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Heat Solidifier: All item IDs fusionable


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A heat solidifier is capable of loading any item ID into its first user input, instead of just a memory stone ID, instead of creating an output of "Heat Stone" the output is some form of "heat [item]" I.E. "Heat Pickle" This also could potentially include the possibilty of loading the solidifies own ID into itself and destroying the item(unconfirmed by me, but have been told this is possible, have not tried for obvious reasons)



:open up the heat solidifier

:place any ID into the input box, and click continue:
:load heat and complete the process as normal


quite obvious, but listed nevertheless for the sake of being a report



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  • 4 months later...

I think you might have been a bit tired when doing this, as your reply and actions don't quite seem to match.


Based on your post, you intended to lock this topic, and keep it in the Confirmed Bugs section, however what you've actually done is leave it unlocked, and moved it to the Resolved Bugs section.

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  • 11 months later...


Due to a now open market for the heat solidifier:

I feel like something should be done about the fact this item is able to transmute any item into a heat version. This could be seriously abused by anyone and, as ...

...shows, owners cannot guarantee the safety from or liability of those hiring.


While turning RP items/resources into heat versions could create some interesting RP, rare/important items should be kept safe, IMO. 


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  • Root Admin
1 hour ago, Aethon said:

Almost certain I Created Heat Ore, Heat 11th, Heat bushies after the announcement.

Creation times of those items:

04/18/2016 @ 7:59pm (UTC)
04/18/2016 @ 8:01pm (UTC)
04/18/2016 @ 8:08pm (UTC)
04/18/2016 @ 8:14pm (UTC)

Ann. 3983 - [2016-04-19 01:20:27 - Stage 13] 

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