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You know you've been on MD too much when...

Yami no Sakura

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[color="#2e8b57"][i]ROFLMAO!!! This stuff is hilarious and oh so true!!! [/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]Two of my favourites:[/i][/color]

[color="#000080"][i]Posted 09 September 2008 - 09:52 PM [/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]
[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]You know you've been on MD too much when...[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]
[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]- you see an Imperial Aramor Assassin in a Rorschach inkblot test.[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]
[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]- almost everything you drew in the drawing completion test was MD related.[/i][/color]


[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]Posted 13 July 2009 - 01:44 PM [/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]
[/i][/color][color="#000080"][i]..When you call ya grandpa "grassan".[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]Heres my 2c worth :P

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you start reading words like "Murmur" as Mur - Mur[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you've substituted OMG for OMM[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you have almost half the alliance as friends on FaceBook.[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you walk through a forest, and expect to see an Inn, an Altar and water daimons in the lake[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you look at a Baobab tree and wonder if it can hold as many houses as Ravenhold[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you go to Egypt (with a fellow player) and the two of you start translating the hieroglyphics into MD stories :D[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- Whilst traveling with said fellow player, the two of you automatically slip into a discussion of current MD affairs totally oblivious to the expressions around you.[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When more than half of your christmas cards came from people you have never met.[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you tell your students to stop behaving like Noobs.[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you look at Chocolate muffins you think of Firsanthalas[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- When you look at blue sambuca you think of Stormrunners Blue Ale[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]-  you have an urge to hug a dead dry tree, give it some water and tell it stories[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- you have an urge to hug trees[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- you regard and call all forests as Loreroot, and dry waste lands as Necrovion.[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- whenever you complete a maze you wonder if it will take you to GG[/i][/color]

[color="#2e8b57"][i]- While on safari you ask the tour guide where the winderwilds live, and how does global warming affect the knators.[/i][/color]


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When you switch between talking to your MD friends on yim facebook AND MD at the same time. and when nobodies talking in the current scene you switch between mood panel and PL to see if anyone has posted anything new and switch over to the forum tab to see if anyone is on there or updated their status

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I know this is very bad and I have been ashamed to post it but..... here goes

When I got the call that said my dad has passed away, I told Sparrhawk, and was trying to figure how to steall Amoran's heads!

And during the funeral, I kept stealing moments away to see if I have pointed and was trying to steal more heads!

Not proud of myself! :P

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- when you hear a sound similar to one in MD (PM, incoming attack, or new chat post) and your first instinct is to check it out (the PM, log, or post),
... and then you realize you are far away from a computer at the time. I.e. you have a conditioned response.

I have experienced this several times over the past few weeks (IIRC, the sounds of 1 PM, 2 attacks, and 2 chat posts, all from water splashing in a drain...)

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[quote name='Darigan' date='29 March 2010 - 05:56 AM' timestamp='1269860162' post='57129']
When you switch between talking to your MD friends on yim facebook AND MD at the same time. and when nobodies talking in the current scene you switch between mood panel and PL to see if anyone has posted anything new and switch over to the forum tab to see if anyone is on there or updated their status

hmmmm it probably not good that i do all that as well as play a few different flash games, a game of solitare and one other site....

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[quote name='I am Bored' date='31 March 2010 - 06:24 PM' timestamp='1270077880' post='57282']
hmmmm it probably not good that i do all that as well as play a few different flash games, a game of solitare and one other site....
woah.... and who says guys can't multitask

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  • 1 month later...

I may not have been here long enough, however! I, too, am victim to this wonderful game called MD.

-You know you've been on D too long if you wish you were MP4 to cast a silence spell on someone who terribly annoys you.
-You know you've been on MD too long if you lay awake at night thinking of ideas to propose for the game.
-Also if first thing in the morning you think of: What adventure will I have today~?
-If when you try loading MD and you computer lags you scream: LET ME PLAY MD, CURSE YOU WRETCHED COMPUTER. And then proceed to stomp off in annoyed rage.
-You would gladly sell all you have for a better computer to play MD without lag.

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[quote name='Curiose' date='02 July 2010 - 03:52 AM' timestamp='1278003128' post='63103']
-You know you've been on D too long if you wish you were MP4 to cast a silence spell on someone who terribly annoys you.
You can cast silence at any MP level, it doesn't take heat. Just be aware that you can get banned if you use it inappropriately (so make sure it is for a very good reason)

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='I am Bored' date='17 July 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1279386380' post='64078']
when you have been unable to get to the computer for 3 weeks and the first page you open is md.
or worse:
when you are in holiday and the only time you take in front of a PC is to check MD.
or worse:
to let your child asleep to go find an internet cafe to check on MD

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okay i admit i haven't read every page but my personal experiences:

you go onto md at work during your lunch break

those close to you say you've become a stranger (this happened for the first few weeks i played)

those close to you say to you "STILL playing that game?"

people start telling you to go do something else like watch tv or play on the playstation

you start referring to animals in the rl realm as creatures in md realm

a family member hears the message sound and says to you 'oh! you've got another message' & they ask who is writing to you

you start talking like your character in rl realm (yes i sometimes talk to bf like i do in md realm, i even said to mama lepus one time "but am only FOUR!!!")

you eat your food by the computer to spend more time on md

Edited by lepus
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