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  • Root Admin

As you probably already know, i am building an other game, totally something else than MD. Since MD community is my base of friends and collaborators, i am sharing this here with you.

I am looking for people that want to help find bugs, test it, share ideas but also build strategic maps and later on help me manage this game, if something comes out of it.


There is no payment involved, sadly. I am doing this as a personal side project and all the money i can spare from my daily job, what is not going into md, i will invest in comissioning better artworks and design for it. Of course if you are an artist and wish to help, i can pay for specific work..but thats an other story for an other topic.


So, if you like playing turn based strategy games, and you like the gameplay of this one and wish to help..well..i need your help :)


Things needed right now:

1) Bug testing. Give the game a try and see if you can find glitches and bugs with the gameplay.

2) Maps. I built a map editor..its rudimentary for now. I need people that could build maps using it. Building a map involves having a great ideea for a map, and placing elements such as water, walls, units and so on, on a blank map. These maps will be used later on as levels and multiplayer maps.


Any offer for help, feedback or suggestion, please write here or on discord.


Thank you all!


  • Root Admin
7 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

1) Bug testing. Give the game a try and see if you can find glitches and bugs with the gameplay.

Ledah and I have played a load of games, mainly the food generation and game deciding what you can/cant do is pretty buggy and makes it quite unfair at times.

I sent you details on Discord.

8 hours ago, Chewett said:

We would also like login apart from Facebook, Discord, gmail, etc. 

Or at least other options!

Map editor should be good, I'll play with it tonight, one fo the funner games was where me and Chew had to battle it out for a 2 tile-wide passage between water. Well, he didn't put up that much of a fight... ;)

Food is funky, T1 you get none if you are player 1, but then you do have the advantage of going first. The seeming randomness to being able to create/build is a bigger issue for me. Plus maybe some indication of upkeep on food, I'm not sure why units starve sometimes.

It is a fun game though, I feel a tourney coming on...

  • Root Admin

I will put some info about what farms cost and what units need to eat. I don't think there is any issue or randomness regarding what you can build or when. It unlocks depending on your stored food, and some buildings cost progressively more after you build one. 

I will document this first, then let me know if you still think its bugged.



  • Root Admin
1 hour ago, Muratus del Mur said:

I will document this first, then let me know if you still think its bugged.

I reported this to you on discord but...


Player 1, starts the game with:
T1 - Parcel #1, 9 tiles, 0 food (+7/turn)
Player 2 starts the game with:
T1 - Parcel #2, 9 tiles, 7 food (+7/turn)
So they get a big bonus...




I moved from A, to B, and lost all my food:

START - Parcel #1, 10 tiles, 48 food (+23/turn)
END Parcel #1, 11 tiles, 0 food (+24/turn)
Why did I lose 48 food?


  • Root Admin

Fixed bug with randomly lost food

Fixed bug with startup food (needs check)

Now you gain a small amount of food when capturing an enemy cell, based on the food production of that enemy land. This is a nice side effect of the fact that now food is stored on the actual cells, so you when you capture a cell you also capture its food supply. Each new turn, each cell receives an equal share of food based on the lands food production. This value is however rounded to 4 decimals, so in some cases, especially for low food production due to high number of high level units, but a lot of land tiles, the rounding could cause an issue..i am not sure yet if its a real problem or just little difference.

  • Root Admin

Damn...i fixed the food system so well, that its making sure the food is there at all times now:)))

I need to coubt the spent food separately till the end of round and subtract it from the next round calculation..will do.

  • Root Admin

yes of course. I will open a new topic regarding this issue as it seems far more complicated than i thought initially, maybe someone can help with a briliant ideea.

  • Root Admin

i made an other attempt at fixing this. 

Food past history of production and spending is stored distributed to all cells, by the power of decentralization and "blockchain" :)))

10 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

i made an other attempt at fixing this. 

Food past history of production and spending is stored distributed to all cells, by the power of decentralization and "blockchain" :)))

Steve:" hey bob do you remember the useless fields i have in the back of my empire, where there is nothing?"
Bob: "yeah, why?"
Steve:"Well i had this idea to distribute all the food i produce evenly in my empire, so i will never have a supply chain issue with my troops anymore"
Bob:" So you want to tell me that the food is just wasted there, where most likely no troops will need them?"
Steve:"well Yes!, but they could need them at some point!"

  • Root Admin

:)) actually, as long as you can get the food from any place fast enough, having it decentralized is way better than keeping it in a single place. The soldiers on the map should bever find out that their farms are not where their food actually is...shht..don't tell em


You can also hop over rivers, but it would be nice if people had to make bridges first.

Could then add other terrain that is hard/impossible to manoevure through, like mountains. Make a unit that can traverse them like scouts to cut off supply lines/parcels ;)

  • Root Admin
3 hours ago, MaGoHi said:

to be fair, movement is also odd to me, like why can i instantly jump 500 tiles in my own realm

You can't jump infinitely long distances. A unit can move a maximum number of tiles in any direction, this is more obvious when you have large lands and you move over own. Maybe they are too many as they are now, i don't know, but i have coded also an other version with less. I can switch to it to experiment later. For now i use the current one, because the more they are the more server resource its using, and if it its working with many, it will work with few.

10 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

You can't jump infinitely long distances. A unit can move a maximum number of tiles in any direction, this is more obvious when you have large lands and you move over own. Maybe they are too many as they are now, i don't know, but i have coded also an other version with less. I can switch to it to experiment later. For now i use the current one, because the more they are the more server resource its using, and if it its working with many, it will work with few.

i know its not infinite, but it was weird to me that it was so much, but good if its for testing


  • Root Admin

also this distance allows for more strategy than if it is smaller. If its smaller, you can't really surprise the enemy much as he sees it way before you close in on him, i hope it makes sense.

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