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Day 11 - Marind Bell and friends

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  • Root Admin

Today we remember all our friends that are no longer here, and celebrate them and those who are still here.

MagicDuel is certainly a place of memories for us in Marind Bell and the East, good and bad. Today we celebrate that.

Take an image of a scene in MB and decorate to show off one memory you have of an event or friend in MagicDuel.

Post it up and explain what the event is.

All participents will recieve 5 plushies.

Top 3 Most interesting/best/valued entries will receive an anni creature.

Top places will have a choice of gold, creatures, etc. Just tell me what you want (within reason, seriously, because I cant disapprove my own requests ;) )

This will run to the end of the festival.

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This was my Champion's Challenge back in Year 5:


(wish I had their old avatars, but the current ones will do)

As far as I remember, Ailith was the first person I talked to in this realm. She was probably responsible for me staying around!:) Eventually, I ended up joining SoS and that was when I first became a part of the LotE. I'm really happy that our friendship endured all these years (and today we both being on the same land and alliance again is an awesome bonus).

This event in particular was right after I had disappeared for some time, due to exams or something, and had just returned. I remember Ailith being the alliance leader and she told me to jump to her so she could show me something. That was the first time I visited the Champion's Challenge and since then it's become my favorite MB scene!

In this image, aside from Ailith and Granos, Pip is there as one of my oldest alliance mates, and also Awiiya and Kets (Handy Pockets), close friends whom I visited frequently. Also, I'd like to mention Pamplemousse (couldn't find her avatar), another great friend from those days.

I still have the screenshot that I took back then (which inspired me to write this and decorate this scene in particular). Behold ancient-layout.php, haha:




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On Day 3, I managed to somehow reach the Park and actually see people talking. Previously, I had received a message from Mya Celestia and a gift from Mallos, but I never replied to them (I was unsure of what this game is, of what I can/have to do).

Those people were 2 MP3s by the name of Asthir and Justin Case. As I approached them and got to talk eventually about entropy and balance (I couldn't help but ask about the principles), I realized two things:

  • this is actually quite fun
  • my chose name was utterly useless.

I still thought there might be a possibility of playing a merchant. It was day 3, after all.




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my memory is the present. 

I joined MD in about 2011. And I had quitted twice. 

partly because I was busy on my degree. mostly because the barrier of language and culture. 

I could't comprehend many riddles or even posts and conversations. I didn't really establish any friendship with others as I preferred silence. 

I remembered the people offered me the most help are dst and Nimrodel. But they are no longer active. 

The scene I visited most at that time would be the roundabout in MB. There were many people around at that time. the fish is a symbol of festival and means fortune and safe in our culture. 

In the festival of MD, I choose this scene with the wish of seeing each other long enough in MD. 

I changed for this return, and MD is changing me more, encouraging me to do something I never tried. (e.g. photoshop for this quest!)


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This is entitled "The last walk, beneath the amber glow."

It represents the last memory that Aia has of Tarquinus; strolling past the Willow at Willow's Walk, before Aia left to return to the other-realm. One can just observe two figures on a picnic-mat beneath the Willow; overhead, the moon's amber glow upon the water's edge. Details are missing in this, because memory fades, and all that is left is a feeling of knowing happiness; this does not fade as the memory does; like so many memories in this realm, most will be forgotten, but even so, they persist, as points of happiness in the minds of those who were there.

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So my memory starts in MB and goes into NC.

I remember this very vividly because it was very soon after I came back and it was the first time someone offered to do more than just talk with me (actually, I think Azull offered to take me through NC first, but our logins didn't really coincide). It started off when Zets had just turned MP5, I think and we were sitting and talking. 

I mentioned that when I first played NC was there, but very much not a place you went to casually.

We went into NC where Dan and Zets left me behind because of AP. But I remember how funny it was when Dan had to say about everything, do NOT click this, do NOT click that, DON'T go there or you will get lost.

MDP.png.dc7a7c8a0f95990dbccf9a6c14d690d0.pngNC.png.e54403b8bd0413478156ca5e12334eed.pngIt was awesome and hilarious, also it was an hour very much well-spent. It all would not have been possible if Marble Dale Park was not the main meeting hub besides GoE that it has become (without it, we all three would have been roaming the land, not interacting).


Edited by Steno
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  • 2 months later...
  • Root Admin

Voting has taken place and the judges have decided on:

1st Place - @Tissy
2nd Place - @Aia del Mana
3rd Place - @Steno

All participants will get 5 plushies:

Aelis, Tacitamuta, Ailith, Ungod, Tissy, Aia, Steno

Thank you all for participating. I will contact those separately.


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