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MD anniversary plushie auction

Eara Meraia

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Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!

Hear, ye noble citizens of the lands of Magicduel. The day, you have all been waiting for, has finally come – Anniversary plushie auction begins! Kiss your plushies goodbye and prepare to bid for the most amazing and rare items!

Rules are simple: check the list, place your bid as a reply to this post. Your bid can not be lower than a starting bid or the bid of the person before you! The bid will be considered final 24 hours after the last bid on an itemhas been made OR if it was the last bid on the item by the time the auction came to an end. The auction will last until Friday (18 May 2018) and will end at midnight (beginning of 19.05) server time. All bids placed after this time will be considered not valid.

If a person who made the last bid is unable to do the payment – the person with a previous bid gets a chance.

One final note: all creatures from the auction will be delivered with magic CTC and suffer no age loss; you can choose to have them tokenless OR with 4 tokens of your choice on them.

Here we go!

Item 1: Rustgold drachorn egg. Age: 2690. Starting bid: 5 plushies

Item 2: Angien Egg. Age: 2022. Starting bid: 5 plushies

Item 3: Death fenth. Starting bid: 5 plushies

Item 4: Wind dragon egg. Age: 2022. Starting bid: 10 plushies

Item 5: Barren soul, 11th anniversary edition. Starting bid: 15 plushies

Item 6: 12th anniversary creature. Starting bid 15 plushies.

Item 7: Darkling. Age: 2022. Starting bid: 20 plushies.

Good luck!

Sincerely, Chewett and TK

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  • Root Admin

The plushie auction will be run like a standard auction, 7 days minimum time on auction, it finishes on each item individually 24 hours after the last bid.

Your bids do not have to be purely based on our own number of plushies, You are permitted to "group up", The only requirement is that if you make a bid you must state whose plushies they are, if they are a grouped contribution. E.g. 20 from me, 20 from Eara. If there are any questions ask!

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