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Guardians Recruitment

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they have interesting developments sometimes, Fen...

even if they start just for the ally boni, they can make something out of them within the ally

i remember the time when i joined GG... Lightsage asked me if i would like to get a bit more briskness and less incomings, and i obviously agreed, this was not a matter of what they do or are or could do some time... just about joining an ally, had Light still been in Necro, i'd be a Necro now, and most probably as involved as i am with GG :lol:

sorry, mod... i haven't ahd someone to talk to in ages... seems like exams are going to drive me crazy before i'm finally done with them...

i promise to stop going offtopic as soon as it's all over^^

Edited by Burns
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[quote name='Burns' post='34936' date='Jun 26 2009, 08:28 AM']they have interesting developments sometimes, Fen...

even if they start just for the ally boni, they can make something out of them within the ally

i remember the time when i joined GG... Lightsage asked me if i would like to get a bit more briskness and less incomings, and i obviously agreed, this was not a matter of what they do or are or could do some time... just about joining an ally, had Light still been in Necro, i'd be a Necro now, and most probably as involved as i am with GG :lol:[/quote]

You should've been active a bit before then :P For the record: You where the one asking for all the statistics...

Oh and I would ask you to keep on topic, you seem to be involved every time this topic goes off topic a bit...

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Hi, I would like to join Guardians of the Root.
Loreroot is the place I like most in MD, and I would like to be more active in it's protection and in the growth of it's forest.

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[quote name='xPo' post='34966' date='Jun 26 2009, 03:01 PM']Hi, I would like to join Guardians of the Root.
Loreroot is the place I like most in MD, and I would like to be more active in it's protection and in the growth of it's forest.[/quote]

[i]Greetings xPo

your request to join the alliance is being considered :)

Edited by Sharazhad
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Yes, please try to keep the thread on topic.
Also, this is not Loreroot recruitment, it is GOTR recruitment. GOTR is part of and protects Loreroot, but it is not Loreroot. The Savelites and COE are also part of Loreroot, just as GG or MRs are not Golemus, but part of it.
Its important to remember this.

Also, try to avoid making personal comments about people seeking recruitment or information here. Its a recruitment thread, not a flaming thread :)

Go raibh maith agat


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[quote name='Sharazhad' post='35851' date='Jun 30 2009, 10:43 PM'][i]Greetings xPo

your request to join the alliance is being considered :)

Thanks, waiting for any conclusion... :)

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Death Ray seems most reasonable here. Why would you join GotR in order to protect a bunch of trees? Or perhaps you want to protect access to the critters? The only reason to join an alliance is for their cause, and for the people in it. I want to join because I love the location, well, that's just silly. I find it odd that the only one with a reasonable cause to join is questioned. Of course some of the things he says are strange and a little questionable.

Edit to be less off topic.

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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Death Ray is indeed different.

His ability to be different has caused some to call him names.

I see it as creativity and will guide him to use his creativity to be more positive.

Allowing a new member into Loreroot has nothing to do with ones personal feelings towards that player but rather he will be judged on whether he is worthy.

And since the worthiness of one is subjective to those that are judging, it is most appreciated that those that do not agree to the values and principles of those in GOTR, to keep their negative opinions to the minimum.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed and noted but those that choose to condemn and point out faults for the sake of rocking the boat is most unwelcomed.

No one is perfect, but the quest to perfection is a quest that is long and winding, it would be most unfair if one were to be judged while taking or trying to take the road.

It is not where we start that matters but where we end up is the upmost importance.

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I'd like to join the Guardians.
Because I'm lost in the woods and I like it this way.
I like trees better than buildings.
And the grass is far more comfortable than the best of beds.
I prefer counting the stars than cracks on the ceiling.
And I am prepared to defend what I like.

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I'm considering joining Advertisers instead...less politics, less stuff to worry about, and also there's party times :D

PS: I'm not sure about the party times, but whatever. Sorry D:

EDIT: Advertisers is full, may reconsider my reconsideration xD.

Edited by Pipstickz
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[quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 July 2009 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1247262106' post='36744']
Can Pipstickz join? He thinks he can help out :D

Application is considered withdrawn.

Edited by SageWoman
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i wish to join GOTR root because I am loyal to loreroot. I feel safest with loreroot. i feel i have many friends in loreroot. And i think its what my destiny has sought out for me to be in. I will protect loreroot with all i have have and i hope loreroot will protect me. I will be loyal to loreroot and the elders of loreroot and the guardians of loreroot and the masters of loreroot and i will do as i am told.

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[font="Comic Sans MS"]Hmm not sure how to do this but I will ^^.

I would like to join the Guardians of the root.I find loreroot as a home which is why my first and only alliance was The savelites.I find loreroot calming and peaceful. jazira ,many times, told me to calm down when I was getting angry so I would take myself away from the situation and go into the woods of loreroot. I feel no affinity to Necrovian senitals nor Golemus.
I hope I may be of assistance to loreroot and even if not allowed in I shall continue to protect and treat loreroot as a home.

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