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List of backslash (\) occurrences


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This is a list of instances where misplaced backslashes show up. Please post here if you find an occurrence that is not listed.


Text:                                              Shows up as:                                                                                         

MR's Fraternity                            MR\\\'s Fraternity (when you click a player and it shows his/her alliance).

Kelle'tha Order                            Kelle\'tha Order (will check on which situations that happens).

MRAlyon's Bestiary                     MR Knight\'s Bestiary

Dark Demon's Ethereal Ring      "...twisting/r/nallows the bearer\ s...through unusual\r\ndoors."

Dominion Gates' description     "...the gate to Mur\\\'s dominion..."

Tribunal Pub's description         "Try Phantasm\'s favorite Dark Rum..."

lashtal's Mandragora's Roots    Mandragora\'s Roots

Password protected clickables A "\'s" is produced when a password containing an apostrophe is entered.

Edited by Aelis
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  • Root Admin

Old ones, apparently. Wrote in my own, and there was no backslash.


Indeed, Yes I was confirming that the fix I applied worked. There should be no more issues when creating PL's however I will probably write a script to go and fix things at a later date, however need to run some checks first.

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  • Root Admin

Manually fixed the alliance situations:
Bug 1: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16669-adrpc-when-editing-house-rooms-extra-slashes-appear/

Manually fixed all bestiaries I could find.
MRAlyon's Bestiary MR Knight\'s Bestiary

Bug 2: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16670-bestiary-creation-escapes-quotes-excessively/

Manually fixing all items I could find:
lashtal's Mandragora's Roots Mandragora\'s Roots

Bug 3: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16671-item-creation-interface-excessively-quotes/

DD's ring is actually primarily the above bug. But the other issue with the /r/n was because he sent the council odd HTML which got copy and pasted verbatim and therefore produced these /r/n's. Please remember to check and send nice basic ASCII to us when asking for items to be created. Otherwise we spend time fixing your errors. Fixed.
Dark Demon's Ethereal Ring "...twisting/r/nallows the bearer\ s...through unusual\r\ndoors."

Ideally someone would give me some co-ords to fix this please?
Dominion Gates' description "...the gate to Mur\\\'s dominion..."
Tribunal Pub's description "Try Phantasm\'s favorite Dark Rum..."

Will look into fixing this, hopefully just a display issue
Password protected clickables A "\'s" is produced when a password containing an apostrophe is entered.

Bug 4: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16672-password-protected-clickables-escape-badly/

Bonus bug I just found: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16673-silver-coins-are-broken-when-created/

Edited by Chewett
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