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Queen of Loreroot


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Self proclaimed queen with no experience and no memorable deeds (actually with no deeds at all). This is what LR has became? Pity.

Actually ... :D she's starting fresh. No good but also no bad deeds.


Lets grant her some benefit of the doubt. ;)


Good luck Lin.


Are there only 7 Lorerootians left ? That's a pity.

Maybe we should do a head count across all MD. That'd be a fun result.

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Thank you No one!  :)
Well, Ungod, consuls are elected every three years and there are two of them and they share the kingship items. However, we cannot uphold such a system anymore as there are few of us remaining and even fewer active on a daily basis and willing to take the job, and so I've simply proposed to be the sole leading character (queen) until I retire.
Here is the old description of the consuls.

[spoiler]Executive – Consuls

Two citizens shall serve as the Consuls, or chief executives of Loreroot. The Consul is the face of Loreroot; the Consuls shall be responsible for enacting the will of the Assembly. Persons holding this position shall, like the Council Judges, possess experience in the realm and a thorough grasp of what it means to be “Lorerootian”. The Consuls of Loreroot shall serve as the general ambassadors and mediators to the rest of the realm. Disputes involving Lorerootians, whether within the land itself, or between Lorerootians and outsiders, should be brought to the Consuls’ attention as the first option for mediation. The Consuls shall possess emergency authority to make decisions in unforeseen situations, but their decisions shall be subject to review by the Assembly as soon as is feasible.
Shall possess the instruments of the Throne (scepter, et al.) and be responsible for their use.
Shall consist of two officers per term
In cases where the Assembly cannot achieve quorum, or has, in the unanimous opinion of all five Loreroot officials (3 judges & 2 consuls), become incapable of action, the Consuls will act in conjunction with the Council of the Root in the interests of the land.

1. Citizenship
2. Have a minimum of 200 Loreroot land loyalty
3. Have a firm understanding of what it means to be Lorerootian
4. Verified access to the citizens’ forum
5. May not simultaneously hold office as a Council Judge[/spoiler]

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Actually ... :D she's starting fresh. No good but also no bad deeds.


Lets grant her some benefit of the doubt


That's nonsense. It's like saying she's nothing. Null. Zero. Zilch.


Benefit of a doubt? For what? She did ABSOLUTELY nothing for this realm. Just because she was invited in the king's council bla bla forum she thinks she's queen material. Really? She just pulled a dd. Oh wait...I think I know where she learned those stuff. She saw the opportunity so she grabbed it. I mean, it's nice to have some cool spells and try to play with the big guys. Even if you infiltrated there like a weed.


There is a saying: the one eyed man is king in the land of the blinds. Guess it fits perfectly.

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Self proclaimed queen with no experience and no memorable deeds (actually with no deeds at all). This is what LR has became? Pity.

Have you ever spoken with Lintara? No memorable deeds that affected you, perhaps. Congratulations, Lintara, do your best.

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@dst "She saw the opportunity so she grabbed it."


If I remember correctly that was one of those ways you walked in the past with such great success that many still talk about it years later and honestly I thought you did great. Why you still have such a deep beef with DD and everything he is or was connected with is out of my understanding. But like everyone else "you have all the time you need to find your own answers to your own questions in your life" (I know you know that) ...


And for you Lintara ... there is not much to say besides "all the best on your journey as leader of the few who are left".   

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  • 2 months later...

Lintara its been nice to meet you, I have many questions though. First, I love your land and wish to explore more, being a plant lover and all..however, i havent been able to get my bucket crafted. i need to be able to hold resources, but not sure how. I have a bucket code but cant find a crafter..any advice? *Time and Tide*

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