Sasha Lilias Posted January 11, 2015 Report Posted January 11, 2015 (edited) I wander around daily, silently watching resources and those gathering them. On each of these days I see a "usual culprit" depleting resources. This baffles me as I think to myself "Why do it?" Firstly let's look at a few announcements: [spoiler]Ann. 1923 - [2011-07-12 23:29:56 - Stage 10] - Permalink - Resource regeneration delay when depletedResources will have a regeneration period if they drop to zero. During this period they will grow by fractions and you won't be able to gather them till they reach at least one full resource point. This means that whenever a location gets completely deplete of a resource, it will take about 3 days for that resource to start increasing again. Remember, the bigger the source is the faster it will grow. why? "greed control, sabotaje opportunities, efficiency planning".[/spoiler] [spoiler]Ann. 1585 - [2010-08-10 05:32:37 - Stage 10] - Permalink - Resource items don't transfer like normal items. You can give them to others, even take them by ITC codes, but they will group together. For example if player A has 15 wood and player B has 30 wood, player A can only send his entire amount of wood , not fractions, to player B. After the transfer, player B will have 45 wood, undividable! The amount of resources of one type comes written in front of the resource name.[/spoiler] So, firstly, as we can see above, depleting resources actually prevents effective gathering. So you're hindering, not helping, yourself. You'll actually be able to collect more if you allow the area time to regenerate it's "stock". But... Why don't we allow this? It's simple. Greed. Certain players feel the need to harvest all resources for themselves and hoard them.It's almost becoming a competition of stealing the last resource for yourself. In fact, today, this was said to me and it honestly made me shake my head: "and how do you think that I gathered my 20k+ herbs ? by letting other get them ? if I stop getting herbs ... someone else will" Is this what it's come down to? A competition? "Grab it before someone else does"? This brings me to my second point: What's wrong with giving others a fair chance? Is it that hard to push aside greed for a second and think "Ok. So I have (for example) 20k herbs. Perhaps I can sit back a bit and let others collect."? Would it be so wrong to allow someone to spend some of their time collecting those resources, gaining some extra stats, rather than spending their silver on it? I once had someone say to me "I am not a hoarder"...they said holding over 1k of memory stones. Now, as we all can read, resources can't be split down into bundles and I can't imagine many people buying 1k of memory stones...can you? If we stood back for a second and realised that greed doesn't have to rule us, that we are a community and can quite easily act as one, then people could be a bit happier. (I mean this in a general aspect of greed, not just resource hoarding.) Depleting resources lowers the regeneration time by 3 days, whereas I'm sure if you wait one extra day there will be 2/2 resources again? Yes, so someone else may take that one, but you're more likely to get on one of the ones that regenerates daily rather than the meagre one that regenerates every 3 days? Depleting a resource lowers the chances for anyone to grab it's type. Basically... It infuriates me, watching people deplete a resource and then to have the audacity to hoard it for themselves! I would understand it far more if they actually sold or even gave their resources away (yes I know, "Give it away?!", how dare I suggest such a thing?) But they don't. They rack up hundreds and thousands of a particular resource for what reason? Currently the only item that needs s huge amount of resources to create it is the sandcastle. Even then sand is a byproduct, not a major resource. Conclusion Hate me for this if you wish; call me ignorant, deluded, foolish, negative rep me, kill me, teleport me somewhere...blah blah. Do as you please. As from now on, however, I will be placing my own "punishment" on those that I find depleting. And, yes, you may say "What's she gonna do? HAHAH!", but the fact is: It's more than what the rest of you are doing. A revolution starts with one. Let's see what your fortune grants you. Fin. (End rant) Edited January 11, 2015 by Sasha Lilias Sunfire, Kyphis the Bard, Menhir and 8 others 8 3 Quote
Ivorak Posted January 11, 2015 Report Posted January 11, 2015 A lot of moralism in your post, Sasha, when the action of resource depletion is simply another part of the game. I find it hard to see how right and wrong plays a part in this issue (at least here on the forum). That said, I look forward to seeing some creative "punishments" enacted. Kyphis the Bard, No one, Sasha Lilias and 2 others 5 Quote
Sasha Lilias Posted January 11, 2015 Author Report Posted January 11, 2015 A lot of moralism in your post, Sasha, when the action of resource depletion is simply another part of the game. I find it hard to see how right and wrong plays a part in this issue (at least here on the forum). That said, I look forward to seeing some creative "punishments" enacted. It is a part of the game, yes, I agree. That doesn't mean that it is something you must do? I could forever throw toadspeak or silver tongue, movelock or attack lock at people just because I have the ability to and it's "part of the game". Does that make it correct? Something that should be tolerated? This isn't so much about the morals of the act, but more the morals of the actions the player takes. Greed is not a good thing. In fact in the bible it is one of the "Seven deadly sins". Whether it be in a game or in real life, I will never see greed or selfishness as a "good" thing. My role is one of giving. To judge others how I see fit and to then reward them if I deem them worthy. As such I (and my character) are very much against greed. Seems only fitting I should judge the fortune of the bad as well as the good... gonzalocsdf95 and dst 1 1 Quote
Rex Posted January 11, 2015 Report Posted January 11, 2015 As someone who purely watches with no intention of collecting or gaining wealth I find your point very amusing Sasha. It will be interesting to watch you try and alter peoples actions! No one 1 Quote
Rophs Posted January 11, 2015 Report Posted January 11, 2015 (edited) Depleting reduces the amount of resources that can potentially be obtained per day. Calculate how many resources that is so we can convert it into cakes/cups of tea :D edit: Cakes per day would be a useful way to look at the kind of impact depletion has on herbs Edited January 12, 2015 by Rophs Sasha Lilias and Muratus del Mur 2 Quote
Ary Endleg Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 I disagree with first post (well there could be some truth on greed part), I also disagree on how the whole resource system works and I agree with Mur's philosophy that depletion should be possible, but the way it's all implemented just makes me cry. I'm unsure why exactly there's a problem with inefficient resource gathering? Sure there would be more resources harvested if there wasn't depletion. Thing that I see is that then people would still find a new reason to complain because even then they failed to gather resources even thought they are available. Next complaint would be problem with tool availability, resource pools being too small for community once community reaches X number of harvesting efficiency (quality of tools * available time to invest in harvesting * harvesting stat * active harvesting players). Buyers and sellers complain all the time about resource bundles being unsplittable because it makes extremely difficult to create market for such things according to how things are now. In my mind, resources have... no real use, that's the first problem one should be looking at. Just by making more and more stuff craftable out of those resources and actually usable will close the circle and solve all of your problems. Because it would make big harvesting sharks not needing to split their bundles, they would sell big bundles to crafters, crafters would craft end-user goods which, you guess it, don't stack in bundles. Such industry would become so big that for mere silver you would be able to get nice chunk of goods. Hence no need for getting into harvesting and crafting business yourself if you need few of X for personal use. Only if you want to be producer in market you would join in the fuss, and then you would actually be specializing. So, depletion is not a problem in my mind, problem is the largely unfinished (as is everything else) resource system. And no sasha, you couldn't forever throw toadspeak because that's considered as LHO spell, burning it out on someone because of your frustration for example without good reason is bad thing, as LHO you should know that. (however throwing it here and there for giggles and not to "harm" anyone on purpose is okay I guess) Also, please don't bring religion into this, thankies. DARK DEMON, Sasha Lilias, lashtal and 8 others 10 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted January 12, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) ah yes... hmm.. lets put it this way... war is a form of population control that happens naturally (out of greed, hate, etc) depletion, is a form of resource distribution control , that happens naturally (out of greed, envy, etc) if i fail to present my philosophical point in this, i could elaborate. ----------- more elaborated: - as a player...i don't really understand the point of depletion, its cruel and frustrating - as a land leader/quest creator, i hate it, i would fight strongly to prevent it - as i see its crucial play in the overall dynamics of md world..such a post being one of them too. ---- what will be done, probably a more powerful method to prevent depletion by well organised groups. Why? simply to balance group efforts with individual efforts. Its easy for a single person to deplete, should be a group effort to prevent it. A fight between ones will to do something and others ability to get organized and fight it. Edited January 12, 2015 by Muratus del Mur Ary Endleg, Ivorak, Kyphis the Bard and 2 others 5 Quote
Sasha Lilias Posted January 12, 2015 Author Report Posted January 12, 2015 I agree with a majority of your post although I still don't see the need for hoarding and depleting when the things you're about haven't actually been implemented yet. It's purely down to greed. As for: And no sasha, you couldn't forever throw toadspeak because that's considered as LHO spell, burning it out on someone because of your frustration for example without good reason is bad thing, as LHO you should know that. (however throwing it here and there for giggles and not to "harm" anyone on purpose is okay I guess) Also, please don't bring religion into this, thankies. 1) I use toadspeak as an example of something that is in the game, something I have access to (whether it be through LHO or spellstones), this doesn't mean I'm going to use it. Purely an example. 2) I bring only a fraction of religion as to help solidify that greed is bad, not just something that I am "making it up to be". I could quote from Buddhism if you like? Or even general philosophy on the subject? The seven deadly sins just jumped to mind as a proof for "moral standing". ah yes... hmm.. lets put it this way... war is a form of population control that happens naturally (out of greed, hate, etc) depletion, is a form of resource distribution control , that happens naturally (out of greed, envy, etc) if i fail to present my philosophical point in this, i could elaborate. ----------- more elaborated: - as a player...i don't really understand the point of depletion, its cruel and frustrating - as a land leader/quest creator, i hate it, i would fight strongly to prevent it - as i see its crucial play in the overall dynamics of md world..such a post being one of them too. ---- what will be done, probably a more powerful method to prevent depletion by well organised groups. Why? simply to balance group efforts with individual efforts. Its easy for a single person to deplete, should be a group effort to prevent it. A fight between ones will to do something and others ability to get organized and fight it. Please don't see this as "It's pointless and why are we even able to deplete?" I understand fully that it is part of the game dynamics, but that doesn't mean it has to be tolerated does it? Just recently, DD experienced frustration with a "game dynamic". He didn't sit back and take it, he and his friends fought against it as they thought it was wrong. (Sorry to use you as an example DD!) At the end of the day this whole subject comes down to personal opinion, which is fine! But I severely dislike greed and this what I see depletion as (usually due to the fact the one's depleting are the ones hoarding...). So I will do what I see fit to prevent it. ---- what will be done, probably a more powerful method to prevent depletion by well organised groups. Why? simply to balance group efforts with individual efforts. Its easy for a single person to deplete, should be a group effort to prevent it. A fight between ones will to do something and others ability to get organized and fight it. As I said: "A revolution begins with one." gonzalocsdf95, dst, Azrafar and 3 others 2 4 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) I understand fully that it is part of the game dynamics, but that doesn't mean it has to be tolerated does it? Just recently, DD experienced frustration with a "game dynamic". He didn't sit back and take it, he and his friends fought against it as they thought it was wrong. (Sorry to use you as an example DD!) I have nothing against me being used an example, but your entire idea is wrong. Unlike resource depletion, which doesn't affect you directly, death a fourth time while being promised a fifth is not even comparable. Honestly there is no such thing as "game dynamics". People (experienced vets) have this... specific "MD-way" in their mind, and refuse to accept anything that is not approved by this "MD-way", but there is no such thing. People do what they want as long as they don't break rules, and there's literally no way of forcefully stopping them other than death. No action is "justified" by game dynamics nor can one say that the action shouldn't take place because its not part of game dynamics. However, they are free to react the same way (i.e though "unfair" means) but none of it can be blamed on what is called "game dynamics". Mur especially would realize this that nothing happens exactly as planned originally with any feature implemented. There will always be someone or the other there to screw it up. What players do, how they react, is not limited to "game dynamics", each is different and the motivation for some people for the actions they do are quite unique too (i.e you can't generalize them to "greed"). People play MD in the most... weird sort of way, the kind of thing one would look at and say, "seriously, why would you want to do that and what do you hope to achieve by doing this?", etc. You are not the first person to have tried preventing depletion. Depletion used to be done and is still being done by some of the most powerful players in MD (though apparently less now, actually, and in a less public way). See these for example: and and I think Ary pin-pointed the real problem. Edited January 12, 2015 by DARK DEMON dst, Lazarus, gonzalocsdf95 and 1 other 1 3 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted January 12, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 12, 2015 Honestly there is no such thing as "game dynamics". People (experienced vets) have this... specific "MD-way" in their mind, and refuse to accept anything that is not approved by this "MD-way", but there is no such thing.Attacking a section of the player base, that includes yourself, and prettymuch all of MD is foolish. Who are these vets and what have they done wrong? From what I have seen, from your posts, vets are to blame about anything in MD. Please clarify what I have done since I am in that category. Or you are just being generally offensive to everyone? Kyphis the Bard, dst and Jubaris 3 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Attacking a section of the player base, that includes yourself, and prettymuch all of MD is foolish. Who are these vets and what have they done wrong? From what I have seen, from your posts, vets are to blame about anything in MD. Please clarify what I have done since I am in that category. Or you are just being generally offensive to everyone? I'll send you a PM answering your questions. But over here this was not what I meant. I was linking it to what I've said in the rest of my post. I just wanted to generally state how people (this is something I've been guilty of as well) tend to expect things to happen a certain way and people follow it (not referring to rules here), whereas MD is quite diverse and each individual uses/interprets the "game dynamics" in a different way. You can't prevent/limit what a mind can possibly think of doing with it (again, this is even if rules are in place). Edited January 12, 2015 by DARK DEMON Chewett and dst 2 Quote
No one Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) You have post it all, but ... you didn't read it. [spoiler]Ann. 1923 - [2011-07-12 23:29:56 - Stage 10] - Permalink - Resource regeneration delay when depletedResources will have a regeneration period if they drop to zero. During this period they will grow by fractions and you won't be able to gather them till they reach at least one full resource point. This means that whenever a location gets completely deplete of a resource, it will take about 3 days for that resource to start increasing again. Remember, the bigger the source is the faster it will grow. why? "greed control, sabotaje opportunities, efficiency planning".[/spoiler] Also, have you tried to gather stuff ? resource, stats, active days, ve, vp ? Then you are a hoarder too. You just don't know it. By the way, my neg rep to you is because you didn't mentioned that you quoted me and you took the text out of context: Why don't we allow this? It's simple. Greed. Certain players feel the need to harvest all resources for themselves and hoard them.It's almost becoming a competition of stealing the last resource for yourself. In fact, today, this was said to me and it honestly made me shake my head: "and how do you think that I gathered my 20k+ herbs ? by letting other get them ? if I stop getting herbs ... someone else will" Then, how do you affirm that you know what's best for me ? That is really cute. So, firstly, as we can see above, depleting resources actually prevents effective gathering. So you're hindering, not helping, yourself. You'll actually be able to collect more if you allow the area time to regenerate it's "stock". But... You don't know the dynamics of resource gathering (on which I've spent most of my last few years). So, excuse me that I don't take your word for this. There are many things to be said but real-hands-on-experience on resource gathering will convince you that depleting is ... unavoidable. It is not (all the time) on purpose. It just happens. (check the herbs from MB gate). What's wrong with giving others a fair chance? I really don't understand what you mean by giving others a fair chance. Do you want me to take them to where they can get a herb baskets ? You want me to tell them where and when to get herbs from ? Girl, I have a limited time to play each day (if more then just login / logout). What more of a chance should I give to others ? Basically... It infuriates me, watching people deplete a resource and then to have the audacity to hoard it for themselves! .... As from now on, however, I will be placing my own "punishment" on those that I find depleting. Yea, and it used to infuriate me when ppl didn't know a thing of what is involved but they "knew" for sure they "know better". Cool. Try collecting some resources and then talk. Depleting reduces the amount of resources that can potentially be obtained per day. Calculate how many resources that is so we can convert it into cakes/cups of tea :D edit: Cakes per day would be a useful way to look at the kind of impact depletion has on herbs Yes, I can help you compute that : [spoiler] - 1 candy can be collected every 8000 (8k) seconds ~ 133.3 minutes ~ 2h 13 minutes -> a maximum of 10.8 candies per day from a single candy box. - you can get 1 herb (max 2 with skill) every 10 minutes (I don't know exactly the period), there are 4 possible results each in equal probability - you need 2 candy for each cake - you need 1 herb of 2 kinds -> you can make a maximum of 5 cakes per day if you spend 24h/24h getting candies. -> you get enough herbs for one cake in just 40 minutes -> 5 cakes ... in herb collecting would be 5x40 = 200 minutes = 3h [/spoiler] I promise you that you can get enough herbs if you want to. And coming back to the subject , you can get so cute sometimes :) : Is it that hard to push aside greed for a second and think "Ok. So I have (for example) 20k herbs. Perhaps I can sit back a bit and let others collect."? Would it be so wrong to allow someone to spend some of their time collecting those resources, gaining some extra stats, rather than spending their silver on it? I don't have coins but I can gather :) and f.y.i. I do trade (or I did, yea, mostly to Tal but I did) and I did gave away stuff and I still do that. But you requested my Timeless Dust (only 70+). Do you expect me to give them to you for free ? Only the time requested to harvest 70 stones (70x80minute) should say something of the hypocrisy of such a though. Then you'd have to put something in those stones (it would take ~ 3h to put a spell into a stone) and not to mention that I don't have that many spells. And then again, you asked 70+ timeless dust ... for what ? what do you want to "hoard" ? the dust or creatures ? C'mon, you can do better then that. Edited January 12, 2015 by No one dst, Aelis, Azrafar and 4 others 6 1 Quote
dst Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Greed is not a good thing. In fact in the bible it is one of the "Seven deadly sins". Whether it be in a game or in real life, I will never see greed or selfishness as a "good" thing. My role is one of giving. To judge others how I see fit and to then reward them if I deem them worthy. As such I (and my character) are very much against greed. Really? Greed is not good? How about greed for life, greed for knowledge, greed for love? Are those bad as well? And you just hit the puddle with the stick by quoting the Bible: No one is an atheist :P. Ok, your role is one of giving. Who made you in charge to dictate the others' roles? Maybe No one's role is one of a hoarder. I would deplete too if I would have the time and the right mood. Why? Simply to piss people like you off :D. Edited January 12, 2015 by dst Granos, gonzalocsdf95, Azrafar and 2 others 2 3 Quote
Aeoshattr Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 *grabs popcorn* But since some may know by now, I can't help it, here are my 2 cents: Seeing resources depleted is frustrating. Especially if you want to use them say to craft other usable items like tea, etc. Also, annoying since AFAIK you can't trade resources 1 by 1 (but I may be wrong, I tried a few times, it transferred the whole stack). So people that hoard them may not be willing to trade just a small number of resources (as they essentially have to dump a huge stack of resources on someone, as opposed to being able to trade say... 5 at a time). IDK. That's something that I'd personally change: allow players to transfer a specific number of items from a stack, rather than just 1 by 1 (as with coins) or all at a time (as I have personally seen with branches, for instance). People will always be greedy and deplete or try to hold some form of monopoly over various resources. It's how people are and people don't change - I've seen this happen in multiple games, the only difference being a more lax trading system. I don't mind buying resources from someone who has the time and devotion to hoard them. @dst: Greed = "Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food" (from Oxford dictionary). While not inherently evil, it does hold bad connotations. You could argue that greed for knowledge is bad, if in obtaining that knowledge you harm others. Same for the other greeds you mentioned. I'd say there are always good and bad parts to any kind of greed, as in my mind at least, it involves one form of excess and an excess of anything is harmful. Azrafar and Sasha Lilias 2 Quote
Sasha Lilias Posted January 12, 2015 Author Report Posted January 12, 2015 It does make me laugh how two of the biggest depleters/hoarders feel the need to justify their actions... Really? Greed is not good? How about greed for life, greed for knowledge, greed for love? Are those bad as well? And you just hit the puddle with the stick by quoting the Bible: No one is an atheist :P. Ok, your :Drole is one of giving. Who made you in charge to dictate the others' roles? Maybe No one's role is one of a hoarder. How ignorant is this, sorry? 1) Any of form of greed is not good. (Read what Aeo put above so I don't need to repeat) 2) I am atheist, it means nothing though. 3) I am not dictating. I am trying to enforce because of my role. Doesn't it make sense that I'd be against it? Read before you bite. As for your reply No One, I'll reply to all that tomorrow when I have time. Ary Endleg, dst and No one 3 Quote
dst Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 @Aeo: you seem to miss the semantics of the expressions so imo your argument doesn't stand. And this: People will always be greedy and deplete or try to hold some form of monopoly over various resources Read my above post: I am depleting not to hoard stuff. I am depleting for those nice topics that blossom on the forum from time to time. It does make me laugh how two of the biggest depleters/hoarders feel the need to justify their actions... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You have been away for more than one year but since you consider depleting to be a bad thing you instantly assume I am one. Check your facts before throwing accusations! What you do here is slander. How ignorant is this, sorry? 1) Any of form of greed is not good. (Read what Aeo put above so I don't need to repeat) This is highly subjective so your argument doesn't stand. 2) I am atheist, it means nothing though. But you still quote the bible meaning that all you said are empty words :D. Even you don't believe in them but you have the guts to throw them in our face. 3) I am not dictating. I am trying to enforce because of my role. Doesn't it make sense that I'd be against it? Indeed! ENFORCE IT! MAKE ME stop depleting! I cannot wait for you to try. Actually I will go right now and find something to deplete just so you can have a reason to try and stop me my first reply to you in this post. Read before you bite. Think before you write. As for your reply No One, I'll reply to all that tomorrow when I have time. Jubaris, Ary Endleg, Sunfire and 3 others 5 1 Quote
dst Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) Found something veeery funny and quite rare :D (mods, please remove if you think it's necessary but let me know so I can find another way to show it): Edited January 12, 2015 by dst No one and Sunfire 2 Quote
Curiose Posted January 12, 2015 Report Posted January 12, 2015 Solution: Just ask the so called hoarders if they wouldn't mind helping you with making your teas, cakes or sand castles (etc). Simple. A kind request goes a long way. If you begin abusing their kindness by making say more tea, cake, or sand castles than initially stated, then that would be an issue... but it's not. Just give the remains back to the person you got them from. No one, Granos and Ary Endleg 3 Quote
Ary Endleg Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Solution: Just ask the so called hoarders if they wouldn't mind helping you with making your teas, cakes or sand castles (etc). Simple. A kind request goes a long way. If you begin abusing their kindness by making say more tea, cake, or sand castles than initially stated, then that would be an issue... but it's not. Just give the remains back to the person you got them from. THIS. I remember when I talked with No one long ago, he was kind to leave herbs so I could gather them, and as far as I know he did the same thing for anybody who asked him. Kyphis the Bard, dst, Granos and 2 others 5 Quote
Curiose Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 Yep! No One is really nice when it comes to requests like that, at least in my experience. I find it a lot easier to just go to him if I need something than to have to harvest something myself. I mean, hunting for things is sooooooooooo old school. : p And monopoly? Psh. As far as I know, he hasn't once asked for money so... any retorts about monopoly are pretty far fetched. Chewett, Intrigue, dst and 2 others 5 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted January 13, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 13, 2015 ideea: in fact is not new, its something i was working on as part of the tag dispatchers doing certain actions will increase certain things and DECREASE other things I might make it so that if you deplete a resource stack it will do this at an increased level. This will not change the current situation, but will make sure that people that have nothing to do with that particular resource will have no reason why to gather it, Adding a counter to how many times you depleted something might be a way to track it, and prevent it to happen too many times, ....i am not sure however that i should do that. Being the village villain that depletes everything in his way, is also a role. Please make suggestions of what sort of tools and abilities could be made to prevent people from harvesting a location. my first thought is: donating heat to a location in order to protect its resources. This can be a doubel edge thing, protecting a location means also preventing others to gather it even if its full. Resources lockdown as a balance to depletion. lashtal, Kyphis the Bard and Mallos 3 Quote
No one Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 [spoiler]Ary. Curiose, please, you are ruining my reputation. As for the others that don't read my posts: [/spoiler] Warning: A high level of sarcasm is included. What Sasha didn't posted from my dia(mono)logue with her is something similar to this : "If nobody is gathering resources, then the resources are like they don't exist" As for "This will not change the current situation, but will make sure that people that have nothing to do with that particular resource will have no reason why to gather it," The whole point of gathering is ... just that : to gather. But one who doesn't pay attention and doesn't see cannot understand. Look, there are some that gather creatures, why ? maybe because that's what they want to do with their time. There are some that want to increase stats ... because ... maybe because they want more even if they are already very powerful. There are some that gather spell stones, other gather creature tokens, independent tools, friends (see the tops), enemies, reputation, negative reputation. Each person has a reason even if they have a goal or not. Each one has a way to play this game. So, you want to change this ... resource gathering, no problem, I think I can go back to mindless random/planned attacks. What is the worse thing that I could do ? just add a few k loses on the weaker players. How bad could that be ? I could go back to that. On the other hand, one could "plant" resources. But that is too far out as an idea in MD. Too outrageous. Too new. It is better to follow the trend and limit stuff. Aeoshattr, Intrigue, dst and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Myth Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 [...] On the other hand, one could "plant" resources. [...] That's actually a very good idea. New role: Gardener. :p Quote
DarkRaptor Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 First i should say: 1. I'm not against depletion, i like the possibility to have it since it's a addon to the gameplay, could have ingame social implications etc. 2. I'm generaly against features removal, so i think depletion should stay and be available. Although by my own choice i don't do it. 3. I all in favor of more features so.. i'm abusing this thread to bump this old sugestion: See it as a addon to the game, bringing some new gameplay possibilities, new resource collection strategies, not as a idea to "prevent" anything. The concept is based in real life, as every action have a percentage of possibility to go wrong. In MD (except in some rare things) every action have a garanted outcome.. i personaly dislike that 100% accuracy of things. Muratus del Mur, Kyphis the Bard and Aeoshattr 3 Quote
Azrafar Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 (edited) Well, depletion can be frustrating if hoarders are around. I gather resources mainly for skill gain and secondary for the resources. I harvest a 10/10 pool to 7/10 then I come back tomorrow and see it is 0/10... Because someone had to hoard the rest for them self. Being a hoarder is not an excuse in my opinnion. Because it is like saying "I am a thief, that is my job" or "I annoy people, that is my job". It doesn't make it right. Maybe a role, ok, but then we should have something to stop them from doing as they please. (Also a permanent hoarder tag for them...) So I would like to see a tool or spell that can prevent people from depleting. Idea: Usable in 24 hour intervals, prevents harvesting of resources (or a random resource) for a day (or half a day, so more guards are needed) And about the trade system, it would be nice to trade a desired amount instead of the full stack. Edited January 13, 2015 by Azrafar No one and dst 2 Quote
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