Sasha Lilias Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 [log=MP3 Discussion] [19/04/15 18:31] Chewett:At the moment we have removed story mode, and the tutorial is still present [19/04/15 18:31] Chewett:You accept the cube from the shade, and begin MD [19/04/15 18:32] Chewett:This is where everyone is now, the adventure stage. [19/04/15 18:32] Chewett:However, we probably plan to remove the tutorial too [19/04/15 18:33] Dark Demon: (brb) [19/04/15 18:34] Chewett:If we are to do this, we then have no instruction on moving, the map, everything. [19/04/15 18:34] Chewett:Which, could be problematic. [19/04/15 18:34] Chewett:Are there any LHO's here? [19/04/15 18:34] *Syrian*:me! [19/04/15 18:34] Jester:pop-ups when you first enter a scene, instead of story mode? [19/04/15 18:34] :*Nimrodel* raises hand [19/04/15 18:34] :*Sasha Lilias* nods [19/04/15 18:35] Jester:that'd probably be less confusing honestly, though less cool too [19/04/15 18:36] Chewett:So, Mur previously wanted every LHO to pick a newbie, and guide them [19/04/15 18:36] Chewett:I know even I did this for a period of time, but I dont think any LHO's continued to do this? [19/04/15 18:36] Jester:I wouldn't mind doing that but it seems like scheduling would be an issue [19/04/15 18:36] *Syrian*: (i havnt picked any specific one, i just offer help to everyone that might need it) [19/04/15 18:36] *Nimrodel*:Didnt. Because first there werent many newbies. Some didnt understand english well. some found that there were any mp3s >> [19/04/15 18:37] *Sasha Lilias*: (^) [19/04/15 18:37] *Nimrodel*:And oh.. there was viscoscity too back then. [19/04/15 18:37] Dark Demon:I did when I was back then [19/04/15 18:37] Chewett:Sasha you werent a LHO during this period, did the things Mur asked to be done get written down somewhere and you read it? [19/04/15 18:37] *Nimrodel*:werent* [19/04/15 18:38] *Sasha Lilias*: (No, I was greeing with what Sy said as a rule of thumb.) [19/04/15 18:38] *Sasha Lilias*: (*agreeing) [19/04/15 18:38] *Nimrodel*:I did it for a few months if I remember correctly. Patroling the newbie path and the Paper cabin plenty of times. [19/04/15 18:38] Chewett:If people are agreeing, please dont just use a ^, use a name too :) [19/04/15 18:38] *Sasha Lilias*: (Apologies) [19/04/15 18:39] Dark Demon:I recall Mur said that leaving stuff along the newbie path is useless [19/04/15 18:39] Dark Demon:Instead LHO's should focus on specific newbies [19/04/15 18:39] Chewett:Not useless. [19/04/15 18:39] Dark Demon:and make them stay; be their mentors, make MD interesting for them [19/04/15 18:39] *Nimrodel*:I also had a bunch of newbie adepts too whom I used to pm atleast twice a day even if they didnt respond for atleast three days if they were non responsive. [19/04/15 18:39] Chewett:Mur felt that comparitively, while it did help, knowing and talking with people would help lots more [19/04/15 18:40] Dark Demon:Honestly, Fang tried to do that a lot. Poor guy was mocked for it [19/04/15 18:40] Jester:Fang would get mocked doing anything >.> [19/04/15 18:40] Dark Demon:He overdid it though [19/04/15 18:40] *Nimrodel*:I believe fang was never mocked for talking to newbies [19/04/15 18:41] Chewett:I would agree with Nim there... Iv never seen someone doing that to Fang [19/04/15 18:41] *Nimrodel*:he was mocked for all the other extras he did and claimed to do. [19/04/15 18:41] Dark Demon:I meant he was mocked in general despite what he did, but anyway, lets stick to the discussion [19/04/15 18:42] Chewett:Thank you for your feedback DD [19/04/15 18:42] Chewett:But you are right, Stick to the discussion :) [19/04/15 18:42] Chewett:The problems with the visc were solved by me, changing it [19/04/15 18:43] Chewett:Were there any other issues raised? [19/04/15 18:43] samon:That there are too few MP 3s [19/04/15 18:44] samon:For them to train etc. [19/04/15 18:44] Dark Demon:That can only be fixed by advertisment, I believe. This issue has been raised many times in the past, but a very important point to keep in mind is that MD is not ready yet for a huge influx [19/04/15 18:44] Dark Demon:Advertisment may not be as benefiting as it would be, say 1 year from now. [19/04/15 18:44] Jester:I have an idea that MIGHT help with that actually... [19/04/15 18:45] Jester:we don't need more people to join, we need them to stay [19/04/15 18:45] Chewett:Indeed jester [19/04/15 18:45] Dark Demon:Both [19/04/15 18:45] Chewett:For the moment, a couple players using and idling some MP3's work [19/04/15 18:46] *Nimrodel*:is that allowed? [19/04/15 18:46] *Sasha Lilias*:There have been a few questions as to whether that is "alt abuse" actually. I've offered a few times. [19/04/15 18:46] Chewett:If you just idled one, per person, say each LHO had one, then thats fine [19/04/15 18:46] Aeoshattr:Well... we're not using those alts for our personal gain. [19/04/15 18:46] Dark Demon:I suggested that and was called for alt abused and shunned out [19/04/15 18:46] Chewett:Then they have a set of "NPC's" to fight [19/04/15 18:47] Chewett:DD, please remove the chip on your sholder. [19/04/15 18:47] Chewett:Its not helpful to our discussion :) [19/04/15 18:47] *Nimrodel*:Idling our mp3 alts in the same scene and stuff [19/04/15 18:47] Dark Demon:I'm just saying I'll raise this point again if someone suggests it [19/04/15 18:47] Chewett:I think that, for the longer term, thats fine. [19/04/15 18:47] *Sasha Lilias*:Should these "NPC'S" all have common names so as players know it's a help account? [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:DD, I am suggesting it, It therefore is perfectly fine. [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:They could indeed Sasha [19/04/15 18:48] *Nimrodel*:ok. So it will not be considered alt abuse if one LHO idles 1 alt so that young newbies can train. Agreed? [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:Or, these accounts could be purely managed by the LHO [19/04/15 18:48] Chewett:To be perfectly honest, a number of players do this already for Asthir [19/04/15 18:48] *Sasha Lilias*:I'd suggest accounts pre-created that may be logged into by any LHO. [19/04/15 18:48] samon:What about a few accounts like the aramors in GG? [19/04/15 18:49] *Nimrodel*:a number of more players would do it too if it werent a grey area and was pulled out to the white. [19/04/15 18:49] Chewett:The aramors have issues as they dissappear [19/04/15 18:49] Dark Demon:NPCs have also been suggested, but the opposing argument was that MD is supposed to be interactive and not single-player [19/04/15 18:49] Rophs:Is it alt abuse? Maybe technically but it doesn't seem to be the type of alt abuse that would be punished for. [19/04/15 18:49] Chewett:NPC's cant be used since they are coded to disappear once killed, per person [19/04/15 18:49] *Syrian*: (i did raise the idea of having lho mp3 accounts some time ago, it wasnt really replied on) [19/04/15 18:50] *Sasha Lilias*:If a list of "MD" mp3's were created and scattered over MD, LHO's could be given a list of log ins for them so they may be logged in all the time? [19/04/15 18:50] *Syrian*: (just so they can be used and still have access to the live help system to recieve pms) [19/04/15 18:50] *Sasha Lilias*:Though, that might mess with the Alt-checker? [19/04/15 18:50] Jester:why does everyone keep bringing up problems from the past? its the day of the future, that was yesterday. [19/04/15 18:50] Chewett:So say we have 5/6 idling alts with a couple different rituals, etc [19/04/15 18:50] Chewett:Thank you Jester :) [19/04/15 18:50] Chewett:We should promote this guy! [19/04/15 18:52] *Sasha Lilias*:I don't think that these "LHO Alts" should be in just one place though. If they're scattered then it means MP3's will have to travel about and learn the areas. [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:These LHO alts should probably have some disctint names so we could watch them [19/04/15 18:52] Jester:not too far away from each other though, maybe just around NML [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:And older MP3's should be discouraged from breaking/attacking them [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:Mainly since, they are designed for new people [19/04/15 18:53] *Sasha Lilias*:NML and MB I'd suggest, Jester? [19/04/15 18:53] Jester:give them special avatars so its easy to tell? [19/04/15 18:53] Chewett:That sounds good [19/04/15 18:53] *Sasha Lilias*:And perhaps they could be given an LHO flag or something? [19/04/15 18:53] Assira the Black:These LHO alts could also be used for/in quests. Especially if placed in some harder to reach areas. [19/04/15 18:53] *Sasha Lilias*:Then players will be able to see a list of these LHO alts. [19/04/15 18:53] Dark Demon:"Wild bird". "Rebel priest". "Angry Knator". [19/04/15 18:53] *Syrian*: (another problem is tha tif you give them lho wings and idle them, they may recieve pms over people who are online) [19/04/15 18:53] Jester:ah yes, good idea [19/04/15 18:54] Chewett:We wont give them wings [19/04/15 18:54] *Sasha Lilias*:Yes, no wings. But perhaps and avatar and flag. [19/04/15 18:54] Jester:their papers could have combat tips as well [19/04/15 18:54] *Syrian*: (people were saying lho alt, so i thought tehy were implying doing so :P) [19/04/15 18:54] Chewett:avatar and flag seems fair. [19/04/15 18:54] Jester:what works against the specific ritual they're using, for example [19/04/15 18:54] Chewett:Papers being configured too would be good [19/04/15 18:54] Jester:hints I mean [19/04/15 18:55] Dark Demon:and also maybe "Lonely archer" [19/04/15 18:55] Jester:or why their ritual works... [19/04/15 18:55] *Sasha Lilias*:LHO's could work together (in a hidden forum topic maybe?) to produce a good, varied set of help papers? [19/04/15 18:55] Jester:would non-LHOs be able to help? [19/04/15 18:55] *Sasha Lilias*:Actually, scrap that. No need for it to be hidden. [19/04/15 18:56] Jester:I'd like to assist but Grido banned me from being an LHO >.> [19/04/15 18:56] Chewett:I dont see why not Jester [19/04/15 18:56] *Sasha Lilias*:Because as Jester said, would be good for outside help also. [19/04/15 18:56] Jester:cool [19/04/15 18:56] samon:I'll volunteer to help as well [19/04/15 18:57] :*Sunfire* opens his eyes [19/04/15 18:57] :Lintara pokes his nose [19/04/15 18:57] *Grido*: (not even half here currently, but when did I ban you from being lho Jester?) [19/04/15 18:57] *Sasha Lilias*:Forum topic should be created where we can collate information. [19/04/15 18:57] Aeoshattr:I have a number of MP3 alts that I can idle around. Well, 1 at a time. [19/04/15 18:57] Chewett:So, This idea can be worked on further, It would be great if someone can summarise that and make a topic [19/04/15 18:58] :[Spell] Whispers of the past. [/log] A brief summary of what was mentioned: It was brought up that a lack of MP3's were a big problem for the newer players, as this ment they had no one to train on and were therefore discouraged/ got bored of playing. The following ideas were raised to try and solve the problem: LHO's to idle MP3 alts to provide new players with training dummies. LHO's to have access to special "LHO Alts". Al's would have easily recognisable names. Alts would have easily recognisable avatar. Alts would have a "LHO" flag. Alts should be spread amongst NML (perhaps MB also) to encourage travelling. These alts' would have pages filled with hints, tips and details to help MP3's learn. Help pages would contain collated knowledge from all those that wish to help and provide valuable information. Aethon, Myth, Dragual and 3 others 6 Quote
Myth Posted April 20, 2015 Report Posted April 20, 2015 I love these ideas :D [log='About this'][19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:These LHO alts should probably have some disctint names so we could watch them [...] [19/04/15 18:52] Chewett:And older MP3's should be discouraged from breaking/attacking them [/log] What if I'm attacking with non-damage rituals in order to get losses, giving these alts wins and implicitly raising the honor gain per attack against them from new MP3s around? :p (I would attack, but never break the rituals) Quote
Ary Endleg Posted April 20, 2015 Report Posted April 20, 2015 I don't like those alt ideas. That will quickly fail because it requires constant effort to maintain it. People are rarely doing such things now and making an official decree that LHOs are required to do it, won't really change much. Better make NPCs with frozen honor, fixed def and make them reattackable but also to go poof for good once some MP3 has reached X amount of AD to prevent excessive npc grind. (I also don't really support mass npc idea either but it's still better than official alts idea) There would also be little point in papers on them, if such thing can be available on papers (which it should) then there is no reason for it to not be available on wikia. If it's available on wikia then it only makes sense that such handy info get a big link button in official interface. Also what is the point of telling newbies how to combat if it leads them nowhere or if combat logs are so messed up that they make no sense or provide false info. (basically all creature abilities code needs to be recoded to work as intended and to display all relevant infos in logs and you solved most of combat problems) It's easy to answer how to do something, but what when LHO gets asked why to do something? Why to combat? Dragual and No one 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 20, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted April 20, 2015 Also what is the point of telling newbies how to combat if it leads them nowhere or if combat logs are so messed up that they make no sense or provide false info. (basically all creature abilities code needs to be recoded to work as intended and to display all relevant infos in logs and you solved most of combat problems)I think thats a little exaggerated to be perfectly honest... Quote
No one Posted April 20, 2015 Report Posted April 20, 2015 (edited) I don't agree with using alts (as from Sasha's summary) below. [spoiler] A brief summary of what was mentioned: It was brought up that a lack of MP3's were a big problem for the newer players, as this ment they had no one to train on and were therefore discouraged/ got bored of playing. The following ideas were raised to try and solve the problem: LHO's to idle MP3 alts to provide new players with training dummies. LHO's to have access to special "LHO Alts". Al's would have easily recognisable names. Alts would have easily recognisable avatar. Alts would have a "LHO" flag. Alts should be spread amongst NML (perhaps MB also) to encourage travelling. These alts' would have pages filled with hints, tips and details to help MP3's learn. Help pages would contain collated knowledge from all those that wish to help and provide valuable information. [/spoiler] Alts are prone to abuse and are limited to a player's availability to guard them / keep them up & configured. Good points Ary. [spoiler] I don't like those alt ideas. That will quickly fail because it requires constant effort to maintain it. People are rarely doing such things now and making an official decree that LHOs are required to do it, won't really change much. Better make NPCs with frozen honor, fixed def and make them reattackable but also to go poof for good once some MP3 has reached X amount of AD to prevent excessive npc grind. (I also don't really support mass npc idea either but it's still better than official alts idea) There would also be little point in papers on them, if such thing can be available on papers (which it should) then there is no reason for it to not be available on wikia. If it's available on wikia then it only makes sense that such handy info get a big link button in official interface. Also what is the point of telling newbies how to combat if it leads them nowhere or if combat logs are so messed up that they make no sense or provide false info. (basically all creature abilities code needs to be recoded to work as intended and to display all relevant infos in logs and you solved most of combat problems) It's easy to answer how to do something, but what when LHO gets asked why to do something? Why to combat? [/spoiler] For MP3s ... there are already available some solutions, they just need some tuning (if Mur did his job properly :D). I am talking about MP2's empty aramors. It could be made / adjusted for MP3 to make them a kind of NPCs. Considering the "requirements"/"needs" of an MP3 to learn to fight, there should be a few adjustments so that : - a max number of mp3 NPCs should be defined (lets say 20) as to make a max of number of MP3s in MD (players or NPCs) at one time equal to that. - once an NPC is defeated, a new one should be spawned in a different location in NML - the necesary MP3 NPCs should be managed by a little AI ;) like : -> when an MP3 gets logged in, a random NPC gets logged out -> when an MPC gets logged out, a random NPC gets logged in -> at a certain time of day, the NPCs get refreshed (all log out, compute necessary MP3s, log random NPCs as required) - each NPC should have stats honor & VE/VP of the attacker - the NPCs are fixed (configurable from an interface) having static defense ritual - the papers of the NPC should contain 2 information : -> exactly the ritual that it has in defense (maybe a list or a printscreen with details) with crits and targets and -> some hints (smth like: "When would you be safe from a multiple attack?" ) And we even have some experts on combat tournament that could do this kind of job , see the combat winners of this and previous years. And there should not be required more then 50 such NPCs. I agree that these NPCs should not be use if the requirements for passing to MP4 are met. I mean that - if the number of wins/loses are met, no new win/lose is registered on player of creatures, just the heat (meaning that the stats won while winning are not granted either) - if the heat is achieved, no new heat is generated. This way, there will always be a sufficient pool of MP3s and it is fit for small & large number of players. Edited April 20, 2015 by No one Dragual, dst, Lintara and 2 others 4 1 Quote
Miq Posted April 20, 2015 Report Posted April 20, 2015 In general i agree with No One this solution would be much more fail-safe. I would point out only one thing. If we have 20 mp3's online all this nice information and training change is taken away which would be sad and somewhat unfair. No one and dst 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 20, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted April 20, 2015 I will review/reply to these things after birthday :) Not ignoring this. Quote
Ary Endleg Posted April 20, 2015 Report Posted April 20, 2015 @Miq: If another criteria is added like percentage or minimum in addition to current suggested max amount then that problem would be solved. @Chew: Well I wrote much longer post but I cut it down not to hijack the topic. Quote
powle Posted April 25, 2015 Report Posted April 25, 2015 just an example of a battle log saying weird things (it says no creatures survived for the winning player):... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses... Change WINS! 42.8243537086% vs -245.971563981%Creature Experience reward for powle - Losing playerPimped Grasan Huvourer recovers 87.5 VitalityPimped Grasan Huvourer gains -86 XpChaos Archer recovers 1050 VitalityChaos Archer gains -86 XpKnator War Master recovers 80 VitalityKnator War Master gains -86 XpUnholy Priest II recovers 66 VitalityUnholy Priest II gains -86 XpWinderwild recovers 6 VitalityWinderwild gains -86 XpTormented Soul recovers 7.2 VitalityTormented Soul gains -86 XpCreature Experience reward for Change - Winning playerUnholy Pope recovers 8.7 VitalityUnholy Priest II recovers 926.64 VitalityUnholy Priest II recovers 118.8 VitalityUnholy Priest II recovers 52.8 VitalityUnholy Priest II recovers 118.8 VitalityUnholy Priest II recovers 52.8 VitalityNo creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp rewardWinner gets won fights counter incremented!Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! Quote
Rophs Posted April 25, 2015 Report Posted April 25, 2015 It says no creatures survived the fight if the player is capped and defending. Quote
apophys Posted April 27, 2015 Report Posted April 27, 2015 (edited) (Part of) the solution: get mp3s into alliances. As such trainees, they certainly wouldn't be out of attack targets. Maybe designate a special alliance with special rules for training up mp3s. Possibly have every mp3 start life in such an alliance. An alliance that cannot be entered, can attack each other inside it, can attack other allied MPs, cannot be attacked back across MP. I am very strongly against grindable NPCs. That would make MD lose its essence. Recognizable dummy alts would basically be NPCs. Tweaking existing mp2s would be somewhat fine because they aren't attackable more than once, but that also means they don't help much. Edited April 27, 2015 by apophys No one 1 Quote
Aethon Posted April 27, 2015 Report Posted April 27, 2015 For me, speaking as a new player, I believe that it isn't so much the fighting and training that is the problem, but integrating into the "MagicDuel Society". There is a big difference between being a player and a part of the community. Considering that this is such a PvP game it is essential that players are welcomed with more than just "Hello, welcome to MD. If you need help ask.". To me, that just sounds like a generic line, used by every single person. How to integrate a new player: Don't be generic! - Break the mould a little! Don't sound like a machine rattling out the same information every couple of seconds. Try to tailor your responses, actions and discussions to the individual. Which brings us to... Get to know them! - One of the main things I'm enjoying about this game is the diversity. There are all sorts of people, all skilled in different areas. Likewise, just because a new player is "new" doesn't make them any less interesting! We (new players) still have our own skills and weaknesses! Get to know them by talking to the player, listening to ideas and sharing your own. Involve them! - Get them talking, get them fighting, give them hints to peak their interest, kill half the population of MD to help them understand roleplay and create a role! Which takes me to my final point... Interest them! - Once you've gotten to know them, you should have a basic idea of what makes them tick. So use that knowledge! Interest them by showing them something awesome, giving them a taste of something that they could achieve if they work hard, etc. I, personally, am loving MD right now. It's a close, friendly (most of the time) community, there are quests available for those interested, role play is around for those that like that sort of thing and, likewise, so is fighting. It's all just about pointing someone the right way so they can have the optimum amount of fun! Whether a player is 1 day old or 2709, they are still a person. Not just a "noob". Anyway these are just my views and opinions! I'm sure there are others as well so feel free to give me yours in return! ^.^ :) DARK DEMON, Mallos, Lintara and 1 other 4 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 27, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted April 27, 2015 (edited) Most of Aethon's points are what Mur asked LHO's to do, it doesnt seem like they are doing this anymore. But this will be the plans for them once we remove story entirely. Edited April 27, 2015 by Chewett Aeoshattr 1 Quote
No one Posted April 27, 2015 Report Posted April 27, 2015 @apophys: [spoiler] (Part of) the solution: get mp3s into alliances. As such trainees, they certainly wouldn't be out of attack targets. Maybe designate a special alliance with special rules for training up mp3s. Possibly have every mp3 start life in such an alliance. An alliance that cannot be entered, can attack each other inside it, can attack other allied MPs, cannot be attacked back across MP. I am very strongly against grindable NPCs. That would make MD lose its essence. Recognizable dummy alts would basically be NPCs. Tweaking existing mp2s would be somewhat fine because they aren't attackable more than once, but that also means they don't help much. [/spoiler] Get MP3s into alliances ? you must be joking. Maybe you're not smacking everything just because you can but then ... you are one of a few. Forbidding MP3 from alliances was for their own protection and part of the "growing up" process. Unfortunately, this "improve MP3 gameplay" comes not due to restrictions for MP3s but due to lack of MP3 players. If you are willing and you can keep up 2-3 MP3 alts just for the others to "train" with you ... you don't need permission nor our approval. Just do it. My proposal, which I doubt you tried to understand, is not about creating NPCs just for the fun of having some, but for a purpose : for learning. I promise you that almost everybody would have smth to learn from them. @Aethon: [spoiler] For me, speaking as a new player, I believe that it isn't so much the fighting and training that is the problem, but integrating into the "MagicDuel Society". There is a big difference between being a player and a part of the community. Considering that this is such a PvP game it is essential that players are welcomed with more than just "Hello, welcome to MD. If you need help ask.". To me, that just sounds like a generic line, used by every single person. How to integrate a new player: Don't be generic! - Break the mould a little! Don't sound like a machine rattling out the same information every couple of seconds. Try to tailor your responses, actions and discussions to the individual. Which brings us to... Get to know them! - One of the main things I'm enjoying about this game is the diversity. There are all sorts of people, all skilled in different areas. Likewise, just because a new player is "new" doesn't make them any less interesting! We (new players) still have our own skills and weaknesses! Get to know them by talking to the player, listening to ideas and sharing your own. Involve them! - Get them talking, get them fighting, give them hints to peak their interest, kill half the population of MD to help them understand roleplay and create a role! Which takes me to my final point... Interest them! - Once you've gotten to know them, you should have a basic idea of what makes them tick. So use that knowledge! Interest them by showing them something awesome, giving them a taste of something that they could achieve if they work hard, etc. I, personally, am loving MD right now. It's a close, friendly (most of the time) community, there are quests available for those interested, role play is around for those that like that sort of thing and, likewise, so is fighting. It's all just about pointing someone the right way so they can have the optimum amount of fun! Whether a player is 1 day old or 2709, they are still a person. Not just a "noob". Anyway these are just my views and opinions! I'm sure there are others as well so feel free to give me yours in return! ^.^ :) [/spoiler] Hi Aethon, welcome to MD. <<<-- there is a special place on MD forum for welcoming ppl. I don't think i get your problem. You are new (and that is ok), but you will not be talked directly (a.k.a. approached) unless you initiate the discussion (most of the time). It is up to you to initiate discussions and as you said "every single person" say "If you need help ask". Maybe someone should tell you that you can also "ask" without needing "help" but it is all up to you. In the end ... we all appreciate an open & creative mind ;) Quote
Aethon Posted April 27, 2015 Report Posted April 27, 2015 Hi Aethon, welcome to MD. <<<-- there is a special place on MD forum for welcoming ppl. I don't think i get your problem. You are new (and that is ok), but you will not be talked directly (a.k.a. approached) unless you initiate the discussion (most of the time). It is up to you to initiate discussions and as you said "every single person" say "If you need help ask". Maybe someone should tell you that you can also "ask" without needing "help" but it is all up to you. In the end ... we all appreciate an open & creative mind ;) Hello! Thank you for the welcome. :D This is exactly my point! If you see a new player, engage with them! Not every one will be an extrovert and wish to initiate conversation, perhaps due to confusion or personal worries (such as sounding silly, nervous, etc.) As an experienced player you should be helping to bring new players into the "group" known as MagicDuel. Now, I'm not saying hold their hands and braid their hair (unless you want to ofc :P) But simply welcoming, asking how someone is, who they are, what they like, do they need help? That sort of thing, it's not a strenuous task. :) The game is far more about being a community than anything else for many people! It's nicer for people to welcome with open hands than force your way into a group. :) Quote
Aeoshattr Posted April 27, 2015 Report Posted April 27, 2015 (edited) Hello! Thank you for the welcome. :D This is exactly my point! If you see a new player, engage with them! Not every one will be an extrovert and wish to initiate conversation, perhaps due to confusion or personal worries (such as sounding silly, nervous, etc.) As an experienced player you should be helping to bring new players into the "group" known as MagicDuel. Now, I'm not saying hold their hands and braid their hair (unless you want to ofc :P) But simply welcoming, asking how someone is, who they are, what they like, do they need help? That sort of thing, it's not a strenuous task. :) The game is far more about being a community than anything else for many people! It's nicer for people to welcome with open hands than force your way into a group. :) No-one oddly enough pointed out what I wanted to say. I shall have to write this down in my calendar as the Day of Agreement between Aeo and No-One. Celebrate! I admit - I only approach newbies if they show some sort of interest. I attempted to talk to fresh MP3s on a few occasions and I was slapped with that kind of "how u get wins" or "giff gold" speech, which I dislike and I decided it's best NOT to engage such players (since I risk being rude to them and I do not wish that.) I will HAPPILY talk to a newbie who speaks properly, engages people in-character, or even with one who politely asks for help that I am able to provide. But on many, many occasions MP3 newbies just WHOOSH by without reading the chat or simply don't show any of the values that I appreciate (good thing I'm not a LHO). So I decide not to approach unless I am approached. (Keep in mind that Aeoshattr is MEANT to be dislikeable in-character to strangers, and most of the time I am in-character when in-game). However, what I believe, as Chewie said somewhere above is that LHOs could do all that you suggested - they are meant to look after newbies. I've actually seen EE or even non-LHO people sitting in the paper cabin and welcoming new MP3s. Rarely ever do I see replies in the chat from the greeted players. Community-wise, from my experience in a number of MMOs it takes time for a player to "mature" sufficiently in the game to even want to join the community. This is SOLELY my experience, so take it with a grain of salt - but the behaviour of fresh MP3s seems to fit my experience. They might just need a bit of time to get used to the game environment and build confidence. While yes, it's nice to be helped and guided by someone, I also like players who build their confidence by themselves and actively try to do something in the game, rather than being guided everywhere - MD, IMO is a game that requires quite a bit of confidence and ambition, and not a game where you should be expected to be babysitted (is that a word)? Do not get me wrong - I strongly believe LHOs should be there to help MP3s and offer them advice and guidance. But it should not, by all means turn into "Do you want to participate in this? Do you want to try this? Do you want help with that? Do you want this and that and everything?" It should be based on the newbie asking for help, rather than just being given it. TL;DR - Yes, LHOs should be there to help MP3s and welcome them. But let's not turn this into MP3 pampering just because we need MP3s in the game. We won't be able to keep up this pampering when there will be more than a handful of newbies in the game (which I do not know when it might be) and I see it as quite an unfairness that some newbies will get pampered and welcomed and all that but once more join, they won't get the same treatment. Edited April 27, 2015 by Aeoshattr Myth and DARK DEMON 2 Quote
Fang Archbane Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 why not just lock me at 1k wins over losses? then the newbs could hit me and im no alt. I wouldnt be able to get any honor in that state, but all I do is age crits so I wouldnt care (for those that will undoubtedly say "fang wants another boost and hes asking for it :gasp:" im not, its not a gift but a crutch. just an idea. I dont care if its accepted/implemented or otherwise. just an idea. dst, Chewett and Ary Endleg 3 Quote
No one Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 Fang, while your proposal is interesting ... it shouldn't be done. Let me put it like this : If you want to help ... you have work for it. Otherwise ... let some NPC do the sitting. On the other hand: as I've seen, you're doing what you said you'd do (as an MP7). Don't spoil it. Ary Endleg and Fang Archbane 2 Quote
Myth Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 (edited) On the subject of improving MP3 game play, and in light of the recent removal of story mode... I made Mythanew in the new "age" and wound up with the baffling amounts of 1500 VE, 1000 VPs. Somehow I also managed 2 Energetic Immunity, but don't ask me how as I have no clue. No story mode = no initial stats. Ary (I believe) mentioned this a while ago. MP3s aren't able to purchase some creatures or upgrade others unless they grind voting for quite a while, or have outside help - which they have, but not always. A few months ago, a post was made (I can't find it) with a suggestion regarding daily bonuses. Would it be alright if MP3s were given a system of daily bonuses in their early days (15-30-60 days?) to compensate for the stat loss suffered from the loss of story mode? Edited June 16, 2015 by Myth DARK DEMON, Lintara and No one 3 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 (edited) If I recall correctly, there was a "login bonus" idea suggested ages ago, similar to other games, where a player gets bonuses if he logs in a row for the first few weeks, and a "special bonus" at the end of the week, etc. Not sure where that led. Incentives are always a plus. Edited June 16, 2015 by DARK DEMON Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 16, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted June 16, 2015 Mur has said he has planned "some" way of replacing the things lost in story mode. However I dont know what that is. I shall contact him but he isnt working on MD atm as he is busy doing other things. Quote
Aethon Posted September 6, 2016 Report Posted September 6, 2016 Bump, did this get forgotten about? Quote
Fang Archbane Posted October 21, 2016 Report Posted October 21, 2016 I rather support the daily incentive idea for newbies. If it progressively gave rewards to them for the first 90 days, I think that would be enough. 3 months is enough time to solidify a pattern/addiction. If after those 90 days they still leave, then we know we have bigger problems than simple incentives. Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted October 22, 2016 Root Admin Report Posted October 22, 2016 (edited) 14 hours ago, Fang Archbane said: I rather support the daily incentive idea for newbies. If it progressively gave rewards to them for the first 90 days, I think that would be enough. 3 months is enough time to solidify a pattern/addiction. If after those 90 days they still leave, then we know we have bigger problems than simple incentives. This is, and has been, the widely publicised plan for a while now, I just need to get either enough details from Mur or decide on a load of things myself. Edit: And find some time... Edited October 22, 2016 by Chewett Fang Archbane 1 Quote
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