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The Caretakers


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i think raven's idea sounds like basic loreroot alliances and sentinal alliance thrown together in a mesh. While a good idea in theory, it doesn't seem like a fresh idea in a fresh land. Just old alliances combined.

I think we should also keep in mind that Raven is the same RPC who has had negative influences and been reprimanded for his shady actions more than once. One's not needed discussed or brought up. Just stating even I've seen it, much less veterans who have been around for a long time. Makes a high probability for corruption in the alliance, IMO of course.

*edit spelling*

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Couldn't the alliance work AGAINST Granos'? I think that'd be rather interesting personally. I would enjoy seeing two alliances in the same land working against each other. Hey, wait, that fits my idea. Strange how I seem to keep doing that. Anywho, what do you guys think? Would the two alliances have to worrk toward a similar end? Or at least not opposing each other? Or do yall think it's ok to have to groups in the same land actively working against each other.

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I was really hoping for a Harvey Keitel from Pulp Fiction bent on this alliance tbh...but alas..no such luck I see.

That being said, Im not that fond of any of the current ideas, but I'm interested to know...apart from on this forum, have any of you started to form groups who like and are dedicated to the ideals you are presenting here?


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I'm sorry but I don't get what is the "common ground" the major element in Raven's proposal for the caretakers...

It sounds too general to me like it has no character of it's own

If it's an alliance it should be cause of the same beliefs or purpose


I like the alliances being against each other (sounds more fun)


Here's an [b]idea for the alliance[/b]

How about an order of fallen knights led by a Chancellor, left in charge by the long gone King of the Tribunals,
to take care of things in his absence(or so they claim), the so called [b]Caretakers [/b]

Slowly they became power hungry, greedy and corrupt and drove the few people of the Tribunals out from high taxation and mass looting

They have settled themselves in the throne room, upholding their dictatorship and scheming against the neighboring lands
Currently they are divided into two factions the Fallen Knights and the Dark Assassins


A. [b]High Chancellor[/b] [i](leader and self-proclaimed dictator of the Tribunals)[/i]

B1. [b]War General[/b] [i](leader of the Fallen Knights faction)[/i]
B2. [b]ShadowMaster[/b] [i](leader of the Dark Assassins faction)[/i]

C1. [b]Fallen Knight[/b] [i](member of one of the two factions)[/i]
C2. [b]Dark Assassin[/b] [i](member of one of the two factions)[/i]

D. [b]Mercenary[/b] [i](adept in the process of entering one of the two factions)[/i]


I DON'T want to lead any alliance, I'm just proposing an idea

I'll even nominate

-Phantasm as High Chancellor
-Fenrir as War General
-Leucretia as ShadowMaster

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[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='16 September 2009 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1253117723' post='41913']
Wont work since there is no "history" in the Tribunals.

Ah!!! but that is the beauty of it they're the so called Caretakers, they named themselves, and took in charge

And don't forget that there is a battle for power in this thread right now by "power hungry people"

I'll even nominate

Raven for High Chancellor
Phantasm for Shadowmaster and
Fenrir as War General

hehe everybody is happy

Edited by Sharpwind
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[quote name='Sharpwind' date='16 September 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1253118180' post='41914']
Ah!!! but that is the beauty of it they're they so called Caretakers the named themselves and took in charge

And don't forget that there is a battle for power in this thread right now by "power hungry people"

I'll even nominate

Raven for High Chancellor
Phantasm for Shadowmaster and
Fenrir as War General

hehe everybody is happy

What power? I do not understand. This is a game. There is no "power". If you think having power means having a make believe role in a game that exists only as images is having power... Get a life. People have been calling me power hungry, a kiss ass, and every thing else lately.

First, I do not want "power". I want powers to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for me, and others. I don't care who gives me the powers, or skills to do so, just as long as I get them. Yeah, sure. I can create quests now. Lots of people enjoyed my quest. But I cannot create quests like the RPCs can. Yeah, yeah, I know that I can purchase the stuff in the WP shop. But you know what? Half the damn quests out there, are either stupid, and are meant to benefit the creator only, or so incredibly hard it is a waste of my time to even bother.

Now I know people will start to think that he is just whining again, but I honestly don't care(about that). I have stopped with my attitude that has driven everyone to hate me. Like my belittling of those who have some annoying tendencies. Or my nazi attitude towards alts and those who abuse them. But I still get attacked for how I say things. I am not sure what you are all talking about when I say something the wrong way. What wrong or right way?! When we speak, we speak to convey messages. Most of you interpret what I say as purposely harmful. If I spoke it, in the exact same way, you would get a completely different meaning, because in this "world" you all live in, there are no expressions, nor sounds to convey meaning. Something I rely on. In Real Life, I am considered one of the nicest and most helpful/caring person. I volunteer every Saturday, I work harder than my co-workers, and I do it all with a smile. And it drives me nuts that you all think I am some douche bag with some inferiority complex.

Stop being so cynical of what I write, and think about what I say. Imagine me smiling when I say it if you have to. I am not sitting here flipping out when I write this either. If someone were to come in and see me typing this, they would think that I am really focused. All of your perceptions of me is skewered.

/end rant

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[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='16 September 2009 - 05:47 PM' timestamp='1253119660' post='41918']
What power? I do not understand. This is a game. There is no "power". If you think having power means having a make believe role in a game that exists only as images is having power... Get a life. People have been calling me power hungry, a kiss ass, and every thing else lately.

First, I do not want "power". I want powers to make the game more interesting and enjoyable for me, and others. I don't care who gives me the powers, or skills to do so, just as long as I get them. Yeah, sure. I can create quests now. Lots of people enjoyed my quest. But I cannot create quests like the RPCs can. Yeah, yeah, I know that I can purchase the stuff in the WP shop. But you know what? Half the damn quests out there, are either stupid, and are meant to benefit the creator only, or so incredibly hard it is a waste of my time to even bother.

Now I know people will start to think that he is just whining again, but I honestly don't care(about that). I have stopped with my attitude that has driven everyone to hate me. Like my belittling of those who have some annoying tendencies. Or my nazi attitude towards alts and those who abuse them. But I still get attacked for how I say things. I am not sure what you are all talking about when I say something the wrong way. What wrong or right way?! When we speak, we speak to convey messages. Most of you interpret what I say as purposely harmful. If I spoke it, in the exact same way, you would get a completely different meaning, because in this "world" you all live in, there are no expressions, nor sounds to convey meaning. Something I rely on. In Real Life, I am considered one of the nicest and most helpful/caring person. I volunteer every Saturday, I work harder than my co-workers, and I do it all with a smile. And it drives me nuts that you all think I am some douche bag with some inferiority complex.

Stop being so cynical of what I write, and think about what I say. Imagine me smiling when I say it if you have to. I am not sitting here flipping out when I write this either. If someone were to come in and see me typing this, they would think that I am really focused. All of your perceptions of me is skewered.

/end rant

I didn't mean to offend you Fenrir I don't know you after all

I meant power hungry in their roleplay, you all are trying to get an alliance through both work and ambition

I mean no offence... I'm just playing here

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[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='16 September 2009 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1253119660' post='41918']
What power? I do not understand. This is a game. There is no "power". If you think having power means having a make believe role in a game that exists only as images is having power... Get a life. People have been calling me power hungry, a kiss ass, and every thing else lately. [/quote]

I do believe RPCs, alliance leaders, Mur... have power. Not the "mushroom cloud says ashes to ashes, dust to radioactive dust" kind of power, but a sort of power nonetheless. If you lead an alliance, people that want to be part of said alliance, will do things for you. Stupid things, really really stupid things they wouldn't normally do, like kissing donkeys. If I were to estimate, I'd equate it to the power of a 500$ bill, which makes a shopkeeper relinquish that shiny new TV to you, yet at the same time, the average person in MD is stuck with only 20$ of power. From that perspective you asked for 'a lot of power'.

That being said, maybe there should be a separate topic on 'how many miles does a player have to walk before you can nominate them a leader?' I seem to enjoy the debate about leadership qualities more than the proposed alliance structures.

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Yes, but I don't want THAT power. I don't care if people will kiss butt for me if I get this "power". I see it as a tool for what I want to work on. And a way to group like minded people. (Lol not an alliance of Fenrir copys) But people who think and work like I do. People I respect and work well with.

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@Fenrir - I will not quote your entire post but i will respond using also parts of your rant:

Being ally leader is power. If you haven't understood this by now then you don't deserve to call yourself a MD player.You can make a role for yourself without being an ally leader. And this is something you already did.

There are 2 kinds of villains: the "nice" one and the ones that you truly dislike. You chose the second option and now you complain that players call you names. It's called reputation and once broken it's hard to repair it. You tried being nice and stuff but you cannot resist. After a while, one way or another, you hit the puddle with a stick. So you go back to 0 (or sometimes even lower).

You want powers? You have the option to get them yourself. But you don't like to work. You prefer to receive things. That tells me a lot about you.
You say half of MD quests are either stupid or extremely hard. If you wish so much to have powers and skills then do the stupid quests ( i presume they do not enter the hard category), win the wps and buy what you need. As a personal note and as an example: I hate quests like the one you have so it's a matter of taste. That being said I cannot trust your judgment when it comes to quests rating. The only judgment I can trust is my own.
You say that most of us interpret what you say as purposely harmful. You're wrong. I personally take most of what you say as stupid. And I bet I am not the only one.
You say that "If I spoke it, in the exact same way, you would get a completely different meaning, because in this "world" you all live in, there are no expressions, nor sounds to convey meaning." I agree with you in one direction: yes, it's a an expressionless, soundless world BUT this is the challenge: make people understand you, make players understand what you mean, find a way to communicate all those things that lack. If others can do it I am sure you can also.
The way you are in RL (or what you do) has absolutely no relevance in MD. You could be president of US. I don't care. If you step on my tail be sure I will slap you.
"Imagine me smiling when I say it if you have to" - oh but I do imagine you smile. I imagine a big grin on your face :). Why? Because of your reputation. It follows you all around. Sometimes it precedes you :D. I cannot stop thinking that you're playing the good guy role just to gain things. Sue me but this is my impression.
And a person does not have to flip out to show he/she angry, mad etc. I for example smile when I am mad or angry. I can even laugh.
"All of your perceptions of me is skewered" this are your words against our perceptions AND your deeds. I guess the other side (me and your deeds) are stronger :D

Hope I covered all the subjects I wanted to.

Have a good day :)

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and people with no idea over what to do with power can end up being the 'puppet king' (or leader, whatever)

(maybe we should have a debate over this sometime in MD.)

then again that might not really happen, other than peer-pressure.
*edit to add another opinion*

Edited by zalabar
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[quote name='Sharpwind' date='16 September 2009 - 11:23 AM' timestamp='1253118180' post='41914']
Ah!!! but that is the beauty of it they're the so called Caretakers, they named themselves, and took in charge

And don't forget that there is a battle for power in this thread right now by "power hungry people"

I'll even nominate

Raven for High Chancellor
Phantasm for Shadowmaster and
Fenrir as War General

hehe everybody is happy

Sad pants... what about me? I suppose I'll mention Leucretia as well. Also, could we maybe get a more consolidated list of applicants and their ideas? This is getting to be a long thread, I would hate to have missed someones idea. (Or for others to miss mine, sure, sure.)

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Back to topic. I really wanna see guys with mops and buckets and hedgetrimmers. This is a style of rp I really respect. I wanna see an alliance based at the water pump or in some undiscovered broom closet... Lurk in shadows, talk to crypts. What's interesting about the Tribunals compared to other lands is that there is so much Built. So much detail that is missing elsewhere, save the Archives. It begs for dusting and polishing and finding use for expected objects. Who cares about godmodding fighters when you can interact with the visible environment? There's too much nobility already in the realm. Where are the janitors and gardeners?

On a personal note, I vote for Guy Mackie as leader of the new alliance as he's a doctor and has plenty of experience already with messy things, like blood and dirt, and knator dung.

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Oh, I went back and reread the first page, it's different now. I somehow missed [color="#FF0000"]Mur[/color]'s post too. Why was I not on the list of applicants?

Ahhh yes... Knator dung. Well, it served it's purpose but I won't go into detail. I also was totally thinking scrubs. It's true, the land needs taking care of, but I for one am a little sick of people always taking care of their damned (am I allowed to say that on here? I don't think I've ever sworn before in MD, but this is the most annoying thing I've noticed in MD) land. I like LR, it's a fun place, because I like the people there, same with the archives. I could care less about the walls and the trees, I care about the PEOPLE, not the actual place. Yeah, I want the tribunals taken care of, so PEOPLE can use them. If the temple goes into disrepair while food is being prepared for starving individuals or what not (ok, people never starve in MD, there aren't enough people to have a food shortage). Maybe a better example. If I have to cut down the danged Oak Fort to barricade the children of LR (there's at least one kid right?) from attackers, I'd do it. I am sick of people sticking their necks out for inanimate objects, or even slightly animate ones. How about a alliance to take care of people? Anywho, that's why I suggested what I did. That's why I like Fenrir's idea. It's for people, all people. And yeah, upkeep of the temple and the grounds and taking care of things is definitely on the to do list, as having those places nice and neat is a benefit to the people, but my point is that it is not at the top. The invading armies can burn the land down around me for all I care, just don't touch my people! (Well, I would prefer they don't do either...)

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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All alliances currently care for people, Mackie, and I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with that. However, most are pretty weak on rp concept, imo, and this one presents a rare opportunity. Plus, I stand by my statement that exactly what's special about the Tribunal lands compared to all of the others, is so much Stuff made by People who are no longer There.

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List of proposals so far, in the order they were posted

I hope I didn't miss anything

--------------> [b]Guybrush Threepwood's proposal[/b]

Here is my idea for the role of the alliance:
Everything the caretakers do is for the care of the people of MD, be that research, defense of the innocent (we'll get to that later), or simply taking care of messes once we have failed to protect them. (Crime scene investigation, care of the dead.) This alliance would ideally get itself involved in the politics of the other lands, doing it's best to prevent war. Should a war break out they may choose a side, in order to protect an innocent people. (I understand that Mur stated the four lands could be involved in wars, the Tribunal is not one of them.) Because of this, if a strong enough group of warriors were collected it would dissuade unreasonable wars and require the public announcement of cause for wars (I realize that I myself am not that strong). (Without reason a war would go under unreasonable and the care takers would step in on the other side.)

When I see Tribunal I think judgement, and I think this alliance plan fits that. When I see caretakers, I think caring for people.

When I see tribunal, I also think a group of people. As necessary for this alliance to do it's job and remain neutral, the members would have to be relatively neutral themselves, and would also require group decisions, public group decisions available for scrutiny of the public. As leader I would do administrative tasks, as well as train any new members in the basics of the alliance, mainly caring for people, probably in basic first aid. However, decisions would not be made by me. The decision to accept any new members, to side in any war, or take any other serious measure would be voted on by the group. (Obviously at first any decision for new members would be made by me, there would be no other members.)

In a practical light, the first thing I would do as administrator, (Besides recruiting new members, which I feel would most likely happen by itself here in the forums, though if not I will actively attempt to recruit.) would be to go to each alliance leader and have them assign an envoy to the caretakers who's job it would be to keep the Care Takers up to date on pertinent information. Also in consideration is allowing one envoy from each land a vote in major decisions of the care takers. Because there would be one vote from each land it may cancel out any bias, however, more consideration must be done one this front.

I feel that I, as a doctor, and as an individual who has never been associated with any land or alliance, and has purposefully avoided such things, would be ideal for this role. However, I also realize that as far as politics go, as well as public popularity, I may not be the best man for the job. I would be happy to have someone who is more of a "people person" aware than myself take the role of leader and serve beneath them. Individuals who come to mind are Ailith, Handy Pockets and a few others.

As for people to be accepted into the group, applicants would be preferably neutral, (I understand this would be hard, few people in the game have not been in some alliance.) other than that, they would need to care firstly for people, other people, and have some useful skillset for caring for those people, be they a knight, a mortician, a priest, a doctor or some such thing. No, barkeep is not an acceptable task. Yes, I suppose people need one, but we are looking for more along the lines of fundamental needs. (Mortician, or priest of some sort is included, while Guy could care less about the dead he does recognize others do care about how the dead are handled, and thus it matters to him, even if he would use a thousand corpses to barricade an enemy from people he was defending.

Edit: Oh, a mission statement or motto or something... "Protect everyone at all times. Fail less everyday."

Sorry about earlier Chewett.

I for one have never been much for the current alliances, I have made it clear to those who ask that my role is to care for people, not for lands or some religion or creatures. During my time in MD I think I have made it abundantly clear to those who know me that I love research.

I would like to apply for the role of leadership for the Caretakers.

Here is my idea for the role of the alliance:
Everything the caretakers do is for the care of the people of MD, be that research, defense of the innocent (we'll get to that later), or simply taking care of messes once we have failed to protect them. (Crime scene investigation, care of the dead.) This alliance would ideally get itself involved in the politics of the other lands, doing it's best to prevent war. Should a war break out they may choose a side, in order to protect an innocent people. (I understand that Mur stated the four lands could be involved in wars, the Tribunal is not one of them.) Because of this, if a strong enough group of warriors were collected it would dissuade unreasonable wars and require the public announcement of cause for wars (I realize that I myself am not that strong). (Without reason a war would go under unreasonable and the care takers would step in on the other side.)

When I see Tribunal I think judgement, and I think this alliance plan fits that. When I see caretakers, I think caring for people.

When I see tribunal, I also think a group of people. As necessary for this alliance to do it's job and remain neutral, the members would have to be relatively neutral themselves, and would also require group decisions, public group decisions available for scrutiny of the public. As leader I would do administrative tasks, as well as train any new members in the basics of the alliance, mainly caring for people, probably in basic first aid. However, decisions would not be made by me. The decision to accept any new members, to side in any war, or take any other serious measure would be voted on by the group. (Obviously at first any decision for new members would be made by me, there would be no other members.)

In a practical light, the first thing I would do as administrator, (Besides recruiting new members, which I feel would most likely happen by itself here in the forums, though if not I will actively attempt to recruit.) would be to go to each alliance leader and have them assign an envoy to the caretakers who's job it would be to keep the Care Takers up to date on pertinent information. Also in consideration is allowing one envoy from each land a vote in major decisions of the care takers. Because there would be one vote from each land it may cancel out any bias, however, more consideration must be done one this front.

I feel that I, as a doctor, and as an individual who has never been associated with any land or alliance, and has purposefully avoided such things, would be ideal for this role. However, I also realize that as far as politics go, as well as public popularity, I may not be the best man for the job. I would be happy to have someone who is more of a "people person" aware than myself take the role of leader and serve beneath them. Individuals who come to mind are Ailith, Handy Pockets and a few others.

As for people to be accepted into the group, applicants would be preferably neutral, (I understand this would be hard, few people in the game have not been in some alliance.) other than that, they would need to care firstly for people, other people, and have some useful skillset for caring for those people, be they a knight, a mortician, a priest, a doctor or some such thing. No, barkeep is not an acceptable task. Yes, I suppose people need one, but we are looking for more along the lines of fundamental needs. (Mortician, or priest of some sort is included, while Guy could care less about the dead he does recognize others do care about how the dead are handled, and thus it matters to him, even if he would use a thousand corpses to barricade an enemy from people he was defending.

Edit: Oh, a mission statement or motto or something... "Protect everyone at all times. Fail less everyday."


--------------> [b]Leucretia's proposal[/b]

The Caretakers of The Tribunal Lands of The East

What This Alliance Mean To Me:

This alliance means a great deal to me. It is the chance for new ideas and fresh faces to come together and make her great! The Tribunal lands need leaders who have are void of egos and have no stomach for politics. Having said that, I am no way ignorant of the fact that politics are part of this whole process. It is a chance for something new, different, and exciting!

Purpose and Goals of the Caretakers

The Tribal Lands are yet an unknown entity. The Caretaker's purpose is to preserve the lands from those who wish to exploit it. The structures within the lands are ancient, delicate, and elegant in their architecture and will be preserved as Historical Land Marks. The Caretakers will keep the lands documented as more areas are uncovered.

Role of The Caretakers

A caretaker's primary concern is the well being of the Tribunal lands, structures, and future inhabitants. They will be highly visible through out the lands to keep an eye on the activity of inhabitants and guests alike.

The First Six Seats

(1) Tribunal Leader - Leadership of any alliance is a heavy burden and must be assumed with great reverence, dignity, and fairness. This role is one that deals with all aspects of Tribunal preservation. This role must not be taken likely as they must deal with all walks of life in a fair and diplomatic fashion; a cool and level head is a must.

(2) Captain of The Keepers- The Captain's role is to maintain the chats so there are no spoilers, offensive language, or inappropriate behavior that are better off left to private conversations in pms.

(3) Chief of Grievances- The Chief's role is to ensure settlement of disputes among residents and nonresidents so everyone has an enjoyable experience within the Tribunal Lands.

(4) Head Ranger- The Head Ranger's role is ensure the preservation and the integrity of undeveloped land and to document unknown and known animals that reside there. This role is also to document any mineral deposits that are discovered.

(5) High Trader - The High Trader's role is to ensure documentation, registration, and functionality of all traders or merchants who wish to set up shop. He/She is also responsible to take care of any grievances that might accur between merchants and traders. He will also be in charge of setting up markets in the square.

(6) Chief of Stuctures - The Chief's role is ensure the maintance and protection of all statuary from vandalism and abuse. He is also in charge of the set up and collection of marble so that new statuary can be created or repaired.

(7) Master Blacksmith - This seat is responsible for the research, design, and documentation of all armor and weapons created in or brought forth into the lands. This person will also create a stable for horses to be brought forth into rping. He will make sure that they are borded and well kept. Branding will be the utmost repsonsibility. We need to keep these horses well documented.

(8) Chancelor of Holistic Virtue- This Chancelor's role is the organization of healers to care for injuries and maladies that occur inside the borders of the land. He must ensure that all healers are documented and active throughout the Eastern Lands.

(9) Divine Muse - No good leader can exist without great self arrogance unless he/she has the greatest mind to advise him/her. The Divine Muse will gather the best minds in all aspects of governing, planning, and so forth to guide the Leadership of The Tribunal Lands.

(10) Major General of The Shadow Walkers(Temporary) - The Major General's role is to dispatch his Shadow Walkers to police within The Tribunal borders. They will be hardened and skilled warriors from all walks of life.


--------------> [b]Phantasm's proposal[/b]

I think the caretakers are more a Graveyard type caretakers then the trim the hedges caretaker. I don’t see much of a point to an alliance that is just a face for a land. It should have a deep rooted sense of something it wants to accomplish. What better person to lead such an organization than me. I am slightly undead, have a love for finding trouble to get into, and think that an alliance such as this should be able to War as well as tend. What is a hedge trimmer going to do in battle? Gravediggers, throughout history, have been well known for taking matters into their own hands. Doing dark experiments, finding fresh corpses when none are available, and keeping the dead where they belong. I have a shrewd and keen mind, am more than willing to pull battle if needed, and have an overall love for things shady and dark dealings.

I also have strong feelings towards guarding what I think needs guarded. I also have a great respect and would demand a great respect for togetherness. I have never liked the idea of people jumping in and out of an alliance. Once you are in you are in, and once you are out you are out. If people decide to apply, and I decide to accept, they will not be allowed to jump around freely with their tag. Alliances are a bond, a family, meant to care and watch after each other, and the lands they hold at ALL times.

The Caretakers

Purpose of the Caretakers--
The underlying purpose I think should be about death. Just as a caretaker would tend to the gravestones and prepare the dead for their travels, that should be the role. As I think the Tribunal will be about monuments and pieces of great people in MD gone by, they will tend to the research and care of these illustrious names, and keeping a good care over the lands and the actions that hold within.

Role of the Caretakers---
To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past, and to an extent, present. To all great sick and twisted caretakers, life wouldn't be complete without a little death and mayhem. Darkness would be their cloak. Death would be their sword. Fate would be their mind. Sometimes it is needed to hasten the process in which things happen. Caretakers have a love for the end of things. Sometimes the end of things do not come as fast as they would like, so they….hasten things. I think the alliance would be classified not as good or evil but as Chaotic.
To walk through the lands with a shovel in their hand. The self proclaimed judge and jury of whatever they feel to be the judge of. Is it any more evil to see who should be judged anymore than a knight would judge who is wrong or right? Is it any more wrong to bury the not-so-dead for a little pay than to burn your enemies alive for the sake of religion?

“Grave digger…when you dig my grave…please make it shallow…so that I can feel the rain”

Structure of Alliance

Master Chief- The Leader. The man with the master plan. Responsible for leading activities and making sure the alliance itself runs smooth. Approves or Denies Plans set forth by the Grave Diggers

Grave Digger- Right and Left hand seats. Those deemed worthy by the Master Chief to carry out plans approved for action. Usually carries out secret plans that are only known between the upper management. Runs activities set forth in the land and keeps watch over the lower levels of the alliance

Scribe- Responsible for keeping logs of meetings. Also keeps a record of festivities, duties carried out by the alliance, and a secret log of the things carried out that no one knows.

Concotionist- The thinker. Thinks up ideas for activities and festivities. Is not aware of the more secret of workings though may be an unknowing participant in its actions. An active role in anything and everything within the alliance, with the exception of certain plans held privilege to the top 3 of the alliance.

Caretakers- The grunts. The 5 general population members of the alliance. Carries out all propaganda and general actions of the Alliance. Those of the position to care after the land and the things concerning the alliance outside the land. All around fun people and held accountable for the smooth running of the land.


--------------> [b]Fenrir Greycloth's proposal[/b]

The Caretakers are ritualists. They thrive on their rituals, for that is what is important to them. Their rituals are based on the living, as well as the dead. For the purpose of judging them, and for remembering their feats and flaws. To remember them as they were is more important than remembering what they did. The festivals we hold in honour of the living(not necessarily people) have a hidden purpose.

To the public, the Caretaker is responsible for maintaining the monuments, as well as the graves. For taking care of the living, and the dead, and to take care of the memories. Their actions towards the Seal of Six is to act as Squires, and Advisors if they so wish.

The rituals and festivals held by the Caretakers will be held in order to bring culture to those who wish to inhabit the land. To create a tight niche. The first project the Caretakers will take on, is PR(public relations). PR is important for image. We wish to cultivate that image with these festivals and bring in those who fit with the land. After this project has been some what accomplished, the secondary nature of the Caretakers will show through. Death.

Life is important, but without Death, Life is not Life. Burials and Remembrance of those who have passed is extremely important. As Awiiya has done, we shall do as well. Remember the Legends, those who have departed, and remember what they brought to this world in the form of festivals.

The caretakers perform these rituals for the publics benefit, but they will also perform private rituals of a much Darker nature. I do not plan on explaining the purpose of these rituals as they are private, however, the caretakers are not fuzzy little chairmen of a city, but have a dualist nature. :)

With the festivals, fairs, and galas the Caretakers will throw to build culture and respect amongst them (the people), the Caretakers will become an essential part of the land, just as the sky and fields of grain are an essential part of the peoples happiness.

The Structure of the alliance is much like the structure of a town. The Grandmaster will not take upon the role of Mayor, however. That is not the Caretakers goal!

The structure of the alliance is as goes:

-Grandmaster Caretaker:
- The Grandmaster will be responsible for the organization of the festivals, the maintaining of rituals, and will act as Judge between feuding inhabitants. Will also be responsible for the study and publication of the Tribunal lands, as well as the Tribunal's Quests. [Will be using my own Q Doc as the Alliance Quest Doc]

-Master of Health:
- The Master of Health is required to have experience in herbs and remedies for the general populace, as well as knowledge of the body of both human, and animal akin.[ie healing spells]

-Master of Manuscripts:
- The Master of Manuscripts is responsible for the documentation and recording of events, festivals, and special occasions during their lifetime.

-Master of Culture:
- The Master of Culture is responsible for the general reports of the reception of different cultural events and advises the Grandmaster on the daily life of the common folk. Also responsible for the burial ceremonies of the deceased.

-General Caretakers:
- The General Caretakers are the major workforce of the Caretakers, dealing with commonplace practices, hidden practices, and the training to become Master, and eventually Grandmaster.

Festival and Ritual Ideas/topics:

- To celebrate the monuments in the tribunals, to bring respect to those who have died.

- Rituals to care for the graves and the mausoleums.

- Rituals to keep the dead peaceful, and the living happy. We all have a fear of death and must keep that fear at bay by making the deceased happy.

- Festivals to celebrate the memories of the dead, and the futures of the living.

I have always felt that MagicDuel lacked culture in general. We do have story night, which I always attend if I can! And then there was Handy(and Awiiyas) and their Ritual of the Seeds. I loved that. That was something special that I really enjoyed. I may be taking on something out of my league, I recognize that, but if Calyx was able to create the Dojo, if Pample could make the Story Night, and if Handy could have an Alliance(and an entire land as well) idea originate from those seeds, then I am willing to add something lasting as well.

Some things I have yet to show to most of the people in MD are my leadership, and people abilities. I have them; I use them all the time in Real life, now it is time to apply these skills in MD. A project such as this would definitely help me prove my worth to the community, instead of just sharing ideas, and provoking thoughts(good or bad)!

My role as the Seeker of Lockets will not change as Leader for the alliance. If anything, my role will be incorporated and will enhance it. Artefacts are a major part of culture, and who better than the Seeker of Lockets to add those artefacts.


This is the updated version of my application. I have reorganised and smoothed out some language as well as listed the kind of rituals/festivals the Caretakers shall hold. I will keep updating it.

--------------> [b]Handy Pockets proposal[/b]

I see the new land as a new stage in our lives. There is a serious side to these lands. The Tribunal is any group who has authority to judge. When you walk through the gates into the Tribunal lands, you notice the buildings are built higher than any other structure in the land. Could this 15th century. Old French< Latin tribunal "platform for magistrates" be what we see. Could it be one of governing and truth. Do we judge with power in mind or do we judge with understanding.

Leader--The leader would provide guidance and understanding, to the Adjudicators, and the MDUI. This position would watch for the traditions, the stories to be recorded and have spells to support this new land’s people.

Adjudicators-- three seats--Disputes from all the lands would Be discussed behind closed doors to see if a trial could be fairly held in public. This would help set up trials for Mur.

Bones--two seats--The burial of our fallen. Be they alts we can not care for anymore (hope to speed up eliminating excess alts this way), or when the sparks fly from battles and innocent players are killed.

MDUI--two seats--MagicDuel Unit of Investagation: This unit will investigate crimes and and report findings to the Adjudicators

Cultural attache-- responsible to promote our culture of our homeland. This position also be one of a cover for spy. Someone who wants to write all day will find this Seat to his or her liking.

Horticulturist--the appointed would care for the vast land area.

I do not claim to be leader material. I would like to see differnt ideas,as The Tribunals are more modern than the rest of the realm.


--------------> [b]Raven's proposal[/b]

Caretakers as a group live in four ways. Three arts: demonology, witchcraft, occult. Each one of those arts presenting their purpose, their task and their role. Demonology as knowledge of the people, beings and any other strange phenomena in the land connected with it. Witchcraft as irrepressible style of living as it promotes simple, practical way of living amongst the ruins and most importantly stimulating intellect. And as last art, Occult, simply meaning "hidden" presenting the way certain activities will be held and referring to all unreported or unsolved crimes that can be regarded as occult. Opposite to the three arts is worldly-minded way of living of mercenaries in which best and most reasonable offer will receive services.


The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness—intuition—which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated

Revelation united with science gives a substantial foundation for philosophy which is the proper outgrowth of science and revelation.

Rituals that are to be studied and in most cases preformed are: cultural, spiritual, sexual and psychological rituals; which can in many cases overlap. Any new rituals (customarily-repeated act or series of acts) in the lands themselves will be documented and kept by Caretakers. Few examples of rituals are rituals of personal cleansing, calling and satisfying the dead, shielding, and sacrificing and many others.

Ranks (each rank will be occupied by two people and depending on various situations single rank can be given to most of people. Example: In case of war there can be more people for fighting and more people dedicated to gathering information. First nobody would have defined rank but would need to prove himself/herself that he/she is able to do task of that rank or at least present past deeds that confirm their words.):

 Dark Night of the Soul (warriors, defenders, military strategists)
 Dreamer (rituals, researches and other various tasks)
 Black/White witch (fully dedicated to rituals)
 Lost Soul (bard, a poet, one to write chants)
 Banisher (diplomat)

This alliance would be linked to tribunals because lands of the east is a land with plenty of marks by an older civilization, many terrible deeds had to be done to ruin such a city and city as such is perfect to be inhabited once again by people that don't see only spiritual value but also material.


--------------> [b]Sharpwind's proposal[/b]

Here's an idea for the alliance

How about an order of fallen knights led by a Chancellor, left in charge by the long gone King of the Tribunals,
to take care of things in his absence(or so they claim), the so called Caretakers

Slowly they became power hungry, greedy and corrupt and drove the few people of the Tribunals out from high taxation and mass looting

They have settled themselves in the throne room, upholding their dictatorship and scheming against the neighboring lands
Currently they are divided into two factions the Fallen Knights and the Dark Assassins


A. High Chancellor (leader and dictator of the Tribunals)

B1. War General (leader of the Fallen Knights faction)
B2. Shadowmaster (leader of the Dark Assassins faction)

C1. Fallen Knight(member of one of the two factions)
C2. Dark Assassin(member of one of the two factions)

D. Mercenary (adept in the process of entering one of the two factions)


I DON'T want to lead any alliance, I'm just proposing an idea

I'll even nominate

-Phantasm as High Chancellor
-Fenrir as War General
-Leucretia as ShadowMaster

Edited by Sharpwind
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