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Muratus del Mur

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Players: A, B, C --- A (MP6) protects B --- C attacks B with skill damage (other army) spell --- C's attack takes 10, 100 or 1000 heat (pick one, or set a reasonable value) from A instead of 1 stat point from B, as long as A has heat to spare (erolin or otherwise) --- passive ability --- ineffective against naturally occurring skill damage

Edited by Myth
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An MP6 should be able to chose to share a portion of its stats (fighting stats & ve, not VP) with the worshiper. If the worshiper is being attacked , the extra stats and VE will be taken into account. If he is attacking .. only the extra VE will be used.

This way, the Protector (MP6) will feel the extent of its deed and the worshiper will feel the influence of his protector directly.

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Worshiper- When th worshiper lost his VE in the battle protector(mp6) automatic give his VE 50 or 70. Like Rophs VE 300k and then the protector give 200k VE to Rophs. If 1mil VE lost protector give 500k VE to his worshiper. Protector(mp6) VE drain or not so this is the way of helping and easy way.

Protector(mp6) can help his worshiper during toxic to untoxic, merror ritual vs encounter merror ritual like a guardian army spell to guard you(casting one) this guardian can cast 5 to 10 players only worshipers effect.

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Worshiper- When th worshiper lost his VE in the battle protector(mp6) automatic give his VE 50 or 70. Like Rophs VE 300k and then the protector give 200k VE to Rophs. If 1mil VE lost protector give 500k VE to his worshiper. Protector(mp6) VE drain or not so this is the way of helping and easy way.


Seems highly abusable for grinding.

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Ability to divide all personal skills and stats equally among worshipers in the same location as you are. Yours go the opposite. Amount of time it lasts depends on the protectors max VE stat. Knock on effect of delayed regen across all areas over 24 hour period for the protector.


Worshipers cannot be attacked whilst in location of protector, but protector has negative stats and can be attacked - long lasting spell, enough time to get somewhere safe.


Swap your life for your dead worshiper, applicable within ** minutes of death, and under the same location restraints as kill items.


Use heat to reverse spell effects back on the caster. Cost of spell deflection assigned to individual spells based on severity. Cannot be used for life/death or LHO specific spells. Causes stat damage if heat hits 0 at any point. Limited casts based on number of worshipers.


Ability to protect one named worshiper from any and all attacks, which are received directly by the protector instead. Spell also causes death if attacked by more than ** people within a ** minute period, or more than ** attacks within ** minutes.


AP boost, protector sent to random labyrinth location


Drop worshipers creature VE to 0, protectors VE also goes to 0


Ability to tamper with dream skill used on worshipers, swapping themselves with the caster and the caster with the subject



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I'm skeptical how everybody is thinking about it towards combat. Many ideas above seem to require stats and protector to be big grinder.


I thought that protector is more than just that. Yes it should have solid relation to combat, but it feels empty if it's just that.


I guess I'm just delusional, it seems that we lack other features to which protectors could be tied to besides combat :( Maybe make worshipers carry copy of protector's statement. Only prot would be able to put content in it and it would be automatically shown on all of his worshipers? Beginning of religious propaganda! :ph34r:

Edited by Ary Endleg
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I was considering that when I thought of the dream swap thing - but protection is in its essence against a threat. That's either mental or physical. With a lot of the mental stuff, that's down to the protector to open their mouth. Other than that I can only think of dreams or spells. Maybe resources and alliance related stuff? I like the statement idea, got any others?



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Cauldron type item only available to MP6 to create an item that gives temporary creature shield (I had forgotten about this feature), that is then only usable by a worshipper of that protector.

Thanks to Syrian for suggesting creature shield, couldn't think of an item or effect.

Edited by Pipstickz
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