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New Archer Abilities


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[quote name='Grido' date='04 November 2009 - 12:38 AM' timestamp='1257295114' post='46560']
the principle gain bug should be fixed now, anyone who can still do this, please message me regarding

Im sorry for replying to the topic, but i am having trouble sending you a message in the forum, i think it may be the computer im using it wont load up.

I have two new principles i think i should make you aware of, i am now mind power 6/4 xx

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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='03 November 2009 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1257304461' post='46571']
- anyone else can confirm the missing target of lvl5? i checked and i cant see where the problem is.
I can. DA3 has no targets.

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Atleast the stats they give when saced shouldn't have been removed. Or a warning was announced beforehand. This is really frustrating. Oh, and HereticV still has no target...

I just found out that this ability works on capped players, [s]so it is possible that all those who stay at MP3 or 4 will soon have zero principles[/s]. I really believe that a monster with this ability should come with high requirements, so it will not be abused. That is unless there is a new way to gain principles, of course...

And so there is...lol

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They replaced the Angiens, the problem with the Archers are:

-They are overpowered with the Principle drainage
-They don't give permanent stats
-At some levels, they don't have targets
-They give other Principles as well (To me it's a bit of a problem)

All we can do now is wait for the progress.

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I am looking forward to so many grievous and frustrated complaints.
But you have to realize, this game is always under development and things can change, abruptly, on the fly :D
It's why I like it so much. Except when I start pooping golden eggs or somehow live through a fatal head wound for 2 weeks..

Anyway, the archers do not have an initiative or a defence stat.
Now I realize that when they attack, they use power as well as the owner's principles.

But.. 0 def and 0 ini?

What happens if other creatures attack the dark archers first?

Is it supposed to be this way?

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hmmm altough this draining principles thingy seems very interesting, you should have warn us somehow Mur :D
and i especially dont like this changing Chaos Archers, come on some actually (not me) spent RL moneys to get those tokens and farm up those archers... and then just *BOOM*
Tokens need to be stabilized yes, and this draining principles ability is cool, but its discusable... now the most powerful players can abuse their strengths to keep us "weaklings" forever into the mud, and they can keep their principles cause they are untouchable, unless somehow they destroy each other

and please if you want to keep this ability anyway, make a new creature or something, maybe putting an aura (for ritual temporary only) into it that decreases principles... get back those Chaos archers

edit: "... and we die young" :)

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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[quote name='Death Bell' date='04 November 2009 - 04:35 PM' timestamp='1257345310' post='46593']
errr what is this training principle? what has the change done ?

wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about ?

I know that I missed one day of MD, but you are telling me that by using heretics ... you can now get new principle types (other then the original 5) ?

And ... is there anything that should explain the process ?

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There was a bug that let you gain principles you didn't have (yes so you could get all 10)
It should now be fixed but apparently there are archers who cannot target.

Please rememeber this is a test, do not start panicing about your archers having changed, there is no statement that this will be their final form.

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[quote name='Burns' date='04 November 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1257355416' post='46605']
why? testing is a whole lot of fun =))

and, to the people complaining about permanent damage: we are not cutting off your limbs, we just drain your principles, nothing you couldn't recover from ;)
I'm currently doing some testing with the ability, but my first thought was: Why can't the principle damage be temporary and last only for THAT single battle?

Also, I don't know if the drain is supposed to be a direct 1:1 ratio, but after a few rounds of testing I suspect that it isn't. Asterdai lost 8 while I gained 13.

Edited by Malaikat Maut
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Double post...

The ratio is definitely not 1:1 and there is actually a "leak". I've recorded our total principle values below. The result of the first attack was near balance, although he lost 8 and I gained ~13. Since then some value has merely vanished. Don't know if it's supposed to operate that way or not...we've gone from ~95.39 total to 92.39.

Aster - 58.xx
Mala - 37.39

Mala attack 1
Aster - 50.86
Mala - 50.73

Aster Attack 1
Aster - 50.86
Mala - 47.24

Mala Attack 2
Aster - 46.25
Mala - 46.14


Another round...
Aster Attack 2
Aster - 43.55
Mala - 43.61

We lost a combined total of ~6 principle points.

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This new way of decreasing principles of weaker players and getting more principles by people that are stronger is not very good by my opinion. Rich (strong) people will become even more powerful and weak players will get weaker until they reach 0. It will unbalance the world of magic duel even more then before! And make it unfair for new players.

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[quote name='Dmik King' date='04 November 2009 - 12:45 PM' timestamp='1257356735' post='46615']
This new way of decreasing principles of weaker players and getting more principles by people that are stronger is not very good by my opinion. Rich (strong) people will become even more powerful and weak players will get weaker until they reach 0. It will unbalance the world of magic duel even more then before! And make it unfair for new players.
It actually doesn't work that way at all. Whoever has the lowest principle will GAIN even if being hit. Before every creatures turn the system checks to find out who has the higher principle value and, if yours is higher, even if your creature is hitting, the opponent will gain. The result should eventually be perfect balance.

Don't know if any of this is considered a spoiler. My apologies if it is.

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were discussing it, and i cant seem to work out why, or when it decides to say "tainted"
maybe this is where we are losing the overall amount of principle points, where it says the "attacker LOSES principle points"
we thinking that this tainted value might also be decided upon the drain value( seems to be up to 25% but not allways 25%) which might explain how its not just a 1 for 1 swap

(It shouldn't matter who does more damage as long as the ratio is 1:1)
Asterdai: (no becuase the drain power isnt allways the same....oh i see what your saying.. i think thats where the Tainted bit comes in, maybe the tainted value, is to do with the drain power value also)
Malaikat Maut: (But one of us is always tainted? I don't understand what the purpose of it would be)
Asterdai: (we are both tainted, but im unsure whter it is an equal amount of times, i dont think it will be as, the random value of the drain power, might cause one person to be tainted more than the other,)*EDIT by maybe lowering ones principles to at least one lower then the opponent, if someones drain power values are randomly higher then the opponents then in theory the opponent will get tainted more EDIT*
Malaikat Maut: (I'm going back to the Press, Aster. Then I'm going to be afk for a moment or two. Thanks for doing some testing with me)
Asterdai: (if thats what the tainted value means)
Malaikat Maut: (I think whoever has the highest value is tainted)
Asterdai: (its been errrr perplexing to say the least, really fun, thanks for keeing a log of the values xx)
Malaikat Maut: (No problem. I'll be back in a few)
Asterdai: (and that is where te points get "lost" im thinking, a random amount of points depending on the drain power maybe, which might explain the not exqact swap)

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[quote name='Asterdai' date='05 November 2009 - 03:04 AM' timestamp='1257357859' post='46620']
were discussing it, and i cant seem to work out why, or when it decides to say "tainted"
maybe this is where we are losing the overall amount of principle points, where it says the "attacker LOSES principle points"
we thinking that this tainted value might also be decided upon the drain value( seems to be up to 25% but not allways 25%) which might explain how its not just a 1 for 1 swap

'Tainted' appears when the current attacker for the round has more value of the principle than the defender. What happens is that the ability backfires, and instead of draining principles, the attacker will actually lose principles. [s]Lose means that the enemy will not gain it...[/s]
Upon closer inspection, it appears that if the difference between target principle of the two players is less than 1, nothing is drained, all lost. So, based on the log I read, I'm not sure if the enemy will gain the principle lost by being tainted...

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