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[quote name='Grido' post='20947' date='Nov 26 2008, 07:34 PM']*stutters slightly* wow

congratulations, may we see many more of your artworks here in MD[/quote]
Aye, you will.. infact I'm working on two more popular player's avatars right now.

[quote name='stormrunner' post='20948' date='Nov 26 2008, 08:51 PM']nice Amoran (looks at the guy with pointed ears) remind me to make sure my next avatar has those[/quote]

XD.. i love pointy ears!

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[quote name='GlorDamar' post='14197' date='Aug 20 2008, 08:08 PM']I thought I'd post a few that I'll be putting in the next batch of avatars.

I suppose I should do this more


[attachment=297:DarkCloak.jpg] I'm not happy with the face in this one, but oh well.




I should apologize for using art committed to MD for my homework project without permission. I'm sure they're copyrighted somewhere, but please don't sue me.

You can see my brilliant work in return. You see, I was supposed to write about a character as one of Chaucer's pilgrims in [i]The Canterbury Tales[/i]. I discarded Glor's title of "Queen" and made her "Noblewoman". Hurrah. For you rpers, a fun role to play she would be, I say. Internal rhyme.


I'm behind on some fanart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Glaistig' post='21039' date='Nov 29 2008, 09:35 AM']I should apologize for using art committed to MD for my homework project without permission. I'm sure they're copyrighted somewhere, but please don't sue me.

You can see my brilliant work in return. You see, I was supposed to write about a character as one of Chaucer's pilgrims in [i]The Canterbury Tales[/i]. I discarded Glor's title of "Queen" and made her "Noblewoman". Hurrah. For you rpers, a fun role to play she would be, I say. Internal rhyme.


I'm behind on some fanart.[/quote]

Aside from some vague, implicit copyright, I don't think you have anything to worry about legally. Frankly, I'm flattered, so you don't have to worry about me trying to sue you.

Nice work

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Hello to all who are reading this.
I am Agnus, ummm you can call me Stephane.
I just started the game like 5 days ago. And as an artist, I was happy to see pictures. But the only thing that I think lacks, is that the game is not that colorful ( unlike any other games out there.) But after spending so much time understanding the game, the lack of colour raised my appreciation for the artwork. I am not an official artist, because I never went to any art school. all I have is raw talent, but I try as much as I can to polish it. I am still learning though, but I have a style too. I mostly like to draw anatomy, or anything related ( angel, naked women....), but I can draw anything. Now I am working on some carricature thing. I have lost some skills since I haven't drawn anything serious for almost 2years. I love colourful pictures, but I can also draw in black and white with extremely detailed shading ( even though most of the time they fail to my taste.

So give me a chance and let me spark you interest.


1. pic one is part of a drawing that I called forbidden love...um I think that I will put that sample as my profile pic
2. is a goblin that I drew like almost 2 years, it was my last drawing. humm well they are all samples
3. I called that wind dance. It was one of the rejects that I decided to color. It actually worked out good.
4. let say that is really my last drawing. I've done it like 10 mins ago, while playing MD. well I kinda felt inspired. It may not look good, but that's how all my drawings look like before I ever put any shading nor colour. This is like a sample of my outlines.

And yes these are all hand made all the way through. And I didnt use any computer thingiz . ( well because I dont know how to.) They just came from imagination, some might be cartoony, well because I watch a lot of cartoonz. ppl always saying: why dont you grow up. But Hey. I am a geek after all

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Syerthrix, your drawing is great nice and detailed :) the only problem i have with it is that it's a scroll and would curl up on itself, so one of the two halfs of the inner sun logo (for want of better phrasing) shouldnt really be there if that makes sense. but it's very good drawing so keep up the good work :)

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Humm, haven't checked this Forum in awhile...

I agree with Grido about your drawing, Syerthrix.

Agnus Dei, I love your little Goblin guy, and the Lady is Sexy. The Flame Guy does feel a little Cartoony, his head Bugs me as Well. Overall Nice work though.

Also, from posts I have read Mur make... MD is intended to be very Black and White. Something about letting your imagination having some room to play with adding color and Such. Similarly that is why so few places have animation. The Idea is that MD is very like a Book where you create the world yourself rather than have it crammed in your face. Well Mur put it a little better, but you get the Idea.

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Yeah I've Noticed that the black and white is for imagination and to make the game feel like a book. And I do like it man. lol. I used to read books like this.!! lol. I think it is one of the reasons that this game feels different from others.
Since yesterday, I have made more than 2 more dramwings.
Well it is easy to make any color pic black and white by the PC* :unsure: But I am experimenting some huge technical difficulties with the system. I can't even load the front page. my firefox saying some thing about php. and all my other browsers not even displaying the page.

Well maybe there is no more MD for me.
well just wanted to know, am I artisan material ?

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I love your style Agnus! Very flowing, nicely detailed. :unsure: Do you have anymore?

On another note.. two new ones.. haven't sent 'em to Glor yet, but I'll post them here!

(I've got a bunch that I'm working on, but these are the ones I'm able to scan/have gotten done.)

EDIT: *grumbles* the forums made them grainy.. so hopefully the link to them will work better.


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Well yeah,!!!! I got so many of them, and silly me, I used to throw them away before. I like yours too, Amoran. The shading is really good, that is your style so keep it, the only thing about the first character is that it looks stiff, I had the same problem, and the answer is to work a lot on outlines. Well I am no teacher nor student so my comments might be completely irrelevent. I have new ones to. I have done so much of them as of last night. like 3 or 4. I thought that nobody would like them but since I might have some fans, I'll upload them later on :huh: Well, Now I will put them as black and white since this is the topic of MD. I hope I get accepted into the guild, so you will see more of my works. I am Mpower 4 now. I havee a lot to do now so I'll pospone my drawings. I have a final exam tomorrow.
I hope to see more of your work too Amoran. ;0
Take care

Well this is a quick sketch of "magic"

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Aye, I noticed that I have a problem with stiffness in my artwork lately. Probably because I draw it when I'm not entirely awake or..well you get the point.

The first one I actually used a reference picture for because I realized that I haven't done a pose like that before. I thought the second one was more stiff than the first, but then again I was experimenting with the pose so *shrug*

Either way thank you for the input, the outlines could be my problem, but then again so could the fact that i pay too much attention to how a muscle SHOULD look as in (standard form) as opposed to how a muscle moves naturally and can move if put under the right amount of movement. (dunno if that makes sense but...murrr I tried)

I'll bet on both :huh: Thank you again.

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[quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' post='22019' date='Dec 13 2008, 06:09 PM']Aye, I noticed that I have a problem with stiffness in my artwork lately. Probably because I draw it when I'm not entirely awake or..well you get the point.

The first one I actually used a reference picture for because I realized that I haven't done a pose like that before. I thought the second one was more stiff than the first, but then again I was experimenting with the pose so *shrug*

Either way thank you for the input, the outlines could be my problem, but then again so could the fact that i pay too much attention to how a muscle SHOULD look as in (standard form) as opposed to how a muscle moves naturally and can move if put under the right amount of movement. (dunno if that makes sense but...murrr I tried)

I'll bet on both :huh: Thank you again.[/quote]

hahahaha, dont get frustrated, it is actually easy, well....a lot of ppl said I had the talent for it. I didnt do that much of practicing though. Yes the Muscle is an impotant factor. well just make sure that the movement affect the tension in the Muscles, that in turn affect the facial expression of the character. Well... the picture will look unnatural if a person lifting 5000lbs have a really nice smile on his face ;) at least it will be a grin. Oh and a good way to practice muscles is to go over medical anatomy...yes, learn the different muscles apparent, draw the over and over. Then look for classical drawings, my favorites, Da Vinci and Ruben. You'll learn so much from those geniuses. And thei shadings are out of this world. This is the hardest part of drawing because it might be boring. Then you'll see how easy your fantasy drawings will become. I used the same thing and now I dont even do outlines ( I traced them in my head while I draw). But whenever you are having problems with proportions, dont hesitate to do outlines on the drawing.

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Hey Amoran, I just didn't wanna let you hangin there so I will show you what I mean.
So in this pic, I did this in 10 min after the preview post. So in this, I started with the "stick man" outline. then, I looked at it for the proportions and I modified it. And with a bit of more details, that'd be a New Perfect Drawing. Look at the musculation, The same character would look almost 2x bigger if lifting 5000lb :D. hmmm I might actually make a pic out of that one

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Aye.. I don't usually use outlines...period. I don't use structure or stick figures, I try to challenge myself by drawing it straight from my mind. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't because I don't have a completely clear picture of it.

But I have to admit, when I have to deal with alot of perspective and such I use outlines a lot.

*shrug* Then again, I've only started drawing again recently and i'm happy that i'm still good at shading. :D

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thats really good. well just make quick studies with outlines then dont use them after. Thats how I do it. I practice with stick figures just to correct the motion of the character :D cause I hate to erase. But it is good of a practice to do as you said too. Well good luck on the rest of your drawings. Dont forget to post them cause I want to see them too.
See Ya

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some more for your viewing pleasure...if you see me about and would like me to draw an avatar for you ...please ask...for those of you who are still waiting for yours...i am working on them...my list is long and time is scarce, but i will get them done as soon as possible...also I have given up on some of them, unfortunately your requests exceeded my talent and I have surrendered...my appologies.


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Hey, to the users, feel free to leave comments on my works. I'd like to make it to avatar development though, so I can provide you with all my new drawings. Well... your game avatars will be Black and whtie if I make it :) sorry but these are the rulez I think.
For yall interested into color or shading, ( for shading, just make your computer put it B&W) they are pratically the same mechanisms. Here I upload the pic of a dragon eye that I developped. (sorry I wont put the whole dragon) <_<
here is ....um dragon eyes

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euum.. Grido, the reacting on my work ^^

Dunno how to give a quote or something so.. but it isn't an avatar ^^. glor asked me to help him with the drawings for the AL (adventure log). so you don't need to be an scroll for it, its not an avatar ^^

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i didnt think that it was, i meant for realism the seal on the scroll shouldnt be on both ends, it should only be on one

it appears to be a scroll so half the seal would be on one end, as it's been rolled up

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Hello Guyz, sorry for not flooding this page lately again lol. Well I had exams :D N-E-wayz, I had enoough time on my hand to daydream an make this sketch. I reproduced it and shaded it, But because of poor scanning, it has lost all of it's depth. well just enjoy. I simply call it Pain :P . Oh, Hello Amoran, If you see this, know that I still want to see some more of your pics :D

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