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MP7 in the MP hierarchy

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

What i have in mind and what will come out are two different things, ..here are some basic concepts that i wish to keep till the end..but maybe some things might change when actually implementing them.

Chew might have his own notes and ideas, understand that these are just notes and whoever will do the coding will do as he thinks fit best at that time



- to reach MP7 does not require to be MP6 first

- MP7 is temporary/transient state, designed to offer total or partial high-level freedom compared to the other MP levels.

- Wizardry level would be the best concept to describe MP7

- MP7 main ability will be to apply spells on others, spells from the "illusions" category

- Authority of MP7 is far less than other levels, unlike MP6 where the level itself imposes respect

- MP3,4,5 are generally related as technical features, MP6 and MP7 are not "evolved" steps of MP5


- I am seriously thinking to make MP7 a level with member cap per land, or even ways to help each land have his own MP7 role assigned...fixed MP7 seats...why not with individual set of tools, BUT not with fixed onwers...more lime shared items concept, but still you, not the "public character" feature



- MP7 is the active hero mode, where one person can put in motion an entire land. therefore, several are needed at the same time to balance forces, temporary state, lots of fun, not a fixed person, reaching mp7 should be automatic, but through ways that involve somehow the community, No authority comes with this role, maybe even allow it to break rules for short time

- MP6 is the peak of public society people combined with a lot of effort and passion, this is the covert enthusiastic Mayor position), very rare, 1-4max

- MP5 is the most fighting active level (or its desgned to be at least, crit levels, etc) - most will get stuck here

- MP4 is the emerging fighter, maybe more powerups here

- MP3 is the eternal noob level, or level for the conservationists

- MP2 is a MP7 clone with undefined use yet

- MP1 is a god level design to stand out and not be really active in any form, but full powers



I will not engage in discussion but i will read all your comments.

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I do like the idea of a Wizardry Level. More magic in MagicDuel? Yes, please!


Regarding advancing to MP7 automatically yet involving community, I have a suggestion if you don't already have your own ideas.

We could have it similar to citizenship votes with some changes:

1) Player applying for MP7 put up a land-wide vote

2) Vote lasts till the next spell reset (I chose spell reset for this idea because it seems more relevant)

3) At spell reset, if vote goes through (calculations similar to citizenship votes maybe? so people with higher land loyalty have more "deciding power"), player becomes MP7 until the next spell reset.


This makes MP7 temporary/transient for 2 weeks unless they succeed in the next vote.

However, if you do not want MP7 to be maintainable if the whole land keeps backing the same person, you could put a restriction to prevent MP7s from being able to run for MP7 again for the next spell reset.


In any case, I look forward to see how MP7 turns out :D

Edited by JadenDew
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King/Queen= Can choose there own people to become MP7. This is the hero of his land. It is called GIFT:)


King/Queen + Brownnoser (Mp7) = land benefit = King/Queen benefit = abuse of MP7 benefit for me.


A good roleplayer shall get this, however, not by landrestrictions or so.

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King/Queen + Brownnoser (Mp7) = land benefit = King/Queen benefit = abuse of MP7 benefit for me.


A good roleplayer shall get this, however, not by landrestrictions or so.

However abusing can get you jail.

A good roleplayer like Fang is like a hero.:) Only Fang is MP7.

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  • Root Admin

@chew, you know what the funny thing is, my memory is so fucked up that i didnt remember what we talked , i just followed my "MD logic" and concluded all this.....this means my "md sense" is still functioning right


and no, mp7 will not be about voting, that might be for mp6 ...mp7 is for both vilains and heroes ..it is like a powerup mode, ...how exactly will get activated i am still not certain, i think a heat related thing somehow, heat is fuel for "magic" afterall. Won't be fight related either. fights remain for mp5, i want mp5 to be top level for fighting


by no plans for mp2 i mean that i also don't want anything there atm

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before making further changes to any part of the game, please finish the work started and never completed... there are already so many unfinished things in the game without add another thing that will finish as other things...

I will not make a list of all unfinished work because I could stay here all day and you already should know...


this is just my thought, that you can think doesn't fit with this post, but I don't wat see another unfished work...


The thing I'm trying to say is that you MUR have got amazing ideas.... start to work on it... get 50% or less of the work.... after you forget about it and the it never get completed...

Edited by MRAlyon
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You know why can't we shift MP 3 4 5 to MP 1 2 3? Just the numbers I mean.


Clearly MP 1 or 2 aren't a lower "mind" nor "power" in MD, because the lowest/youngest minds start at 3.


Just a random thought.

Edited by DARK DEMON
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  • Root Admin

You know why can't we shift MP 3 4 5 to MP 1 2 3? Just the numbers I mean.
Clearly MP 1 or 2 aren't a lower "mind" nor "power" in MD, because the lowest/youngest minds start at 3.
Just a random thought.

MP3 gives you three principles, etc, etc...

As something to bear in mind.
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  • Root Admin


what you say shows you understand nothing about the mp level in general



"please finish the unfinished" kind of ..s.thing.. is comming out like a ghost from time to time from people that never noticed how things in md "eventually connect to eachother", doing the mp hierarchy is NOT ABOUT DOING NEW STUFF, but actually completing the ancient structure started when all this started.


Nothing in md is incomplete,..they are just paths growing in a direction, and sometimes these become completed and make more sense when connected by new roads... but very rarely is there something truly new, ...when i think of new i think new concept, mp levels are not new concept, this is about "finishing" stuff....its bothering how little care you show for how md is developed ..but pls go on complaining, about whatever whenever, thanks

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and no, mp7 will not be about voting, that might be for mp6 ...mp7 is for both vilains and heroes ..it is like a powerup mode, ...how exactly will get activated i am still not certain, i think a heat related thing somehow, heat is fuel for "magic" afterall. Won't be fight related either. fights remain for mp5, i want mp5 to be top level for fighting


Well.... fighting -> briskness -> heat; so yes, using heat makes it automatically fight based, it's just delegated.

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  • Root Admin

for sure, heat is not meant to be gained just by fighting, not at all. Good you pointed that out...there should be a way to get heat in such way that heat from fighting becomes secondary...

i have an ideea how...oohhh yesss:D:D... but chew will freak out ...or not, we shall see. (i prefer to do it first then tell, otherwise i lose interest in doing it)

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MP3 gives you three principles, etc, etc...

As something to bear in mind.


I understood that since I have started, the real story mode was removed (feel sad about that, looked amazing, but I have read what Mur said in the archives I think about why he had removed it so I understand it).


Anyways, I am MP3, but I have never recieved the possiblity in choosing a total of 3 principles, perhaps that is why in my right sidebar it says MP 2/3 ? I wander what are the repercussions here when I go to MP4 / MP5 ? Will I be ever allowed to reach my maximum mind potential ? Or are new players always going to have one less principle according to their mind power level ?

Edited by sirixtheblackrobot
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I understood that since I have started, the real story mode was removed (feel sad about that, looked amazing, but I have read what Mur said in the archives I think about why he had removed it so I understand it).


Anyways, I am MP3, but I have never recieved the possiblity in choosing a total of 3 principles, perhaps that is why in my right sidebar it says MP 2/3 ? I wander what are the repercussions here when I go to MP4 / MP5 ? Will I be ever allowed to reach my maximum mind potential ? Or are new players always going to have one less principle according to their mind power level ?

when you go mp4 you should have the choice to pick 2 more , for a total of 4 at mp4

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when you go mp4 you should have the choice to pick 2 more , for a total of 4 at mp4

having 2/3 principles gives current mp3s a disadvantage over legacy mp3s with more principles because of tokens. 2/3 is not an advantage because one could still choose to have 2/3 principles as a legacy mp3 if they were going for a specific build.

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you have MP2/3 because you didn't pick the 3rd principle.


Go sac a creature and you will get that principle.

[spoiler]each altar grants different principles[/spoiler]


I could not PICK the 3rd principle because the story mode is gone and I only had 2 entries with principles. As for the sacrificing, then I need to go to other fenths because the one in no man's land only does not offer new principle, only enhances the one I already have or doesn't give anything from the principle point of view.


But for me "Go sac a creature and you will get that principle." does not make any sense. That means in MP5 I can go on all fenths and get all principles ??

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  • Root Admin


I could not PICK the 3rd principle because the story mode is gone and I only had 2 entries with principles. As for the sacrificing, then I need to go to other fenths because the one in no man's land only does not offer new principle, only enhances the one I already have or doesn't give anything from the principle point of view.


But for me "Go sac a creature and you will get that principle." does not make any sense. That means in MP5 I can go on all fenths and get all principles ??

We have plans for that, its a known thing. Go to MP4 and get two more :)

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you have MP2/3 because you didn't pick the 3rd principle.


Go sac a creature and you will get that principle.

[spoiler]each altar grants different principles[/spoiler]


He can't do that. You need to have a principle unlocked first in order for specific altar to offer it.


Even if it worked like that... then people would be getting forced principle in many cases. For example, player has 2/3 and altar gives 2 principles that he doesn't have, so which one of those 2 would he get as his third principle?

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