Burns Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 agree with Lib on that, youa re supposed to be neutral, that does totally NOT mean you should play MD-police and fight in unjust wars on the weaker side or make sure that no wars are fought or anything the like... why do you all think that this should be a dmaned boring peaceful realm?! can't you just leave the war and combat issues to the people interested in slaughtering? Tarquinus and Fenrir Greycloth 1 1
Liberty4life Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 yea there is no point to stop slaughter between ppl that want to slaughter and that want to get slaughtered who doesnt wants to get slaughtered can go to neutral lands, like dst did Czez, Fenrir Greycloth and Tarquinus 3
Windy Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 (edited) [left][/left][b][b]The Caretakers of The Tribunal Lands of The East[/b][/b] [u][b]What This Alliance Means To Me[/b][/u]: This alliance means a great deal to me. It is the chance for new ideas and fresh faces to come together and make her great! The Tribunal lands need leaders who have are void of egos and have no stomach for politics. Having said that, I am no way ignorant of the fact that politics are part of this whole process. It is a chance for something new, different, and exciting! [b]Purpose and Goals of the Caretakers[/b] The Tribal Lands are yet an unknown entity. The Caretaker's purpose is to preserve the lands from those who wish to exploit it. The structures within the lands are ancient, delicate, and elegant in their architecture and will be preserved as Historical Land Marks. The Caretakers will keep the lands documented as more areas are uncovered. [b]Role of The Caretakers[/b] A caretaker's primary concern is the well being of the Tribunal lands, structures, and future inhabitants. They will be highly visible through out the lands to keep an eye on the activity of inhabitants and guests alike. [b][left]The First Six Seats[/left][/b] (1) [b]Tribunal Leader [/b]- Leadership of any alliance is a heavy burden and must be assumed with great reverence, dignity, and fairness. This role is one that deals with all aspects of Tribunal preservation. This role must not be taken likely as they must deal with all walks of life in a fair and diplomatic fashion; a cool and level head is a must. (2) [b]Captain of The Keepers[/b]- The Captain's role is to maintain the chats so there are no spoilers, offensive language, or inappropriate behavior that are better off left to private conversations in pms. (3) [b]Chief of Grievances[/b]- The Chief's role is to ensure settlement of disputes among residents and nonresidents so everyone has an enjoyable experience within the Tribunal Lands. (4) [b]Head Ranger[/b]- The Head Ranger's role is ensure the preservation and the integrity of undeveloped land and to document unknown and known animals that reside there. This role is also to document any mineral deposits that are discovered. (5) [b]High Trader [/b]- The High Trader's role is to ensure documentation, registration, and functionality of all traders or merchants who wish to set up shop. He/She is also responsible to take care of any grievances that might accur between merchants and traders and customers. He/she will also be in charge of setting up markets in the square. (6) [b]Chief of Stuctures[/b] - The Chief's role is ensure the maintance and protection of all statuary from vandalism and abuse. He is also in charge of the set up and collection of marble so that new statuary can be created or repaired. (7) [b]Master Blacksmith [/b]- This seat is responsible for the research, design, and documentation of all armor and weapons created in or brought forth into the lands. This person will also create a stable for horses to be brought forth into rping. He will make sure that they are borded and well kept. Branding will be the utmost repsonsibility. We need to keep these horses well documented. (8) [b]Chancelor of Holistic Virtue[/b]- This Chancelor's role is the organization of healers to care for injuries and maladies that occur inside the borders of the land. He must ensure that all healers are documented and active throughout the Eastern Lands. (9) [b]Divine Muse [/b]- No good leader can exist without great self arrogance unless he/she has the greatest mind to advise him/her. The Divine Muse will gather the best minds in all aspects of governing, planning, and so forth to guide the Leadership of The Tribunal Lands. (10) [b]Major General of The Shadow Walkers[/b](Temporary) - The Major General's role is to dispatch his Shadow Walkers to police within The Tribunal borders. They will be hardened and skilled warriors from all walks of life. Edited September 20, 2009 by Leucretia SageWoman and Fenrir Greycloth 2
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 Thats a much better offering Leu. However, you have 10 seats ...and it looks as if this alliance is more like...a collaboration of the heads of a town council and all it's various facets - do you see what I mean? Almost like...an alliance comprised of the heads of a series of small guilds. Some of the ideas there are quite nice though individually imo. Z
Windy Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='08 September 2009 - 11:59 AM' timestamp='1252429140' post='41227'] Thats a much better offering Leu. However, you have 10 seats ...and it looks as if this alliance is more like...a collaboration of the heads of a town council and all it's various facets - do you see what I mean? Almost like...an alliance comprised of the heads of a series of small guilds. Some of the ideas there are quite nice though individually imo. Z [/quote] I know what you mean. I was trying to avoid that, but as I brainstormed, it just became bigger than me. This is just a rough draft after all and as such can be reworked at any time.
Fenrir Greycloth Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 (edited) This is an out if date of date application my up to date one is two down Edited September 13, 2009 by Fenrir Greycloth Ivorak, Jubaris and Watcher 3
Jester Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 I really like Fenrir's idea. It seems difficult to pull off, but if he can it seems very beneficial to the land. Fenrir Greycloth and Watcher 1 1
Liberty4life Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 just a short respons to leucretia, in addition to Z, if ya have 10 seats then that means leader takes one so 9 remains Fenrir Greycloth, Watcher and Czez 1 2
Guybrush Threepwood Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 You are quite right to say that my idea is not necessarily neutral. It may be more appropriate to call it unbiased rather than neutral, and as such may not at all be what Mur wants. At the same time, I do not believe that this is necessarily an idea that does not fit with the Tribunal (especially since nothing is known of it) and perhaps the bit about neutrality could be fudged a bit. (Entirely OOC: Heck, I would like a war, it would give me something to do. As far as my character though, his job is to protect life, and as such needs to go against the concept. However, due to the role of protecting the innocent, I am also justified in joining any war on either side through my role. So yay me! Even if I do have to try to prevent them... Which I will continue to do, as it is in character. Also, I enjoy the politics of war as much as I do the fighting, and this would add some politics to the table. And Burns, if this idea were implemented it would just make wars more balanced and give you more heads to chop off. More exciting for you.) Fenrir Greycloth and Watcher 1 1
Fenrir Greycloth Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 If you have any suggestions or critisms about my application, please let me know! Chewett and Sparrhawk 2
dst Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 One thing though: the bedroom is mine. As soon as I will decide to spend my WPs I will name that place DSTs bedroom! So please, I don't want to see anyone saying something about it! Fenrir Greycloth 1
Jester Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 [quote name='dst' date='08 September 2009 - 03:10 PM' timestamp='1252444219' post='41253'] One thing though: the bedroom is mine. As soon as I will decide to spend my WPs I will name that place DSTs bedroom! So please, I don't want to see anyone saying something about it! [/quote] Change location subtitle Allows you to change a subtitle on a given location. The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days. With this you can mark locations to support your role, such as pubs, markets, themed gathering places, mark historic locations to remember an important event for all future players, organise group activities, support role play situations, etc. [u][b]You are not allow to write playernames in this subtitle.[/b][/u] Abusing this by writing ofences, advertising or similar will be penalised.
dst Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 Then I will call it My bedroom and sit in it! If everyone comes in I will just shu them! Happy now?
Liberty4life Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 aww.... then ya will have to name my bathroom as his bedroom, not kewl anymore, lol i cant wait to see dst in kitchen with chew holding cookbook for her XD Czez 1
Windy Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 It amazes me to see people laying claim to parts of the Lands of the East! Let's see... 1. I Am Bored laid claim to the pub. Others have also, so I've heard. 2. dst lays claim to the bedroom. 3. Some guy (All-something)who claims to have Princ Raygar's voice, claimed the last building in the quad for the Savelite Church! Now what is the point of having applications for leadership if people are laying claims? I wonder what Mur has to say about that? It would please me to see people keep mum until this all works itself out. [quote name='Jester' date='08 September 2009 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1252446834' post='41257'] Change location subtitle Allows you to change a subtitle on a given location. The new title will remain forever untill someone else changes it and for at least 4 days. With this you can mark locations to support your role, such as pubs, markets, themed gathering places, mark historic locations to remember an important event for all future players, organise group activities, support role play situations, etc. [u][b]You are not allow to write playernames in this subtitle.[/b][/u] Abusing this by writing ofences, advertising or similar will be penalised. [/quote] Who has that ability? Is that for admins to use and abuse or is that something from the wishshop? Chewett and Jubaris 1 1
Jester Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 [quote name='Leucretia' date='08 September 2009 - 04:55 PM' timestamp='1252450528' post='41265'] It amazes me to see people laying claim to parts of the Lands of the East! Let's see... 1. I Am Bored laid claim to the pub. Others have also, so I've heard. 2. dst lays claim to the bedroom. 3. Some guy (All-something)who claims to have Princ Raygar's voice, claimed the last building in the quad for the Savelite Church! Now what is the point of having applications for leadership if people are laying claims? I wonder what Mur has to say about that? It would please me to see people keep mum until this all works itself out. Who has that ability? Is that for admins to use and abuse or is that something from the wishshop? [/quote] That ability is from WP shop. Also, I have 2 screens in the East, jestersdoor and Jesters Streets. Mine are different than the other peoples in that mine are actually official...
Guybrush Threepwood Posted September 8, 2009 Report Posted September 8, 2009 You just had to bring that up didn't you? She didn't even mention you, but you had to mention it... Anywho, I would like to state some other important practical aspects of the Care Takers in my thoughts for it as an alliance. The alliance would work to create shelter and reprieve for all individuals, including food. Large crops being maintained by the alliance in case of famine. Research would be done in order to better the lives of those in MD, with an emphasis in medical research (I don't think I need to explain why I am the man for that). In a practical and less Role Playing side (in that this would not be a stated in character purpose for the alliance.) Quests would be done through the alliance relating to it's members and it's role in MD. One quest already in mind includes more RP interaction as well as a place in a written story (Most likely to be written by me.) to include the events of the quest and all those involved in their actions during the quest.
Windy Posted September 9, 2009 Report Posted September 9, 2009 [quote name='Jester' date='08 September 2009 - 06:22 PM' timestamp='1252452149' post='41271'] That ability is from WP shop. Also, I have 2 screens in the East, jestersdoor and Jesters Streets. Mine are different than the other peoples in that mine are actually official... [/quote] I've noticed. Shameless self promotion! [quote name='Liberty4life' date='08 September 2009 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1252435360' post='41236'] just a short respons to leucretia, in addition to Z, if ya have 10 seats then that means leader takes one so 9 remains [/quote] I was not counting the Leader as a seat. I don't think Mur meant that to be a seat. But I took the last one off, just in case.
Fenrir Greycloth Posted September 9, 2009 Report Posted September 9, 2009 Leucretia you know that the allaince only has a maximum of ten members right? Several if th groups you made are just that... Groups
Udgard Posted September 9, 2009 Report Posted September 9, 2009 [quote name='Leucretia' date='09 September 2009 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1252450528' post='41265'] Now what is the point of having applications for leadership if people are laying claims? I wonder what Mur has to say about that? [/quote] It's not necessarily related, IMHO. Leadership claims are for the [i]alliance[/i]. People are are claiming part of the [i]land[/i].
Liberty4life Posted September 9, 2009 Report Posted September 9, 2009 yep i agree with udgard, savelites said it will be temporary as much as i understood, dst and iab claimed those locations for rp, so leaders of new land can consider them as theirs citizens, well to forbid them to do that is same as if i forbid pub in winds sanct or sparring grounds in mbp, and that is ridiculous since that drives in traffic to me Czez 1
Fenrir Greycloth Posted September 9, 2009 Report Posted September 9, 2009 Does anyone know when we will hear a decision on the chosen leaders of the Seal of Six and the Caretakers?
Root Admin Chewett Posted September 9, 2009 Author Root Admin Report Posted September 9, 2009 Mur knows... Anyways i dont see any really intresting ideas for either of them yet... im guessing mur is waiting until a good one comes up
Windy Posted September 9, 2009 Report Posted September 9, 2009 [quote name='Udgard' date='08 September 2009 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1252465214' post='41288'] It's not necessarily related, IMHO. Leadership claims are for the [i]alliance[/i]. People are are claiming part of the [i]land[/i]. [/quote] Gotcha. But that would be like people going into Necrovion or Loreroot and claiming land too. Would those allaince leaders put up with that?
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