my response with a grain of salt. : p

Posted (edited)



and it seems the title I gave "people-outside-main-lands" is wrong.

Sorry about that. I'll fix it.



Done. It's not limited to outside only anymore. Hope this will help.

Edited by Shemhazaj
Posted (edited)

Ignoring all the obvious and wasted flame coming from MDs greatest fail trolls, couldn't we just assign someone everyone likes or trusts to be the authority over those in No Land?

Like,i dont know, someone unbiased that no one truly knows but accepts, like Everyone?


Just an idea. Hate me for it or dont, i honestly could care less, just thought id throw it out there.

Edited by Fang Archbane
  • Root Admin

Ignoring all the obvious and wasted flame coming from MDs greatest fail trolls, couldn't we just assign someone everyone likes or trusts to be the authority over those in No Land?

Like,i dont know, someone unbiased that no one truly knows but accepts, like Everyone?
Just an idea. Hate me for it or dont, i honestly could care less, just thought id throw it out there.

The current system seems to work better in actuality then you never actually assign one person as leader of this group with no leaders. Giving any one person power to decide roles in no mans lands essentially puts them on a king status. Letting Council and Mur give these tags out makes it much fairer.

Also please dont append that message to the bottom of every posts, we get the idea you dont care for MD.
  • Root Admin

I believe NomansLand tags/roles, should be more rare and more significant.

Wit the new Titles system (that btw can be used in virtual form anytime, or better said whenever chew, me or even dude2 decide to provide some basic tools/protocol), will make things more clear. Basically a way to get this done, is that a nomansland role would be given by the two kigs, plus myself. Sounds fair enough?

  • Root Admin

Basically a way to get this done, is that a nomansland role would be given by the two kigs, plus myself. Sounds fair enough?

Two Kings? Which two kings? Two roles as decided by the system as "kings" as discussed between us?
  • Root Admin

no, not kings, i don't want this limited to kings... two "roles" that i will grant the ability to issue Title documents.

For example to give a nomansland title, me you and lets say Awy could give such a title 

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