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MD anniversary plushie auction

Eara Meraia

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The winners are:

Item 1: Rustgold drachorn egg. Age: 2690. 40 plushies - @dst
Item 2: Angien Egg. Age: 2022. 19 plushies - @Aia del Mana
Item 3: Death fenth. Starting bid: 73 plushies - @Blackshade Rider
Item 4: Wind dragon egg. Age: 2022. 74 plushies - @Nimrodel (14 from @Ledah)
Item 5: Barren soul, 11th anniversary edition. 24 plushies - @Aia del Mana
Item 6: 12th anniversary creature. 33 plushies - @hemicar87
Item 7: Darkling. Age: 2022. Starting bid: 79 plushies - @Nimrodel

If anyone sees a mistake please say, I will look to deliver these all at the weekend and take the plushies.

@Ledah Can you confirm that 14 of your plushies are going forward for item 4?

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I should like a list of the tokens that may be bestowed upon the creatures, if I may.

I should think that I would like the Barren Soul of the 11th Anniversary to have upon it the Jewel Shards, an Osiris Belt, a Claw 1, and Kelletha Fire upon it.

I yet ponder upon that which I would like upon the Angien.

Edited by Aia del Mana
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11 hours ago, hemicar87 said:

anytime now would be nice since all deadlines you gave yourself you broked :D ty in advance on your time

Actiually, he said he'll deliver this weekend, there's still today :P 

Edit: nvm, i didn't pay attention to the date. You are right, hemi.


Note to self: think twice b4 posting


Edited by Ungod
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  • Root Admin
On 6/9/2018 at 10:08 PM, hemicar87 said:

anytime now would be nice since all deadlines you gave yourself you broked :D ty in advance on your time

I said by the "At the weekend" but then I remembered I needed the token details. I then said I would get them to you this week.

Given that its 11:28 PM on Sunday, I consider this correctly fulfilled!

Sent items to:

@Blackshade Rider @Nimrodel @Aia del Mana @hemicar87 

Waiting for token information from:

@Aia del Mana @dst


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