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I'm recently engaged in the study of herbalism and herbology. I'm gathering information on all the herbs that I could find on the main land and storing them in a Book of dried herbs. The main purpose of my studies is to create tinctures, remedies and panaceas. To advance in my studies my first objective is to create a weak panacea, which restores some of the vitality of who consumes it.

I formulated a recipe for an experiment that follows. First, in a pot or a container, macerate a good amount of herbs with rainwater and wait until it forms a base substance. Then heat this substance until it boils. Based on the elementary principles infuse that boiled substance with your vital energy. So finally you just have to bottle this boiled sustance and you'll have a weak panacea.

In short:

Herbs + Rainwater + Container = Base Substance 
Substance Base + Heat + VP + container (Bottle) = Weak Panacea 

I'm willing to do this experiment. If you want to know more about it or want to exchange ideas send me a message or drop by Lore Manor. 

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6 hours ago, Pipstickz said:

Would this use all types of herbs or just some?

For the weak version of the panacea almost all types of herbs may be used except poisonous herbs. In the future I'm planning to develop a apparatus to identify herbs and experiment with more expecific ones, and possible make a stronger version of this panacea.

Edited by Dhyone
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  • 2 weeks later...

With further studies I found a better way to make the weak panacea. I developed a scheme of a Portable Alchemical Alembic made of rare metals to process the herbs.

The process:


1. This heats lower part of pot containing water.
2. This is the part containing water.
3. In the neck are herbs, through vapor passes
4. The vapor with essential oils and other substances distilled from herbs passes through the tube.
5. The tube enter this pot with cold water infused with vital energy, wich makes the vapor liquid.
6. The panacea drips out from here and could be bottled.

There's the final result:


If you wish to contribute or have other ideas send me a PM or drop by Loreroot.

*Thanks Sushi for the art.

*Thanks Pipstickz for the Raw glass to be used in the bottles.

Edited by Dhyone
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